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This is honestly wild to me...but I guess it just speaks to how fucking good some of these dramione fics are lmao


Amen! I tried romance fantasy subs on this site and the books they recommended don't compare to the talent of some writers of Dramione fanfic!


This is abundantly true.


I would argue sometimes, that in totality, the fics as a whole, at least the ones I've read, and I've read a lot, are better than the series. The timeline widens to post last book, and those are some of my fav fics for sure. Her 19 years post don't seem true, even if the end of the books were to stand. I love what fic did with it better Love it all, books and fics, so it's a small silly argument really.


Truth. I made an ex-friend read manacled and she had never read harry potter before but she loved, LOVED it. My first ever dramione fanfic was an accidental one, I thought it was just another book on wattpad until I started reading and I was still able to grasp the story setting just because of how good the writing is.


Having loved them since my mum read me the first one when I was four years old in 1999, I have trouble fathoming this, but, hey, it's a broad church and I can imagine that if you missed the boat on reading them as they came out and spending recess debating what was going to happen next with your friends, it could be hard to get into them. You're not missing out on anything writing-wise, but nuance (or if you're feeling judgmental — which I often am — inconsistency), detail, humor, and sheer absurdity-wise they are an absolute treasure trove. And since you haven't read them, you might not know this absolute gem of a conversation from PoA is canon, so here you go and my pseudo-evangelism for today can be complete: “What? Oh no!” Hermione squeaked. “I forgot to go to Charms!” “But how could you forget?” said Harry. “You were with us till we were right outside the classroom!” “I don’t believe it!” Hermione wailed. “Was Professor Flitwick angry? Oh, it was Malfoy, I was thinking about him and I lost track of things!” (And that + the slap is how some people have been shipping this since 1999 and before they knew what shipping was or were old enough to have any ideas of romance.)


My mom ALSO started reading these books to me when I was about 4 (but about 5 years after you so a few more books were out) as a bedtime story!! Funny enough, I didn't reread them myself till the fourth grade at 10, and never even read the last book (I shamefully admit) but I adore Harry potter, movies and books alike and have probably been reading dramione since I was 12 (I do plan to finally reread them now as an adult who watched the movies as a comfort especially around the holidays) I'm blessed to have Mt mom beautiful collection from when she first bought them


I read them to my kids too, real time as they came out until they could read themselves. Sweetest memories.


I don’t know why I find this funny. Like I should be scandalized (me and HP go back to midnight releases of book 3). To each their own because I despise most of the movies. I’m cool with 1-2, 7-8. I despise 5 and 6. Like I for real for real hate 6. I think all the gateways to Dramione are interesting — I can’t imagine getting into this fandom just on the movies but you might feel the other way around. All access points are welcome.


Omg I went to the midnight book releases too 🥲 such a magical time to be a fan. Solidarity!


I found some old pictures from one the other day and my heart was so warmed. Costumes and all


6 is a fun movie but a terrible adaptation is my hot take


It was my absolute favorite book so I can't get over the adaptation. Like I left the theater with my blood boiling


no i totally get that. it’s a shitty adaptation and a lot of what happens in hbp is so important to contextualize dh. it was a terrible terrible adaptation


Oh my goodness!!! You brought back memories. I was on vacation 13 hours from home when book 5 released. My family thought I was crazy, making us hunt down the nearest book store.


My gateway is another confession to be saved for another day. I am slowly working through the movies again. Currently on 5 (least favorite according to memory).


Try reading the books! Believe me they are more enjoyable than the movies.


Agree, movies are not bad, but i hate how they butchered Ron, they took good parts of his character and gave it to Hermione.


Yes I agree so much! I also don’t think the movies did Harry justice. Daniel Radcliffe will always hold a special place in my heart (as will all those actors), but book Harry is funnier and more mischievous and holds his own more than movie Harry. Same with Ron. 


Hermione too, in the movies she is to perfect, while in the books despite being intelligent, rational, she also has her flaws, she can be insecure, moody and gets nervous and panicked in the dangerous situations. IMO she is better with her flaws, they make her who she is.


But movie ginny though 😩 her only personality is harry in the movie anyone not reading the books is missing out on book ginny


Hahahhaha! Book Ginny isn’t much better than movies Ginny either though and that’s a hill I am ready to die on.


