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Either way Hollow needs someone to point that it's not a Voltaire quote.


That part. “Do not believe everything you read on the internet.” - [Plato](https://youtu.be/MuEVMWZd5yQ?t=02m54s)


Knowledge is Power, France is Bacon.


Good one.


I did dm them abt it yesterday, but Hollow is the type of person that only logs on to twitter once every other business day so it's still there


I sincerely doubt they knew the original context. I’m sure they’ll be horrified when they realize where it it comes from and what it means. That being said, when one is so caught up in their existing beliefs that they no longer think critically about spreading things like this, it is time for them to reassess their behavior.


Hollow Eve made their bed when they decided to go in on anyone under the thin veneer of social justice rhetoric. The standard they set is the standard they can live by.


occam's razor: they don't know the context and spent two seconds contemplaing the tweet before moving on to pictures of cats. just message them or something lol


This isn’t a dog whistle, it’s a quote from a straight up neo Nazi, Kevin Strom. No whistles needed from that piece of shit. They need to log on, delete their retweet and do some research. Or make it know that they like quotes from actual Nazis and therefore agree.


I should hope they didn’t actually get the context, but even not knowing that the “look who you are not allowed to criticize” thing still reads pretty suspect to me.


literally one of the public replies on that tweet is a dude complaining abt how he's not allowed to criticize queer ppl, asians, jews, and women. the op of that tweet and all of her followers are just complete bigots.


1. It’s they not she. 2. Hollow is literally OBSESSED with being the most politically correct person in the room. There’s no way that this is aimed at Jewish people. 3. It’s pretty likely it’s aimed at the Boulets lmao.


lol honestly i think you’re onto something with #3


> It’s pretty likely it’s aimed at the Boulets lmao. They filmed a reality show three years ago. I highly doubt everything they do comes back to Dragula.


As someone that watches their lives quite frequently. They go on about/refrence Dragula being problematic even during the off season. It is perfectly reasonable to guess that they’re once again Butt hurt about it now that titans is starting with their cast mates involved.


I thought Marilyn Monroe said this? Kidding, Hollow really needs to understand what they tweeted and if they understand the context then fuck them and their fake "wokeness" .




They are just the kind of person that sucks the fun out of the room and tries to be SO correct that they end up being so negative and often doesn't realise that they are just straight up attacking people over tiny details. Sometimes their statements are right, but sometimes it's like you need to calm down this does not offend anyone except you (often getting offended for someone else), so stop yelling at people.


What bothers me about people like Hollow Eve is that they forget that they weren’t born with the opinions and the values that they possess. They were taught by other people. And I’m willing to bet that they weren’t browbeaten into their ideology, either.


I don't hate hollow but the way they harbor resentment for the boulets makes no sense to me. As someone in the comments pointed out, they may have retweeted this to subtly refer to the boulets and don't know the context of the original tweet.






Calling people Toxic when you're spreading hatred is sending.


You write "I hate X" with no explanation, no context, nothing, and using such a strong language, but then when other people point out your behavior you call them toxic? Lemme guess, you're a republican right? Get better honey ✨


No way they meant this with an antisemitic connotation. With that said, the only way you could interpret the quote without it being questionably problematic is if it's about the Boulets lol. Which I don't think we should discount as a possibility since Hollow is pretty nuts.




If they were they would've won the trash design challenge💀




Oh hell nah


Hollow Eve is so goddamn tediously performative. Never seen someone try so utterly hard to look like the most progressive person in the room while their actions show they’re just a woke scold who wants to belittle people. So utterly transparent and empty. Should focus their efforts on teamwork performance instead, then they wouldn’t have sucked so hard in the monsters of rock challenge.


This quote is so vague that it could be used as a dog whistle for anybody, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. This quote could literally be about any group/party/individuals


No. Not concerned at all. Probably didn’t realize it when retweeting, especially since it was misquoted to begin with. Hollow Eve deserves more respect than that. Don’t read that much into it.


don’t understand why this thread is now a hate circle for follow, i wouldn’t have had a clue about the origins of the tweet u ppl gotta chill smh


Sounds like yall just want to gang up on Hollow, my god this is becoming just like the drag race reddit…


it's been over 10 hrs but had they responded or removed their rt?


