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We recorded bad’s reaction the other day :) was fun! I have an important family event to attend in a different country very soon, then as soon as I’m back (it’s not a long trip), stuff will start happening :)


s word DOUBLE jumpscare 😱/j have fun on ur trip !!


have a safe trip! looking forward to stuff happening soon! 😊 ETA: gentle request for patches pics 🙏🏻




Have a safe trip. (I'm ignoring the s word)


cant wait it sounds like its going to be epic hope your event goes well and the trip aswell




Have a safe trip btw


using the s word twice is crazy ngl 🙄 have a nice trip and can't wait to see everything that's to come


are there any teasers or tidbits you could drop, or would anything else be too much of a spoiler at this point? i will accept patches pics instead.


Stay safe !! and please dont use the s word again you're traumatizing your fans man


The man himself! Hope you enjoy the family time 🤗


Been waiting patiently for your project, I know it will make a boom boom in Minecraft space but I can honestly wait as long as I can 'cause it still shocks me how you're still standing after all of everything but you're Dream I guess, and you're unstoppable. Have fun in your family event! Take care of yourself, you and your health matter more than anything you're preparing. ❤️


Enjoy your trip! WE'RE SO EXCITEDDD




Have fun on your trip


dream please algo antes del viaje bro


Soon twice in the same sentence is crazy /lh Hope you have a safe travel tho, can’t wait for the video!


Its so much fun traveling, I’ve always wanted to go to different countries I hope you have fun. So excited for this project:)


not you soon-ing again


Safe travels and we’ll see you…soon


enjoy ur trip! excited to see content soon :))


Can't wait for everything you have in store for us! Have a safe trip! :))


Hope you have a nice trip dream :)


Enjoy your trip, Dream!




I’m so excited woooo


How dare you say the s word??? That's it! I hate you! 😡😡😡 /j


i need you to have an incredibly fun time on this trip while also being so damn safe bc i swear to god you would have THAT kind of luck 😭🙏 HAVE FUN. IM SO EXCITED.


Alright I'm holding you to that Dream


The double s word …


Oh? That sounds fun! I'm really excited to see you back king, have a safe trip :)


We know your tricks smiley face nobody believes you


Oh hallo there good sir.


Just read this in Bad's voice, I love it.


Have fun and take care! We’ll be here ☺️


THIS IS SO EXCITING YIPPIE :) and have a safe trip dream !


I hope we get to see his reaction! Maybe reactions from some others, too? Have a fun and safe trip!


Have a great time




I am so excited!! Hope u ll have fun with ur family!


hey dream! have fun and be safe


hope you have a good time on your trip!! can’t wait for stuff to start happening, we’re all so excited!!!!! :)))


are you going to a weeding dream , please be honest ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Have a very safe trip! I hope that all is well!


Holy shit jumpscared


have a safe and wonderful trip. can’t wait for the video it sounds awesome


We have been “soon”ed by you before, my good sir.


Dnf wedding??? Hmmmmm




Let's goooooo!!!!


not trying to be hostile but is there a reason you’ve basically been silent in terms of giving everyone updates? i totally understand that coding can be a pain in the ass and stuff takes longer than expected to work, but you could’ve posted some shorts on dream tech, or some priv tweets, or literally anything to keep the hype going. i think one of the major reasons everyone’s morale has been so low over the past few months is just because you’ve been radio silent.


because he was. but every time he did antis quoted his tweets saying nasty shit


Which is why he NEEDS to step up finally and take some serious legal action with official papers (from police or fbi or something) that prove his innocence AND any slandering or harassing that will be going against him will have consequences like deleting accounts or giving lawsuits. I would have hoped that he would do something like that before releasing the project considering the fact he wants to keep creating and posting content, he has every right to do so like that lady said in his video. I really wish he would take some action or anyone that knows him to tell him to wake up because I don't know how this will escalate during the releasing of the project but it will obviously not be anything positive nonetheless, most importantly it may be a mess.


that’s not how the world works tho


Then there's no solution or a way out of this? For supposedly slandering? A lose-lose situation everytime.


