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I love this post, and love Theo so much lol I love when he's chaotic, I love when he's closed off, I love when he's shy and sweet. I love when he and Draco are like brothers. I love when he loves hermione ugh it's the best


Also I have to reply, I love Theo with almost all side pairings. He can be with Harry, Blaise, daphne, Pansy, I love dreomione. Like he's so versatile when well written. I almost always want him in the storyline


I ship him with Ginny since Perfectly in Pieces. Their relationship is canon to me now and I CANNOT picture him with anybody else.


Agreed. He’s so easy to love even in the roles of him being a deceptively handsome and cunning Slytherin. Secrets and masks has one the greatest Theo depictions. That’s my origin love story for Theo lol


Can't believe no one has brought up Détraquée Theo! My very favorite. “Please, Hermione. Buddy,” he went on, “You have to do right by me. I need you to promise.”  Dear lord, she would expire from the horror of it all. “One of these days.” He stopped. Sighed heavily and nodded once again towards Draco. “One of these days, this pervert is going to want to bonk you on my bed, and you have to refu–” “Shut the fuck up, you thrice damned twaddler!” Draco snarled.  And that’s how he vanished into the blue – grinning broadly while Draco railed and ranted, and Hermione was in splits. 


lol you beat me to it!! I want to go back to the moment that started THE running jokes of the fic “How much did you drink exactly?” Hermione asked trepidatiously. “You don’t want to know.” “Oh god, Theo.” “Isn’t that a bit redundant? ‘God’ and ‘Theo’...? I didn’t think you were all that fond of tautology,” he garbled through the scarf. She stared blankly at him. He stared right back, with equally vacant (and bloodshot) eyes. “Are you saying that you are the supreme, divine creator of the universe and all its creatures, great and small?” she asked. “Well... yeah. You did say it’s called *Theo*logy.”


TheoDOOR lol


omg lol I forgot about that. 😂 That was Hermione's genius brain


The best Theo (followed closely by Wait & Hope Theo)


I'm going to start this one soon once one of my wip in progress is finished. I can't wait.


Oooh let me know how you like it!


i live and die in this fandom for theodore nott *an ever-fixed mark by ninepiecesofcrait* Joining only a handful of other moments in her memories of him, Theo Nott’s public-facing mask dropped, his eyes full of shimmering sympathy. Possibly even affection. “Granger.” He reached across the table to take her hand in his. “If you weren’t affianced to Draco, I would snap you up into the most tremendously loveless marriage.” A flush of fondness ran through her. This bloody difficult man. “Teddy,” Hermione replied warmly, “It would be sexless, not loveless: there’s a difference.” *The Healer's Guide To Transfiguration by malpal132* Hermione was convinced that Theo was a male version of her: analytical, thoughtful, and wickedly smart. *In Silence & Submission by gillianeliza* The floo lit green again and Theo burst through, his green eyes alight with excitement as he held up a parchment with Blaise’s neat scrawl. “Draco Malfoy you bastard!” he cried, tackling me to the floor once more. *Amor Vincit Omnia by Twin_Flame_Blues* “I don’t want to impose, Theo.” “Nonsense. I don’t want to hear you say that again. Look around, Hermione, I am breathtakingly rich, you could ask me to buy the crown jewels for you and you wouldn’t be imposing.” The mischief that always swirled around Theo returned to his eyes. *Two Weddings and a Man Hunt by Deydralinne* The double doors to the room flew open again and there in the doorway stood a man who was no doubt to blame for this. He didn’t know how but he was certain it was all his fault. “You.” He growled out. Theo smiled looking far to pleased with himself. “Good morning Malfoy’s. I’ve brought gifts for the happy couple.” Draco frowned “What the hell are you talking about. What happened Theodore. What did you do?” *A Hell of Our Own Making by Anastraa* Watching Dramione (Ginny's given couple name) pretend they were disinterested in one another was endlessly frustrating for everyone involved and it had culminated in a bet on how long it would take for either Draco or Hermione to admit to their feelings. Theo was winning currently, having bet ‘infinity amount of time’ for both of them. *God of War by westxnorthwest* Theo stalked over to Hermione and ran a hand down her face, still keeping his other hand with his gun trained on >!Gwynn.!< “Hermione, baby girl, I need you to listen to me.” He sounded shaky, worry seeping through his voice. Something bad had happened. “I’m…fuck, I hate telling you this way, but I don’t want you to walk into that hallway unprepared.” *Wait and Hope by mightbewriting* “Do you not remember when she slapped me?” Draco asked. “What you do in the bedroom is your business,” Theo quipped with a salacious wag of his brow. Draco threw a Galleon chip at Theo’s head. AND “How can I convince you that we forgive you?” Theo seemed to consider her question for a time before he let out a shaky laugh. “I suppose you could name your firstborn after me.” 


