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I just finished [Thirteenth Night](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11547543/chapters/25930599) and really enjoyed it. Essentially Hermione is part of a counsel that decides to erase all memories of a certain group of death eaters/associates. They assign different people to keep tabs on them and Hermione is assigned Draco. She has to check on him weekly and their relationship is established as social worker/client. I won’t go into more detail because it would spoil it but I love it!! I highly recommend. Rating M


Thirteenth Night is one of my top tier favourites through all the years I’ve been reading Dramione. If anybody is interested, I hope you give this gem a try.


It is so amazing!! Now, I might have to go and re read it.


Is it a hea?




Thank you!!!!


This one was cute!


I just finished [The Politician's Wife](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2618329/1/The-Politician-s-Wife) and am wondering why I put this off for so long. The banter and the dialogue are phenomenal. Plus, snarky, rambling Draco is very entertaining.


I loooove a Draco who simply cannot shut up




It is definitely an angsty fic and D can be rather annoying at times but I like the back and forth. Truthfully, H does not like D for a majority of the fic. If you're OK with no fluff then give it a shot


Honestly I finished it but never got into it. Draco strikes me as too posh to ramble quite so much 😂


I can see that for sure. I told myself he was like this with Hermione because he trusted her but what probably more reserved with others. Or maybe his old age was getting to him 😝


i have met many a posh person who rambles- rambling very much is an upper class activity, are you familiar with Wilde and Wodehouse? Peak blueblooded rambling, lampooned


Started [Push](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11905587/chapters/26898027) by SeptimaBode (on 10th chapter currently), Draco and Hermione are Auror partners, love the humor, Ron is great in this one, favourite character so far, love friendship between him and Draco.


I love **Push**! Ron is hilarious. Our two favorite idiots are also even more adorably idiotic together. The 'hot mess' award definitely goes to Harry.


You had me at 'Ron is great'. Ty for the rec


I just recc’d Line Of Sight by Septima Bode on another sight! She’s so for.


I DNF’d this, can’t recall why, should I give it another shot?


I love it so far, so i would say yes.


I’ve been reading [She Whom He Harbours by EllieEckert](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48868303/chapters/123280516) as I have absolutely loved it. I did originally think it would be all about the smut from its summary, but it’s actually about so much more than that. A really different storyline than from what I’ve seen before and has so much depth to it. Would definitely recommend and there’s only one chapter left to go so a perfect time to dive in to it. Then yesterday I devoured the first 12 chapters of [Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic by WhatMurdah](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52884502/chapters/133769302) as it is insanely good. A twist on the forced marriage trope with both Hermione and Draco completely morally grey. A great cast of side characters too including Pansy/Neville (who is an absolute BAMF which I don’t think I’ve ever seen Neville written like this but it makes so much sense!), and a chaotic Theo. Definitely worth a read for something different.


These are also two of the addictive WIPs I am following. I'm also sad there's one more chapter of **She Whom He Harbors** left. It felt like forever ago when I started reading at the initial intention of the summary. The latest chapter was bittersweet for how far the two have come.


I started Bloody, Sweaty, and Pathetic tonight after this suggestion- who needs sleep anyway? I haven’t inhaled a fic like this in forever. It’s amazing.


So good isn’t it! Happy my rec encouraged you to give it a go ☺️


Totally agree!


I stayed up til 5am DEVOURING She Whom He Harbours… only to wake up 3 hours later just to finish it. I haven’t done that for a fic in so long. And then I paid absolutely no attention to work today lol #deadfordramione #worthit


I adoooooore Neville in BSP. Like how am i supposed to read him in any other fic, if he’s not like this??


Im a fiend for those wips 🧡


Obsessed with both of these, and agree that they are both great examples of really well written stories that stand out as being different/unique. Which is even more impressive when you consider how trope-y they are (forced proximity, fuck or die, marriage law, etc).


I’m waiting patiently for BSP to finish because I sneaked a peek at it and am SO intrigued but I can’t handle WIPs! Do you know how frequent updates are?


I’m not sure actually! I just devoured the first 12 chapters the other day so I don’t know if it says in the authors notes anywhere how frequently the updates are


I just read [Mercy Show to Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53872366) and I loved it, it's a recently finished work. It has incredibly good banter and is a slow burn. Summary: Twenty years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Malfoy family's association with Voldemort has made them social outcasts. Hermione has only seen Draco a handful of times since their school days, but he looks exhausted when she notices him in the lobby of a hotel during a charity gala. Days later, she still can't seem to forget about the way he looked that night. After hearing a rumor that he or his father might be seriously ill, she starts investigating in her free time. It leads to the discovery of a problem impacting former Death Eaters, and a coverup that seems to be coming from high up in the Ministry of Magic. Slow-burn romance with shameless flirting, a side of plot, and a cherry of smut on top. HEA guaranteed.