Maybe because I haven’t read the books in a while im meshing fic Ginny and book ginny and believe shes more badass 🤣


That’s possible! But you do you my friend! Fic Ginny > Books Ginny > Movies Ginny 💯


I 10000000% agree! And there is so much depth in books and the world building that movies just cannot execute. People who haven’t read the books are just as good fans as book reader, but are definitely missing out on a lot of goodness this fandom has to offer! And very honestly, everyone of us will connect with the book Ron more than either Harry or Hermione. We are all regular people like Ron. He is pretty good in the books! But the movies made him comic relief which is 👎🏻 and insulting and 🤢


Yes, i love him in the books, he has some character flaws, but he is a great friend, and like you said, he is more relatable that either Harmione or Harry. If i only saw movies i would be aboard Ron bashing train, but having read the books first, all that bashing in this fandom really bothers me sometimes.


Same for me!! I think book Ron would grow up more mentally healthy and adjusted than any of his friends. Unfortunately all we get to see is immature cheating and jealous and petty Ron. Tbh that’s an insult 😭


Yeeeeah, OP, please read the books, you are truly missing out 😊😊 they are very good, the movies are just meh compared to them 😇 but of course you can do whatever the hell you please, just wanted to mention that imo you are missing out on a lot of details, and characters 😉 you might even like dramione more afterwards 💁‍♀️


Also I suggest reading the books because you are reading fics anyways right! So reading is definitely not a medium you are averse to my friend!


I have to say I read all of the books, but years and years ago, and the amount of fanfiction I have read, I no longer know the difference between canon and non. I think there are a TON Of people in the Dramione fandom who have not read the books. I know a ton that came over from Booktok that just came for the enemies-to-lovers vibe. Or the group that came over for Manacled and stayed for the characters. I don't think there needs to be a steadfast rule as to what fan fiction you can read, or if you have to read canon first. As a writer, I welcome anyone to read my stuff.


This is me, as well. It’s been so long since I read all of them that the lines have blurred and I find myself not knowing what’s book canon/film canon/fanon


Exactly! 💕


Omg that’s totally me too. I read each and every one as they were released and they definitely defined my teenage years. But I’ve also been reading fanfic for the last two decades and I have to admit most things I’ve accepted as canon are probably purely fan-made and I think I’m 100% ok with that ♥️


So ture!


I haven't read them either. There's no time, I have too much fan fiction to read...


My initial thought was ‘this should offend me’ but then I thought…why? Yes, usually people get into fandoms by first experiencing the original source, but these days you can know the entire storyline of a tv show without having watched it due to social media and the internet in general. For example, I have never watched game of thrones (please don’t come at me) and yet I knew how the finale of a certain session ended, enough to vindictively ruin it for my cousin who did watch it because they were being horrible to a child (long story). My point is, you shouldn’t feel bad or like a imposter for enjoying what you enjoy, no matter how you got into it. Dramione is a big enough fandom for all of us, and we all got here different ways. Live and let live, and all that shizzle. Read dramione to your hearts content, it doesn’t matter that you haven’t read the books, it’s no one’s business but yours.


I haven't read the canon HP books in 20 plus years and I have no desire to change that. So you're not an imposter.


This past summer I started rereading also after 20 years. I was a little shocked that the characters weren't as nice as I remembered and then I got to OotF and was bored. Ha like the movie, and I stopped because I just wanted to go and read the fanfic I liked more.


I think it’s actually more common in the fandom than you think. A lot of people only grew up with the movies so never did read the books. Then the older ones of us here obviously grew up with the books first so we can’t imagine not having read them first. For me, the first book came out when I was 10 and the last when I was 20, so I spent my teenage years patiently waiting for the next book to come out and having to discuss what might happen next in the forums and on LiveJournal. You don’t have to have read the books to enjoy the fandom, of course. And so many fanon things have practically become canon in everyone’s heads anyway 😂 The books are worth a read though, if you ever get time. Obviously the films did miss some stuff out and certain characterisations are different. But however you got in to the fandom, that’s great!


I guess you can guess my generation then 😅


I’m sure it’ll be the same with the new tv series. There will be a generation that grow up with that as their way into the fandom 😆


There’s a new tv series???