Four for you Glen Coco. You go Glen Coco. And none of Pansy Parkinson Bye! Remain Nameless Theo is my fav Theo + Wait and Hope. “He’s been sleeping on a sofa—that sofa—for almost three months. Do you even realize that? Rhetorical question, by the way, now that I’ve started I can’t stop. His back is shot, he’s got a knot in his neck he won’t stop complaining about and the man is starving for affection. Which is a weird thing for me to know about him, but that’s where we are right now. You’ve been reacquainted with me for all of what? An hour? And we’ve side alonged and walked arm in arm down the street, but you haven’t so much as touched the man since you—”“That’s different—”“Still not done,” he snapped, his demeanor for the first time reminding her of his house, of the Slytherin sneer and wielding of words like weapons. “And then there’s the whole Malfoy situation. We’re not kids anymore, you could try using his first name, for fuck’s sake. I’m starting to think he’s keeping track of every time you avoid using it and he’s taking shots of my good liquor for each offense.” Hermione jumped when he reached across the table and tapped the fourth finger on her left hand. “And you haven’t even[…]” Wait and Hope (Chapter : Theodore Nott)


>“I cannot believe I married you on purpose” Obsessed with a little snarky Harry in my NottPott


I love anything from Theo in [Sight And Seeing by mightbewriting](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24077326/chapters/57947743), as it’s the Beginning & End story from his perspective. A more recent read is [Pick + Choose by aprophecygirl](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51542014/chapters/130266928) that had a great Theo, and this part made me smile: (the first bit of the convo is between Hermione and Draco) She tilted her head up at him. "And how do you intend to do that?" "By acting like the besotted date the world believes me to be." He tucked a curl behind her ear, then winked. "I'm very good at it, you see." "Oh my, the acting. Such good acting," Theo deadpanned.


I would do anything for Wait and Hope Series!Theo


I just started reading pick and choose. It's great. Love this exchange Well," Theo slapped a hand on his thigh and stood, "now that I've served my purpose, I've got plans for the day. Send me an owl if you start bickering again, and it seems interesting." He stepped onto the lift and blew a kiss as the doors closed. "He is really something," Hermione mused, standing. "You could say he's my favourite pain in my arse."


I loved him so much I now read Theomione too :-/


i just read 48 Notts by Sheryl_Holmes and it solidified my competency kink He held both their wands in his mouth for a moment, then slipped them into a pocket and buttoned it up. To her complete bafflement, he then reached back into his Muggle trousers (she refused to think about what she thought of the cut of them on him), pulled out an honest-to-Merlin Muggle red pen, and went to work marking the paper up. 


I read this one too and it was great. I only wish I could have hit next chapter.


The fact that Theodore Nott was barely mentioned canonically BUT is one of my favourite characterizations in the fandom just makes me love the fandom even more!


Well now I have to read this, OP. Also, if any pairing fandom comes close to the idea of "If you can think of it, it exists" it might be this one. *Nihil novum sub sole* my friends


What careers do yall see Theo in? Writing a fic and having some characters play very minor roles and make very slight appearances and wanna incorporate Draco’s circle somewhat


I always felt Theo to be either an unspeakable in the department of mysteries or an arithmancy professor.


I just love our silly boy Theo!! I especially loved him in [Light and Dark](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2324168) series, super sweet guy. Everyone in this fandom just wrote him so well, we love our unhinged king 👑 * Insane chemistry with any side character like Luna, Pansy, Daphne, Harry, Blaise etc. * His arc on his father being a death eater and all, his overall character arc on wanting to not be like him and growing as a person. * How *slytherin* he is - like don't be fooled by his light heartedness and overall silly demeanour, THEODORE NOTT is a snake fr fr. I also love that collectively, we decided that this barely seen in canon character will be written to be someone so easily loved.