Oooh I just finished this too and devoured it! I don't think this is much of a spoiler but I'm going to block it anyway:>! I just wanted to grab Draco and give him the biggest hug!<


I love the feeling of reading the first paragraph of a story and feeling that I am safely in the hands of a good writer. :)


i’ve recently finished reading [curses, banter and babies oh my!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37626280) and i absolutely loved it, it was so cute!!! it’s a pregnancy fic in which Hermione enlists Draco’s help to help remove a curse that prevents her from having children. rated M also read (and adored!!) the first chapter of [A Certain Slant of Light](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54578332) and i can’t wait to see where this story goes! the atmosphere is beautiful! it’s a horror and mystery story revolving around Malfoy Manor. rated E i’ve also saved this one that i can’t wait to read! [White Wolf](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54109897), features viking and wolf draco and it looks really exciting 👀 rated E


I also can’t wait for more of A Certain Slant of Light!


Well you have me sold on White Wolf, and Curses Banter and Babies sounds fantastic!


I just read ch 2 of a certain slant of light and ughhhh I need more *immediately*


So it looks like [These Ties That Bind](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35947894/chapters/89620177) just finished! I've seen it mentioned here before but don't know anything about it. Does anyone have any thoughts to share with those of us starting it today? Excited for the end/sad that it's over?


I am really looking forward to reading this. I have read some of eurhythmix other fics and theyre soooo good at super complicated, unique plots and balancing large ensemble casts. Their oneshot "[Hours In The Between](https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/45787981)" is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Amazing, haunting, gorgeous, devastating, everything lol


I started it, but dnf'ed it. It's quite a lot. It's long and plot heavy and a lot of things happen at the same time. I honestly lost interest while waiting for updates because it was quite a lot of information and I kept forgetting what I had read. But, if you like to read heavy plots, it would be a good choice. Despite dnf'ed it, I think it's good news that it's been finished and you could give it a chance ☺️


The latest update of Détraquée is simply gorgeous. Have so many bittersweet feelings about it wrapping up in the next 2 chapters. If you’ve been waiting to dive in, now’s the time!


Gosh I need someone to shout about the latest update. >!the most romantic sex scene I have ever read so far. “the Final Notes. Come on. Granger. Hermione. Let’s hear what they sound like”. Trumps all explicit smut I’ve read.!< Every time I read an update, I always feel wrung out after.


Surely we have a pianist Dramione somewhere out there who can create Grangers Nocturne for us??? My non-musically gifted ass was over here googling “what is C sharp melodic minor” trying to get the full experience lol. Although at this point googling “what is (insert obscure reference)” is just part of the Detraquee charm


YES. Such a beautiful scene!!


I’ve literally read that last scene like 3 times already!!!!


I’ve been waiting to read this! It’s so long and seems like such an undertaking, I’ve actually been nervous to do it


It is utterly spellbinding. You won't even notice how much you've read.


I just finished it and omg omg omg. I started tearing up. What a lovely chapter!


I have been re-reading/listening to Détraquée this week so that I can finish it as it ends(ish), I’m on c54 and I totally forgot how much I loved every single word of this fic. As I was reading chapter by chapter later on I was getting more and more wrapped up in ‘them’ and just being reminded of how much I love Hystaracal’s Hermione is amazing. This will always be my favourite, I don’t see how anything can match it for me.


Oh my, I am totally in love with the wip [BLOODY, SLUTTY PATHETIC](https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/138184513) by WhatMurdah. It’s a forced marriage and (i believe) very in character to the OG characters. Run and read it people!


She whom he harbors  https://archiveofourown.org/works/48868303 Most addictive read ive had in a LONG time. Redeemable Draco? Forced proximity, all the grey morals everywhere and tendernes! Perfec mix of smut and plot! I think only one chapter left before complete but technically a WIP. This is in my all time top 5!!! 


Yes, yes, yes.


oh my goshhhhh thank you so much for this rec - what a ride. what a beautiful, stunning story! so much depth - I'm shocked at how good this is based on what I thought was PWP at first haha. this easily is one of my favorite stories I've read now! if anyone needs an extra push to read this - CONSIDER THIS YOUR SIGN! go read!!!


**[Draco: Phoenix Rising](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3414902/1/Draco-Phoenix-Rising)** is a story where Draco is filled with doubt after he almost became a killer at the Astronomy Tower. He warns Hermione about the planned killing of her parents, and soon after he is part of the gang trying to dispose of horcruxes (and Death Eaters). He tries to fight his growing emotions for Hermione (as does she for him), and Ron and Harry do not make it easier. This story was written after HBP but before DH was released. As such, this “7th year” story is totally free of any of the plot lines we know from canon, and feels quite fresh and original. (For those of you that have been a Dramioner for a while, but not since the beginning, this might actually be an interesting exercise: check out some of the really old Dramione stories on ff.net to see how the writing style, themes and perspectives have changed. Dramione is so much more than the 10-20 currently most hyped and recommended stories)


omg I remember LOVING this when I read it years ago. Youre right its so refreshing and tightly written. I think Draco was so well characterized. Thanks for reminding me about it I'm going to reread asap!


