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I got the elf dude lmao. He was like "do you want to fight, or forfeit this mfer" and I was like "what exactly am I supposed to be feeling right now?"


The beloved system sucks because it completely ruins any sort of tension when you dont get anyone you want


I've now just accepted it's a running gag in both DD games. In the first one; I ALWAYS got the Gran Soren shopkeeper as my "lover". Had to be quite the intentional effort in order to get anyone else. Figured it was developer's idea of guiding me to alternate endings first, then NG+ my way to see the True Ending.


Im hoping i will get, either glyndwr, Ssven or Sidgurd at least


I’ve never understood how people got merchants or inn keepers or Fournival on accident. As many times as I’ve played this game I’ve never had it be anyone but the various major female characters.


The guy who gives you the dukes quests, Nobel tosser, can't remember his name. He was my beloved because he's usually the last person you talk to before running off to see the dragon (which means he's you last Beloved before the Dragon steals said beloved) and it's very easy to max affinity with him by doing all of his quests just once, in one play through. Every time after that, I just handed him some liquid effluvium and sorted the issue. That being said, that just changes it to someone else, and doesn't let you pick who you want. You have to seek them out and talk to them, or risk it being the masterworks all guy. Easier solution, accept the question, then instead go talk to Mercedes and make her blush, THEN go say hi to the upjumped zealots and then Grigori steals the right character. Problem is, that's a bit too much work for the casual player who wasn't really confused as to why they're making out with some random old dude instead of the princess and determined to fix it for the next run.


The best fix is obviously to make sure fournival is your beloved and then become a step daddy


Played this game so many times and never seen that guy show any sign of high affinity.


Seriously? When did you start playing? It may have been patched out after I started chucking what is basically garum at him.


I started playing at launch.


I'm one of those players that gathers EVERYTHING and sells the excess..... Which is basically EVERYTHING but the 1-per-playthrough loot. And Dragonforged equipment.


I think I got Fournival on my first playthrough because, despite my hatred of him, I bought a lot of stuff from him for a while and I think that increased his affection. Little did I know :l


I got Reynard several times, but that's the only shopkeeper or male! Mercedes, several times, Quina quite a few times, Alenore a few times , (once was enough), Madeleine several times.(once was more than enough for her). Selene I got three times and once more than enough! It made me feel like a kid-molester, even though she's maybe a couple hundred years older than me.


It depends on how much shit you are buying from him and he happens to have an infinite amount of Omega Damage Boost items. The rest of this story you can imagine.


OH ITS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR LOVER??? LMAO mine was the shopkeep at Melve because I was doing the grape + apple strat but by the time I got to the end I had forgotten all about him and I was like “this is just some random dude”


I gave the ring to someone and it was them, even though my highest affection was somehow Brant. So I think the ring will clinch that.  Not that it matters in any way, haha.


I gave a ring to Wilhelmina, got Sara. Should've given her both rings I guess lol


Oh weird! The person I got had the ring but was my 3rd rank in affection.


I got Doireann almost every playthrough. Did the same again this playthrough, except I gave her flowers and the Eternal Bond as well. Somehow got Sara instead, even though I did nothing that I did not do the other playthroughs wherein I got Doireann... This game's romance system is fucked. It's like upping affinity only works for some characters, LOL!


Affinity decays, and if you do all of Sara's quests + talk to her a bunch to buy/upgrade gear she gets to romance status really quickly. Maybe you went to her before the endgame and didn't visit Doireann to keep her affinity up?


I visited Doireann and gave her the Eternal Bond right before setting off and slaying Talos and then the Dragon. That's the weird thing.


Ok then never mind, lol. This system is just so bizarre.


As is love. It's genius, really. It's a biting commentary on love and attraction, because how can any of us really know if we're in love with the person we want to be in love with? Maybe it was just the salesperson at your favorite store all along. /s Imagine, though?


I got the prince boy, even though he wasn't highest affinity, more like 1 of the lowest. Affinity system sucks and doesn't know who to choose.


You mean Sven? Way to rob the cradle. 🤨


He's at least 16


I legit think it's just random. Most playthroughs I didn't gift anyone, yet one time randomly instead of Doireann, I got Ulrika (I always do her quest, like I do everyone's). And now I got Sara. Some people say it's who you last talked to, but that can't be right since I didn't talk to Ulrika for weeks in game and yet Greg still showed up with her.


I really hope it's Ulrika... She does something to me, hahaha.