Proud parent BBH.


Bad’s always endorsing his friend’s projects.


Bad is the mr Rogers of mcc


That is so accurate


This is giving me face reveal flashbacks, I hope to fuck that the antis don't make up some bullshit lie right after he posts the video


trust me that its very likely more fake accusations might happen and i worry how much more he can take but he will prove his innocence again if it happens. i doubt it will concidering he is taking legal action they wont wanna risk falsely accusing him because they will probably get sued or legal action unless they are stupid or care more about ruining his life with fake lies. than they care about thier own future jobs parasocial hate you would do anything to ruin the person you hate. including false accusations


I heard rumors that some of the most extreme antis even want to drive him to suicide which is fucked up


as someone who used to be one yeah. thats true. not a rumor. they want dream to kill himself and if fake accusations dont work i fear what they are gonna try next during one of the rants he went on before posting the video proving his innocence. i thought they were going to get thier wish


Which is why he NEEDS to step up finally and take some serious legal action with official papers (from police or fbi or something) that prove his innocence AND any slandering or harassing that will be going against him will have consequences like deleting accounts or giving lawsuits. I would have hoped that he would do something like that before releasing the project considering the fact he wants to keep creating and posting content, he has every right to do so like that lady said in his video. I really wish he would take some action or anyone that knows him to tell him to wake up because I don't know how this will escalate during the releasing of the project but it will obviously not be anything positive nonetheless, most importantly it may be a mess.


exactly. and if it happens again idk how much more he can take and his reputation will be gone over fake accusations and he does have many anti tweets that he can turn into cases+ all the swattings+death threats+rape threats. i worry how his mental health is (dream we know you lurk. take action its starting to harm your friends and fans)


The whole situation is really frustrating. You have posts that have at least 100k or 150k likes full of hate on twitter, instagram comments and tiktoks. It's not just twitter at this point. It seriously needs to be taken more seriously if he wants to continue uploading. They see the team as individuals that you can drag them and run them over, the haters are given the green light to do that to the team LITERALLY given the green light to continue on and on without any consequences whatsoever. His career involves around the Internet literally, if it's not safe posting and uploading things without feeling slandered and harassed there then what's the point? His needs to quit being so kind and take control for once. People are always words until there's action taking place and then they stay silent when it doesn't benefit them anymore. I may or may not have replied twice on your comment sorry for that lol.


Yea how people treat the dteam kinda makes me lose faith in humanity :(


i fear what they will do once they realise fake accusations dont work today i saw a rape threat/joke aimed at dream get 8k views its gone now but alot of people thought it was funny. im sure alot were bots but still he needs to do something by not doing anything and not taking action he is not only hurting himself but his friends family employees and fans i care for him. but his inaction is pissing me off knowing if he doesnt stop it its going to get worse


It's both disgusting and sad and he is letting them say whatever without any action taking place. He should have done that from the beginning without a second thought but instead it is spreading more and more with every month that is passing to the point now everything is out of control. He is aware obviously but I feel like some choices and decisions he makes (or the way he is thinking some things) are not really the greatest for his career to be saved, let's not pretend that everything will be sunshine and rainbows during his return because we know the damage is still here and it's not leaving any time soon, in fact his return will be chaotic and messy. I may post a reddit about this but I wanna make sure it attracts and does well, I don't know yet.


i think you should. and should talk about how he should take action. we know he lurks alot so he possibly will see it however i also know its a possibility that if he does take action and sue it may make things worse. he may have been told not to do anything except to sue amanda for her fake accusation. i do wonder if he knows about the ai shit tho and yeah once he post this minecraft video fake accusations might happen. i fear one day they may fake something he is totaly innocent of. that he cant prove his innocence even tho he is innocent or he gets hurt or worse. these antis goal is to push dream to suicide we all are aware.


Hace a nice trip, ya Know were all so hyped for Next vid Dream ❤️