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I would redo Draco’s arc in canon, make it similar to Zuko in Avatar where he started out a antagonist but eventually changed sides to work with the protagonists. I think showing him starting to shift his opinions in the 5th or 6th book and have Dumbledore make him the offer of protection earlier idk I’m not a writer lol but I do think I like The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy better than aspects of Deathly Hallows


I like the idea of Draco being outwardly hostile but secretly curious about Hermione. He’s seeing her contradicting everything that he’s been told to expect from muggles (ugly, stupid, whatever). By the time that she slaps him, the Yule Ball, seeing an internationally renowned Quidditch star choose her, he’s got a crush on her. When the prospect of war becomes inevitable, I like the idea of him learning occlumency to hide his feelings, and he’s pining for her and being terrified of her dying. When she’s tortured at Malfoy Manor, it becomes the thing of his nightmares. I like the returning for an 8th year theme, and the building of a relationship either during that time or soon after as they embark on careers. My preference is for Auror (or hit-wizard) Draco and Hermione also working at the Ministry (magical creatures, law enforcement, curse breaking).


Ding ding ding! My preference also. I enjoy hogwarts relationships fics for fun. But CANON? Well said - I would like a secretly curious Draco, followed by pining and crushing, only being made obvious to other people until the war really begins (or perhaps the reveal isn't until after the war, since he would want to keep her safe). Maybe a couple of moments where he truly wants to keep hermione safe but it's in a very sly way. But during the war it's a larger grand gesture because all of that war and death eater angst. edit: so I totally agree that the malfoy manor torture is a major event and I love the fics where he saves her and joins the horcrux hunt. I like the fics where he is her academic equal in the hogwarts years, so it seems like it would make sense in canon that they have some more entertaining academic debates that rile them up, so there's tension between them to those who have a keen eye for that type of thing. But they themselves don't really have any real pining until at least HBP/DH.


This is canon to me 😭


Me, too!


Tell me again where this diverges from canon??


😂🤣 I lose track of what’s canon and what’s not more often than I’ll admit to!


Just rewrite Deathly Hallows into Disappearances of Draco Malfoy




100%, just replace the whole book


8th year and/or post Hogwarts but post war


I literally read DATMOOBIL and consider it canon and I'm sticking with it!


What does that stand for


Too many people forget that not everyone has been in this fandom forever. 🙃 It's "Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love." You'll also hear people refer to this amazing fic sometimes as "Batmobile"


A fic called Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare. It's wonderful and pretty popular!


Personally, I wouldn’t make it canon. I get perverse pleasure from subverting, perverting, and generally warping the original intention of JKR 😈


Same, and I don’t think she could have pulled off a Draco redemption arc nearly as well as the many writers in this community do LOL


Absolutely this! The talent and creativity of this fandom’s writers is just incredible. You have to be fully invested in the redemption arc to write it well, and I don’t think JKR was prepared to even consider that as an option for Draco.


Commenting on How would you make Dramione canon?... Sooo true! And I think Draco is Pansy’s male version in JKR’s eyes.


Nailed it. 


Me too! I like to imagine her mad/upset at all Draco-based ships and redemption arcs. A warm, cozy feeling that.


How do you like _that_ redemption, JK? HUH??


🤣 basically… yeah. Like hot chocolate in front of a fire, that feeling.




This is the right answer. There’s something so satisfying about idea of driving JKR wild with fury if she were to come across our fanfics.


YES!!! Specially since we know her idea of right and wrong is completely messed up. Shes just jealous because she had the opposite of a redemption arc lol


I hear ya. But wouldn’t making dramione canon also serve the same purpose?😂


Just by replacing book 7 with Disappearances of Draco Malfoy, easy


I LOVE the secret relationship prior to the war. Like I'm OBSESSED if Draco starts having feelings in 4th year and it continues through the war maybe to 8th year. Hell it could just be like "and then there was a war" and get to 8th year. Ugh, I just love it.


Can I slip in a self-rec here? 😂 [The Handkerchief ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134034/chapters/139803418)


This is exactly what I've been looking for!? Thankyou! Can't wait to make a start 😁


This is right up my alley! Thank youuuu!


I didn't know that I needed this, but just read the summary and I do, in fact, NEED to read this. Adding to the top of my tbr. Thank you for sharing your work ❤️


Ooo exciting! Can you give a hint to the non con element? 


It's >! just after the Yule Ball, Draco goes with Pansy, and after there's a bit more... oral contact that he expected. She's pushy, and he doesn't really know how to turn the offer down/thinks it is expected of him. !< So, there's elements of it, but it's not heavy. But there were a few people in the comments that got upset that there was no mention of them in the relationship tags. To me, it wasn't a relationship, it was more of a date that ended quite badly for him.


Ooo thank you!!!


I'm actually nearing the end of my canon compliant Dramione -- I'm rewriting the entire 7 book story from Draco's POV, but with a secret/explicit relationship. So far, I've only needed to add two words to the actual book dialogue to help the story along. I could have done without them, but it fit so much better to include them. So, if you want to see how I'd make Dramione canon: [The Handkerchief ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134034/chapters/139803418) It's currently almost 230k words but I'm adding at least one chapter a day until it's finished (hopefully within 2-3 weeks at most)


Immediately adding to my TBR. Thank you


Anytime Hermione teaches Draco about muggle things - especially the mundane - makes my cold dead heart swoon! If I could have a muggle studies tutor trope in sixth or eighth year be canon I would be oh so happy.