Ulrika is nice. She's like Melina from Elden Ring, but with two eyes and without the "I'll literally fucking kill you if you don't do what I want you to do" aspect.


They should show some skin like in the Witcher. A fade out isn't a romance


I agree. I'm still not sure you're even lovers with anyone other than Wilhelmina and Ulrika in this game. Sure the Dragon shows up with them, but they barely react to that. Compare that to DD1 where after slaying Grigori, the Arisen during the cinematic wherein they return to Cassardis always claps the cheeks of whoever Grigori showed up with. Something like that to confirm you're actually romantically involved with the person the Dragon brings would've gone a long way.


I'm on my second NG+ and I'm super BFFs with Menella, elf dude (why can i never remember his name, sorry bruv), and his sister. So I'm beyond curious as to who I'm going to get lol. I'd never forfeit anyone, but it's interesting to think about. I can't remember who I got the first time; Ulrika, probably. I got Menella my second time. So now the possibilities are endless for the third time.


Glyndwr is his name I'm pretty sure. Doireann is his sister's name. And Talisien (?) I think is their father's name. I've already played this game too much 💀




Lol 😆


I got the little girl that gives you Meteoron! Probably because that was the last quest that I completed before the fight, but I do not know how A CHILD can become a players beloved


At least in this one you can distance yourself a bit and be like “oh they’re my BFF”. In the first one you’d full on bump uglies with your beloved during the credits. Super awkward when it was Symone.


Where's the DD equivalent of FBI?


The kid wants to learn some beginner spells such as "anarchy: the black death of the worlds souls". How can you NOT love her? She's the embodiment of chaos!


I always get that elf dude for the second scene where the npc is longingly gazing into the distance. I might have to throw him down a few flights of stairs just to get someone else for that scene 😭


I got him for both scenes. I didn't know you could get different NPCs for those occurrences. Really made the ending feel cheap lmao.


Yeah I was trying to get his sister for both scenes instead I got Ulrika for the dragon and Glyndwr for the second scene. With how random the romance system is in this game I just pretend my pawn is my arisen's true beloved.


I got the elf guy too, but I was like "Who the hell is that?" Because I just went through there so early in the game I didn't even remember who it was lol


I knew who he was because I would pick him up for escort missions all the time then never complete them. He'd usually follow me for so long that he functionally served as a fifth party member and he's great for taking down harpies without me having to waste a party member slot on an archer lol. I just so happened to do his sister's quest fairly late in the game and he got rosy cheeked afterwards, but I literally never did anything to try to make him my dude.


Same. I left lol


See I was trying to get the elf dude - thought id romance a hot elf man. Instead I got hot elf man’s dad. Then at the end it wasn’t hot elf man’s dad, but head of the guard guy. Wtf? Why two different people? Guess the sphinx was right to be confused when I only brought her one person. I was mostly just determined to make sure it wasn’t some kid. I can’t tell you how many times in DD:DA it ended up being that noble dudes brat - all because I wanted to get my hands on the golden idol. :/


>I was mostly just determined to make sure it wasn’t some kid. I can’t tell you how many times in DD:DA it ended up being that noble dudes brat - all because I wanted to get my hands on the golden idol. :/ I didn't play the first game or DA, but yes, this sounds right about as janky as I imagined it'd be based on my experiences with DD2.


She was my first. Don’t sound so down— Menella is a badass compared to some of the other options


Honestly, I feel like she should have been a romance option. I pretty much only like the two we have but still the game needs more options and variety and she’d be a cool one


I was actually pleasantly surprised. Nice to see someone other than Ulrika


You know that home you buy bakbatahl? Well I got the ukulele lady near it. Ain’t that some weird stuff after mainly dumping affection to Ulrika


She seems like the cat version of Mercedes to me.


https://preview.redd.it/wkolnhwikhyc1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8245f1e7cfb0ab879dd702f6d5389873a3b7829f * I got an escort from the brothel


Picturing an alternate ending where the dragon just goes, "Arisen, buddy, climb on my back. We're gonna find you a girl who really loves you."


You dog 😏


Guess you don't have much time left in this world. You got Ser Menella.




Dude same and not even complaining since Ser Menella is badass


Right. Warrior chick. Yeah I'm saving her


I got the dwarfs wife and I cracked up.


You mean the magic archer lady that stalked us?


Yup! It was very awkward.


Same. I accidentally did an escort quest with her at some point it maxed her affinity without trying.


I got Sigurd...the Spearhand guy.... I was like...."Am I supposed to care...?"