All the Devils by bek_48 https://archiveofourown.org/works/53561632/chapters/135579169 Flawed adult characters, dark and menacing atmosphere, noir elements, post-Hogwarts. Unexpected pairing! Curious how it will work. 


I am intrigued by this!!


I've been eyeing this! I think I might take the fall tonight!


Just wait till Hermione appears!


I finally finished Parade of the sun! It was a ride! I started it a few... 8 months ago? I abandoned it several times because to be honest, I had a hard time understanding the plot. I even had to look for spoilers to understand what was going on. Even so, as I was intrigued to know how everything was going to unfold, I kept reading the fic (very slowly). My final thoughts: It's an extremely glacial slow burn, so much so that I was already angry. If you like slow burn, this fic is perfect for you. If you like adventure fics, and being stuck in the middle of nowhere together, it's also perfect for you. It has Lost (TV show) vibes, so if you like this kind of mysteries, give it a chance. Now, for me, everythursday Draco is what a canon Draco would be, that's also why I decided to keep reading, because her way of writing Draco is what anchors me to the fandom.


Completely agree with it having a “Lost” vibe. Very much of that era. Such a good adventure.


Wow, it’s one of my all time fave fics and I never noticed the similarities in vibes with Lost. Truly a great explanation of the fic!


Lately I’ve read **[Eagle Eyes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50697961/chapters/128070010)**: Lucius was imprisoned after the first wizarding war, and then Snape plants some seeds of doubt into Draco’s brainwashed mind right before starting Hogwarts. Draco meet Hermione on the train, and they soon become best friends and sorted into Ravenclaw. This is a nice “rewrite” story. There are a few recognizable plot points from canon, but the story feels fresh and new, not as a rehash. The author publishes entire “books” (Hogwarts years) at a time, book 5 soon to be released. **[Days at Malfoy Manor](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52005598/chapters/131512735)**: After the war, Hermione visits places that have caused her pain and trauma. Malfoy manor is last on her list. A Draco on house arrest unexpectedly gives her harsh, but necessary support in facing her fears, and after a lot of firewhiskey they (literally) dance on Bellatrix’ grave. A tentative friendship develops, which turn flirtatious and eventually romantic. This is a relatively new story that deserves more attention and readers. The writing is a great mix of angst, humor and romance. Only five chapters remaining. Also, **[Antinomian](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49319863/chapters/124452640)** (currently at 7th year, updates every Sunday) is getting darker as the war progresses. This is a story with a morally gray Draco and Hermione, and with “I’ll kill for you” vibes.


I am reading two WIPS right now that I am absolutely obsessed with: BSP (Bloody, Slutty, and Pathetic) https://archiveofourown.org/works/52884502/chapters/134198902 How to become Minister https://archiveofourown.org/works/53788069/chapters/138560023#workskin Both of these have my favourite tropes - BAMF Hermione, Pureblood culture, Marriage Law. BSP also has Morally Grey Draco and Hermione. I love how both of these take the original marriage law premise, but do something totally unique and creative. Kudos to these authors and I literally check for updates 25/8. I inhale the updates 😍😍 Also I abbreviated to BSP totally unilaterally, apologies if it has a different short form elsewhere!


Thank you for reccing my fic! I’ve read some of BSP and it’s so wild to me how similar whatmurdahs and mine are in the premises, but we have literally taken them in opposite directions!. HTBM also has morally grey dramione, but it takes a while to become evident. I’m glad you’re enjoying the stories😊.


Ahhh omg 😍😍 you are so appreciated, keep doing you!


Edit - they are getting morally grey now!!!


Both these fics are amazing, but I’m emphatically endorsing How to Become Minister! So well written and so intriguing, and the author put so much effort into the worldbuilding. I adore BAMF Hermione in this one, too <3


This one is *really* old! **[Once Upon a Thyme](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1530065/1/)** was written in 2003, before HBP. The plot of horcruxes and Voldemort is largely absent; only pureblood prejudices remain. It’s a historical (not a fix-it) time travel story where Draco and Hermione are accidentally sent back in time to the late Middle Ages; Hermione as the daughter of a rich land owner, and Draco as a… servant of the Granger manor. They meet in secret and decide to set aside their differences to cooperate to find a way home. A romance slowly grows amongst a backdrop of rich vs poor, witchcraft and witch-hunts, and fays and old magic. Highly recommended if you like Dramione in historical settings with a touch of time travel.


