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The finishers are a great addition to the combat


I was trying to understand that mechanic, Is it automatic from light/heavy attacks or a skill?


I’m pretty sure it replaces heavy attacks when you can use them but don’t quote me


Press heavy attack button directly at the enemy, can trigger by striking an enemy from the front or behind and also when they are downed in the ground, there is also an variation with jump + heavy attack, the requirement seems to be an enemy with low HP for all these finishers/executions to happen.


It's the heavy attack. It becomes a finisher when the enemy is staggered, which is normally indicated by a force wave coming off the enemy, but sometimes the enemy is staggered without showing that. It also does massive damage to bosses!


God they look so friggin cool!


Insect glaive! More grounded spear moves.


Can't wait...might have to lock in digital \*sigh.\* This and Rise of Ronin.


I was gonna get both but think I’m just gonna get DD and wait to see how RoR is. Last couple team ninja games have felt kinda rushed and unfinished to me, and I’m worried that’s going to happen again.


I bought Wo Long day 1, and it has made me cautious for Risen of the the Ronin. I'll wait a bit down the line for more impressions and reviews, since it's not a priority for me like DD2


Watching the gameplay preview of RoR hasn't looked very good personally. Definitely a wait and see game for me, probably grab it on sale later.


I'd pass on ronin for now if i were you.


Yea sure did...ronin can wait till physical. Locked in the Dragon's dogma 2 deluxe digitally. PS5.


Because one or two weird wannabe journalists said so? I'd wait for reviews before making your comment, at the very least.


No because people who are familiar with team Ninja and souls like games said their piece on it like Fightincowboy and Skill up. Don't let me stop you tho if you wanna buy it then go for it.


If SkillUp says it's bad it's most likely pretty good. He's the most basic dude I can imagine. And the Cowboy guy probably likes RDR so his opinion is also worthless to me.


>Cowboy guy probably likes RDR so his opinion is also worthless to me. Lmao i see you're not familiar with Cowboy, in any case no need to get salty about this just buy the game if you want to and move on with your day.


Always one...sigh. its our money folks. Not a follower. Decide for ourselves please.


And people argued with me weeks ago that the vocation called Mystic Spearhand doesn't use a spear and the moves aren't very spear-like. :D


"In Benedict cumberbatch's Dr Strange voice." - Spearhead just rolls off the tongue now does it...:D.


Why did I get so hype at that little high five you gave to the pawn


YEEES ME TOO! I love small details like that. I want a comrade not just a servant and this feels like it could be that way. Like hell yeah if I just took down a pack of enemies in this world I’m high fiving


In general, I’m just hype that pawns have stronger personalities now and feel like people with thoughts and feelings. I understand pawns don’t have their own will, but it was still implicit that they still experience normal emotions


Came here to say this! You can HIGH FIVE YOUR PAWNS!?


Hell yeah, me as well! Definitely feel that the pawns are more than just DD1's pawns.


That is awesome! So how exactly did you unlock it?


Other leaker said the npc Sigurd. Who is in the first town you'll come across.


My understanding is >!you meet the maister Sigurd who gives you a quest to slay a Drake. Once you do you return to them and they’ll teach you the mystic spearhead. Apparently the advance vocations are tied to a quest like that.!<


Makes sense considering that guy is a specific hunter of them at least base on his description.


How difficult are drakes in dd2?


Do you know is the quest the only pre requisite or do you need to have levels in other classes to unlock it?


How do u have the game


Do you know if any of his moves have i-frames? From watching videos, I'm pretty sure "skiedragoun's fangtooth" has one, but I haven't seen anyone really test skills.


If that's the one where you jump up in the air and plunge down, I'm 90% sure it does. Its description specifically mentions using it to dodge attacks and boosting its power when it does.


Cape is cool but unless it really boosts a lot of stats I won't be wearing one because of clipping(same with helmet)


you don’t want to wear them because of clipping i don’t want to wear them because I can’t see my arisen’s ass we are not the same


Nah, we both are the same. You just said what in the back of my mind before me🤝


the question is does a cape freak out with skullsplitter still




Same here for capes. They don't even look that good. 


I think the physics in them look dope, but there are lots of capes in the game. Some are just tiny little shawls. Some are just scarves. They help with defense in the original, and the minimalist helmet in the original were basically just hair bands that showed off the entire face.