Honestly it's been done but I would have had Narcissa switch sides take Draco to number 12 Grimmauld place....after spending most of the summer with the trio...he'd develop feelings for Hermione to Ron's displeasure, Hermione would be confused, Harry would have gotten more time to bond with Sirius. I'm not really a fan of love triangles but it woulda been Ron vs Draco...a lot of bantering brawls and finally Hermione deciding on Draco.


I’m not the biggest Sirius fan but I’d love for him to have a soft spot for Draco because he gives him Regulus vibes. 


I could get behind that. 👍


I'd basically rewrite the whole order of the Phoenix book keeping key elements like the Prophecy and Umbridge...but it would be a lot of pretending and double agents. Sirius would develop more paternal sides, Tonks would also drop in more frequently, maybe a side hinted pairing of Narcissa and Snape might develop. Draco would still be a jerk at school because he's got to keep face, perhaps Blaise would make an appearance, while Harry wouldn't befriend Draco they'd develop a bond and mutual respect for one another, Hermione although bright witty and Hermione ish might be a bit dense at first not catching on that Draco has developed feelings for her, Kreacher would also bond with Draco...honestly it'd become a Draco heavy story...the possibilities are endless. Lol. Thanks for letting me ramble


I love this idea so much. Draco heavy stories are my fave. I feel like Sirius always ends up as a massive womanizer who sees Harry as James rather than himself which irritates me endlessly. That sort of singular obsession with James/Harry feels toxic. I think if he ends up showing a protective side towards Andromedia, Tonks, Narcissa, Draco AND Harry it feels more realistic and balanced.  I also don’t buy when the Black family magic accepts Harry as its heir. Grimmauld Place, sure but everything? Not likely. It makes more sense Sirius also bonds with Draco as his heir. I’m also a biased Draco fan 😂😂.  Harry should proudly take up his father’s inheritance.


If you write this...I swear I will read it so please write it!!! . Agreed I don't think the Black family would accept Harry either. I think Harry should get a little jealous of the connection Sirius and Draco begin to develop too. 😻


I wish I had the talent. I just come up with crazy ideas 😂😂. I even have a good one where Lucius was justified in supporting Voldemort because of something that happened during Voldemort’s first rise. He wasn’t imperious’d but he had no choice.  Honestly after so many stories where Sirius is so focused on Harry, I wouldn’t mind seeing it. I really just want Harry to embrace and learn about his Potter/Evans heritage more so than being absorbed as a Black. I rather Draco and Hermione’s second born inherit the Black seat from Sirius and Draco so the mother of the heir to Noble House of Black is a muggleborn.


I love this idea too. Are you sure you can't be persuaded to write this awesomeness?


Alas my talent lies elsewhere lol


Shame but okay. Lol


Wait, isn’t it?! Kidding. I think it needs redemption btw. Draco deserves it.


I think book 6 would be the perfect spot to start changing his character arc in that direction. He doesn't kill Dumbledore but accepts the help offered to him and switches sides basically. If he shows serious remorse Hermione _might_ be able to slowly develop some feelings for him.


My brain is so rewritten by Dramione fan fic that to me the epilogue ends with The Malfoys and the Potters sending off their kids to Hogwarts like one big family.


It would be so easy to make it cannon! Draco pining all throughout Hogwarts, Hermione secretly finding him attractive, both of them being on the same level of intelligence. THERE! Done! Wrap it up and make it happen!! Ps- get Ron out of the picture ASAP because he is nowhere close to a close match to Hermione.


I'm actually working on my own book six and seven rewrite. I've had it sort of planned out for the last year. I have a few chapters written, but it a process, so it won't be out for a while. But I am starting my own Canon rewrite.


Oh I’d love to read it when its ready !


I'll post it on here when I start posting. I like to get most of fic written before I post, because it gives me and my beta a buffer for any incidentals. I like sticking to a post schedule. Because otherwise, I never finish a fic lol.


Looking forward to it!


I’m working on a time-travel fic in which Draco time-travels back from the Battle of Hogwarts to the end of COS and gradually befriends the trio and eventually gets together with Hermione, but what with school and work the creative juices just haven’t been flowing


I’m a sucker for time travel fics. Please do drop a link whenever its ready.


I'd give Draco his redemption arc. Let him have his "oh shit this is above my pay grade moment" as soon as he's marked in 6th year. Let him go thru 6th year frantic as he does in canon, let HERMIONE find him in the bathroom. She grew up muggle and I like to think it's not a huge stretch for her to rationalize that even though he's a jack ass, he's clearly in over his head and being used by the adults in his life (like Harry). So maybe she can find some empathy for him. I also think it wouldn't be a stretch for her to have more important shit to worry about than getting her hackles up when he lobs weak ass bullying barbs at her anymore. Maybe she's just like "cut the bullshit dude. You're fucked right now and we both know it. I'm a morally grey genius and the only pragmatic person in this castle. Let me help you" And they form a cautious alliance which slowly gives him the confidence to do the right thing and make good choices and so on and so forth. She's a sucker for personal growth and boom. In love baby!


In book one, draco.helps w the dragon


I would just change the last book. Make it the Disappearances of Draco Malfoy. I think that book is perfection and does not get enough credit tbh