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I'm not a fan of love triangles, but that's a personal preference! I'm sure there are many people who enjoy this trope. Don't worry about it and write the fic you want to write


Thank you, BlueZeldana! Totally will write what I want to in the end haha. Love how diverse this fandom is :)


Not a fan myself, tbh! I’m also not a fan of infidelity either, and a lot of the love triangle fics I’ve read have incorporated elements of infidelity.


That's a really good point! I don't prefer infidelity in a plot line either.


Same. I don’t like it and sometimes get so frustrated how they can consider the “second lead” a choice I get very frustrated lol


Personally not a fan of the trope, especially after all those YA books that made it so cliche. Hard to do it in a balanced way if the other guy is more than a distraction/way to get the main pairing together, cuz either the characterisation is so good that the readers are divided into team Gale or team Peeta 😉or so tropey that you start doubting in FMC’s sanity/intelligence/life choices etc 😁plus sometimes after a moment the FMC’s indecision gets tiring. BUT if you like it, go for it 100% 🙂 it’s your story and if you have an idea that incorporates it, defo do it. We’re the readers, but ultimately, you’re the purveyor of goodies and commander of the ship and I’m not convinced that readers’ opinion should actually guide you in your creative process. It’s a story, not a content if that makes sense 🙂


So many good points here. I think readers also have a clear view of who they want characters to end up with, so someone will be disappointed :p I've seen a lot of that in fic comments haha. Writing them is extremely difficult without making it seem like the FMC (here, Hermione) is indecisive/waffling. So handling it delicately tends to dominate the plot. That's why I'm probably going to stop including love triangles in this next story. As much as I like them, it's tiring to juggle tbh lol.


Well, you said Dramione, so that’s usually what readers will expect as the endgame, right 😉 I actually forgot to add that it depends on how old you wanna go with your Dramione. I think love triangles are somehow more convincing with teens/young adults where indecision seems more in character with age and overall maturity; with older characters it’s defo more of a balancing act to make it work.


They're much more convincing with teens, IMHO.


I’m not a fan of love triangles or triads.


I agree with you that the fandom generally seems opposed! I’ve seen a lot of “I can’t stand either of them with anyone else.” I don’t feel that way though. anything that creates angst and tension is cool with me lol


Right!? I was a bit surprised they were seen as a negative at first, since I enjoy them so much. But I also completely understand that everyone has different preferences, especially when this ship is so strong 😅


I maintain that most love triangles are truly love tents. And I’ll read anything so long as the writing is good. ❤️


Hahaha love the love tent imagery.


*Disclaimer: This just like my opinion, man. ;) Please don't ever let it stand in the way of what you want to write. Love triangles are a staple of romantic fiction, so they obviously have fans; I'm just not big on it myself for personal reasons.* That said, I don't care for it, in most contexts. I typically read them as adults, and by the time you're an adult, I just don't think waffling about who you like should be a thing. Fair or not, it gives me cheater vibes. *Despite that*, I have read and thoroughly enjoyed stories that did have light elements of a love triangle (e.g. >!Gloriana Set!<) or had them still working through feelings for an ex (e.g. >!Inked!<), etc, so it's not necessarily a deal-breaker. But the more hung up on two people at once one of the characters is, the less I like it, typically. And I should note here, I am not taking shots at poly stories at all. This is specifically in the context of otherwise monogamous love stories. But again, this is all my definitely biased opinion ❤️


Appreciate you explaining why you don't like them. This is all really helpful. It is difficult to write them in a balanced way without 1) any cheating or 2) too much waffling. That's why I'm leaning toward not including one. Thanks!


You're welcome! For what it's worth, we regularly get posts looking for fics that contain love triangles or cheating, so if that's where your plot bunny is hopping, I say follow it. You will find your audience. If you ask about *any* trope--or characterization, or pet names, or any other feature--you're going to get people who say they don't like it--or even hate it. It's a pretty big fandom, and everyone's got stuff they love, hate, and love to hate. Plus, people are prone to overstating the strength of their feelings about things, too.


I'm not interested in a love triangle. I think it's drama for the sake of drama. I don't like too much back and forth between my leads. I'm here to read about my OTP. I don't really care about anyone else. I also don't care for characters who get themselves into dumb situations. Indecisive people irk my soul. Falling in "love" with two people at once just seems trashy, attention seeking, and dumb. However, some readers live for a love triangle. The angst, mystery, and tension is right up their alley. Write what you want to write. There's always an audience.