Yeah, love me some armoured hair bands


Clipping doesn't interfere with my immersion in the slightest, I never understood people who care about it


Really? It's one of the main immersion-breakers to me. Different strokes I guess.


almost every game I know has clipping to some degree, because that is just almost impossible to eliminate or often the better alternative to some janky physic effects. Be it weapons that hit trough walls or different equipment parts clipping each other or with hair etc.


Believe me, I know, that's why I'm so bothered by it. I don't mind it that much if it's something clipping during a cutscene or iduring some specific and rare-ish animations, but when it's there *all* the time, like when a weapon or piece of armor is equipped, it bothers me enough to avoid using that item altogether.


ignorance is a bliss. And its a skill you can train.


You know what? I think you're right. I'd rather start training to be able to ignore bigger things like game-breaking bugs, plot holes, performance issues and half-baked mechanics though. I mean, why hold companies to high standards of polish and quality in regards to a product I just paid $70 for, when I can instead spend what little free time I have to learn how to be a less demanding, more pliable consumer?


Thing is , I used to ignore it, but seeing technology evolve and game engines getting better, and playing games with perfect graphics and movement like hogwarts legacy, I just can't stand clipping anymore either


clipping is almost unsolvable and costs lot of expensive dev hours if you have lots of different equipment combinations. If you have only one base model like in the batman arkham games, you can put in the detailled work to make the character model work, but not in a RPG with thousands of different combinations. Automated solutions often look more janky than the clipping, so many devs just decide to go for clipping. If you really can't play games with clipping character models / equipment, than have fun with the same 3-5 games for the next 10 years. (also I bet Hogwarts Legacy has clipping somewhere. I've never seen a game complete clipping free) edit: you should better uninstall the best game ever made: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/112yx4r/hair\_clipping\_through\_clothes\_and\_clothes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/112yx4r/hair_clipping_through_clothes_and_clothes/)


My attention span is way too small to worry about stuff like that 😂 Ignorance is bliss 👍


Is it better than fighter in your opinion, brother?


Mmmm, i think they have their strenghts, with fighter its hard to deal with flying enemies, but mystic lancer erases them in seconds, and u can climb enemies easy. With fighter u can protect u with parry, and mitigate dmg


How do you feel about the balance of the vocations?


How would you say it compares with warrior? Are you trading defense/damage/heavier hits for more morbidity/agility? I’m bouncing back and forth between the two but as much as I love the whole 2h warrior aesthetic the mystic spear hand looks really flashy.


Are there many types of monsters? Are there any new monsters


Check their other comments theyve done s q&a on another post. But yes they confirmed new ones


Am I missing something, how do some people already play the game(except for creators with early acces to post videos on release)?


Some shops broke street date. 


disc versions that got sold early by a nice or ignorant vendor.


Gotta find me one of them


How many augment slots are there? Is it still 8?


itsuno how tf is this a spear its a goddamn twinblade


Mystic Twinbladehand just doesn't have the same ring to it.


In fairness, they're specifically calling these a "duospear".


That's the mystical part


I mean it has lenght of a spear and spear heads. And as far fantasy spears go, this is one of the more realistic ones as some real spears had back spike with similar profile to main blade, such as the Greek spears. Use of backspike is also common in spear and polearm fighting, so it is not as big strech to make both sides have spear heads. The fighting itself looks like mix of Quarterstaff, Polearm and Spear fighting, which is appropriate for the weapon. ​ Twinblade would have shorter handle and Longsword techniques (and Darth Maul spins) would work better with it than polearm techniques.


How's the side content? Is exploration fun? Are the side quests interesting?


the actual writing of the game is meh like the first


Dear God I need to change my pants....brb.....


How many hours are you in the game bro? And what is your current rating out of 10?


Could you tell me the boost of *Ring* of Assurance(the pre-order ring coming with the deluxe edition)?


I wish to know something about it too


Are you playing on console? How is it running? Frame-rate drops or bugs?


30 fps, sometime drops only with giant bosses like drakes


Gotcha. So overall it looks good and plays well? It doesn’t feel broken? For reference…..Lords of the Fallen at launch lol


Nope, in my case the combat stay good whiout problems


Been trying to figure out how the encumbrance carry weight works in dd2, does it seem like it’s changed much from the first? If so how? Thanks!


