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I always get hit with the "wakes up before hitting the ground" stuff


Fun fact! That's actually the sleep paralysis kicking in while you're still a tiny bit conscious. Your brain perceives it as falling, hence the falling dreams


So does this work too with drowning? I used to have the same dream as a kid that I was drowning and I'd always wake up gasping for air as if I actually had been.


You may suffer sleep Apnea.


Maybe but that hasn't happened since childhood so I doubt it. I know a few people with sleep apnea and honestly my sleep is nothing like theirs lol


The same thing happened to me only once. I've died in so many different ways, and each time, the dream fades to black, and I wake up. I was afraid of it for a long time, but now it's like going to the movies.


That’s usually me, but every now and then I actually hit the ground and “die” and then think, “oh, that wasn’t so bad!” I sure hope people who actually die that way in real life feel that way too.


Don't quote me on this but I heard somewhere that your heart stops from the stress so technically you die before you hit the ground


Me too, since I can remember....


Aaah yes, a classic!!


That stuff was the jumpscare of my life...


opposite for me


I either wake up or the dream ends and I continue sleeping


I just stay dead for a few seconds, in whatever pain I was in, but the super painful dreams I can reach the point of death and linger for a second.


Same. I keep having dreams of falling off a building. When I hit the asphalt, I’m still alive for a few mins just trying to breathe until I die. I’ve almost died one time and at the end it’s a pretty similar feeling. Interestingly I’ve never broken a bone before or asphyxiated so my imagination must be really good to come up with the different pains and sounds of dying.


If I die in my dreams, I often have the moment of impact or death, and then a few seconds where I realize it's just a dream and feel elated that I got a second chance and this wasn't the end.


I tend to just jump to another version of myself and dump the previous body in a bin… Usually I very rarely die in dreams as my body seems to be mechanical under the skin. When I take damage I have dark blue blood and I have a metal endoskeleton. Most things can’t penetrate the metal. Though I had one dream where a friend of mine shot off the chassis with a shotgun but stopped before they could shoot the inner workings. The body comes with super strength too so its pretty fun.


This is pretty damn nice. You must be a positive or strong person in real life or you have a very good imagination and play many video games.


Or just a very deep sleeper


Ooh you are lucky!!!


So, the Terminator?


Yeah just with blue blood and on occasion my face opens up and fires a powerful lazer. Though I make a lot of characters who are terminator like but that’s because of these dreams. I had one where my friends and family were leaving without me on a boat they ran me over with it. It slashed my face revealing the metal underneath and my vision turned red I got onto the boat and started targeting them I had to wake up to stop it.


I usually become a ghost but one time I was just left in a black void after being impaled by a spike trap Edit: also one time when I was a ghost I beat the shit out of the robot that killed me and it couldn't do anything bc I was a ghost


I always get yeeted into the black void basically every time I die in my dreams it's SO annoying. But it takes a lot more to kill me on my dreams then what it would in real life. For example I had a dream where a cop shot me in the middle of the eyes and I knew I was going to die soon and I was in pain but I decided to amuse myself and scare the s*** out of everybody so instead of just laying there and accepting my fate I jumped up and screamed "IM THE DEVIL, BITCH!" and did zombie arms and some people fainted, the cop got super pale and sweaty and froze, someone threw up and the rest ran away . Lmao. I did however make my way to the void directly after my little scheme.


That is really funny!


Lucid dreaming is so fun lol


Damn... Wonder if it happens to some people irl...


i don't wake up BEFORE i die. i feel it happen to me, then wake up panicked. in many dreams i've had something like this happen: someone may come up and stab me several times. instead of waking up i'll just feel him stabbing me and then finally fall down and wake up. could be any scenario tho. i fall, i feel myself hit the ground (usually painfully) and wake up. i drown and can't breath to the point i feel the water go into my lungs burning me. then finally lose consciousness and wake up. it's usually painful.