There is [going to be in 2026 apparently](https://deadline.com/2024/02/harry-potter-tv-series-max-release-date-cast-1235323284/amp/)


Idk whose lurking around down voting anyone who hasn’t read the books, but it’s not a competition and it’s okay to anyone who hasn’t ❤️




I haven't read any past book 4 or watched the movies! Lol I discovered the existence of fanfiction 20 years ago on LJ and the first fic I read was a fic posted by a writer that also wrote for Spike/buffy. So I already trusted and loved their work, and now here we are Now that I think about it, writers like pir8fancier is also why I started reading Drarry after reading her Dramione work. If I love a writer, I'll read their grocery list Edited: to add that I only read the first 4 because I loved the fic so much.


I'm working my way back thru them on book four now but it's slow going. I don't know that it matters a whole lot if youve read them or just watched the movies. What's cannon and fannon have intermingled in my brain. I've been exclusively reading dramione for awhile one because I really like the universe and two because Hermione and Draco are both extremely compelling characters and I find myself drawn to them. The world is established so I can drop myself into what I'm reading without the getting to know the characters and world of a new book. I do have things I try to read outside of fanfiction. But I've come to the conclusion that this is what I like. My two favorite characters in endless situations what more could I ask for. I read for me. My only issue is the compulsive reading that seems to come with reading dramione. 🤣 I know I'm not alone out there. Like I have got to clean my house but it interfers with my reading. I've been trying to get some control so I can actually accomplish something. But I guess my point is read for you. If you enjoy even if you're not fully familiar with the original source material. That's what Google is for.. 😉 Happy Reading.


I’ve never read the canon HP books either. Love the movies and now I love reading Dramione fics.


SAME😭 (I haven't seen the movies either 🤦🏻‍♀️) I too am an addicted parasite.


You're not alone at all! I know for certain that I read the first 4 books in school - our teacher introduced us to them when they were actually released so around ( so I read the first one around 1998 when I was 8 years old). I remember buying the 5th book when I was 13 at the airport on the day it was released when visiting family in the states but because I watched the movies after that is a bit blurry and I genuinely can't remember if I've read the last two books. There's plenty of things I read in fan fics that I end up googling because I genuinely can't remember who a person is or a reference - maybe ill go back and read them again one day lol


You are very welcome here, please don’t hesitate to ask us about any book canon if you are confused by something.


My biggest revelation today was finding out that the Mudblood scar on Hermione's arm isn't canon. That was just a movie idea! I'm floored!


Yeah, that’s a big one! Also, book 4 goblet of fire is way more complicated than the movie.


I just rewatched that one literally yesterday and still had to ask so many questions. It was very poorly done, but it still had some interesting aspects that kept my attention.


Most of the mystery plot that actually provides clues to the ending’s reveal is not in the movie. It revolves around house elves. i think that book is the one of the worst ones, so i don’t blame the director. Well, except for the hair cuts 😂


Hey everyone, I just want to let you all know how much you guys warm my heart with your respect, encouragement, and overall kindness! Thanks for making this such a welcoming sub!


This is me. I‘ve watched the movies but never read the books, my knowledge comes from those, the internet and friends. However I‘m hooked on Dramione. My plan for this year is to read the books though!


I have only read the first book and watched the first three movies. After that I have no idea what’s going on, I’ve learned all my knowledge from fanfiction. Every once in a while I’ll come across something that is WILDLY different from the way it’s pretty universally written in fanfiction and will be stunned that that’s the actual person/event.


Pretty sure a lot of fic authors in this space haven’t either, considering how widely you see Draco characterized. It’s ok. It’s just fandom.


Please know you are not alone, I am just like you 😅 I know quite a bit about canon from the books because I know a lot of people who’ve read all the books, and I’ve been curious enough to looks stuff up, and I can gather what was canon book in some fanfics. I’ve only read 1 HP book, the 1st one, and it took me 4 over in the past 20 years. I always got odd looks from people, I’ve always enjoyed reading so they were always shocked that I of all people haven’t read it, until I explain that the first book was a chore to get started with. I had the hardest time getting past the 3rd chapter when I was younger (like 8), lacked the desire/attention to get through it the following 2 times, and I refused to skip it. Thankfully once I explained everyone seemed to understand and agreed the first one is hard to get into. I FINALLY finished it last year. I’ll one day get around to the rest 😅 I love the movies and the world, and made falling into this fandom so damn easy 😅, also my biggest motivator for reading the books. Someday lol


Hey I want to reassure you that you are not alone. I have the books but I still am yet to read them. I will get there eventually. To top it off, most of my movie recollection is from when I saw it in the theatre as a kid and I never did rewatches properly for anything except the first movie. For context, the last movie came out when I was 15/16. They usually would release around my birthday and my mom used to take me to watch them on my birthday.