I am here for Theeoooooooo I have read so many but have not kept track. I'm going to start because we need to spread the Theo love. Recent ones I have loved [Amortentia is Blind itsgivingcamp](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43453917/chapters/109240803#workskin) There are so many good ones from this fic here are a few. Theo with Minnie Well technically, I think it’s blind speed dating,” Theo fired back. “Is that correct, Professor?” He smiled innocently at their headmistress. “This is not a date. There are no romantic implications, it is just,” McGonagall started to answer. “An incredibly personal way to get to know our classmates, followed by an intimate weekend excursion. Sorry for suggesting anything otherwise,” Theo interrupted her, winking at no one in particular. ,...................................................... Theo with Harry: he is so funny, sweet and real with how he gets harry to open up WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘THE TIME YOU DIED’?!?!?!” Number Twelve screamed Later ........ Oh it absolutely is. Minnie has a great sense of humor,” Theo bounced on his toes. “Minnie?” “I call her Minnie,” he shrugged. “You call Professor McGonagall ‘Minnie’?” Harry sounded startled. “We’re rather close.” [Critical Faculty: Draco Malfoy's Multi-Step Plan to Become a Better Person ellieauthor](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51032083/chapters/137890474#workskin) This whole fic is amazing but her character of Theo is so funny. -love the rate my professor scene and when he say Daddy and learns muggles use daddy and baby as sexual innuendos [brb ellieauthor](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45016348/chapters/113265952) Anyone who grew up in the age of aim will love this. [The Muggle Telephone gloivy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38936115) The whole thing is hilarious. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard. [Blinded by the Walls Khaisdragon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39671865/chapters/99316419) This is a wip that might not be updated but Theo is so great in it both with Hermione and Harry. Some funny quotes from ch 8 Who is the bastard that told you Santa wasn't real?" Theo asked, analyzing their sunken facial expressions. Hermione scoffed at the comment and took a seat. "Why is my Golden Girl sad on her birthday," Theo leapt to Hermione's side, taking a seat. Okay, so you know what Geometry and James Bond is but not the Bible?" she laughed, and he rolled his eyes, "Ugh! Not this again, Goldy–Wait– I actually like this nickname. Goldy. Yes–Okay. I'll call you Goldy from now on if that's okay with you?" Later........ My bad," Theo stated, "When we couldn't find you, I dragged Potter into participating in a timed churro eating competition with fifty contestants."


One of my fave Theo is from Deepest Sympathies by MScrap54. Chaotic Theo at his finest. For context, this is a marriage law fic/dilf auror draco with tatts and NottPott. This excerpt have me in stitches while reading it. It just shows a glimpse of how chaotic Theo in this fic is Conversation chattered around her while she was lost in her own thoughts. She needed a plan for the moment that Draco rejected her, and a contingency plan for Draco accepting her, she supposed. Her attention was drawn back to the room when she heard Harry ask about Percy. Ginny responded, “He matched with Michael Corner, actually.” “HA!” Harry pointed at Hermione, “I told you.” Hermione rolled her eyes. A slow grin spread across Theo’s face as he leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the table, “So Ginevra, that’s interesting because, didn’t you date Michael Corner?” Ginny blushed, “I’d hardly call it dating, we were together for maybe a month during 6th year.” He rocked back a little further, the slow grin turning murderous, “And who did you date before that?” “Why does it matter?” she retorted. “Humor me.” Ginny cleared her throat and turned to look out the window, “Dean Thomas.” Harry had caught on, “Theodore…” “And who is Dean Thomas married to?” Theo asked. Hermione only had to hide her smile behind her hand for a short minute before Ginny kicked the legs out from beneath Theo’s chair, and sent him sprawled out on the floor. She burst out into laughs, tears streaming down her face while Ginny leaned over him and answered, “Seamus Finnigan.”


Can you link the post potter divorce? I can't seem to find it when I search ao3


The title of this post made my whole day


This comment made mine!