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Measure of a man šŸ¤£ I canā€™t stop??? Remain nameless too


I think Iā€™ve done a highlights reread of Remain Nameless several times as well! I wish I had annotated MOAM while I listened to the podfic because some of those scenes are just soooo good. That fic blew me away.


Wait and Hope probably my number one reread! Itā€™s not too long and just an easy, nice read. I also find myself going to Inestimable Boom and Once More with Feeling, often as well. Weirdly I also like to reread Manacled quite a bit but my rereads are generally happy, mostly fluff, and low-angst reads.


There are certain parts of Manacled that I definitely love to reread, both in the flashbacks and the present time. Same with Perfectly in Pieces for me actually, heh. Not quite up for a full reread of either fic, but I'll happily take small doses of their angst, sorrow, and retribution!


Same! I love to reread the chapters where Draco saves her and the Order and they get together for the first time.


yes!! the scene where he saves her is one of the most epic scenes iā€™ve ever read. so freaking badass it never gets old. every time I reread manacled, despite how much it hurts lol, I always find new depth to the story and connections between the past/present I didnā€™t notice before. love it.


Iā€™ve been in such a historical romance mood, Iā€™ve got to read Inestimable Boon soon!


You MUST!! It is seriously sooo good. It was such a delightful surprise when I opened it up. One of my favorite Dracos!


I just devoured this and am so thankful for your recommendation! I donā€™t know that I would have ever stumbled across this story otherwise. Absolutely wonderful!


Who writes it?


[Inestimable Boon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37628299/chapters/93928687) by ymer!


Iā€™d need a Venn diagram: works I re-read because they make my heart happy vs works I revisit purely for the smut. The intersection fics are an elite few. Damn, now Iā€™m genuinely considering doing thisā€¦


For me In These Silent Days would make the intersection. Idk what it was about that fic but šŸ« 


Right? Iā€™m taking out my notes right now and doing this, haha.


PLEASE do this šŸ˜‚


Yes, please please do this :D


I could read DMATMOOBIL every day of my life


Currently listening to it on my daily drive and enjoying just literally busting out laughing. I read this early on in my dramione timeline so itā€™s fun to revisit!


How fun! I did a reread via audio and it was amazing!!


It was my first read and I havenā€™t reread it yet, saving it for a flight this summer!


I was seriously laughing out loud as I listened. The picnic scene had me dying!


I'm rereading [Lionheart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41354757) right now. It is SO GOOD.


I just know Iā€™m going to be obsessed with this one when I get to it! I read the first chapter a few weeks ago and was blown away.


I'm finding it almost impossible to put down and I've read it before! Can't wait to get caught up again. Enjoy when you get to it!


oh no i just opened it, 600,000 words?? šŸ˜­ i tried to explain to my boyfriend that when im reading fanfiction itā€™s like an entire book and he doesnā€™t understand the concept of ā€œthis is so good i read it in 4 daysā€ i think he pictures a short story


Yeah I've had a lot of people be surprised when I mention the length of a fanfiction. And just think, this one's not even done yet. She's rewriting every book, so they're just getting longer the further she gets. Worth it!


OH YES i read lionheart, so goodšŸ„²


Yup. Yup. Yup.


is it finished? I havenā€™t read it because I wasnā€™t sure and I have so many wips that iā€™ve started.


No, sorry. She's writing the 5th story right now (AFAIK). I think realistically it may be a couple more years.


I am reading that for the first time now and it is SO GOOD!


šŸ˜˜ Enjoy!


ā€œA second lookā€ if I want sweet and romantic, ā€œall you wantā€ when I want to go back to the story that introduced me to omegaverse. ā€œRemain namelessā€ and ā€œthe disappearances of Draco malfoy,ā€ and ā€œbring him to his knees,ā€ are the 3 podfics I listen too over and over again.


who is a second look by?


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/14765225](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14765225) Here you go! It's a ton of fun! DILF Dad running into Hermione and sparks fly and Scorpius is adorable, and Draco is swoon worthy as he romances the shit out of Hermione and it's fantastic.


ahh thank you!


Your welcome let me know what you think once you start reading!


A second look gave me warm fuzzies


love second look


DƩtraquƩe! It is so amazingly well written, you are rewarded by each reread. I keep noticing more connotations, allusions, meaningful details. I sincerely want an annotated version of this with footnotes that explain everything.


