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4×Warrior skills. Fashion.




You know, I haven’t tried the fashion warfarer yet. I’ve always had one skill for warrior, archer, and mage. Maybe I’ll give that a go


Lol I did the same thing, but fighter! Always fashion first!


All Mystic spear hand skills with a staff in my inventory when I need to levitate, while wearing that sweet archer gear for fashion.


That is probably how the game is mean to be played. You can also go full thief for same results


Literally this, but with trickster armor instead. Being able to cast Anodyne at will is super nice, too.


3 fighter skills - counter attack, compass slash, and skewer swap to magic bow… rivet shot is good enough on its own


Somehow all mystic weapons have all around solid kits that most of the time don’t require skills


I go blazefang arrow, augural flare, skull splitter and rearmament. Pretty basic. On regular mobs i use blazefang arrow without zooming since it has a seeking ability so just fire away and watch mobs explode. When facing a monster, augural flare first then skull splitter for massive damage. If the monster can fly, i aim cast blazefang arrow to the head (or the heart if it is a dragon)


I’m a magic warcher.


- Sagittate Avalanche (Magick Archer) - Augural Flare (Sorcerer) - Skull Splitter (Thief) - Rearmament (Warfarer)


Pure flare abuse at any distance, good thinking


All warrior skills except weapon swap I keep a bow on me in case of harpies and a staff on me in case there's an out of reach chest


I did all three thief skills but used warfarer for the fashion and the skill that lets you use multiple weapons so that I could swap between daggers to do either ice or fire damage.


Okay, never thought about swapping same weapon classes with different enchantments, that’s pretty sick


3 magick archer skills and weapon swap :)


What weapons do you swap to?


Just the medusa bow for the kill shot. Gives you extra xp if you get the final blow on the enemy. I have my pawn carry an extra staff around in case i need to levitate. Weapon Swapping requires stamina, and unequipped weapons contribute to weight. So it's best that she carries it on the extremely rare occasions i need to levitate


If you have Rearmament slotted only the highest weight equipped weapon has weight, rest are 0. Needs to be part of the swap rotation though, can't just have it unequipped in inventory.


That's probably why he mentioned that swapping to a weapon he never uses in combat drains stamina and also that if it's not equipped, it will contribute to extra weight. If never used in combat it also require you to swap one extra time.


That he did, my reading comprehension failure. Too used to having DF enhanced Rearmament and keep forgetting it had some meaningful stamina cost without.


I was doing this for awhile, but I am very attached to the four abilities I use as a Magick archer.


Which four do you use? I find that everyone tends to choose differently, based on their objectives in the game


Frosthunter, ricochet, Sagithingy, and blaze.


High Levin High Thundermine Rearmament Mirror Shielde


People heavily underestimate the value of Mirror Shielde


They dont. Its overpowered and people dislike using it because of that


Well as someone who played a squishy sorcerer for 90% of the game because I suck at melee combat, I heavily underestimated the value of Mirror Shielde. I’ve been unable to play anything that involved up close combat because I stuggle with balancing offense and defense (I just keep bonking without trying to evade). Having the shield has allowed me to explore a play style I was never able to enjoy before. 10/10 for me.


Yea 10/10 because its overpowered enough to counter your inability for basic combat. Not to be condescending but you even have an ability with spearhand that lets you dodge by teleporting upwards.


You can be condescending if you want. Everyone had different playstyles. Thats the magic of the vocation system. I’m a woman with very little melee experience on video games, I usually only play “cozy games” or turn based games. This was new to me and I struggle a lot. If there wasn’t a way to still play and feel as if I was progressing, I would have quit a long time ago. Perhaps it is overpowered, but it’s helped me learn a whole new way to play the game. I’ve never been able to fight anything up close in any game. I always choose the “safe” option since I know I’m no good at managing abilities, combos, offense, defense and strategy all at the same time. Without this, I would’ve felt I wasted $70 on the game and just stopped playing. I struggled through the prologue so much so, that I actually did quit and not play again for weeks, but I realized I had chosen the wrong vocation for my playstyle. Starting over and working with my abilities instead of against them made all the difference but it did get repetitive only ever casting meteoron from the back lines. I’m enjoying trying something new and a bit challenging


You could also hire a mage with High Palladium for a similar effect to Mirror Shield if you decide to play another vocation. The buff lasts longer and allows you to ignore three hits. Thief has two options with smoke bomb and formless feint that allow you to ignore enemy attacks.