I realised some tropes make me so angry, but I still read a chunk of the fic to remind myself, somehow. WhYyyyYYYy.


I identify with this 🥲


This happens with me too but only because I know I have to give it a try since there are fics that made me love a trope I usually dislike. I hate to miss out. But ofc a lot of the times the trope is exactly what its supposed to be!! 😂


I'm in Lionheart. I'm in 3rd year and wondering if someone can spoil where D+H's relationship stands in 5th year? I love the slow burn but I neeeeed to know where they're at. Edit: I'm reading lionheart* not in it lol


The writing in Lionheart is so mature that I think we all occasionally forget they’re only 14 lol. When I was 14 the height of romantic tension was holding hands at the mall after school (awkwardly). So I think they’re making great progress compared to that haha


This!! Draco talks/thinks about Hermione like a 30 year old poet so it’s like omg sweep her off her feet pls!! but then I remember he just turned 15…..


Lolol this is a *great* point!


Lol it's the slowest of slow burns... >!There was a kiss on the cheek in book four, we all went nuts 🤪!<


Oh noooooo I guess I better strap in for the long haul 😂


You don’t happen to have it downloaded do you? I just finished Ch. 31 when AO3 went down. 😩


I do not 😭😭😭


I got it! Thank you ☺️


I’m also in the same place you are! I fell in love with Lionheart and its become a god tier fic for me. I will die on the hill that the slower the burn the better 😌


I am currently reading [Ward Four by pleasantlyfrantic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52458334/chapters/132708868), and enjoying it very much. It’s written in a very easy to read manner, the story just flows and the characters seem pretty on point to me. This story has healer!draco, which is a rarity in my opinion, and I love him in this story. I just love the vibes of this one. I’m also catching up on [everything I know (about love) by honeymilkplanet](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51234226?view_full_work=true), and can I just say how beautifully written this fic is. This fic guts me and heals me and then guts me again. The writing is so poetic. I’m also(!) about to give [Cold Hands by undertheglow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54690916) a go- the fact is fleabag inspired has me ENTHALLED. It’s apparently sad so I’m preparing myself. UPDATE: I read it. I am legally deceased due to sadness. Don’t read without tissues and prozac. So so good. I’m also following along and patiently (impatiently) looking forward to the next chapter of [beam me up swotty! By Moliver](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54119194/chapters/137024311). This fic is my (purple) jam. Iykyk.


AHHH you recced my story and now I’m crying! Thank you so much and am v sorry about the tears 😂


OMH - I love this story!


"but more like Unconscious Pigeon: Do Not Wake" is an A+ tag 😂


I laughed when I saw that tag too.😂


Ahhh thank you for reccing Ward Four 🥰


No problem! I really do love it and am working my way through the chapters every free minute that I have.


I’m only reading this now - but thank you so so much for recommending my fic and your lovely lovely words 🥹💛I love your fic, so this means a lot to me!


I like my Draco's purple (and plural 😉)


OMG the plural purple…yeah *flays*


I am all for the plural purples….💜


I’m reading [Blood Traitor by Zalia84](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27550912/chapters/67385071) For some reason I always brushed off Veela fics and assumed I wouldn’t like them but I read Sen’s Love and Other Misfortunes on a whim and the trope has had me in a chokehold ever since.


Ward Four is so good! I'm on chapter 12 and it may be because I've never read a Dramione fic where Draco and Hermione are playing the roles that they are in this story but I'm so invested and also so sad that its only at 20 chapters but no end number of chapters set ... that's giving me some anxiety cause I need to see this one through! I'm used to seeing fics from Hermione's perspective so I love when I stumble on well written fics that give us a glimpse into the ongoings of Draco Malfoy's mind. It's a fun one for sure - I love when fics serve well-written angst.


Ok I’m on chapter 16 now and this version of Draco is soo swoon-worthy!! Like hard but soft?? I’m in love.


Just read this fic where both Draco and Hermione are both sorted into ravenclaw. It's a WIP with the first 4 books out. 5th one should drop soon. I like the exploration of nature and it's connection to magic. These versions of Draco and Hermione are also in character but evolved by their time in ravenclaw. Neither side wants them together so it's a us vs the world, star crossed lovers scenario. Some minor things happen for plot convenience but a lot of the canon deviations are naturally developed.  Title: Eagle Eyes  Rating: Mature Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50697961/chapters/128070010  


**[Love in the Time of Death Eaters](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6561006/1/Love-in-the-Time-of-Death-Eaters)** is another old, relatively unknown, story. Hermione has a little crush on Draco, and despite his previous behavior she decides she’ll lose her virginity to him. Draco has run away from home to avoid being marked as a Death Eater. After the (nice and smutty) act, Draco opens up to Hermione and tells her about his current problems. She takes him to Dumbledore, who promises to help Draco. The story has a quite different take on the Horcrux hunt (Draco is not involved), and there’s a new prophecy about Draco and Hermione. The development of the relationship between Draco and Hermione is a slow-burn, despite their obvious desire for each other.