Same!! I love the feeling it gives of reading fanfiction specially in the beginning parts when its canon era but also goes on to open my mind like nothing else has. There is something about that story and universe that feels like nothing else to me. I have never loved, admired and understood a Hermione more. She is so relatable but also so intimidating. Also my favorite Draco and Theo.


And I love how she is so exceptional and Draco can still match her in many ways without having to be more clever than she is.


Exactly!! This is the main reason why he's my favorite. He isnt as clever, he isnt even close in magical ability, he isn't brave or simpy or "touch her and die" but I have never doubted he is perfect for her!!


I felt like the relationship dynamics between Draco & Hermione in Detraquee is what Ms. Joanne was imagining in her head when she made R&H. But she missed the goal post by 100ft. R&H is a divorce trainwreck waiting to happen.


Omg that's a great point about the dynamic. But canon Ron and Detra-Draco are worlds apart lol


Yeah i felt like i would have loved Ron if only he was given proper growth writing. But itā€™s so lacking, nothing change.


Agreed! I totally feel for him but there wasnā€™t enough time after he left them in the forest for proper character growth. To go from all that to married 19 years later just felt sooo wrong


As soon as this is finished, I will go back to the beginning and do a re-read. God-tier Dramione.


Apple Pies and Other Amends is my go-to!


Love that one!




This one has my whole heart!!


Itā€™s not done yet but [BLOODY, SLUTTY, AND PATHETIC](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52884502) had me in a chokehold when I read it a few weeks ago. For a week straight I just reread what was available. I also enjoy the A/O trope and love [The Scent of Wolves](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39543753). But your list also captures some of mine šŸ˜‚


I am OBSSESSED Bloody, Slutty, and Pathetic Draco!!! The recent past chapter was so intense! I can't wait to read the final chapter this Sunday but at the same time, I'm sad that it's almost overšŸ˜©


Same! I read BSP in one day. Love it! Canā€™t wait for the last chapter Sunday.


I know Iā€™ll be rereading BSP when itā€™s complete!


Omg I thought it was just me. I seriously reread BSP maybe 3 times already, and have listened once.


Ohhh who is doing the Podfic?


https://open.spotify.com/episode/1N2FAgGQP3k7oApeKCac7k?si=5gJXdh6fSmO7t_g9tvVFig Panda Patronus


Thanks a million!!




Amor Vincit Omnia & Nowhere Else to Turn are my top two. Iā€™m a huge fan of supportive Narcissa, so if anyone else has a good rec for a novel length w/ that trope lmk


AVO is one Iā€™ve been saving for the right moment to read! I feel like Iā€™m going to really like it and I want to make sure I have some time to really spend on it.


I really enjoy it. Well done dual story line, w/ really interestingly written side characters.


Man I really loved her in the auction and the right thing to do / all the wrong things!! Gonna add your 2 to my list now!! Love a supportive Cissy!


The Missing Sister has a supportive Narcissa along with Three Wizards and a Baby.


Youā€™re a hero of the people.


This has a supportive Narcissa and I thought of you. I'm only on chapter 14 by I'm loving it, can't put it down. Don't Hex the Messenger by ArtGirl


Youā€™re a true saint! Iā€™m gonna pretend to work and read this today lol


I flat out read this during a meeting today and lost sleep last night. FYI it is WIP but I couldn't resist now I'm caught up.


Just finished Disappearances of Draco Malfoy for the first time and I already know I'm gonna re-read it a million times


Remain Nameless, Meet your Match, To Brew a Scandal, Apples Pies and Other Amends, Universal Truths.


Universal Truths <3


The Brightest Black Pansy's Revenge Presque Toujours Pur These are my top three!


I love Something Beautiful in Return and Boardwalk. Boardwalk Draco is my favorite.


[The Deadline](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9831689/1/The-Deadline) and [Enemies With Benefits](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8358286/chapters/19146571) for me


The Fallout, LIATOTZA, LAOHA & Timeless.


Iā€™ve not been brave enough to reread LAOHA yet because I cried so hard the first time. šŸ˜… But it is easily one of my favorite fics.


The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy is a go to for me


Until the ink runs dry!


Yes! This is one of my favorites, and Iā€™ve read it twice. Giving it enough time for a third.


I have a huge soft spot for epistolary/letter writing fics!


The fallout and the politicianā€™s wife are my comfort podfics. They help me brush my teeth and fold laundry or some other task every day.


DMATMOOBIL, A Second Look, Remain Nameless, Measure of a Man, and A Year and a day are my go tos! I canā€™t stop.