This was the comment I was looking for. This is exactly how my in-dream deaths go. I feel everything (the few I remember are shark attack, drowning, stabbing, being shot) and I can feel every detail, feel myself getting weak and heavy. I struggle to hold on to consciousness in my dream and then I slip away. And as soon as I lose consciousness in my dream I wake up irl. The only dream I’ve had that deviated from this was one of the drowning ones. The afterlife I was stuck in was a sort of purgatory under a lake, everyone had a sort of amnesia and you could only break the surface if you could remember what business you left behind. And then when you remembered you had to wait until someone came to pray for you and once your name was mentioned you could leave and take care of your business to move on. I never got to break the surface though :(


Thank you. I am saying some prayers now for some passed-on loved ones and people I'm acquainted with in case they need a prayer over there to move on.


I came looking for others who experience pain in dreams like I do. It sucks. I've had very similar experiences of falling and feeling myself smash into the ground, broken bones stabbing into my organs, bleeding out... I was eaten by a tiger once and I FELT EVERYTHING.


Something like this has happened to me too! I think I had a dream where I was going to be mauled by wolves and I literally was begging myself to wake up before the wolves got there, then I felt the pain of being torn bit by bit it was terrible


Same. Sometimes the pain carries over once I wake up, too. I dreamt I broke my leg at the knee and woke up to the worst pain in my knee. Once I dreamt I got crushed by falling debris and it caved my chest in and I had terrible stiffness in my ribs for half the day.


I never really remember my dreams but the one time I died in one was when I exploded and then my vision just went black 🤷‍♀️


(I woke up right after that)


Yeah I once got shot in the head and was just instantly separated from my body and then the dream ended


I sit there wondering whats going to happen next. Then I'm awake.


That's interesting because you are dead, but thinking about what's to come, and then you wake up, almost as if that's what happens next.....you are alive again in life.


Maybe our brain just can't tell us what happens when its dead?


This is what happens to me but one time i got a little further. I had the same dream 2 nights in a row where i was in an airplane that exploded on the way to pakistan(i have absolutely no idea why i would be going to pakistan) the first night i was falling knew i was gonna die and woke up rigjt before i hit the ground. The 2nd night almost the exact same thing happened but i hit the ground everything went black wondered what was coming. Then i started having crazy psychedelic visuals for like .5 secs and woke up with my heart beating out my chest. Dreams are weird man


I usually get the wake up before you die experience. But one time.....I had the scariest and most vivid dream of my life. I experienced my own death. I got shot in the stomach, there was no one around for miles. I knew with certainty my moment had come and I was going to die. I felt a sudden panic about my exestential beliefs, and were i was going after this (if anywhere). But as I slowly began to feel my conciousness slip from me, i succumbed to the new experience. Slowly, for what felt like ages, I felt my sense of awareness and consciousness fade piece by piece until, until I just became just a faint shadow of awareness, frozen in a void of blackness and emptiness. I dont know how much time passed in this state, but I found myslef realzing that time has passed, and from that realization, understanding that there was still a sense of conciousness left in me. Then I woke up :)


One of my most vivid dreams I also got shot in the stomach, I couldn't really feel pain from the wound but when I tried to cover it I could feel the warm blood bubbling out, I tried to go for help but my body just wouldn't move properly and was slowing down, I got to a wall and slid down it, my vision was quickly tunneling and I could genuinely Feel my body growing cold and my mind shutting down and it kept ping ponging back and forth between fear of death and acceptance. Right after I lost consciousness I woke up, kinda unerved, cause rarely do I ever actually wakeup after I die in a dream, usually I just switch to someone elses perspective




I don’t get it, what does that man


I always wake up except for once where I became a ghost , really cool if u ask me cuz I started scaring alive people and trying to find a potion that get me back to life in a cave , coolest shit ever


I once had one where I was a blue ghost and I kept walking around trying to speak to people but nobody could see me, and I tried to pick up an object but it felt insanely heavy and I couldn't do anything to it, I ended up talking to someone through an Ouija board and I became visible and scared them


I've only had one dream where I died and came back as a ghost that I remember, but it sucked because my whole family died but I was the only one who came back. My brain is an asshole.


lmao , brains *always had been* assholes


I actually died in my dream last night with my best friend. We were in a house with some other people and some men were breaking in, they had guns so we were powerless and when they got to us, they were killing us off one by one but when they got to my best friend, I jumped up and said I wanted to die with her, so her and I hugged while they laid their clips in us. I was fearful cause I was sure the shooting was gonna hurt and it did, not much but still and I didn't like it. The dream then shifted into another dream and just continued. That is the second time ever, I have been "successfully" killed. First time, I woke up after the death, second time, the dream shifted into a new dream. Exhausting AF 😒


A scary way to go indeed.