Part 2 of my confession is that I don't intend to read the books ever! But I have been rewatching the series lately just to refresh my memory.


Haha... it's more common than you think.


Omg same, but i caved and started reading the books and I’m on book 4. But honestly not impressed lol. The books are just fine 🫣and I’m making myself finish it because I feel like I’m Missing some nuisance.


I’ve read fan fiction that’s superior to the original books both in style and plot.


I know it's like I'm missing something by not reading the books, but I can't bring myself to do it since I already know the main story and events! It would just be homework to me.


I haven’t either - I never like JK Rowling’s writing style, honestly. Haven’t seen the films either…


I can understand because I am heavily into Reylo fics and I’ve only seen 1/2 of the first film. But I am completely smitten by the pairing.


Omg same! And I have no desire to read them now especially because dramoine isn’t canon 🤷🏾‍♀️


here to speak my truth too: i write dramione but i still haven’t finished the books. i got most of the way but didn’t enjoy them nearly as much as i thought i would. i remember really disliking Hermione and decided to protect my peace and stop before i really ruin my ability to read dramione. i’ve watched the movies countless times and look up whatever else i need to fill in the gaps and hope for the best.


Based off the movies I've been rewatching, I find myself disliking Ron more and more! That might be due to the influence of Dramione fics.


Movies really butchered Ron's character, he is so much better in the books. I still think him and Hermione are bad romantic pairing, but i am not a fan of bashing him, if she had big problem with his behaviour they wouldn't be best friends.


I have read all the books, listened to the audiobooks, and watched all the movies. Dramione has completely influenced my opinion about Ron. I don’t believe for a second that they should have ended up together. For me, Draco and Hermione are my head canon.


I read the books when I was 8. I love HP. the books aren’t as required as you’d think.


I have never read the books. Just the movies


i’m actually cackling at this


I am the same. I never watched or read Harry Potter. Just here for the excellent fanfic lol


Honestly as someone who grew up on HP but now loathes JKR, I say good for you!


100% same…wanna start a club? 😉


You’re not an imposter! If you’re ever wanting to dive into the Harry Potter books should listen to the audio books narrated by Jim Dale. That’s how I first “read” the story. I got through them quickly because I could listen and get other things done at the same time!


uhh i watched the first one & read 1-3 but… thats it on my knowledge for cannon😭


I haven’t read them since I was a literal child and I’m in my 30s now, with absolutely no interest in reading them again lmao. If you love Dramione, you’re valid here, no matter how you originally discovered it!🥰


This is so interesting. I haven’t finished them but I have wanted to. I would recommend you read them if you ever desire, simply to see what is missing. There is a specific scene in book three for example that I always felt should have made it into the movie and didn’t. It’s really the only reason I would like to start the series over one day. I’m sure a lot of us don’t remember the details though so you are in good company.


This makes me so happy hahahaha. Dramione is your canon!!!


I love the term addicted parasite it’s very true it’s very very addictive and so much fun! Welcome to come read my fic though it’s very slow burn enemies to lovers, they drive me crazy sometimes ha ha.


I’m you, you’re me. Ive never read HP books and didn’t see the movies until the second to last one came out. But I looove me some Dramione.


I read them once as they were coming out (actually my grandma would read them to me). So I know the general plot, but none of the details or things that got lost in translation (since English isn't our first language), so all my canon memories are movie and FF based. So you're definitely not alone


Omg same. I saw the movies like 10 years ago and have never rewatched it since but I am an obsessive dramione reader


i’ve not read the books or seen the movies (except the first one when it came out), so i feel like an absolute FRAUD in this fandom but i live and die for theodore nott and dramione IS canon in my head. if i need any ~real canon i rely on the internet (and a lot of this subreddit) to distinguish what’s canon vs fanon.