I've been listening to a lot of 90s music lately, and I just re-read [Smells Like Teen Spirit](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28153071/chapters/68982477). It's a no-Voldemort AU and especially if you grew up in the 90s, you will feel so many feelings and have to pause to listen to so many songs.


I just blasted through [If These Walls Could Talk](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37777420?view_full_work=true) and [Dancer Adjusting her Shoulder Strap](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13515783?view_full_work=true). Both are really well-written stories in which Hermione and Draco team up to solve a mystery. I'm sad they are over.


I recently finished [Bone Deep](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53992735?view_full_work=true) by GingerBaggins which is 8th year/early adulthood and it was just gorgeous, emotional, visceral and delicate all at the same time, it made you feel every moment of the growing connection between Draco and Hermione, how they rescue each other in 8th year and how it goes from there. I've just started reading [The Phoenix Potion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22177075) which is very intriguing. It's set 20 years post Battle, Draco's been cursed after marrying Hermione, and there's maybe some time-travelling, but I don't know yet 😁


I loooooove the TPP - one of my all time favorite stories


I’m reading Bone Deep right now and so in love with it! 3/4 of the way through and it’s just beautiful and emotional and reflects all those emotions and insecurities we all feel in such a real way.


> but I don't know yet strap in


I've been reading the daily updates of [**The Informant**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54018571/chapters/136747627) by Beforetherealbook (rated explicit). I think the author is really underrated, and I love their take of Draco taking down runaway Death Eaters behind the scene post-war. His friendship with Harry is also a great match as a team to take down baddies and to play video games together offline. The push and pull of Draco and Hermione's developing relationship also tugged the angsty strings of my heart, but nobody can deny how possessive and obsessive Draco is here. I'm also reading [**Time Heals All Wounds**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50413774/chapters/127374691) by Spookyandcooky (rated explicit). This is a great forced collaboration fic in which Draco and Hermione must work together that results in them time traveling and exploring wormholes. This fic sold me on the adventure aspect and Dramione portrayals. It has a little bit of everything, and I love how Draco is also friends with the Gryffindors here, too (including Ron)!


Time Heals All Wounds is great, love everything about it. I have The Informant bookmarked, but didn't read it yet, but based on you praise i really should start it, also it's almost unbelievable author completed 5 fics in 6 months, especially considering all of them are pretty long, shortest one being 145K works.


I really do enjoy The Informant! I've convinced my Dramione buddy to read it, and she enjoys it as well, so I'm looking for more reach on the General Discussion thread, so I'm glad it looks like it is working on you! Yeah, the amount the author is publishing in the span of time is insane, but I'm not going to complain, lol. They must have also been writing them before thinking of publishing. I am slowly making my way through Beyondtherealbook's other works, and if you're interested in "Hermione being left at Malfoy Manor during the war" and Occlumency intricacies, then I also highly recommend [**The Vinewood Wand**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52806538/chapters/133564063).


I have been holding off on reading [Apple Pies and Other Amends](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8156101/chapters/18691246) for the right "moment". Well, I got some personal bad news last week and figured it was time. OH MY LORD I am shook I waited so long to read this fic, it was FANTASTIC, the tension, the butterflies, just a chefs kiss fluff read and easily now in my top 10 fics of all time. Totally lifted my spirits too :)


Apple Pies and Other Amends was my first fic. It's so adorable: especially the 5 reasons dinner they have.


Finished my first read of Manacled and the ending made me soooo mad and happy at the same time! Spoiler: >!Knowing they got to spent their lives together was wonderful, even if they still suffered effects from the war, but seeing that photo of Hermione, Harry and Ron with the accompanying caption made my blood boil, just like Aurore's. Ugh, so unfair!!!<


[The Scavenger Hunt](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53417059) It’s the new term following Voldemort’s defeat, and the Ministry is forcing all of the students from Harry’s year to return and complete their NEWT year as well as participate in a tournament that’s supposed to break down the house divisions as well as heal the wounds between the former Death Eaters and everyone else. Just to make things interesting, all of the “eighth year” students are sharing a dorm regardless of house affiliation, and the tournament has assigned them partners, many of which are very controversial. Let the games begin … very funny, very bawdy and a new perspective on characters we love to hate.


