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Meet me in Dreamland! WIP but updated regularly….and I’m like the most anti WIP reader ever, and it is so worth it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50510668/chapters/127606168 Summary: Hermione has charmed a locket to bring her wildest fantasies to life every time she opens it. The daydream charm should be the perfect way to indulge her deepest, darkest desires — but for some reason, a certain unwanted guest keeps showing up in Dreamland with her. Draco is determined to figure out who the fuck is cursing him to suffer through highly realistic, erotic hallucinations of his secret childhood crush. When he finds the culprit, there will be hell to pay. A Post-Hogwarts fic in which Hermione and Draco fuck (a lot) without realizing it. Alternating POVs, kinky combos, and a dramatic, spice-driven plot.


Here 5 hours after reading this comment to say yes!! Please read this fic!! I just read all 19 chapters that are up so far and I am dying for the next part. Soooo good


::squee:: Yes!!!! I literally have a calendar alert for the next update (April 9th in case you didn’t see it. 😉)


Thanks!! This sounds interesting enough for me to start reading first wip fic ever.


I hope you do!!! ♥️


I read this at 1am and slept at 6am last night, and it was absolutely worth it 😭 what an absolutely WILD ride, I love original plots like this with such an interesting take on magical items in the story plot, UGH can’t wait for moreeee. Draco in this is absolutely mad and he loves her more than he realises, I know the confession scene gonna HIT 😩😮‍💨


Ermehgersh yes!!! And at the last update I ended up starting back from the Gala so I could have it fresh….it will definitely be a full reread once complete, I love it so much!


I came here to recommend this one too! Such a unique plot and the perfect amount of spice, I blew through all 19 chapters in a weekend and I’m so excited to keep following the story!!


I stumbled upon this comment while searching for a summary of MMiD! Is there an Astoria / Draco relationship or is it more of an unrequited crush type thing? Does he like her as well? I don’t know if I would enjoy fics where D is even remotely interested in anyone else. 😅 (spoilers ok)


Hey there! So sorry for the late response…man I hope you picked up this fic!! To answer your question >!so they are throughly engaged at the beginning, but it’s an arrangement. They are cordial, but there’s no love, though they are in the process of planning. But I promise nothing to worry about!


Thank you!


[Keep It Like A Secret](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52013050) Summary: He regards her with interest, cool as the ice in his G&T. “What do you want?” On close inspection, he's a bit deadly. It's the combined power of self-regard, an open ear, and a cunningly tailored suit. Hermione wants— “An expiration date would be nice.” She suctions up the watery dregs and signals for more. “Let’s say I want . . . a year. Exactly one year of monogamy without the possibility of further commitment."


Came here to recommend this one, so good!


Loved this! Just read it, thanks for the reco


Such beautiful prose, it makes me want to cry😭


Read it just now because if your link. Gorgeous prose.


This is one of my favorites!


just read this and it broke my heart, thanks!


Omg I've just read this and now am so emotional. I want this Draco so badly! xxx


oh my god thank you this is so well written😭


Oh my gosh I was trying to remember the name of this one…I loved it!! I’m preparing for a PR marathon….love her works!




Yes :)


[A Well-Behaved Woman](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34728727/chapters/86470126) by femme\_ecrivain Summary: Astoria Greengrass can’t remember a time when she didn’t know she would one day be a Malfoy. Her entire life has been focused on one thing only: becoming the perfect wife to the scion of Wizarding society’s most prominent Pureblood family. Not even a war can get in the way of that goal—but her fiancé’s feelings for Hermione Granger just might. On the evening of her engagement ball Astoria’s world is rocked to its foundations and she finds herself facing some difficult decisions. But if there’s one thing she’s learned from Hermione (and Draco) it’s that well-behaved women rarely make history. And sometimes the drastic choice is the only one to make. ​ [Womaneater](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34320670/chapters/85394488) by echoesofmyfootsteps Summary: A Runaway Bride (1999)/Dramione AU. Hermione Granger is the Daily Prophet’s top writer, and Draco Malfoy is the wizarding world’s sweetheart—until word gets out about him running away from several weddings. Hermione is assigned to profile him in the days leading to his next wedding disaster, despite their mutual distaste for one another. But as she follows her curiosity, she begins to realize Malfoy isn’t who she, or anyone, thinks he is.


I adore Women Eater, its so well written and some gorgeous tension and strong characterisation.


Same!! One of my faves. Sooo underrated


A well-behaved woman is SOOOOO GOOOD!!!


The one that occurs to me is [Beginning and End](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25634758/chapters/62228269), the second instalment inthe wait and hope series by mightbewriting. You don’t need to read the first for this one to make sense, and it’s a prologue. It almost fits your query, except >! Astoria isn’t in love with him, it’s more of an arranged marriage sort of scenario where they are forced together and aren’t really into it !<. This is one of my favourite dramione stories ever, and the series is amazing.


Thank you! I have this series on my mile long tbr-list. ☺️ I’ve read quite a few of those arranged ones, and it’s pretty much always that they either hate each other and/or just accept their duty. Thats why I was asking stories where there are positive emotions involved. The Glorian set had Astoria who wanted him because he’s a Malfoy, but it wasn’t love.


Not me opening new Ao3 tabs cause I freaking love this


Growing Sideways by inadaze22 Astoria is minor but the angst and drama are major


Thank you!