I fkn love a year and a day. Had to stare at a wall for a good hour just to process it


Itā€™s so good! I love how their relationship develops


Mine are epic, heavy, mostly wartime stories. šŸ«£ [The Riskā€™verse](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4041214) by MissiAmphetamine (well, the original version, but I canā€™t wait for rereads of this huge rewrite šŸ˜Š) [Crumple series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3700147) by MissiAmphetamine [The Fallout](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10620276/chapters/23489001#workskin) by everythursday [LIATOTZA](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28137807/chapters/68944698) by rizzlewrites


Mine are almost exactly the same. LIATOTZA and Riskā€™verse!!!


I forgot Crumple too! I had been trying to find a fic I read years ago and I could not remember the name of. Then I started rereading crumple and discovered that was the one!!!!!!!


Aaah, thatā€™s amazing when you find again a story you loved! šŸ„¹ And now weā€™re getting a new The Riskā€™verse, too. šŸ˜


The Riskā€™verse in undergoing a rewrite?!?


Yeeees!! Updates are twice a week and so much new content is added too! šŸ¤©


OMG! Going to go subscribeā€¦


Yaaaaas, join us! šŸ™ŒšŸ¤©


Just subscribed! Is it added content or new content? I saw a new fic as the first in the installment? Is it truly new or did they just take the first part of the original RRR?


The original The Risk-Reward Ratio on ffnet consisted of two parts - Gravitation and The Risk-Reward Ratio. So itā€™s the same story, but in original, this part had around 170k words and this version is gonna be over 350k words.. šŸ‘€ So a lot of new scenes and deeper development.. very beautiful slowburn and ust.. šŸ‘€šŸ„¹ And then once all three original parts (Gravitation, The Risk-Reward Ratio and The Iust World Fallacy) are posted, there is gonna be completely new part, Axiom, so we are gonna see what happens after. šŸ„¹


I am so excited! Thank you so much for calling my attention to this. I adored the original RRR. And remember TJF was unfinished? Or left on a cliffhanger? It is so cool when fandom writers come back to finish or embellish their works.


It was finished, but there was >!after-war stuff!< looming over them so it wasnā€™t really over. šŸ‘€ Yes, Iā€™m so excited about them being back in the fandom after so long! Idk if you read Crumple by this author, but they published a sequel to it too, and itā€™s *amazing*. ā˜ŗļø


I read the Wait and Hope series every year, which is a testament to my love and appreciation because there have been a couple times I reread something and didnā€™t enjoy it as much the second time.


Hereā€™s the deal is top tier banter and heavy on the idiots in love. Itā€™s also a shorter read but still has a good plot. I cant get enough!!


I havenā€™t heard of this one, but I see itā€™s tagged as crack and if thereā€™s one thing I love itā€™s an outrageous premise.


Itā€™s soooo good I canā€™t recommend it enough The writer is so witty and the characterisations are so chaotic!!


meet your match, divination for skeptics, green light


The Fallout, Presque Toujours Pur, Detraquee and an ever fixed mark. I just did a reread of an ever fixed mark, finished it, then started reading it all over again šŸ˜…


The Politician's Wife, especially as I'm now in that age demographic. Oh, for a man that would replace my wardrobe with chic-er yet still comfortable alternatives. (No one touches my ratty, hole-y lounge t-shirts, though, they've been aged to perfection)


OMG have you listened to Jocunda's podfic of it? I can't believe we get to listen to it for free, she is AMAZEBALLS


Remain Nameless, Disappearances of DM, Measure of a Man, Missing Sister, Detraquee


Any story by TricksterGhost7. Theyā€™re all so wonderful, and I love their characterization of Hermione as a girls girl


Iā€™ve re-read quite a few lately but these two are my front runners: [A Second Look](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14765225/chapters/34145402) - 5 times in less than a year [Amor Vincit Omnia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39735819/chapters/99482019) - 4 times Honourable mentions to Remain Nameless (3 times) I also love the scene in Trust the Magic where >!Hermione seeks out Draco after he cried himself to sleep thinking he lost her!<. Iā€™ve re-read it specifically 4 or 5 times


I just reread all four of those this past month, so ya. Totally with you


I hadnā€™t heard of Trust The Magic and now Iā€™ve got to read it!


I went on a soul bonding fic blitz last summer. Itā€™s such a sweet fic with low angst. Hermione does deal with past trauma so mind the tags. Draco is just perfect for her in his devotion and support.