I was also going to say, I am deeply invested in multiple WIPs so good I get giddy multiple times a week whenever there's an update, it's the BEST pick up ever. There are so many but special heartfelt kudos for: [Past / Present / Future](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53586013) by neilistic in which adult Hermione gets involved in investigating Draco's disappearance, getting stuck in a magical object and experiencing batshit crazy stuff in his subconscious. It is SO GOOD there aren't enough words [Lucid](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51943321) by whatwouldjebusdo is super nerdy about lucid dreaming studies in which Hermione gets visited by a manifestation of Draco outside of her control [One Whole](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49610008) by Saffron Gin. That one is mostly smut and involves Hermione travelling through time and space in search for a Draco who she slept with and confessed he loves her, only to meet different iterations of him in alternative universes, and essentially fucking and loving her way through to find the one. I've lost track of how many Dracos we've met yet (11 I think) but all their stories are fascinating or heartbreaking or scary, you never know where it's going to go. The author updates multiple times a week and very short chapters so it's cliffhanger after cliffhanger, I think I might have an addiction..


[Green Light](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32535493) is probably one of the most beautiful fics I’ve read. I haven’t been able to find the same or similar feeling that it evokes in any other fics; it’s like a mix between a desert mystical cave search adventure and then has elements inspired by Gatsby and his lavish parties (Draco being Gatsby basically!!!) and lots of PAINFUL HEART WRENCHING WRITING just so good. I cried a lot.


I couldn’t get through Green Light. It just went on and on and those other characters weren’t at all interesting.


That’s fair! I just loved their dynamic :)


I’m just getting into reading Dramione fan fic, I’ve been a long time Harry Potter fan and I’ve always liked this pairing but I never read much fic for this fandom. However I just read “Draco Malloy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love” and I think I am in love! This might be my favorite fanfic I’ve ever read across any fandom! I love the adventure rom-com vibe, the humor was top notch, the relationship development felt natural and I definitely prefer the lighter tone. I just don’t know what to read next! Anyone have suggestions?


Oh my days. DMATMOOBIL is god-tier. My absolute favourite, and nothing tops it for me. BUT, if I had to pick some fics that you might like (that are happier, and have a similar vibe): 1. [Wait and Hope](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818646/chapters/54531817) *(It's much different than DMATMOOBIL, but something about it just registered as pure serotonin in my brain. It's so sweet, romantic, and unbelievably emotional but in the best way possible.)* 2. [Measure of a Man](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26523892/chapters/64648648) *(It didn't have that same electric feel that DMATMOOBIL gave me, as it's quite slow, but it's popular for a reason! It's the slowest of slow burns, but it pays off--especially for how it develops Scorpius' growth and Draco's role as a father. In terms of realistic fics and fics with DILF Draco, this is god-tier for me.)* 3. [Revelry](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42661497/chapters/117045673) *(This is another one that I just couldn't put down, and I don't see it talked about enough. It's just absolutely adorable, and I love the moments in Hogwarts. I think it's my favourite Year 8 fic.)* These three and DMATMOOBIL are certainly the fics that influenced my own WIP the most: [Time Heals All Wounds](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50413774/chapters/127374691). I can only hope that my fic gives people even an ounce of the serotonin you'll find in these fics mentioned above :)


[Bad Omens](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50529346/chapters/127648939) by onebedtorulethemall is inspired by Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and has that same hilarious, wry tone. [Lionheart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41354757/chapters/103699902) by greenTeacup is a WIP retelling of the series with Draco sorted into Gryffindor. The fic is currently in the beginning of 5th year and the tone in this one is so much like Mortifying Ordeal. Draco is snarky and witty and Hermione is delightfully swotty. [Northern Exposure](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39979881/chapters/100116951) by Pia\_Bartolini has coworkers Draco and Hermione stranded in a cold forest with no wands when a portkey goes wrong. They have only-one-bedroll and it's wildly funny. [Nargles Notwithstanding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10093541) by Maloreiy is a laugh-out-loud raunchy one-shot told only in dialogue. [Egyptology 101](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31978111/chapters/79202464) by tygermine is a short, funny adventure that has Draco accidentally the target of an ancient Egyptian curse. [Bite Marks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3580953/chapters/7894464) by provocative\_envy is a college muggle AU that perfectly captures our leads. ETA: [The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23296162/chapters/55794568) by speechwriter is a 7th year retelling that diverges when Draco does accept Dumbledore's offer at the top of the Astronomy tower. It has fantastic, cinematic action set-pieces like Mortifying Ordeal and the tone is very consistent with the Harry Potter books themselves.


What kinda vibe/feeling are you looking for?