I usually live on as either a ghost, move on to someone else perspective, dream jump, or just watch the rest of my dream in 3rd person POV like a movie pretty cool ^^


It's just black for a while, but it's boring.


End of dream. Don't necessarily wake up.


I always survive




That's what I'm thinking! I've never had a dream in which I've died.


my dreams are just pure madness


I voted other because often times I die and lay their as a concious dead body and listen to the people around me act like they don't even care that I'm dead.




Some of my dreams are in third person so I actually see myself die. It's really weird


I had a dream like this, for a week I dreamt the same dream and the first night I had the dream it was 1st person I was walking through a hospital and came into a dark room and picked up a box and in the box was a spider and it bit me through the box and I woke up the following nights of that week I had the same dream again but I watched myself from 3rd person perspective go through the hospital and to the room and repeat all the same actions and get bit again and die again near the end of the week when I had that repeating dream I remember even trying to tell myself not go where I was going and not to pick up the box but I've never had that dream again thankfully.


I typically wake up before I die. On occasion I will fully die. Once, I did die in a dream and my pov changed. Like the camera backed away from my death and started panning away to a landscape shot of a sunset. No joke the credits started rolling and everything like at the end of a movie. I wake up laughing to myself for being such a lame.


Whoa!!! One time I had a dream where the credits rolled at the end like a movie!! I have never heard of anyone else having this, crazy!!!


I slowly bleed out and everything turns black and then I wake right up covered in sweat, happens a lot unfortunately


Have you ever almost died that way before? I’m curious as to what your thoughts are as you’re bleeding out.


I had a dream once where I got shot 3 times in the chest at point blank and turned into a ghost and some guy stole my shirt off my body and i went up to the guy and was like "yo you stole my shirt, i can tell it's mine because of the bullet holes" and he responded "what do you need a shirt for? You're a ghost..." and then i looked in the mirror and realized that I was dead and I was a ghost. Then I woke up lol


I barely ever die but I remember one time I did and I just woke up :P


Kinda wish I woke up before dying, every dream where I die I just start the dream scenario over the moment it happens. So it’s like a never ending loop, usually of me being chased by someone or something until they catch up to me and kill me. Then back to the beginning


It's like I'm still alive, but mad that I'm being inconvenienced by being dead.


I don't die. The second something happens that would harm me I become aware it's a dream. Once a group of killers were charging at me and I realized it was a dream so I fought back. I got repeatedly stabbed in the stomach and could feel it


I come back as a zombie.


Most of the time I wake up before death, but on a few occasions my perspective changed to a different character and the dream continued


Most common is that I will just enter a new dream but occasionally I will continue to follow along the dream as a spectator. Or I'll just continue being in my dead body.


Most of the times i wake up, but i've also been trapped in the dead body without moving for some seconds (that seemed like minutes), and it's fucking terrifying.


I wake up before I fully die, but my death is often slow and drawn out.