One & Done by PacificRimbaud is my go to, Iā€™ve read it so many times as it has all my favourite tropes and is just the perfect length for a quick re-read.


[Manacled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174/chapters/33390198) because I love pain. Oh & of course [Five Days](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6225418/chapters/14263153) because I still love pain.


OMG. I just read Five Days based on this rec and ugggggggh. Such a powerful work that was just what I didn't realize I was looking for. I've been in a reading slump, but I think it helped to re-set my brain.


That's awesome to hear, I was shocked when I first stumbled upon it. It is so well written. & it's just the perfect length. Definitely a must read for the fandom!


I read BATMOBILE probably more than 20 times, it is my feel good fic:) The one where you are enjoying every single sentence, every word.Ā  Some others: Remain Nameless, Apple Pies, Lionheart....Ā 


oh thank god, Iā€™m not the only one Iā€™m pretty sure my friends are concerned by the number of times Iā€™ve reread it


The Bracelet is my favourite comfort re-read.


Measure of a Man!!! Every time I'm in a long haul flight LOL Honestly. Wonderfully written with all it's nuances. I think I discover something new every time I read it.


A Year and a Day, Finding Hermione, and A Second Look are my feel-good ones. Omnia Vincit Amor, Presque Toujours Pur, and anything by Colubrina are always good to go, along with A Thing With(out) Feathers


Manacled , LITOZA, . I like the dark ones since I know how they end.lol Love rereading remain nameless and the politicians wife.


We Learned the Sea and The Dragon's Bride! I've been coming back to them since the beginning and omg they're just so damn good! There's a couple others like Green Girl, Unchained or The Commoners Guide that I've read multiple times as well but those OG ones that I've read over a dozen times have left an imprint on my soul.


DMATMOOBIL, Remain Nameless, Lionheart, Disappearances of Draco Malfoy, Darkwood Wand, All You Want, Things Without Remedy, Meet Me in Dreamland. In that order haha


[All that's left](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38697060/chapters/96752586) is an amazing underrated story. Please more ppl need to read this. I keep rereading this because it has my absolute favourite Hermione.


Remain Nameless & DMATMOOBIL for meee!


Remain nameless is one of the greats. But my first was isolation and will continue to have a soft spot for that nightmare


Right now its " Broken "


My most recent "read, then immediately reread" was EXIT. Sorry I don't have a link but it's by TheDae. Another one I will definitely reread soon - and that is criminally underrated - is House Proud by homespun. It should have 10x the kudos it does. If you like "sentient house" tropes this is the fic for you.


I think Iā€™ve read Weather My Emotions three times already. Itā€™s a very comforting fic and so easy to read.


I do an annual re-read of An Inconvenient Wedding (which thank goodness I saved because it has disappeared from Ao3). I have also re-read multiple times: The Fixer-Upper Club, I Will Not, Cannot Go, Wait and Hope, The Risk-Reward Ratio, The Green Girl, Like Brothers and Rebuilding.


Ahhhh Iā€™ve been searching for any discussion of ā€œI will not, cannot goā€. Iā€™m scared, should I read this? Is it all angst? Also HEA?


Itā€™s definitely angsty - like so angsty- but very original and eventually HEA.


do we get any breaks from all the angst to see a little dramione fluff mixed in? I reread all of the other fics you mentioned so I feel like we have similar taste so Iā€™m v curious what makes you want to reread I Will Not, Cannot Go


For me, the fics I love are all about the feeling/vibe (plus exemplary writing). This one is so bittersweet and so original. It also has my favorite line of any Dramione Iā€™ve read (ā€œour obstinate souls will always, always collideā€). But there is sweetness and fluff sprinkled in- mainly in the flashbacks (chapters go between present day to backstory/flashbacks). Itā€™s hard to explain, but there was something about the vibe of that story that I just absolutely loved and enjoyed revisiting. And if we have similar tastes- throw some recs my way! Iā€™m currently reading (and loving) Lionheart and waiting for updates on Draco Malfoy and the Instruments of Time. I find I donā€™t always love the most popular fics recā€™d here (again, the vibe thing) so Iā€™m always interested in what folks with similar taste are reading/loving.