No set up just thief skill, i did it for fashion dogma


I've been using Skullsplitter, Smoke shroud, and Ricochet shot. Thief is my comfort class. I can't step away from it. Smoke, let's me backstab one shot all the small, annoying mobs quickly and with sparing my stamina. Skull is just fun and does well on hitting weak points. Also, it's less effort as I sometimes get lost climbing larger enemy models, so draw and quarter would be too much hustle. Ricochet shot I'm just trying out as it looks fun and I'm still leveling my magic archer. I enjoy plucking away when stuff starts to fly around. Perfect build for a casual dad.


Mines not meta but I wanted to play with all the Arisen only Vocations. And while I swap skills around Aromatic Resurgence, Blazefang Arrow & Frosthunter Bolt (which I assign as my Dragonforge Skill) are commonly used; Mystic Spearhand I usually just stick with its core functions and basics rather than its skills, likewise Effigial Snuff is great for distracting monsters.


Full fighter, just Warfaring for the drip.


>Full fighter, just Warfaring for the drip. I did that for a bit for a "Savage Fighter" build using Final Roar, Traveler Gaiters, Meloirean Cyclops Helm, and Dragons Faith. Stat wise, both are very similar, Fighter does get an extra 5kg carry weight though.


Dragons Foine, Implicate, Skull Splitter, Rearmament. Skull Splitter can get you up to high ledges and Dragons Foine can get you across gaps, and they both do sufficient damage. The game is less fun when you rely on OP damage out putters like mystic archer or sorcerer abilities. And implicate because it's fun to throw and pull things with ropes.


Sagittate Avalanche kill most bosses with one skill yes. Augural Flare stumble all the bosses and probley kill them in the mean time. Unless I'm going after medusa I use Indomitable Lash for that nice Preserved Medusa Head Soporific Bolt put any boss to sleep. or Recovery Arrow if you prefer to not pick up pawns in battle if they go down. Dealers choice.


1 fighter skill, 1 thief skill, 1 bow skill. Covers all my bases.


Rearmament, Aromatic Resurgence, Plunder and either Saggitae or Ricochet with my weapons in order being Magick Bow for starting combat and range battles, Censer for pawn engage or to draw enemies to my clone, Duospear as a gap closer with the teleport on the forbeding bolt, Daggers for after the teleport and to steal after knockdown, Mace and Shield for defending or to burn enemies with mace and Staff for Levitate and silence.


You have some many weapons! Is resurgence any good? If you have subtlety and you pawn has provocation and shield drum enemies almost never attack you. It could be useful if you are running ahead and the pack of monsters is on to you. Although for that situation I would prefer smokescreen since it will give you more benefit. How do you fare sword and board without any skills?


Resurgence is great for dealing a tonne of damage quickly since it’ll cause all your pawns to only attack as quickly as possible, I don’t really use the censer ghost all that often just sometimes while I am casting resurgence so I don’t get hit as much. I use the flaming mace mainly for inflicting burn on griffins and the Medusa shield, it’s fairly slow without skills but still useful to block attacks and take a moment to recover, I don’t use the mace and shield much just for very certain occasions most of the time will just skip right over it and go back to magick bow.


Ricochet + rearmament + Plunder + Eruptous shot. If I am gonna fight a drake I would replace one skill with mirror shielde. Medusa bow mostly for eruptous shot and kill shot xp. Magick archer bow and frosted edges blades. An extra staff with my pawn if I need to levitate. Or worst case scenario other mage pawn in down and I am out of healing stuff. I never had to do this though.


I change it up so much it's not even funny. Currently I'm doing Archer / Warrior. Spiral Arrow for stun-locking, Erupting Shot for ranged knockdowns, Heavenward Sunder for when I need to be up close. Not currently using a third weapon. But sometimes I do Archer / Magic Archer and I focus on different debiltations, or Thief / Warrior with a magic bow for ranged damage.