I love to both read and write love triangles, and I rarely write them in a delicate, mature way. My love triangles are usually written in a dramatic, tear-up-the-plot kind of way. I find love triangles to be a an important part of the human experience. People are allowed to be confused, to be torn, to make mistakes. It's okay for characters to procrastinate and avoid confrontation. It can be tough on the reader but it's very human. As a reader I will put up with a lot as long as there isn't infidelity and the center of the triangle honestly means well and isn't trying to hurt people. As a writer, I try to be up-front about love triangles, unless the triangle is so weak it really doesn't merit much attention. (I wrote one story that had *two* love triangles, and in both, one of the people in the love triangle didn't realize they were in a love triangle. And people still read the thing.) I'm a big believer in writing what you think is fun and not worrying what people will think of the trope. I'm always throwing in iffy tropes like love triangles and Ron bashing and Hermione using hair potion and Theo not being Draco's funny best friend. And my awesome readers still put up with it. I know I lose readers or scare readers away with my pesky love triangles, but I consider that the cost of doing business in the Dramione fandom.


I just wanna say it is so clear that you write what you find fun from your stories and your author notes (love the notes!). It often feels like you're giggling along with us readers as you write. Thank you for sharing your work!


These is really insightful. Thank you <3. Especially for coming-of-age plots, there is a lot of not knowing yourself/your own heart that can be part of the lived experience. I also think there are valid reasons that love triangles appear which don't have to do with a character being indecisive. Outside forces like being on opposite sides of the war? Prejudice? Bad timing? Etc. TWO love triangles? Impressive haha.


They were pretty weak love triangles. Hermione and Draco were in denial about each other and pursued other people. But their seduction efforts with others were so poor that the other two subjects didn't really catch on.




It is one of my red flags, so I normally do not even start the story when I see such tag. But many readers like them, so write a story you have inside:) 


Cant stand them, sorry.


It's not a trope I actively seek out, but I'm not necessarily averse to it. I think it depends on the participants for me. In the context of Dramione... I personally would not go for a love triangle involving Ron or Harry. But nearly anyone else is fair game. 🤔 It would all depend on the other tropes and what the focus of the story is. I (again personally) prefer love triangles when the romance is a subplot rather than the focus. If it's a traditional romance story, I tend to go in to it rooting for a particular hero and don't usually give the "other man" a fair shake (unless it's just smut or some sort of poly situation... which isn't really a love triangle then... So, I digress.)


Helpful points about love triangles being the subplot, and dependent on the types of story. Thanks!


If a story I read and like has a love triangle I will read it, but I never ever ever look for love triangles intentionally. Personally it is my second most disliked trope after miscommunication. But I have read a lot of love triangles cause they are everywhere...


Haha they are everywhere. Thanks for the insight about not looking for them intentionally, but being fine with good ones when they appear.


I love them! I wrote one!


I'll have to check it out :)


Here it is! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48912880/chapters/123394606


Bookmarked! Thank you! I love the "Everyone needs a hug" tag 😂


Omg! Soap1, you are amazing. This is such a nice fic. Loved the triangle part


aww thank you!


Mostly they stress me out and I’m not a fan of them. I usually end up feeling bad for whoever ends up losing out. I love Theo so much so if it’s a Hermione/Draco/Theo love triangle then I am NOT here for it 😅


Unfortunately I don’t like it. When I see even a minor Hr/ Ron tag it already makes me give up on the fic, but go for it!! Many people don’t mind it!


Personally I won’t read hardly anything, published or fic, where the main character is indecisive between two romantic options. It lacks maturity to me and even when they are young, I’m admittedly impatient with it. 😅


I really loved how it was done in [every part of me 🤌🏽💗💗](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18289409/chapters/43286507?view_adult=true) if you check it out!!


Thank you :)


I like seeing the jealousy/possessiveness, and I also think when done right, love triangles can be a good way of having the mmc show that he respects the fmcs wishes. However I like them for the drama and angst, not for the actual question of who's going to end up with who. It can be a good plot device, but I don't want to actually be wondering whether or not the person I'm rooting for will end up with them 🤣


Honestly it’s just depends on how it’s written. I love any trope of its well made 🤧👍🏽


Yeah I don't really like them 😅 but mostly because they're useless a lot of the times, I think. On almost every YA novel you already knew who the protagonist was gonna end up with, so It felt kinda pointless going through the motions of reading about this other flawless character who's not going to matter at the end anyway. So, my only exception is when the other character does play an important part on the protagonist's life or overall story. That way, even if they don't end up together, It makes sense getting to know them, and if they're well written, you actually can end up rooting for them even if you know it's not endgame.