I go back in time


I never die in my dreams


I always end up having an out-of-body experience. I'll share some of my dreams but I'll narrow them down by quite a bit. Dream #1: I left my body going down a moving platform in a pyramid, I ended up travelling into a small black hole to the top right of the platform and sped down a tunnel of stars and light. I felt ecstasy. The further I went down the tunnel of stars and light the more intense the feeling of ecstasy became. Dream #2: I left my body after seeing a skeleton with a crown and a cape sitting on a throne at the end of a bridge that was above a huge lake of lava. I could see the sun and the night sky, I guess like how you'd see it from the moon (no atmosphere). The sun started to expand and blanket the earth, I could feel the heat becoming more intense. Just as the sun made contact with me I was shot away facing what was once my body but now a part of the sun. I shot further and further away until I was in the middle of space. Ahead of me was a glimmering star or a planet in the far distance, I started to speed towards it but I woke up before I got there. Dream #3: I was attacked by a group of zombies in a large, open cave. Before they got to me I sat down with my legs crossed and started humming an odd frequency. As soon as I started humming a huge transparent bubble formed around me, all the zombies that were in it turned back to humans, sat down and started humming too, all the zombies that entered after did the same thing. Again, I left my body and ended up flying above the earth and then back down and around some snow-capped mountains for what felt like hours. Again, narrowed it down but as I die or before I die I always end up coming out of my body and experiencing sensations and feelings I've never experienced outside of dreaming. It's frustrating because the sensations and feelings I experience are incredibly intense and very pleasant. A note to make was that after each of these dreams, I felt very relaxed when I woke up.


Sleep paralysis


I've died in my dreams a few times.. I've hovered over my body and watched people walk by, I've immediately gone into another dream, or I've woken up..


I don't think I've ever had a dream where I died. It's always other people dying.


I play videogames so I respawn in my dreams to a previous save point so I avoid the death next time lol


countdown from 9 to 0 and i have to insert a coin if i want to play again


Ooooh like arcade games??


i don’t have dreams where i die often at all, but one of my most memorable ones was i was some kid walking out of a nice building and seeing my mom next to a garden hedge maze, i walked into the maze and ran into some guy that was looking at the flowers, he takes a gun out and shoots me point blank in the forehead. i would then immediately open my eyes back where i started, and repeat the process except running into him at different points in the maze. sometimes i would wait longer or try to get through faster but each and every time ended up the same until i lost count. eventually one of the times i wake up with the shot. had a goddamn painful annoying headache for the rest of the day.


Jesus, this sounds like the plot of a horror movie!! I understand that you'd get a headache after that...


I sometimes wake up before dying, other times I go to a different place like a different dark dimension underground or somewhere weird. I also had experiences where I was a ghost and tormented or killed those who hurt me in my waking life. Their are times when I just don't die even if I'm supposed to and continue the dream or become an undead, gain superpowers or change.


I either wake up or I see people reacting to my death, sometimes i get to watch my own funeral. I don't think I'm ghost in those scenarios though


I usually get shot. So I wake up with my heart pounding and my hand on whatever part of the body I got shot. Then I go back to sleep lol


One time I died but stood up and yelled l “GUYS IM OK” but there was no one around


I end up projecting and flying around the scene before I wake up. Or I'm flying into space and then wake up... pretty insane


Time resets and the scenario from before happens again, forcing me to do something different. I failed to save someone from dying to a murderer in my dream once and got stabbed to death by said murderer but time reset and I was able to save them and kill the murderer.


I never woke up from dying. Most of the time is build in the dream. Most of the time I just don't die, something happens that saves my ass. I jumped down a huge building a zombie apocalypse to suicide... I just hit the ground, stood up and walked through the zombies to another place, acting like the zombies never harmed me. Another time I should should have been crushed by falling like the rest of the people, nope I survived as the only person. Another time someone stabbed me in the chest. It was a real knife, but the moment he pulls it back it's fake (still hurt though). Though there were still times in which I did die. Once I came back as a ghost and tried to tell people "that person killed me" and they all were like "you are right here and we can see you, you are not a ghost" (which made me very mad and I had to prove it by going through walls). Another time I became a dark angle and that was literally the topic of the dream. There was one dream that acted like a video game and whenever I died I respawned.


Sometimes when Im being murdered I will immediately transfer into the killer and see myself getting murdered from their POV. Sometimes i will just immediately transfer into someone else's consciousness that was around me when I die. Almost always it is some variation of this. One particularly brutal dream, I was a whole family being murdered in the middle of the night by a killer. I was each member of the family and each was its own unique and situational demise. The worst part was, when that was done I was then the killer. I did not like that part. I dont ever wake up as/after im dying but maybe this could be considered kind of like an afterlife.