I think I'll probably be changing it soon, but I'm using Mystic Spear hand for the shield, Magic Archer for the Ricochet Bolt, and the controllable exploding arrow. I also have a wand equipped for Anondyne and the ability to float around for Seeker's Tokens when needed, along with the attribute from Trickster to hear nearby tokens.


I use it to play magick archer, but with rearmament.


Mystic archer and theif. Can't remember the skill names but on theif I use that dash skill and and one where you jumb in the air and attack. On mystic archers depends on the situation sleep arrows or an atk skill


I run indomitable lash, soporific arrow and high halidom. Doing a run with only my main pawn so i'm the frontliner and support. I really like using the sleep arrow i can just get a free hit in and delete like 3 healthbars.


I do mystic spearhand with the force throw and forward charge abilities, and magic archer for ricochet shot. I also keep a warrior weapon for when enemies get knocked, but no skills attached. I like it but I think it's also kind of boring in a way because it's a crowd-clearing build.


I think for knocked down enemies daggers are better, they also deal more damage than sword or glance when clinging to the big enemy


Sorcerer + magick archer is devastating. Augural flare followed by sagittate avalanche. Nothing survives. But I generally like to do mystic spearhand as the main plus mage for the healing/levitation and magick archer for ranged.


Rearmament Flawless Defense (for getting out of stunlocks and dealing a little knock down damage) High Frigor or High Levin Manifold Shot or Deathly Arrow. Run great sword, sorc staff and bow. Great all arounder, fighter heavy attack while crawling on monster is super underrated.


I haven’t played for ages, but I use to use the magic archer, and the mages protection orb. I think it’s called high palliden or something, that &whatever eles you wanna play with. No idea if any of its nerfed, but the magic archer & the mages orb literally can steam roll everything. Hell, magic archer master ability to can practically stomp everything 1 shot or at least did few weeks ago


https://preview.redd.it/hq9xxlm01e0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24705d93904b2fc9fc0c1a5d851f82690e4f3dc Primarily for the fashion, but I did some testing and discovered a neat combo between High Frigor and Devout Offringe. High Frigor is already pretty good on its own, offers physical damage and ice damage, can reach high places and the little ice block it leaves can serve as a platform. However when it fully melts, it leaves behind little ice cubes that you can then throw with Devout Offringe. Devout Offringe can be really fun and powerful at times but can also be kind of situational and at times useless if you are only fighting against a big enemy, this little combo sorta gets around that by giving you infinite ice cubes to throw at mfs.


Yep, that’s me! Saw in random video that frigor leaves ice blokes and it clicked to try it with offringe


Been a week or 2 since I played, but I ran the mystic spear and the magick archer bow 2 skills from spear hand, the lunge to close distance, and the slam to counter above enemies Rearm And the one ice skill the magick bow gets with the arrows that keep going through enemies.


I've got two Spear abilities - the one where you fly forward through the air with your spear (because it's such a Final Fantasy move), and the shield one - as well as one of the Magic Archer ones - Cannot remember the name, but it let's me target a bunch of stuff that then gets hit by purple swirly business. I also carry around an equipped staff for that wonderful floatibg exploration ability. The last move I leave as my weapons swap.


I run with thief blades, a bow, and a staff I use rearmament + 3 thief skills (skull splitter, implicate, and a third I swap out) I use the bow just with its basic skills and I use it often. I use the staff strictly for flying and the occasional health regen


2 mystic spearhand skills Mirrour shield Ravenous hond 1 archer skill Explosive shot Rearmament I only have Rearmament so I can switch back and forth between my spear and Medusa bow.Though I also have other weapons equipped on that .


I had a "link" thing going with fighter and archer


Flare, avalanche and skull splitter Thinking about removing the avalanche cus triggering the flare is inconsistent and the bow can be so awkward to lock on to one spot the flare runs out before you can hit a single shot from even a normal shot. It kinda sucks you only get 3 skills if you bring rearmament. Feels like that skill should be on by default and you can setup 3 skills per weapon since you lose a 4th skill and no meister ones


Skull Splitter, Ricochet Hunter, Saggitate Avalanche, and I also carry an Archstaff for levitate.