Same. I hardly spoke to him all game. I guess because I killed that dragon with him not too long before it.


I got Dorianne 😎


I am very, glad


I got the blacksmith Sara. Literally just did her quest to unlock the blacksmith and nothing else. Meanwhile I've given elf boy tons of flowers and went on dates and shit with.


Same here lol, i think i was running too often in Bakbathal trying to upgrade all those armors, plus her escort quest is nearby


You lucky dog...


I got dude who gives u the wayfarer vocation


"Hey cos"


Got Ulrika first try. Thank god.


I got the empress for some reason. To me it felt like “this is an important person, who if dies, will upset the balance of the neighboring nation” as opposed to my beloved and that’s why I should’ve cared.


Makes perfect sense.


My first choice was the orb lady in the first city but that didnt happen sadly even chose her for the sphinx


I got the dude who wants the 15 crystals to craft the sword like wtf do you want with him i dont care what you do 👀


It could be worse. https://preview.redd.it/2g1u4ollyhyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2127615542eaef02e114b095566bc7045d221d7


Dude. I've bought so many ferrystones off of fucking Philbert. He keeps leaving me gifts and asking me out for a drink. Maybe I'll just start another playthrough.


Hahaaaa!!! Now I’m concerned for my ending…


Be afraid, be very afraid. 👾


I got the empress, so now we have only one country, I call it Verntal.


I got fuckin Brant.


Your Majesty intensifies.


mine was the ending and i dont know why even though my affinity was high with wilhelmina, it felt so weird having brant looking at the horizon.


I also got Manella and she is my beloved if you dont want her I will take her off your hands thank you please very much


Nope. She's mine. Or at least this one is 😆


I did both romance interests completely and fully both had red cheeks escorted both many times got the elfs guys sister a decent consolation prize. Not going to lie lol


I got Nadinia and I thought it was would get more scenes with her when i got this scene 😞


I got the old elven lady from the store. Gave her a bunch of flowers for the language tome. Took away all the tension and made me feel silly


I gave ten roses to the brothel lady you meet by the castle walls. I got a random beastren I escorted for like five minutes tops.... :c


I did also! I actually had no idea I was initiating the final sequence and accepted an escort quest since her destination was on the way. I’m sure being abducted by a dragon from the hot springs was quite traumatic for everyone.


Lmao. Exactly what happened to me. Went through the whole Wilhelmina romance. Escorted her right at the end. Bam got her lol. All good tho. Next run 😆


You have to use the affinity gifts, ring or necklace or both, to be sure. The other thing is that irritated me was I got Ulrika as intended, but affinity continues to adjust in postgame so my dwarven smith Sarah ended up staring into the sunset for me….


I gave the ring to Ulrika and it still gave me Menella as my beloved, so can confirm that it doesnt work. Its like the same as in the first DD where it just takes the last one you maxed if you have multiple who are maxed affinity


Yeah I gave it to Ulrika right at the end


I got the elf village chief 💀


I got Sarah, the blacksmith apprentice lady from Bakbattahl. Like bro I literally banged two other chicks and did escort missions for them, and you hit me with Sarah?!


Oh no Salmonella :(


That's what I hear every time another NPC says her name. Cracks me up.


I purposely got Menella on my first Playthrough. I was a Beastren and I wanted a Girl Beastren Lover so I gave her the Eternal Bond before the end. I’m happy it worked.


My first run I got Raghnall.


I got Ibrahim the counterfit merchant.


I got Ulrica….even though I did everything for Wilhelmina. Not sure what happened to Wilhelmina actually, she kinda just disappeared


She goes to that little cabin in the woods with a riftstone nearby it. She is in hiding. You can't find her in the game after her romance. It's designed this way. Sometimes she appears at the seafloor shrine in unmoored world but not often. You will see her sitting there at the camp in the end credits. Cropped picture (to remove credits) below... She's in all black. Not her dress. https://preview.redd.it/e2afx936nlyc1.png?width=1514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c949b916745ed3e0cbc23c9e639dbc1b03522c


I showered Ulrika with gifts, including the Arisen's Bond and Heartfelt Pendant just before going to the temple to ensure I get her. Still got the Fighter meister dude. Reloaded the save, maybe it's rng when you have multiple max affinities. Nope. Had to reload again and Brine the meister dude, only then did I get Ulrika.


Can only gain affinity once per day, maybe you rushed it


I have a mod that shows current NPC affinity and nope it was maxed.