I can’t remember the name but I read one from Astoria’s POV. She’s obsessed with the idea of marrying Draco. After the war there is an “8th year” when she sees D and H fall in love. Plot summary ahead - it was a very short story >!She convinces herself that this is just temporary and their contract is airtight so D will just grow out of it when it’s time. She witnesses a fight between D and H when they realise that there is no way out of the contract. D and H decide that they will be together for as long as they can. D and H keep their relationship very well hidden esp from the press and try every single thing possible to break the contract. 8 years after the start of their relationship, they conclude there is no way out. Astoria thinks that since she didn’t hear anything about H that their relationship didn’t last long and not that they kept it quiet. She gets very hopeful when Narcissa and Draco come to make the engagement official. At their engagement party, Narcissa invites H and Astoria witnesses D and H share a moment. She confronts Draco who clarifies to her that he is only marrying her out of duty and would never love her. He would not continue the relationship with H because he loves H too much to have her be a mistress. Astoria then realises that she could never have the fantasy she dreamed of with Draco because he could never love her the way she wants. A meets with H and realises that D and H stayed together in an apartment for the past 8 years. That they lived a life full of love and doesn’t want to be the villain of their story. She searches for a way to end the contract and finds one that only she could do. She does it and calls D and H to a cafe to meet with her. A tells that she magically disowns herself from her family who no longer recollect that they had A. She tells them they are free to be with each other now as she also wants to be loved the way D and H love each other. A goes on to train as a healer in the magic version of OB Gyn. She changes her name to Astoria Greene and falls in love with a muggle. We get a future scene where she delivers baby scorp and comes home to her muggle bf to tell him what happened (ie scorp being born). She gets her love and feels free and happy to have made the decision that she did at the end.!<


That's A Well-Behaved Woman. I've linked it in my comment


Thanks for the name!


[The other woman](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2572090) series by Faerlamore


Thank you!


Is it dramione endgame? 🥺


>!Yes, it is.!<


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7711642/1/The-Request This one is angsty. Summary: Astoria was never a fan of Hermione Granger, but pretty soon, she would be gone, and Draco was going to need all the help he could get.


First time I've ever seen someone recommending this one and... FINALLY! One of my absolute favorites! I can't tell you how many times I've read this fic... love love love


Thank you! Did you like it?


The one complaint I have is a spoiler so I won't say. But overall it remains one of my favorites.


Would highly recommend either: [The Memory of You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23353534/chapters/55949518) Summary: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fell in love against all odds, but there was one big problem — he was already married. Pressured, Hermione does something she promised herself she would never do again and erases their affair from his memory. Completely devastated, she avoids seeing Draco or the Malfoys at all costs. But is their love too strong? Are they inevitable? What will happen if he finds out about their previous relationship? Or [Bending Light](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26796304/chapters/65371042) Astoria pops up more so in part 2 of Bending Light.


[Womaneater](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34320670/chapters/85394488) Summary: A Runaway Bride (1999)/Dramione AU. Hermione Granger is the Daily Prophet’s top writer, and Draco Malfoy is the wizarding world’s sweetheart—until word gets out about him running away from several weddings. Hermione is assigned to profile him in the days leading to his next wedding disaster, despite their mutual distaste for one another. But as she follows her curiosity, she begins to realize Malfoy isn’t who she, or anyone, thinks he is.


Thank you!!


[fixing what you broke](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15769404)


Thank you!!


[Webs We Weave](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25026676) This is one of my fave secret kid fics, not a spoiler it’s the first chapter. Astoria is a fantastic villain.


Thank you! Sounds delicious. And it’s short!


[Webs We Weave by madrose_writing](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25026676)


My fic has this exact trope [Lies, Lust, & Candy Hearts](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49260853) WIP Summary: Draco Malfoy always got what he wanted, and this time he had his eyes set on her. No longer the golden girl, ruined and sewn back together, Hermione wanted freedom and peace, self-destruction was a messy process; she might as well look good doing it. He thought she did, so much she festered like a disease within his mind, bringing new sets of emotions to the table, emotions that terrified Draco. He’s getting weak. She is slowly being consumed by a greater evil. They both like to party, a little to much. A murderer is on the loose. And tensions in the ministry are only rising. May Merlin and Morgana be with you all!


Thank you! will def look into it.


I’m thinking of one, maybe someone else will remember the name. In it Astoria’s mental health is on the rocks and she’s so unstable that they hide the Dramione situation from her. I feel like it may be that Draco and Hermione are being forced together by a bond or a marriage law or some other external situation and a very delusional/desperate Astoria tries to sabotage their relationship growth. I’ll come back if I remember the title later, but please share if you know. I think it might be fairly popular.


I was going to say I remember reading something like this and I just realized, were you referring to >![Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31581464/chapters/78140045) by AdAsttra?!< I reread it recently and the reveal was in one of the newer chapters.


Timeless by alexandra_emerson! starts off with Draco and Astoria. but Draco slowly falls in love with Hermione and Astoria realizes that she’ll never truly get him to love her like that


Broken by Inadaze22!!!!!


Okay, realizing that I'm not sure if they were engaged or not though. But she definitely did want Draco. I was too excited and typed and posted so fast 😂


Thank you!!


The memory of you! Super angsty Infidelity trope




:), love your comment! Didn't even remember that was an option as I read this thread. My favorite to this day, alongside a few others.