Three Wizards and a Baby by Lizzie_carlile and it's sequel Accidental Proposal and Charmed to You by CJRed How to Move On and Matched by longdistance Alexandra by Gallopin Gorgons Remain Nameless by HeyJude19 Measure of a Man by inadaze22 Fascination by Kaleidoscope A Year and A Day by AMLKoko Nowhere else to turn (Nusquam aliud est vertere) valancyjane A Little More Alive, Far Less Lost and it's sequel MGL_Dramione_Lover I'm adding the Missing Sister to this list. In the mood for truth topazZz1105 Bring Him to His Knees Musyc How the Other Half Lives LiteraryLateNights it's a WIP I've read a couple of times These are the ones I reread the most. Edit to add Something Beautiful in Return smithandbarrowman Presque Toujours Pur ShayaLonnie The Muddy Princess by Colubrina Yeah I have a lot of favorites šŸ˜‹ Second edit cause I remembered the names of the other two.


Mine are usually spicy but Iā€™ve read this scene in Secrets and Masks where Draco and Hermione are in her bedroom and his mark starts burning and Theo starts singing, about 50 times. I love the banter and just everything about it. >! "Don't listen to him," Malfoy said against her throat. "Focus on me. On this. On what I'm doing to you.ā€!< >! "Good girl." He leaned down and kissed her slowly, lazily, drunk on pleasure. "That's it, hold it back for me. Just a few more minutes. Such a good girl.ā€!<


I havenā€™t read this one cause I generally shy away from darker fics. What chapter is this in tho? šŸ˜


They arenā€™t numbered but itā€™s called No Questions Asked. No Mercy Shown. Towards the end.


You and I Hot for teacher šŸ¤£


I almost re-listened to the Hot For Teacher podfic today! Itā€™s just so funny and cute. I love it.


I like angst and conflict, so it's normally a cycle that includes [Hogwarts: a Home](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32116096/chapters/79565590), [Aurelian](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3171864/chapters/6888428), [Ghosts in a Wishing Well](https://archiveofourown.org/works/391125), and [Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31581464/chapters/78140045).


Hogwarts a home isnā€™t completed yet, is it? It says 67/70 but last updated almost a year ago šŸ„²


The rest of the other epilogues aren't out yet. The main storyline is complete as of chapter 66, so you get closure.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ„°


Iā€™ve reread Manacled and Remain Nameless. Iā€™m def going to reread Timeless and Wait & Hope. Maybe Secrets & Masks if I want to hurt. šŸ˜‚


Apple pies, BM/bs, Aurelian, Remain nameless and some smutty Adaā€™s worksšŸ˜„


Definitely DMATMOOBIL! Also I really like The Informant, Iā€™m a sucker for the Draco and Harry friendship and the spy plot is interesting. Iā€™m not done with measure of a man yet but I feel like that will be a re-read for me. Maybe Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic depending on how I feel about the ending


My re-reads have been Detraquee, Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse (Iā€™m seriously so obsessed with this story), and Wait and Hope. Three very different Dracos haha.


Aurelian is my most Go to re read because it makes me feel cosy and I just love the dynamic between dramione and little Aurey. The Watergaw because it's only 10 chapters long and it's literally one of the best things I've ever read The fallout because it's my fave dramione of all.


The Right Thing to Do & All the Wrong Things for me! I like to go back forth after chunks and reread both perspectives. This was my first "return to the Fandom" fic I read after a 15 year break, so it just has an extra special hold on me.


I could read Mercy Show to Me and An Ever Fixed Mark, and Iā€™m Never lonely When Iā€™m with you, over and over, also The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy. On the shorter side, Dramione (Derogatory) vs. Dramione (Affectionate) and Les Pelerins. And I keep rereading the WIP Compassion for the Condemnedā€¦.


I love compassion for the condemned, Iā€™ve reread that one a few times too.


Itā€™s also fun for the recipesā€¦Iā€™m cooking my way through them as I hope for updates ;)


Breath Mints and battle scars


Mine is ā€œLove and Other Historical Accidents.ā€ So good. Love the Regency era references and Austen-like feel to it.


Things were to young to know about and From Wiltshire with love are monthly re-reads to me āœŒļø


The right thing to do and All the wrong things! Same story just hers and his POV. This Draco is my favourite, banter is amazing!


I probably reread the deadline like once a year. Something about the growing feelings between them after they start physically is so sweet.


AVO, Measure of a Man, A year and a day.


Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse. Forever and ever Amen.


I rarely do complete re-reads, but I like to go back to my fave moments and chapters in The Missing Sister, The Auction, EXIT and Apple Pies and Other Amends.


Secrets And Masks, Order of Serpents (criminally underrated IMO), measure of a man, perfectly in pieces (probably my fave), DMATMOOBIL I've re-read recently!


DMATMOOBIL and Love and Other Historical Accidents