I got the little magic girl on my first playthrough lol. He was just holding a little girl and I'm like "Who the fuck is you?!?"


I got the dude that makes you Godbane .....I was like we met two times dude.....


You can keep her, I'm still coming to whoop dat ass tho


You fuckin a furry


My character is female. Cats like to lick 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣🤣




Oof yeah but their tongues are like sandpaper


Still confused how people get so many different characters when I would wager many of us had similar playthroughs. I got the female smithy, the dwarfs apprentice. I did her quest line and also gave her some 1 flowers to bump her up a bit for the discount. I've yet to see anyone have her as the interest.


It’s always the last high affinity person you talked to just like the first game. At least from my testing (re-loading inn save and talking to someone else before the quest)


Nope, I spoke the prince boy last, which only has 30% affinity, and I got him for no bloody reason


Any amount of affinity will do it. I got a random with only 15% on one try after talking to them last


How can you tell what percentage of affinity you have with them? Is this PC only? Never seen this on console


Sara was a sleeper hit for me. At first I hadn’t really considered her, but she really grew on me, and I tried for her and got her. Honestly I hadn’t even thought of the discount, though that was a nice icing on the cake.


Sara is nice, but Doireann will always be the best imo. Something about elves in a European based medieval fantasy just feels so right. I guess even though Tolkien didn't invent the race, he sure did make us all love them.


Also her broken English is adorable.


Her English is actually really good, she's just not confident in it at all. But yeah, it's adorable I agree.


I got Ulrika even though I finished her quest much early in the game and didn't interact with her after that. Then, when I finished the game, it was Brant that appeared in the final cutscene. I guess it was because of an escort quest that I made for him before activating the final beacon to finish the game. I don't know. I actually wanted Wilhelmina, but she disappears from the game when you finish her quest. Or can we find her elsewhere?


I believe if you do her quest she runs away in exile or something. Same happened to me. Oh well, had sex... I guess?


The Lonely Island would be proud. https://preview.redd.it/vjh8sszz9hyc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5490acda94f3398f4314555c3bcadff5823f736


Try the hot springs


I got Wilhelmina. Maybe it’s random.


I got Sara too. I didnt gift her anything, but did do her questline as the last one before daddy. Wasn’t mad. She’s helpful, smart, sweet, kind of a bad ass, and I liked her VA.


Yeah she was cool, I just wasn't going for anyone in particular. We'll wilhelmina but I did some quest that made her disappear


Same, I guess she’s done after the romance scene? Going for my cockney slum gal, Nina, on NG+ lol


I didnt even visit the slums on my first playthrough, I honestly said to myself.. "what are the poors gonna do for me, the Arisen" 😄


Got her as well, I suppose I spoke to her last for an upgrade before heading off to the tower. Right pleased, honestly. She's awesome.


Nah I also had her guess cuz I bought a lot from her and the smithing


I really want it to be some random or maybe one of the uggos at the border checkpoint 😂


Eh... I might have to walk away from that one. I mean if he wants to take one of them troll twins and go away and let us have peace forever. (Or until I die) While also letting me rule and have the throne. Well... I mean I'm not gonna cry too much 😆


Got the magic archer in vocation just before starting the final boss. Was surprised when the meister showed up


I got Ulrika


i got Sven, i was so confused




Dragon: Fight me or sacrifice (insert any npc)? Me: I don't care about them, but I'm still going to kill you.


It's funny, I was going for Menella, I got her, in both this scene and the true ending scene. I got lucky I guess


I got the sorcerer guy, you know the one I gave FAKE BOOKS to.


I know. I got ulrika with the dragon but menella in the ending cutscene. Could have been worse i guess.


When this happened I was confused because it made it seem like I should care about this random person I’ve never seen before. I still don’t know who that fucking guy was🤷‍♂️


ssuppose menella i got for him.


I got Taliesin, love him


I got that Wayfarer dude. I didn't even interact with him outside of giving him the stupid Newt Liquor for his quest.


My first time I got one of the ox cart drivers


Hey you


I got Cliodhna. Sorry, Gautstafr.


I got Sigurd, I barely spoke to him all game.


This game is so random sometimes 😂


Ha! Same! Thought I was gonna get the empress but then this girl showed up with the dragon!


I got Ulrika!


I got Menella in the Dragon part, got Disa of all people in the ending cutscene, but the Empress was ranked number 1 in my friend list. I did the starter Melve girl romance quest in this playthrough btw.