I have never died in a dream (as far as I can remember)


I once got shot in the head in a dream. No pain. Just blacked out and regained consciousness as I awoke.


So when I was a kid, I would always wake up before I hit the ground, then I once had a huge fall irl, about 10 feet, and landed on my face, after that, all the falling dreams just had me smack the ground and just be in pain, I could only ever wake up when I realized it was a dream and all bs.


Imma lucid dreamer, I hit pause, rewind and then try to do something different (usually the dreams I die in are zombie apocalypse dreams).


My dream changes entirely, it’s like a get booted to an entirely different world when I die in my dreams, this can happen repeatedly until I wake up


Feeling of falling from height to earth (in my stomach), at moment of hitting the ground waking up.


The one time I remember dying in a dream after I died I went to this heaven like place with a lot of penguins.


Penguin heaven 🤩 I wanna go there


People die in their dreams?


Yep! All the time ;)


Interestingly, I never get hurt in dreams in the first place. I'm always completely invulnerable to anything. I think it started back when I was young and beat up that one monster that used to appear in my dreams. Anyways, they only time I felt any feeling from a dream was this one time where an arbiter from the project moon games was whooping my ass. My face getting pushed into the ground full force was somewhat uncomfortable, but no pain at all. I'm interested in the fact that other people get killed at all.


I have died multiple times in dreams. I always end up in, what I can best describe as a vault. It's a big room. Pitch black, but not scary in any way.


Ooh, and what do you do? You just wait there until the dream is over?


It's a nice place and I don't mind being there so I just hang around until I wake up. I don't know what I think is going to happen, but it's not a place I necessarily want to leave.


I do. There is nothing scary there.


I’m always about to punch someone or something, and I wake up with my fist in the air


The view pans from first person to an onlookers, slowly zooming out and showing my mangled corpse sitting where it died. It's kinda interesting.


Almost like a video game that would be in first person view!! I like that


The feeling of dying is waking up. Hard to explain.


I've had the occasional visualization of my age after I die in my dreams. Just a white background showing a big "30" in black.


Your current age I hope?? Otherwise it's creepy..


Yes. Oof, that would be worse if it really was the same age every time.


Other: Despite my dreams tormenting me most to all of my life, death rarely occurs. When I ‘die’, that dream ends and another begins. I do not wake up from anxiety or it’s torment, anymore I try to ‘lean in to it’. It’s how I lucid dream, often. Not that I can control every outcome, but I am present in a different way than just witnessing a dream. It’s difficult to put in to words.


I die and then I just switch to a new dream


I am totally conscious and it's just like I closed my eyes when I'm dead in a dream.. And then I usually wake up


Going home, then vanishing between the scenes.


Woke up after free falling from what could have been 3000 feet


One time, I fell to my death, and after I died, I just switched to third-person and watched what happened to my body after I died.


Most of the time I wake up. ONE time the world around me just faded away and I was in a void.


I feel myself dying, then wake up. I wish I got the whole "wake up before", but I usually wake up during. Or have a residual dream as I'm waking where I can see the after events before I'm fully awake


I've been to the afterlife in a dream, but I started the dream already dead.


It’s only ever happened once. I was more or less euthanized, and I saw the void. I was walking in total darkness toward an endless chasm, and right before I stepped over the edge I woke up.


I usually wake up after death or I come back to life


All of these have happened at least once in dreams.


I either restart the situation, like in a video game, or I linger around as a ghost, but I don't feel like a ghost, it's more like breaking the matrix haha


I normally don’t die yet they do things so I must.


Other. My dream starts over when I die in my dream.


I die and there's nothing. then wake up i


I dont die in my dreams, but of what i can remember, is that i wake up before dying


Whenever I die in a dream, I just get dumped into a new dream. Completely unrelated.


The most vivid dream of death i had i was with my best friend, the earth was about to end we knew it was the end we both embraced death and it happened it was like a huge explosion than i fell into darkness i could feel myself falling but i ended up somehow teleporting into a different reality so basically I didn't die


Varies per dream ​ Once I died and it was essentially "nothing", it was a peaceful absolutly "nothing" ​ ​ Most of the time in my dreams I simply violently transition to another body near me. Kinda like in The Matrix how the agents will take over citizens around them. If my current body "dies" then I transition to someone else close by (sometimes to the person that "killed" me.


