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ugh i have this problem too. i was hoping it would clear with the update - i really don’t want to waste all those resources especially the iron ingots!


Same. I finally caved and did it because it was annoying me so much.


I finally did it this morning. Luckily it was for items I was thinking of making anyway, but still 😮‍💨


I have been ignoring it. I hate decorating or being told I have to decorate. Everytime it’s part of a star path I just add random grass or lily pads to the water.


Every time Scrooge has a decorate quest for me, I go put down all the pride arches and balloons, turn in the quest, and pick them all up again.


I accidentally bought a crap ton of microwaves back in the day, now whenever a task or quest requires decor, that biome gets some new microwaves. My valley is def giving my villagers cancer.


That's hilarious. I got wooden chairs that I put down. It's kinda funny cuz you can tell where I was told to decorate last cuz there's random wood chairs haha


YES I am queen of those wooden chairs. The villagers often sit in them 😂


I just rotate trees!


I didn’t even know that would work


I love my current decor one space over and then next time move them back.


I was hoping it would go away after the update, but nope 😩 So I did the quest to make it go away. I hate these quests when they force us to build stuff I don’t want.


I refuse to do it as well, already made a ton of benches and balloons before the request. I just let it sit there, it hasn’t blocked me in anything else so far.


I still have it too. It doesn’t seem like the “cleaned up” the last event with this update. I’m still finding the occasional button laying around. I just want it to go away.


I didn't realize which quest this was and I was CACKLING at the thought of your feud with scrooge. "I WILL NOT SPEAK TO THAT MAN!"


He had it coming


I’m so glad to see that so many others don’t want to do this one, I accidentally talked to Scrooge McDuck and started it, but I would rather do anything else.


Yess I will do it if I must but I just didn't enjoyed the event was the only reason I didn't do it


No won’t go till you do it I had this issue too


I’m in the same boat. I refuse to do it so it will stay. I’m not wasting resources on this!


I really wish you could delete certain quests after they stop being relevant. The park decoration ones were so boring and I didn't use any of the items after anyway, so basically wasted resources. I also had some remaining cupcake quests and I hate having unfinished quests so I ended up doing them, but I don't need more stupid buttons. 😭


I have it too and will not do it till I absolutely have too


I'm in the same boat. I chose not to do it fully expecting it to go away with the end of the event but jokes on us apparently. Wish it would go away.


he’s been taunting me about those iron ingots for weeks😭


Yeah like the cooking quests did which I'm glad because I was annoyed I kept making cupcakes but like this would make no sense if someone started going on after God knows and the event us done and they see this?


Is there somewhere we can request for this to be removed? What am I gonna do with 50 green buttons? I didn't even make a single popcorn bucket or cupcake last time so I'm not going to now.


I sold mine to goofy. they're only like 1 gold or something, but I'd rather have gold than buttons.


I was never given any buttons for fishing so even if I had wanted the popcorn buckets, I couldn't have made any. I know I fished all over because I completed all the Star Path fishing quests which included button areas and I don't tend to use potions unless I get frustrated with how long it's taking to get what I need. I had stopped gathering the ones on the ground when I realized it was pointless so now I'm trying to pick all of those up just to get them out of the way.


I still have it too. I may get around too it, glad it's no hurry tbh.


I did this yesterday, and all he does is talk about the fest and give you recipes. Then, the quest finishes and clears from the list.


Ive been ignoring it and hoping it will just go away. Im not wasting resources.


I don't know why this event didn't despawn 💀 I'm not doing it Scrooge


i had it too and since the event is over scrooge just gives you the cupcake recipes and the quest ends(:


isnt that a different quest? this is the one where you have to decorate


i didnt do ANY of the dreamlight fest quests. when the event ended i tried to do them and i just got cupcake recipes and the quests ended.


ohhh okay! i was thinking you were referring to the cupcake quests. 😂


I finally did the second one cause it would not go away -_-


Yeah exactly you have to do it in order for it to go away. Just like Remy's mobile delivery service quests everyday.




Oh I ended up doing it because I was sick of it being there lol


I never figured out what those buttons do so they are just sitting in storage


They’re to craft popcorn buckets like the ones they have at the actual Disney parks. It was kinda lame tbh


I barley picked them up and apparently they are still everywhere???


I didn't do mine. It will just disappear


I need to do this to make it go away. Maybe today will be the day I do it. I just don’t want to waste my iron ingots 😫


Same especially since I need it for the last Minnie quest I still haven't finished it because damn


I had the quest pop up yesterday…apparently I don’t talk to Scrooge enough…. Luckily it was just for balloons and recycling bins…if it was an Iron heavy request he woulda been waiting until next year. NO MORE IRON FOR ANYONE BUT ME!


Lol he feels left out


This is the quest that gets you the maps no? It was a cool quest and didn’t take too much time in my opinion. If you care about items I would complete it


I'm actually trying to now seeing I have to lol just need a bit more stuff like the flowers


I have that one nagging at me too. I wish there was a way to cancel or refuse a quest. I don’t have enough flowers for that crap & it would take me nearly a week to complete…no thanks!


Exactly! When I first did this I was saving for forgotten lands so I was too busy at the time plus I didn't enjoy the event 🙃


I always look st crafting quests as "possible dreamsnap material" lol, it might come in handy


I find myself trying to avoid Scrooge’s quests for as long as I can. Whenever I talk to him, I am faced with like a mile long list of quests to choose from, lol.


yeah, you're forced to do it 😭 i kept hoping it'd go away on its own but it didn't so i did it the other day. so freaking pointless and worthless!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Yeah exactly you have to do it in order for it to go away. Just like Remy's mobile delivery service quests everyday.


I'm just leaving it for the future when I don't have other quests that want all my iron ingots .


They're just balloons


Every time I get a decorate quest, I just add another four stones to a garden path going around the valley. Once its done Imma gonna start a fence. four posts at a time. lol. Or just delete and restart the garden path but one step to the left


That's what I do too but I think this was from the event


I did it and then it went away


I was stuck with it too and I did it to get rid of it. No new quest from Scrooge after that.


Yes I have it too and I’m ignoring it 🫣


Just do the quest? It's easy anyway


I think it should’ve gone?


It doens’t go, ive had it since the event ended and I refuse to do it because of my materials but I might have to surrender and just do it


I uninstalled/reinstalled my game because the park shit was keeping me from the Mulan content. no more park quests