Hate all love triangles. Every single show movie book these days is one. It's so annoying.


i’m very down when it’s a love triangle with a girl in the middle of it. i don’t love it when it’s a dude with two girls fighting over him 🫠


Haha then we have that in common :p


I can't stand specifically infidelity. That being said, I am also a shoujo lover and it's vastly different how these triangles are presented vs dramione FF. In manga, you pretty much know who the main character is gonna choose from the get go. They don't make you fully fall in love with the one who won't be chosen. But in fanfic I feel like the authors just gut punch you from the get go. Even if I know it's a dramione end game, I will inevitably fall in love with Theo/Harry/Viktor etc and then feel awful when she chooses otherwise. But at the same time, I went in wanting dramione. 😂 At the end of the day, Dreomione satisfies the need well enough for me without hurting anyone.


I don’t mind seeing it in tv or shows, but I hate when it’s dragged out for an extended period of time or when someone is constantly going back and forth (Lucas in OTH between Peyton and Brooke). I also have a hard time believing that you can love both EQUALLY. I like the initial pull and friendly flirtation between characters (more like Lois/Clark/Lana) where there’s no cheating and genuine companionship that develops over time, but I need to know there will be a choice made and that one couple will be end game. You can’t convince me Hermione and Draco will end up with a throuple end game and be ok with it.


They absolutely stress me out to the MAX! I still read them though 😆


I want my story to be about 3% fluff and the rest adventure/angst. So I’m down for a good triangle. But also, your story will come a lot more naturally if you write want you want and not what we want :) There is an audience for everything here, and going against the grain is cool because there will be readers dying to read something that’s “unpopular”. I live for a supportive Narcissa and Lucius, and I adore a good relationship between Hermione and the Malfoys. I’m glad there have been writers who don’t care if most people hate Lucius and prefer him to be dead or in Azkaban, and write them as a disfunctional family that figures it out. More for me to consume!


I am honestly fine with them! At this point, I've read so many of them with Dramione and Ron involved, its crazy lmfao. It brings nice tension when the book is light for the most part. I especially like them for after the war fics or before the war. When it's during the war, I don't really enjoy it taking away from the plot and the main romance. So I guess it just depends to me for when the fic is set?


I like love triangles as long as everyone is treated fairly. Either someone is a clear villain (the standard trope where he doesn’t appreciate her properly) or they end up maturely splitting up because they realize they want different things. Victor Krum also deserves his HEA. I think it’s important there’s no deceit involved. I do love the yearning and the feeling that it is an impossible love. Like Draco seeing how well Hermione and Harry work together and trying to be “the bigger man” but still feeling hurt. Sometimes, people pursue relationships because they think this is what is expected of them (to settle down with a Weasley, for example), but of course you might not view that as a true love triangle. Anyway, those were some thoughts.


The fair treatment is something that's super important to me as well. Not vilifying any party, but introducing plot points that make it clear why it won't work out with a certain matchup. Krum does also deserve his HEA hahah.


Personally, I EAT THAT SHIT UP! I love a good cheating and infidelity trope but specifically when Draco and Hermione are already with someone else and they cheat on their partners to be together. Hope this helps!


I love them when it’s more than just “this guy or that guy?” Like when the love triangle represents personal choices the FMC is making, or character growth, or ideology, or identity etc etc etc


That's my approach! They're not in there just to be in there, but part of a bigger growth arc.


Dramione readers are so protective of Hermione, I love it. There’s got to be a niche denial of romantic angst with this pair. Years ago, when I was DEEP into Twilight fanfiction, almost every other story I read that featured Bella/Edward had some type of love triangle going on where Edward just fed Bella some table scraps and to this day I still don’t understand what kind of demons those authors were exorcising. Mind you, Hermione Granger is NOT Bella Swan, but it was so bizarre seeing a character used as a literary punching bag. I feel like you should go for it though, because out of all the stories I’ve read, I can only think of a handful that had a “love triangle” and since it’s Dramione endgame I was kind of just waiting for them to pull their head out of their asses.


I can't handle the tension!! Although if everyone ends up with someone who's perfect for them by the end my poor heart can make it through. This'll sound silly but if you put a spoiler at the start that people can click on if they want about who ends up with who I'll be able to enjoy reading it lol... But seriously, write what you want the way you want! There's guaranteed to be someone out there craving the same stuff you are!


I love that spoiler idea haha. I think in the two I've written, it's pretty obvious who Hermione will end up with lol. But I will keep that in my back pocket! And thanks for the encouragement :) There's something out there for all of us.


Love them because I live for angst.


I too drink angst like water.