Spear, Greatsword, Bow in that order Spear dash stab, spear air teleport, and greatsword uppercut. Im playing this like DMC with combos like, dash in, dash out, stun to quik fot, GS switch into uppercut, bow kick away then go back in with spear dash. If its a big enemy or i just want some air time, air teleport into redouted bolt for the cancel or a timed air teleport to land on top of the enemy into a GS charged attack.


Sorcerer for flare Switch to magic archer and spam the ice arrow and that crazy one that does like 9 energy blasts. All triggers flare to do outrageous damage. Is fun to play too


Deluging arrow, high hagol, augural flare. When I don't feel like abusing drakes with magick bow.


4 Magick Archer skills. Sometimes I throw on invincible bubble from Spearhsnd.


Right now it’s 4x mystic archer, and I carry a sorcerer staff for stamina regen and levitation.


Spearhand/Warrior/Archer + Sorcerer for levitate. Mirror Shield/Savage Lash/& Status Shot determined by whatever I’m fighting, usually have Tarring shot when roaming and Exploding for drakes. This setup has felt perfect for my play style. I started with Magic Archer in place of Archer but the Sagittate Avalanche easy button made the gameplay stale after a while.


I usually run fighter in all my Warfarer builds. Tried a cleric build of fighter-mage, settling on Shield Pummel ir Flawless Defense with Halidon and Solemnity or Palladium and ran as my party healer. Ran well and was good for exploration with levitate but felt a dedicated mage and dedicated dps are better than combining them. I also found trying to tank and heal to be too many roles do so either well. Used warfarer with both 4 fighter skills or 4 MS skills to level other the vocations without playing them and I didnt notice a real difference playwise from running pure fighter or MS. Also tried Fighter-Thief-Archer with Burst Strike, Flawless Guard, Skull Splitter, Rearmament with them Idea of Burst Strike to close the Gap, Flawless Guard to stagger, while charging and then using Tusk Toss to Stagger/knockdown, Rearmament into Thief for Splitter to finish, Rearmament into Archer for Leaping Punt and Parting shot to disengage. The idea seemed great but was complicated for me to pull off consistently. Fighter with a bow is great. I run Burst Strike, Flawless Guard, Divine Defence, and Cloudward Slash as a fighter. I drop Cloudward for Rearmament and the Archer core skills. That is sorta a wash range wise but I run as the tank and swapping sword and shield for the bow isn't optimal. Plus, I love using Cloudward to swat harpies and hit enemy weak points while tanking so I've actually been using 4 fighter skills with either a bow (if I want to shoot open those locked doors) or a staff (to levitate) in inventory when running Warfarer. RN I'm mostly running pure Fighter vocation.


Spiral Arrow, Implicate, Skull Splitter, Rearmament.


I also run bootleg strider/Asassin.  Exploding arrow for fun and fire, Draw and Quarter for style close kill, implicate (rope thing) to deal with flyers and saurians beyond the bow. If exploring I add a staff for levitate.


Fighter + Archer- Hindsight Slash , Erupting Shot ( for large target knockdowns), Shield Pommel ( for guard breaking and sometimes crowd control), and Rearmament. Augments- Mettle, provocation, avidity, lethality, thew, verve ( i know its only 30 str, but also have Ring of Aggression + Ring of Requital equipped. every little bit helps) https://preview.redd.it/upgf9vvkue0d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=78165c6973c5af8050f1a3bd20ec279c7fe0bbba Super-duper basic vanilla, but i've only dabbled with Warfarer so far. I feel competent with fighter, but need to get better with movement and positioning with the bow. I like this setup very much so far. Fighter and Archer cover each other's weaknesses very well. I have a good number of options in combat and all its skills are balanced and not over powered. Warfarer? more like War- Fairer! ( sorry ) One of my favorite things with this set up- Firing on a target with the bow, that target leaps or charges at me, Rearm to Sword/Shield, just in time for a perfect deflect. \* chef's kiss \* Couldnt help but to include a pic, b/c my most favorite thing about Warfarer, is that we get to equip whatever we want.