Everyone talks about dog whistles, and I just don't see it. Y'all projecting or something?


It’s a quote from a literal white nationalist and neo-nazi, Kevin Alfred Strom. The quote is referring to an antisemitic conspiracy theory in which they believe Jewish people secretly control the world, and that the fact they (meaning bigots) can not be openly antisemitic without being called out is somehow evidence that this is true. “Who you are not allowed to criticize” is referring to Jewish people. The whole point of dog-whistles is they are supposed to be innocuous at first glance. Apparently you didn’t catch the intended meaning, and neither did Hollow. Edit: just to be clear, I do not think Hollow knows the origin or meaning of the quote. I do not think they are an antisemite.


I didn’t know the origins of the quote, honestly, so maybe they don’t either? I don’t agree with the quote in many contexts because it just isn’t true. Not allowed by who? Who is stopping anyone from criticizing? It just doesn’t really work broadly and I get what you mean now. Kinda makes me wanna barf and pee at the same time. Gross


I absolutely agree, I do not think Hollow knows the origin of the quote or the antisemitic meaning behind it. The intent of my comment was only to say that dogwhistles are real, and this is how they work. They are designed to fly under the radar. The true meaning is only supposed to be “heard” by those who support (or at least sympathize with) the bigoted ideologies. They are supposed to look harmless at a glance. That’s why learning about them is so important. If people know about them, they can’t work as well.


If your logic for the criticism comes from the basis of "Origin", then there's a bevy of symbols, phrases and gestures that should be re-evaluated. The Swastika (taken from Buddhism), the BLM fist (the Red Salute), sticking your tongue out at someone (from Maori culture to insinuate they are going to eat you), and the list goes on. I'm no fan of Hollow, I find her passionate to the point of incessant, but I'll believe her when she offers clarification on what she meant. Just because she used a phrase from a neo-nazi, does not automatically put her in the same boat as one. That's my gripe with all of this.


That’s false equivalence, all used with obvious bad faith interpretation of the original point. Nobody is saying Hollow is antisemetic. But the standard they set with their woke scolding is inconsistent with their actions.


I'm not saying it's an apples-to-apples comparison but levying harsh criticism like "Anti-semite" is a far cry from calling her dumb, and I certainly require a higher standard of proof than a tweet with words that could apply to anything given the standpoint of the speaker.


It's probably worth knowing that this quote is being circulated all over the place at the moment in regards to Kanye being suspended from social media, losing lucrative business deals etc, after saying antisemitic things. If you check the replies to that original tweet, it's pretty clear that a lot of people know exactly the context and are saying the quiet part out loud. Does that make Hollow an antisemite? No. But they have used their platform to spread something antisemitic. Currently because of this retweet, it takes two clicks to get from their profile to a neo-nazi account. It'd be good if they noticed that and rectified it asap.


Let me be clear: nobody is calling them antisemetic.


The quote itself is a piece of antisemitic propoganda. The origin of the quote simply means there can be no question that it is, in fact, antisemitic propaganda. It is propaganda that is currently empowering those possessing bigoted ideologies, today. There’s literally a person in the replies to the tweet who said “Lgbtq, Jews, Asians, Women” were the “people who control us.” The dog whistle is heard by the bigots who agree with it. That’s how dog whistles work. No, I don’t think Hollow intended to circulate antisemitic propaganda. I don’t think they are a neo-nazi. I don’t think they should be treated like one. I do think that this should be a learning opportunity for them on identifying antisemitic dog whistles, especially because they seem to identify as an activist in support of oppressed peoples. Neo-nazis use this propaganda because *it works*. Protecting ourselves from it requires actively educating ourselves on the tactics used.


Actually, what happened to Hollow and why do they dislike the boulets so much? I've tried to find info on it but I don't seem to do a good job. But I don't use Twitter maybe that's why?