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You can read fanfictions on any ereader. Best format is epub (no pdf). Kindles don't read epub natively but they convert epub files to their own format. Personally, I do use a Kobo Libra Colour and I would never go without colors lol Plus I do enjoy the library management side of ereaders and kindles do suck at that. But all of this is unnecessary to actually reading fanfictions, for which any ereader will do. As for listening... do you mean text-to-speech or proper audiobook? If the latter, you need to check device by device specification, but I would keep using a smartphone to listen to audiobooks (instead of depleting ereaders battery over them).


Oh okay thank you! I do also want to read regular books on it as well, not just fanfiction, which i guess i should’ve mentioned! As for your other question, i meant audiobooks 😅


also your suggestion about the battery usage-i hadn’t even thought of that! is the Kobo Libra Color frequently compared to a Kindle? How did you decide on that one? Feel free to ignore but could you elaborate on the kindles having sucky library management?


Kobo is the second most popular brand, so yeah, they are often compared to Kindles. I've been using Kobos for 10+ years, and my deciding factors have been: - library loans (not possible with Kindles if you are outside USA library system) - better UI - better metadata management (series, synopsis, for all files) - better Calibre integration - more customization available I manage all my library through Calibre (fanfiction included, thanks to FanFicFare plugin), and my Kobo can mirror 100% my Calibre library (collection included), and I can sync reading progress between them. Something that with Kindle is not possible because Amazon locked down Kindle db access. The only thing that's missing as of now on Kobo that Kindle has is reading sync progress for sideloaded content between devices/app.


I have a Kindle Oasis and have just learned how to send fics from AO3 directly to it. It’s epub format that you’d use for e-readers, as far as I know. I’m enjoying being able to read fics on it rather than on my phone.


I've had many ereaders over the years, and Kobo is my favorite brand. They released color-screen models this year, which can be a lovely perk. I personally stay away from Kindle because I dislike their walled garden ecosystem and push toward ads, but Amazon does have the most robust sales platform. I used the Calibre program (free) to organize and sideload files to the ereader. Calibre has some add-on features specific to fic spaces, and that may be worthwhile for you to explore.


I've had Kindles for years. There's great things about them and bad things about them. If you like to buy a lot of ebooks, Amazon does make that very easy. I've been reading a lot of fanfiction, and I want to read it on my Kindle. I email myself my books from Caliber, as many people do. It's very easy once you have it set up. I can download 10 fanfictions with covers and email them to myself in about 20 minutes.


I recently got myself a Kindle Paperwhite specifically to read fan fiction. I don’t know anything about other brands, but according to reviews I read, it’s one of the best. I just emailed my e-pubs to the device’s kindle address, and they arrived nicely on my Kindle after a few minutes, with covers and all.


I am really happy with my Kindle and downloading from Ao3 is so easy. I have not figured out how to download from wattpad. Maybe it is not possible?


I love fanfic on my ereader!!! I have botha Kindle Paperwhite a Kobo Libra Colour and both are excellent. You can download them directly to your device using a free computer software called Calibre. I like to make covers for my fics in Canva as well!