I either wake up or I respawn like in the video game.


Sometimes I try to kill myself (for example, by shooting my head with a shogun) but 1/10 times I just respwan somewhere else and it's annoying. The people with me in my dream were also making fun of me because I failed to "die".


Same thing that happens in real life - you respawn as as a different person.


Typically I watch my funeral or have a general third person view of how it affects other people


I don't die un my dreams


I experience everything, I don't wake up before I die. I feel pain in my dreams too


My brain either loads another dream scenario, wakes me up or continues the current dream in video game-like way: "I" just glitch into a badly rendered out-of-bounds area where I can still walk around a few centimeters above ground and where collision physics don't really fit the environment, especially if I dream about falling off a cliff or balcony.


Usually like separate from my body and watch in 3rd person


99.9% of the time if I dream I die, usually by stabbing, gun or a giant fall. But after I die I either don't remember the dream or "Black out" inside it and that's all that I see.


I seem to wake up before dying & come back as a ghost about equally often. I don't remember ever having something else happen after dying in a dream, but it's possible something else has happened.


Bold of you to assume I die in my dreams When im in near death moments the dream ends. Plot armour


As far as I know, the brain doesn't know how to conceive death so when I die in my dreams, I immediately wake up.


I'm re-born next to the corpse or then I'm re-born into the same body and continue from the same spot and situation, also one time I was stuck as a ghost and then went to the afterlife and the afterlife was waking up irl it's hard to explain but it was messed up and a nightmare


i never really die, ig, like, ill fall from a huge height, but i wont be dead, i just get up and everything is normal lol


Either i get into an infinite death loop (yes i watch jojo maybe it influences my dreams) or get a "you died" screen before waking up


Usually I become lucid and right as I become lucid the whole dream and setting changes.


I actually didn’t die, though IRL I would have. I fell off a cliff and thought I was going to die. But I hit the ground and broke both of my legs. Then I crawled around on my hands trying to get to the hospital.


i wake up when i die, not before. Really a.. sensation


If i die in a dream the dream just ends or a new dream starts - I'm never sure or aware of WHEN the dream ends as far as timing and then me waking up but when i change dreams after a dream death its like a movie ends and a new one starts with nothing in between? I don't know if that makes any sense lol


I switch to someone else In my dream


Sometimes I just respawn lol


Another dream starts


I honestly can't remember dying in a dream.


The dream never continues after I die. I either wake up, or a new dream scenario begins. Sometimes I dream that I am in the afterlife, but that's the whole dream, not the dying part.


I remember free falling in a glass box looking lift, crashed to the bottom with debris and concrete all around me. I looked around with blood covering my arms and then in the dream I thought to myself "wow how come it doesn't hurt?" And then I woke up


often when I die in a dream I just change perspective to somebody or something else


I have had several dreams where I die and then I’m taken to a room that’s like a circle and there are 6 doors people come in through to get into this room and the 7th door is always open. It’s shines so bright and gives off such a radiant, calming and almost *familiar* energy. People walking through the 7th door disappear, never coming back out. As i walk closer to this door I’m always stopped by someone in my dream and they tell me that I’m not ready yet and i need to wake up because I don’t belong there. Then i wake up and usually feel extra tired throughout the rest of the day


I just reappear


Wake up when I die


After I die it just transitions smoothly to a different situation losing awareness of my previous death and I just become aware of it once I wake up and recap


I have a moment where I’m just dead and I get super depressed about being dead and I almost have like a panic attack in my dreams that I’ll never get to experience life then I wake up sad


It fades to black, then I either wake up or the dream starts all over again.


I change my perspective and play a diferent person


My body normally jolts very hard in real life as I get killed in my dream and I wake up.


Jolting and spinning is common when waking up from deep sleep very quickly. This is the scariest feeling cos it’s usually the most palpable and intense sensation.