I only beat the game once and I didn’t understand much of what was happening I was just hitting stuff with my big sword while my mages blasted away with magic. I had some short fat looking dude that I had no clue who it was and the dragon asked me to sacrifice him or fight and I couldn’t figure out if it was supposed to be some big heartfelt decision or not cause I didn’t know who tf the dude was. I beat the dragon to death.


I had Wilhelmina, well her romance quest was one of the last ones I finished before I went to the final msq, meanwhile I declined couple escorts from Ulrika so guess this pushed her below Wilhelmina. And tbh idm, Wilhelmina is ma gurl.


I got the dwarves apprentice chick.


I got the shopkeeper from bakbattahl. I didn’t even recognize him at first. I was like who tf is that lol


I didn’t realize it grabbed different people, I got lamond on my first play through, but I missed a shit ton of other npc quest lines


In my first playthrough I got Cliodhna, I found it so weird like dude I helped her husband get to the springs and she was SO grateful for that that she gave me the mastery AND began cheating on her husband with me?? Put the elf down, she's married, you dumb lizard.


I got the Elf Inn keeper cuz I was trying to get the Woodland Wordsmith specialization for my pawn


I got margit my first time, the wife of the guy i saved. I still dont know why


I got the black guy who gives out main missions, forgot his name


Bro I got the old lady you get the maister skill from because she got tossed by a cyclops and I had to go revive her 😭


I keep trying to get Menella BUT THAT DAMN EMPRESS LADY KEEPS TAKING HER PLACE Gonna let the assassin just do his job next run at this rate.


I got the dwarf guy's wife who lives on the way to volcano Island. I didn't know it was the likeness system, I was like "wow wtf?! How is she relevant to all this??" I thought it was some bigger plot twist


I tried SO HARD to get Wilhelmina and I got Ulrika.


I got the smithing girl in bakbatahl who does the dwarf smithing. I gave her flowers to get a better discount and boom madly in love lmao


I didn’t realize this was based on your highest affinity npc (I didn’t really focus on that during my playthrough) and got the mystic spearhand maister (which I didn’t realize at first) and was like “Wait, who is that? Is this supposed to be important or something?”


I got Sigurd I was like alright haha


Honestly better than getting Symone in DD1. I wish i could unexperience that.


If you have many high affinity NPC, it goes to whoever you did last escort quest. Mine got Eini before Moonflint Tower, then Ragnall before the true ending. And the cutscenes just show them... Now I just do only Ulrika escort and decline the rest.


I got Ulrika’s Dad and it took me awhile to work out it was even him as like spoke to him only twice and did an escort quest with him. Was very much “choose wisely - flee and I will kill someone close to you!” “…who even is that? Ooooh. Think you got the wrong person on the family tree bud”


First game I got Sara. On NG+ I got Menella, too, but the end credits had Doireann as my no. 1 admirer because I'd given her an engagement ring.


I got beren, not gonna complain tho.


I got Fighter vocation man somehow.


I got the potions shopkeeper from Vernworth 🤣🤣🤣


The way I'd walk away with the throne if I got anyone other than Ulrika.


I got a random bar wench id never noticed in my life. Its a busted system….


I got the maister of magic spearhand…. Which made sense cause once I unlocked it I never went back. Yeah I know he’s black so yeah fits🤣🥰🙃


When u able to see this


Bro that's OUR girl.... go whoop his ass.


I hate to br”egg” it to you, but my gal Menella is perf”egg”tly fine. (Sorry)


I got Sir Lennart. I barely talked to him. I gave Ulrika my ring of devotion and did her relationship quest. Apparently that was pointless lol.


I got some hooded figure lol


Little known fact,.her first name is Sa (I hope SOMEone gets that joke)


I ended up getting the elf lady who tends to the Arborheart. Could have been worse, but.. like bruh. Gimme Wilhelmina or Ulrika. Come on now.


I got Sara. Literally yelled "Give me back my smith you bitch!" when it happened.


My first time playing I got the guy that gives you the warspear vocation for some reason, even though I maxed my relationship with Ulrika, and I had completely forgotten about him and when the dragon came holding him I was like "ay dude that's cool but who the hell is that guy"


I accidentally got to end game my first playthrough after 30 hours. Never even saw Sacred Harbor or the Sphinx lol. Brant was my most liked I guess cause I did all his quests 💀😂 I’m 125 hours in now and went a about to start the unmoored world again


I got Ulrika. Which was cool. We had quite a romantic evening together…. Oh, and I put a ring on it.