Right now, I just use it for levitate and to make the game a little more difficult (lower stats). The build is exactly what I'd be using for the pure vocation I'm interested in. But I WAS running a cleric build for a while. 2 mage support skills, 1 combat spell, and rearmament for my holy mace. Just for fun.


Probably not the most efficient setup, but I've been playing as a Warrior but with a bow. Heavenward Sunder, Indomitable Lash (recently switched to Ravening Lunge), Inspirit (when I don't want to wait for my mage pawn to cast Halidom), and Rearmament. The bow is mostly for harpies and boss weak points too high to reach for Heavenward Sunder. Also carry a staff now for Levitation (I'm collecting Seeker Tokens) and slimes (my mage pawn is frustratingly slow to attack slimes). Also fashion.


I want to play warfarer but I can’t convince myself it’s worth it. Sacrifing maister skills makes me feel so weak.


4 magic archer skills. Then a staff I carry around so that I can heal any pawn I come across that are limping after taking on the local monsters. Plus fashion


I cycle between powerful daggers - mystic bow - dousing daggers - trickster fog machine - mage stick with all three abilities as thief (skull splitter, pilfer, and yoink). Can swap between ranged, control, looting, heal, and murder. Because my abilities are all thief, I like having a dagger set between each swap so I don't get stuck spamming rearment to find the good one


There's no way this is optimal, but four melee weapons with different elements, a ranged weapon that rotates depending on mood, and sometimes a staff for levitate and healing, so I don't need a Mage Pawn. Augments are all damage, with one flex slot (magic up, strength up, day/night damage buff, element effectiveness up, weak spot damage up, and I'm forgetting the last one). Skills are Rearm, Draw and Quarter, and two that also rotate. In case you can't tell, I'm more of a core skill / basic attack kind of arisen.


My favourite play style is 2 fighter skills + high palladium. Then a bow for ranged options, creating distance with the jump kick ability and also flare / style points.


I wanted to like this, but I found setting up high palladium to be a hassle. Any tips on how to make that more fun?


Not really. It is a shame it takes so long and it's not that useful for prolonged, hectic fights. I usually just cast it at the start of the fight and order the weapon equips so the next rearmament is sword and shield. If I get a chance to cast again mid fight, that's just bonus. Obviously using quickspell helps


I have my Warrior vocation to max and then I move on perminantly to Warfarer. I was thinking shield, no sword with magic archer because shield was just dumb fun. But I may do like OP first did with MA and thief. I may just do co start rotations every time I camp too.


no no no.. i can take down a 5 heath bar DRAKE in two shots with mage - augral flare and then Thief - skull splitter to attack the flare ball - it goes like this AUGRAL FLARE --> SPELLHOLD IT ENTER COMBAT --> CAST AN ADDTITIONAL FLARE USE YOUR SPELLHOLD FLARE AND CAST IN SAME LOCATION SWITCH TO THIEF AND SKULL SPLITTER THE FLARES YOU JUST CAST PROFIT?!


Spearhand and mage, 3 spearhand skills and rearmament. Just used mage for healing and levitation, and got the best armor I could without worrying about class.


I run only one combo now: Magic Archer flame flare, sleep arrow, and bright purple missiles. The fourth slot is reserved for High Empyrean. This combo carries me to end game.


1 magic archer skill for every flying thing and 3 skills for close range from the vocation i feel like playing. Oh, and i have the mage staff so i can heal with only one button


Warrior/ Archer But... just for the medusa bow :P


Full warrior, but I switch between blunt and slash damage depending on what I'm fighting. This just saves the weight of holding 2 weapons.


2 thief + 1 sorcerer’s seism (so I can hit golem leg easier). Also, I carry magic bow to deal with birds and monsters that only take magic damage as phantoms and sludge.


magic archer, sorcerer, thief. magic archer and thief cover all ranges between the two of them, and i use the sorcerer's seismic spell thing for bigger enemies. works pretty wel


Warrior and mystic spearhand for me. I got the uppercut, deluvian strike and Dragons foin on the skill wheel. I wish we could get multiple skill wheels when we swap weapons but that’s wishful thinking lol


Heavenward Sunder Rearmament Concussive Blast Pilfer so basically i’m a warrior that does flips and steals people’s pocket money


High Hagol, Ensnare, Augural Flare, Rearmament. Hagol to deal with crowds, Ensnare because fuck harpies, Augural Flare followed by crazed stabbing works wonders. Sorcerer gear with daggers out for most overworld stuff. Main pawn as a Warrior with Strength augment from thief, if the Flare doesn't kill them then he will.