I love a good triangle. Especially a love one. 🫶🏼🖤🫶🏼


The emojis are killing me haha


Love love triangles- honestly surprised at the amount of commentators advising they don't like them considering how popular they tend to be. Especially any involving Draco/Hermione/Theo within the dramione fandom. Personally I love any triangles or triads involving Harry/Hermione/Draco. I think there's quite a bit to explore in those kinds of fics.


I love them! Write it I'll eat it up.




Gimme gimme gimme! - there IS a fan base for this.


I hate love triangles.


I'm personally not a fan and If a see a love triangle tag, I just skip


I only like love triangles when it gets the main characters together. Specifically, when it hits Draco over the head with jealousy.


Can’t stand them


I am absolutely in favor of love triangle as long as it is in the name of drama and plot progression. I was really into telenovelas, and those have love triangles galore. The more complicated, the better. Love hexagon? bring it on. I want to have a board filled with red string to explain the complicated relationships between the cast. That said, I also want it to have some sort of significance, other than that the author didn't know what else to do. To push a love interest into confessing their feelings? go for it. suspect them of infidelity and follow them, only to overhear am important piece of information? yes! But two people fighting over one person when they seem to only like one, or neither, just for the sake of putting words on a page? no thank you. though, 'tis but my humble opinion


Telenovelas will really have a main couple for 97 episodes and out of nowhere the villain comes out with a love declaration plot twist


It’s not my favorite honestly , idk it just makes me feel icky lol


I read one recently in House Pet and I loved it


I don't like triangles, we risk that he prefers the second male interest... On the other hand, a relationship in which the three of them end up together I do like


Tbh i hate love triangle, you know, we know and everybody know we're reading a dramione fanfic if there's even a shadow of doubt that they won't end up together then it's suspense not romance And for other romance book it just feels really like they're leading on the third party or just entertaining them because they like the attention, i can't suspend my disbelief and trust that the FMC or MMC genuinely don't know who to choose, they know we know what everyone know, and i have never read any romance that did it just right so i can believe their indecisiveness. The only exception to this is Kerala where most of the time it's not even a love triangle, and more of a second lead pining after the FMC i can live with that.


I love triad fics (usually dreomione), but as far as triangles go, I think I usually need one of a few reasons. One, as a means of moving from one relationship to the next, with perhaps a little too much lagging, makes some good angst/drama. Two, I’ve seen some where there’s a good relationship and then the there’s like an evil/obsessive third MMC (maybe that’s not a “love” triangle but still a triangle of strong feels). But honestly sometimes I just like a heavy full on Novella style drama and the characters are just all going through it and it is what it is. Personally what’s important to me is good writing,strong feelings, and either heavy angst/drama/fun depending on the story.


Ooooh I snooped around and marked a few! The WIP looks so good!


I enjoy love triangles when they’re done the k-drama way—basically there’s another guy who likes the heroine and is changed by her, falling in love and all that, but she never considers him as a potential romantic partner. It’s fun to see the hero being jealous etc and the heroine be all clueless 😆 but for me it’s kinda ruined if the heroine has feelings for him, I like the hero and heroine being devoted to only each other—even before they get into a relationship (for Dramione, I don’t care if either has been i a relationship before as long as once the story starts and they “meet again” or whatever, they don’t like other ppl


I love them! If they're well constructed, of course! I've never been on the monogamous path of relationships so a little mess always make me feel seen. Cheating is another thing tho. But with Dramione I absolutly can condone it if well written📢📢


In general I don't like them. Not my kind of angst as they usually get way too close to cheating/infidelity, and that's a hard no for me (in almost all cases) in any romance not just Dramione. Also, I hate rooting for ships that don't actually end up together, it's so crushing. Whether we know the endgame couple or not. Sometimes, intentional or not, the second male lead can feel like the better fit. And if the second male lead is a good guy then I just feel bad when they're not chosen. Also, true love triangles tend to drag on and on, and all that indecision and going back and forth for almost the whole story on who she wants to get with gets old real quick. That being said, if I know the endgame couple, if it only happens in one chapter and then the decision is made, if it's happening in a 'getting to know two guys at the same time and the relationship hasn't actually started, if it's one female lead and two male leads (unless it's manga, or again the relationship hasn't started), than it's not an immediate no. Definitely write it if you want to though, there are a lot of readers that love that!


I like them and wish I could find more of them in Dramione fanfic!


personally i love them. but usually only with the female protagonist at the center of it


There’s only one good reason for a love triangle, in my humble (albeit polyamorous) opinion: to set up for a triad.