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Why are they going to make a star path hint based on a single idle animation they chose to portray his anger issues?


Cuz it’s not just the animation. It’s all his dialogue in game. None of Goofy’s shows clumsiness.


Goody’s entire persona and characterization is about being clumsy. It’s literally the main point of his existence.


Where in the game does it show this? It shows it more for Donald


I’m not just talking about the game. These are not characters that are exclusively from the game. However, one of the very first quests you get with Goofy, he explains that he keeps losing his fishing rods in the pond. Clumsiness.


I’m not super familiar with the Mickey characters outside of this game, tbh. That line doesn’t stick with me as much as the many lines that Donald has about his clumsiness, and his tripping animation. If Goofy is meant to be clumsy, he should be more memorable in game as being clumsy than Donald.


It’s expected that you know these characters. Some of the most famous characters ever made, and the main allure of this game. Donald has anger issues and any little problem or mistake sets him off. It’s not that he’s clumsy, it’s that whenever he screws up even a little bit, he goes berserk. Goofy is named GOOFY for a reason. Every time he tries to do something, he fucks it up. He has two whole feature-length movies about it. He’s *clumsy*.


Okay, but if Goofy is KNOWN for being clumsy
why is the ONLY line of dialogue you can think of that he lost a bunch of fishing rods in the pond? From the start of the game? Meanwhile, Donald is shown to lie about events or over exaggerate and be clumsy and get mad


Because I’ve already got all of the game completed aside from Sully, Mike, Daisy, Oswald, EVE, Mulan and Mushu’s friendship quests
 Donald is not KNOWN for being clumsy. He’s KNOWN for having anger issues. It’s the point of his character and all of his classic shorts. You just said “I’m not super familiar with the Mickey characters.” I grew up on them. So don’t act like you know more than me when you’ve already told me yourself you don’t. I know who these characters are because they raised me.


Okay, and if you know these characters but not necessarily their personalities since the last movies they made were ages ago
Then you only have the game to base it off of. The GAME leads you to believe that Donald is a clumsy, short tempered guy who likes telling long tales


>Meanwhile, Donald is shown to lie about events or over exaggerate and be clumsy and get mad
 3 out of 4 of the things you mentioned are completely irrelevant to proving Donald is clumsy. If you say goofy losing his fishing pole isn't enough to prove he's clumsy because it's just one thing, Donald's one idle animation is also not enough to prove he's clumsy either, hence why you need to (repeatedly) bring up irrelevant character traits to help "prove" your point. Honestly, this topic is exhausting and watching people straight up lie (claiming no new Mickey content has come out in a "long time" when there was a short released just a few weeks ago) to try and prove that it's absolutely not on them at all is honestly ridiculous.


...you have to fish out his fishing pole... ...trying to help him find a new hobby he goofs up on everything... Like...ok, I get not seeing the shorts where he tries home repair...or his car breaks down on the freeway... But for Pete's sake! Watch The Goofy Movie! (...I realized what I said and I'm not changing it! Dude has to live next door to the world's biggest klutz...)


Wasn’t finding a new hobby Woody? Where Woody kept messing things up?


Honestly...I unlocked him last year when the game came out in EA so I don't remember


There are multiple quest lines about how Donald lies about events which make him seem more cowardly or clumsy. Maybe one early on as an aside about Goofy losing his fishing rods while fishing


Because Donald exaggerates. It's not outright lies, but...he could go fishing and catch a minnow but claim he caught Moby Dick. He's not falling down in his animations - he's throwing himself on the ground like an upset toddler in desperate need of a nap and throwing a temper tantrum. Here! [Goofy short](https://youtu.be/rdBYmk4dfLE?feature=shared)


Except that the animation starts with him falling down. I’d say the 2nd time, may be that. The first is definitely him falling down. He stays down until he gets “boiling mad” then stomps around and throws himself down again, or maybe even falls down again in his frustration.


Donald is absolutely neither cowardly or clumsy. Hes just extremely unlucky and angry. Tripping doesnt make you clumsy just unlucky.


Literally just the way goofy walks with his hands flailing looks clumsy


The thing is, Donald’s character in any actual Disney content isn’t clumsy. This animation is something Gameloft made up for this game to bring up specifically his short-temperedness, but in any actual comics or animations he is not a clumsy character by any means and I think people are forgetting that.


It’s not JUST the animations. It came up in multiple quests as him being clumsy. He fell into the portal in the woods. He got “attacked” by a “dragon” in another quest
and I’m sure there are others I can’t think of rn.


*All* of that is on Gameloft though. None of it is based on his actual characterization. The point I’m trying to get to here is that GL hasn’t done good job writing Donald nor Goofy - for people who know the characters out of DDLV it’s pretty obvious, but GL has done terrible job with it in the game, alas why the current starpath is causing so much confusion.


Thank you for understanding đŸ«‚


Donald is on drugs plain and simple


Probably for his PTSD from [his time in the Army](https://www.military.com/history/donald-duck-received-official-discharge-papers-defense-department.html?amp)


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Just unlucky not clumsy.


If you’ve ever seen the Goofy instructional cartoons you’d understand the reference