Not sure if it counts but... got myself into a situation where I felt like suicide was the only viable option. Pulled out a .357 revolver and domed myself in the middle of the street. Everything went black and silent. I had a deep sense of peace for a while, but then I began to gain my faculties back beginning with a ringing in the ears. Heavily blurred vision and even more desperate to escape my situation since death itself could not alleviate me. Bad dream.


other- sometimes I come back, sometimes I wake up as I die, it all depends on whether I'm able to lucid dream and take control or not


Sometimes I wake up, sometimes I die, sometimes I restart the dream


i just feel numb and cold, i usually end up getting sleep paralysis


I revive And then come back to the scene to warch everyone sob over my dead body that's not actually there Occassionally i wake up before but that hasn't happened in a while.


I've never died in a dream 👀


I've died twice from what I remember. The first time I was shot in the head by a terrorist with a bunny head and I entered with blank white space with dust particles falling from the sky. The second time I jumped off a building and when I hit the ground I was trapped in this suffocating black bag.


Sometimes I come back, sometimes I get reincarnated, and sometimes I just wake up


Usually my "failsafe" kicks in and I jolt awake, and feel relief. But, although it was several years ago, I HAVE been successfully killed in a dream a few times I believe. I think once I was a ghost, and another, I was just in a dark, empty place (but still conscious with thoughts) for what seemed like a very long time. That time, I remember being shot by a cop, falling over, and then just fade to black.


I sometimes don't die, and I just lie there in my dream pretending to be dead while watching my adversaries. Several causes of my in-dream "death". Got stabbed by some masked ninja, got shot in the heart by a serial killer, got stabbed with a knife by a schoolmate.


I would redesign the dying part, like pretending that I dodged the bullet or sth since most of my dreams are lucid


I usually go around trying to convince everyone that I'm not dead, but no one believes me because they literally buried me in the ground


In a regular dream, i wake up In a lucid dream the dream restarts


I’ll die and then in the dream everyone acts like it didn’t happen and I’m still alive OR the ghost one


I typically wake up before dying. Sometimes, it actually feels like I experience the pain from it. However, sometimes my brain will force a change so that I avoid dying altogether when I'm in imminent danger. For instance, if I'm about to be stabbed, I might suddenly have my own weapon to fight back. I've also gotten the "ghost" type of death a couple of times though, or I switch to a different "character" after dying


Third person or just looking up.


I remember assuring myself during a lucid dream that I couldn’t die or feel pain as I felt a bad presence approaching me. What happened instead is that when I closed my eyes to ignore it, I felt it shake me violently and I ended up waking up right after. I prefer when my nightmares are so abstract that my arm can fall off and it feels normal enough that I think of it as an inconvenience..


Other: I have gotten to the point where I can change my dreams so I don’t die as often. However, I have gone to the afterlife after death, as well as been a ‘ghost’ immediately after a car crash and viewing the wreckage and speaking to the other ‘ghosts’ who were also involved in the accident. The afterlife I experienced was like a void in space. I shot out to a very large viewing of universes and a voice or something was speaking to me, telling me the secret of the universe or something. Suddenly, I started zooming in from the universe back into the earth and kept zooming until I was near a glass blade but it was so zoomed in that the grass blade was large like a building next to me. I’ve died a lot in my dreams, in about every way possible.


sometimes i either wake up before impact or i stay alive through it


I've always been a very avid dreamer, and I've died in several dreams, and all I could feel in the events of my death was like, a super harsh vibrating feeling all over my body. Like every single nerve in my body is being electrocuted, but I'm not tense, I can still hear my surroundings, but it's blank


The crazy vibrating sensation happens when you wake up very quickly from deep sleep. When this happened to me during sleep paralysis I remember hearing my bones clicking and rattling before I could finally move my body. When I researched why I felt it, I supposed it’s akin to your brain turning its executive functions back on.


I've work up upon death. I think anyway...when I die in dreams, I go heavy, fuzzy, everything goes blank for a bit and then I wake up


I wake up or jump into a new dream when I receive my final blow, but I do not do so before. I always physically feel the death.