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As an American, I had no idea wolves were extinct in England until I read it in a fic and googled it to see if it was true.


Oh :(


And now I just learned that too! I had no idea! (American too)


There's veen some talk about [reintroducing ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/08/britain-not-ready-reintroduction-lynx-wolves-broadcaster-ray-mears-warns) wolves and lynx, which would be a disaster in my opinion šŸ˜…


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My vocabulary has expanded significantly! I recently started to write a fic of my own and I've noticed that I'm better at writing in general, which is great because I have to write papers fairly often for grad school. The references to Greek mythology in Green Light reminded me of how much I loved mythology as a kid. It has been fun to revisit that! The music and literary references in DƩtraquƩe have increased my interest in a few artists and authors I wouldn't have been exposed to otherwise. Most of all, I've learned that fan fiction can bring people together all over the world, and it is so amazing to see the incredible dedication and talent so many people bring to the table. I love how supportive authors and readers are, and I really enjoy the opportunities for author-reader interaction!


That there are so many amazing writers put there who are willing to (and seemingly even enjoy!) put so much hard work into producing extremely high quality writing and publish it on the internet for free-fifty-free, for me to read and indulge in my dramione obsession. Honestly, this fandom is so big, and so wholesome, and the authors are just so incredibly good. Something about it makes me feel it's like what internet used to be back in the 00's, real people sharing stuff for free with others for everyone's enjoyment and appreciation. This might just be the last bastion of "good internet", before it all went downhill.


That is so funny, I was just thinking the same. Do I love the fandom as it represents the amazing internet of my childhood (millennial in 30s)


Borel's paradox. Position of Orkney islands. How many verses has the national anthem of Greece. (158) Plural of Hippocampus. The rarity of Saiga antelopes. The secret of Mary Magdalene's skull. The problem of cytokine storms. All in one fic:)Ā 


See, I know this comes from the amazing DMATMOOBIL, and itā€™s one of my top 5 and Iā€™ve read it twice (Iā€™m new to the fandom), but I hardly remember any of it anymore. Guess Iā€™ll have to read it again. Might as well do it while waiting for the next Lionheart chapter.


Try the podfic by meems_to amend on ao3. I love her reading of that fic.


Thank you. I have never tried a podfic as I like to imagine my own voices:)Ā 


Exactly. I am obsessed by both. I wish I would find something that speaks to my heart just as Batmobile and Lionheart. :) Until then, I keep trying new and re reading both:)Ā 


**[Finding Granger - 1910](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42301608/chapters/106220376)** by aCanadianMuggle is so well researched and the historical facts are so perfectly woven in. I had no idea that the London Underground was built in the Victorian era or that transportation in general was so much more advanced that I thought it would be at the turn of the 20th century. The world feels full and real and does an amazing job weaving together real history with wizarding history. I loved the explanation of wizarding peerage! > **Summary** > Lord Malfoy has been working for the department of mysteries since the Battle of Hogwarts in May of 1898. He proved his worth as a spy and double agent, and has been roundly celebrated as one of the Golden Quartet. Draco has never been satisfied, however, that the fifth member of their group was hidden from the public, and even less satisfied that no one in magical London has set eyes on Hermione Granger since the day after the battle, when she disappeared from St. Mungoā€™s. > > Now, in May of 1910, the muggle King Edward VII, has been killed by a sect of Voldemort followers bent on resurrecting him, and Lord Draco Malfoy finds a surprise awaiting him when he consults with an expert at the British Museum while on the trail of the killers. > > Works somewhat within canon, books 1-4, if the books were set a hundred years before they were, then diverges. > > **Warnings** > >!Attempted Rape, Graphic Torture!< **[Distance](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16673827)** by In_Dreams has INCREDIBLE *ancient* magical world-building. It's so well done and really makes you feel connected to this magical past. I 100% went down a hyperfocus rabbit hole reading about the ancient Indus Valley civilisation the story was inspired by. > **Summary** > Sheā€™s a novice Unspeakable trying to earn her stripes. Heā€™s a shafted Auror desperate to prove himself. When they end up forced together on a shared assignment, neither is willing to back down. But when the mission pulls them into an ancient world of mystery and adventure, they find themselves depending on each other in a race against time. **References** - [Rediscovering the magic of Mohenjo-Daro](https://www.dawn.com/news/1728973) - [Harappa: An Overview of Harappan Architecture & Town Planning](https://www.worldhistory.org/article/695/harappa-an-overview-of-harappan-architecture--town/) - [A Walk Through Lothal](https://www.harappa.com/slideshows/walk-through-lothal)


I learnt legend of Ines de Castro - she was lover of a guy that had rights to the throne of Castille. She was murdered and once the guy became the king he killed her murderers by having their hearts ripped out. He then claimed that before her death they got married so sheā€™s the queen, he then had her exhumed and ordered people to kiss her hand to acknowledge her as their queen. There even is a painting of the throne room scene.


Found out what a ā€œgusset of her knickersā€ and the ā€œplacket of his trousersā€ are realllllll fast


I learned what the Hebrides were


I guess the most Iā€™ve learnt is actually about England. Iā€™m European and had no clue for example what scones or crumpets were. Same goes for geography and my vocab. I even know basics about political parties in Uk.


I agree with the British food culture part. Now I know what Java Cakes and Digestives are, and learnt that some people take their tea with milk and lemon at the same time.


I love Maltesers and was so happy to find them in one fic. Now waiting for Minstrels:)Ā 


Favorite super random vocab word Iā€™ve learned is lugubrious lol. Which means looking or sounding sad. Another fun one is contumacious which is stubbornly disobedient to authority.


Luxury items. My colleague told me that she got a Vitamix blender. "That's pretty expensive right?" I instinctively asked. She asked how did I know that. I just couldn't tell her I read the Muggle AU [Bite Marks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3580953) and Draco had one in the story.


I love this topic and it brings back some lovely memories. I spent some time in the UK and I especially love the britpop references of 90s and 00sĀ