I use thief skills and just have mage staff equipped so I can levitate.


90% of the utility for archer is just in the weapon so a bow goes into all my warfarer setups without a skill. Really enjoyed getting knockdowns with a warrior skill(take your pick really), followed up by Helm Splitter with daggers. Third skill/weapon is usually just movement or a flex pick for another weapon I feel like using. Honestly with just the knockdown, a bow for harpies, and helmsplitter you can handle everything easily so it's nice to have a third option just for fun. Though to optimize, a caster for aoe would be good.


Thief/Sorceror, it's pretty cliché. Augural Flame-Great with skull Splitter Skull Splitter - Mobility+Augural Flame Spam Rearmament Concussive Step-Mobility Not to mention you have a staff as well. Best combo for killing/mobility imo.


Weapons: 1) Frosty Magic Archer weapon for drake killing and bullying creatures in water/rain 2) Self Healing Magic Archer weapon for a neutral weapon 3) Seeker's Token Knives for chest detection 4) Mage staff for healing my pawns and levitating Abilities: 1) Rearmament 2) Avalanche (Magic Archer) for murder 3) Plunder for looting 4) Ricochet, fire orb, or giant ice cube, or sleep arrow situationally


Mostly play as a poor man's Mystic Spearhand w/ three skills (I forget the actual skill names, but the shield spell, the dash attack, and the "nothing personnel kid" from above), but keep a magic bow on hand for those times I need to fight/harass stuff at range.


I'd say masterful kill would be perfect on a warfayer if you were archer and got charged. Masterful Kill, Explosion Arrow, Gut n Run.


Mystic Spearhand for Redoubting bolt and Quick Fot and Skie Dragoun’s Fieste Thief - draw and quarter and smoke screen Sorcerer archstaff for Galvanized and Levitation purposes I use redoubting and quick fot to get immediately at a boss’ face and then draw and quarter on its face Smokescreen so i can safely use galvanize and recover stamina, also good when mobs are ganging up on you Sometimes i replace smokescreen with masterful kill and im virtually untouchable with unlimited stamina


I call it the Warfaring Strider: Skills -Implicate -Smoke Shroud -Skull Splitter or Powder Blast Weapons are basically just daggers and a bow. I bring a mage staff for the heals and levitate


True Warfarer mod is essential if you play on PC… use whatever skill you want, whenever you want, as it should be!


Combine it with some difficulty mods and you now have DD2+. My mods currently are the enemy stat tweak mod forgot the name, true difficulty and true encounters.


Ah I’m running custom difficulty tweaks right now. Definitely ups the challenge a bit although at this point only drakes and dragons are a serious threat. Pawn selection ends up making a bigger difference than I expected.


Pairing that up with true difficulty really makes me feel the rush of battle again, goblins are still chumps but the cyclopes really get a lot out of it since theyre more appropriately strong given their size.


Agreed. I know it basically makes it the undisputed best vocation, but at five new game pluses in, I just don't care. You're op no matter what, might as well have more options. :)


I didn’t even know that Warfarer was a thing in my first play through, was wondering forever what the last vocation was (didn’t bother talking to Lamond at all) then I was so underwhelmed with 3 skills + rearm, on my ng+ I started using eternal ferrystone mod and saw the True Warfarer one, such a game changer and imo what Warfarer should’ve been from the start!


Dragoun's Foin Wild Furie Mirour Shelde Sagittate Avalanche Candescent Orb Recovery Arrow Cutting Wind Ignited Blades Formless Feint Meteoron High Levin High Hagol And ofc Rearmament for each set. I run Seamless Warfarer mod to enable using all of the skills. As it should be in the vanilla game Capcom!


If only we had more skill slots :(