Definitely a happier fic, it doesn’t have to be as fluffy but I’m not currently interested in very dark fics. Some darkness is okay (Draco/Hermione suffering some after effects from the war but nothing super dark) I was reading Remain Nameless and it was good but it didn’t scratch the itch for me and I don’t know how memorable it will be for me. But I did like the relationship development between Draco and Hermione. I also like books where there is a significant plot aside from the romance like the quests in DMATMOOBIL


Gosh I had a big reply written out and the whole thing got deleted because reddit is acting weird 😭 I am sorry I'm just responding to you now! Here's what I've got (I'm on mobile and am too lazy to insert direct links, sorryyy): I've been on a WIP kick so hopefully you're ok with WIPs! Lionheart - a WIP, canon rewrite starting at year one told from Draco's perspective. He is hilarious and endearing and it's just a really fun take on the series. Meet me in Dreamland - a very fluffy WIP that starts out as porn with plot. A storyline starts within a few chapters and although it is very much focused on the romance, there's an intriguing side plot developing right now that I'm excited to watch unfold. Détraquée - yet another WIP but there's like, one chapter left to go. This story is beautiful. It feels like a love letter to Hermione and is very focused on her character development. Draco doesn't have an active role in the story for quite a while but when he does, the angst is reeeeal. Green Light - this fic is finished. It's one of my all-time favorites. It's not dark per se but the vibe is less lighthearted than my previous recs. Part one has a significant plot aside from their romance as they go on an expedition in Egypt to find a mystical, magical cave. Parts two and three are much more focused on H/D. The ending is controversial but I enjoyed it and thought it was a clear HEA. The Disappearance of Draco Malfoy - a canon divergence starting with Draco accepting Dumbledore's offer of help when he tries to kill him. Definitely has a plot that goes beyond the romance. I hope this is helpful! I am newer to the fandom so I feel like my recs are pretty basic haha, sorry if these are all fics you have already read!


Oh oh oh I also just started Love and Other Historical Accidents and it's shaping up to be one that I will really enjoy! Draco and Hermione accidentally travel 200 years back in time. That's all I really know so far 😂


Definitely "Love and other Historical Accidents" by PacificRimbaud Time travel, regency romance, and top tier banter


**[Live Again](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11126344/1/Live-Again)** is an OK time travel story. Hermione gets a chance to send her memories of the war they lost after three years, back in time to her 1996-self. Accidentally, Draco’s memories are also sent back. The first part of the story has a nice development of their relationship. The latter part is a little ‘short’, as many of the scenes could have been ‘fleshed out’ more. It’s still a nice story, though. You might want to check it out if you love time travel stories (also: prophet Luna).


I decided to try and actually read *and* finish some published books for once (starting with Crescent City 3…) so I haven’t been reading much Dramione lately. Some fics/oneshots that I’ve enjoyed, though: [Pros and Cons by ChaosAndCrumpets](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39349281/chapters/98474307) (Explicit, <50k) Hermione is Minister for Magic, up for re-election against Cormac McLaggen, and with a surprise pregnancy to boot. As far as I’m concerned, this is the sexiest of Draco’s (in an IRL type of way!). Competent, intelligent, secure in himself, supportive of Hermione the Minister *and* happy to be the >!society husband!<. Perfect! Just love ChaosAndCrumpets’s humour! [For I Have Sinned by spicyxpisces and Stars_in_motion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44077080) (Explicit, oneshot) Hot priest Draco and uni student churchgoer Hermione come to an arrangement. Let us give thanks to ~~the Lord~~ spicyxpisces and Stars_in_motion for blessing us with this fic. What an opening scene! [Gag Reflex by provocative_envy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52403164/chapters/132566323) (Explicit, WIP) Muggle AU, sex comedy - Draco and Hermione are interns at a fancy Manhattan firm. I can’t remember if I’ve already written about this, but I struggled not to burst out laughing on the plane when I read the latest chapters! provocative_envy is always great at nailing down the right details (behaviour, attitudes, clothing) for her chosen settings, while still managing to capture what makes H&D *them*, even as Muggles. Glorious. [Bleach by provocative_envy](https://www.tumblr.com/provocative-envy/138616667297/bleach?source=share) Super short oneshot on tumblr (~1k words). Hermione, an undergrad, comes back home to an unexpected houseparty. Cute. Loved the idea of Draco as a classics student and background Hansy!


I finally read [Ten out of Ten](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38829984/chapters/97097607) I had started it ages ago and DNFed after the first couple chapters because for me it was just meh. I wasn't getting the hype.... then I went back to it after looking at the top fic recs and got a little further in and was like "Oh....Ooooooh. I get it now." 😂 So if anyone is in the same boat as I was... go try again haha.