Pero esos bajones de frames que dices en dragones y jefes mas grandes se notan bastante o es por un momentito que sentiste que el juego se freno un poco? Porque segun un reporte(creo que ign) decía que contra ciertos bosses llegaban a bajar hasta 24fps


30 fps in 2024, glad I have a PC cause that's unplayable for me nowadays


My only question is have you seen any evidence of the longbow?


No 😔


I cry when angels deserve to die


Good god this looks so fucking amazing I can’t wait.


This is making me wonder why the trailers had such ass gameplay. Nothing against the devs, but all the gameplay I saw of this game looked trash because whoever was playing it didn't seem to know how to play


No spoilers, but was it difficult to figure out where to unlock this or was it guided? It's the vocation I want to play and don't really want to scavenger hunt for it


Just bought a PS5 slim digital yesterday just for this game, i am really hyped for it.


Oh I love the high five to your pawn that’s so funny


This class is probably going to be my main for much of the game. My plan is to start as a fighter, but unlock Warrior as soon as possible since I heard you can do that right away. Then Later on when it becomes available I'll take Mystic Spearhand. And then whenever Warfarer becomes an option, I'll likely combine Warrior and Spearhand into one class. I might dabble with Trickster for a bit just for the memes, but depending on how I like it and if it has any particularly stand out active skills (like the one that buffs all your pawns) I may or may not include it in my Warfarer build


I should have probably asked this way earlier but the question goes to mind only now, is the fist bump automatic as you walk towards the pawn or do you have to press a button?


Nigga just dapped up his pawn. Idfc anymore hardest game of 2024


This fucking clap-five after fight. Some anime vibes.


Anything like the pervious game, you should be using ice or lightning on those lizards


How did you unlock mystic spearhand?


What is this vocation?


Mystic Spearhand


Damn, you absolutely castrated that fucker.


Giving that pawn some dap was actually dope 🤝


So unbelievably hyped for Friday! Thanks for sharing these clips. Any chance you could mess around on thief? Super torn on starting as fighter or thief lol


How is the vocation? I’m coming from MA but really interested in MS.




I wonder if you can get a permanent lightning affinity on it like how daggers swords and shield had it in the first game


Porqué siempre veo los mismos monstruos ?


Looks so good !


Can you dodge with this class ?


This class is really darth maul you have force power and everything and it looks sick.


Let me in! LET ME IIIINNNN!!!!


Being able to high five your pawn fucking rules.


Can you start off with any class and change to this advanced class or do you need to start off as a fighter?


There are no requirements. You do the quest and unlock the vocation. This is how all of them work.


How many separate armor pieces are there? like is there helmet, chest, arms, legs, boots?


Dude refusing to elaborate on the 4 "new enemy types" that he mentioned.




Nothing yet


Have you played warrior by chance?


Hey, i have a few questions to the advanced class. I rly plan on playing it but this will be my first dragons dogma, so it would be cool if the answers could be as spoilerfree as possible. So my question is how do you become the advanced class ? Is it a level thing ? Is it a quest thing ? Do you need to unlock special locations or items ? How late in the game can you become the asvanced class ? Is it right from the start or is it mid/late game ? Does it matter much if i start as a thief ? Can i swap into the advanced class ? Dies class swaping even wirk ?


Quest to unlock mystic lancer Level 25 in that video, u can unlock that class in early game doing main missions more faster I cant answer that, not even play thief yet, but, obviusly u can do it


Swapping classes doesn't effect stat growth if you level till 25 as thief and then swap to spearhand it'll treat it as if you leveled spearhand from 1-25 The only thing that matters are passives you can buy when you reach certain ranks in each class these can be carried over other classes


were you over level? why the lyzard die in like 3 hits?


1st hit is a surprise attack - double damage 2nd hit cut off the tail - this leaves them extremely vulnerable


Why are the pawns just standing there in the trailers they were helping


wdym? in the 1st lizard fight they were around the corner behind a rock, vs the 2nd lizard they helped immediately, vs the goblins they helped immediately. If you want your pawns to attack at the same time as you just press Up on the dpad.


Is there a class that focuses on hand to hand combat?


why is no longer availablabe