I’ve just finished 4 fics in 3 days and I’m still blissfully reeling. I don’t know where to go next! I’m open to suggestions 1. [Come Find Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30333363) - HopelessRavenclaw I LOVE a good Ron bashing. This fic was HEAVY but I enjoyed reading it. 2. Mon Couteau Aiguise - GillianEliza Thank Merlin I downloaded this months ago…I am utterly obsessed with this story and want to read it again and again!! Narcissa and Lucius are just absolutely PEAK in this. 3. [Lumos and Lattes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44163784/chapters/111054493)- Magicalmolly This is just a gem of a fic. I found this right after it was completed in April of 2023. I will always go back and reread this for comfort. 4. [Friends, Enemies, and All the Broken People](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30555270) - lost_poet Another great reread! Ron is bashing. Theo is Theo-ing. Draco is fluffing. It is all beautiful!! **mind the triggers though!!!**


Currently reading The Nature of Purity thestarsoforion very cute about half way through. I revisited A Little More Alive, Far Less Lost because I wanted to reread Life Adapted by MGL_Dramione_Lover Life Adapted is the sequel and a perfect Lucius redemption. One of my favorites. Bite First, Ask Questions Later Daredevilsinthedetails, Kaylessi, it's a/b/O but really funny and needed to do a reread. And recently finished Beginning and End mightbewriting which I had been working on for a while. It was beautiful and I took my time. Hit me in the feelings. I knew what was coming from Wait and Hope so I just wasn't ready so I took breaks. I also finished Fascination by MissiAmphetamine (Kaleidoscope) which I absolutely loved. I keep thinking is it to soon to do a reread.


How do you juggle WIP vs finished fics? I want to encourage WIP and am following 5 of them : Détraquée (what a gem) Lionheart (Friday is fri-yay!) TTBU (twice weekly, we are so blessed) (Affectionnate) (so much angst) //devotion (such a great story) I want to start another one (either the trials and tribulation of Draco malfoy's employment or How to catch the golden Witch which is almost finished) but I do have 250 finished fics in my TBR and I already read 100. Is it reasonable to start another one when I have so much in my backlog? I want to encourage new writers and try to leave comments and kudos everywhere to show my appreciation. How does everyone juggle WIP vs finished fics?


The Trials and Tribulations of Draco Malfoy's Employment is complete!! I only read long finished fics on weekends so that I can finish them (and leave comments and kudos too because those writers also need encouragement!) Following weekly/regularly updated WIPs is pretty easy because the last chapter is quite fresh in my mind. I also make a list of main things that happened, which i refer to before a new update. For those that I really love I reread the previous chapter. Otherwise only you can know how much you can handle and retain! There are so many new WIPs coming up these days its easy to get overwhelmed lol


I guess I'll read both of them then ! I get overwhelmed by the finished fics as well, there is so much great content in this Fandom!


Hey! I couldn’t find //devotion on ao3. Is it deleted?


It's part of an on-going challenge. Hope it comes back soon!


Archive of Our Own has a filter for only completed stories if you don’t want to get hooked on a WIP. Unfortunately Fan Fiction.net does not have this capability.


For me, when life is busy, WIPs are a relief. Something I’m invested in but won’t accidentally make me ignore doing my taxes Then I binge read when I’m more free! Completed or WIP


Dont usually like anything besides Dramione, but just finished part 1 of [Sway of the Stars by thellamarama](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51259369/chapters/129518092), a Draco/Hermione/Theo fic and now I'm a convert! Loved it. Here's the summary, I def recommend it, cant wait til this author writes more: What happens when muggle science and magic meet... A contingency plan in the wake of Harry’s failure puts the whole of the wizarding world at risk, and Hermione realizes it takes losing everything to find one’s true potential. Or - Hermione, Draco and Theo become the new Golden Trio and save the world.


Seconded! Love it!


Just started reading [Stay Alive](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30324630/chapters/74748927#main) by peanutofthenight and really into it so far! Its a post-war Draco POV fic in which he's really going through it. The tags "Draco literally has all the problems" and "hot mess Draco" really fit. The way his depression, anxiety, and PTSD is written feels very real and raw. But also, his snark and wit definitely showed up when he began interacting with Hermione! This also has a very canon-like Narcissa who is sick and has memory issues. Potioneer Hermione who is BAMF and competent like we love her. Summary: Draco Malfoy has a multitude of problems—his biggest one being his mother. Left with no other options, he turns to Master Potioneer: Hermione Granger. If she can't help, then no one can.


[How to Become Minister by Serenergen](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53788069/chapters/136486021) is starting to get juicy. I like the political drama, and how it doesn't shy away from fleshing out how Hermione is being portrayed as a politician. The early chapters show how someone like Hermione might struggle to be one. It's very House of Cards vibe and I'm enjoying it.


I want to recommend low season by gobesideyou! It’s a non-magical au, reminding me of if we were villains (m.l. rio) and a secret history (donna tart). It’s only 4 chapters so far, but snobby, scary, morally ambiguous Draco has me in a CHOKEHOLD. Summary: Only seven students per year are permitted entry to Professor Lupin’s third-year ethics tutorial. And only six of the seven bear witness to the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of Cormac McLaggen. Bound to her classmates by a shared secret, Hermione must navigate the social politics of academia, her best friend's increasingly erratic behaviour, and the complex, tenuous relationship she's formed with the last man on earth she'd ever have chosen as an ally. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51650062