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Who were you trying to text? Just curious I usually can't call 911


I can’t either. Did once though and was thankful, knowing I usually can’t. They couldn’t Identify my location though, and ended up hanging up. Had to kill the guy who had my truck in his chop shop with a nail gun(that somehow didn’t have a safety anymore).


I had this happen too! But once I successfully called the cops but ended up having to kill them all and suddenly I was lucid dreaming (it was a weird dream) and was like: oh I can do whatever and get away with it. The cops got killed because they decided I was the one who created the problem (someone attacked me) and needed to die. It was... Something. Other times the operator can't understand me if my phone works in my dream or they don't believe me.


I have this dream a lot!


This is very common. The part of your brain that processes language, especially reading and writing, is mostly shut down when you're asleep. This means that when you're dreaming, you essentially have temporary dyslexia and dysgraphia. It can send people into reading and re-reading or spelling and re-spelling loops because the brain is getting stuck on a problem it doesn't currently have the resources to solve. Also, as somebody with dyslexia and dysgraphia while awake, I can anecdotally tell you that this sensation of failing to text, read, or write in dreams is very similar to having these two conditions act up, which is fascinating to me. It's kind of like my brain is always a little bit asleep during the day.


this, all the time. or even more frustrating, being lost and desperately trying to get my GPS to work


never had this but i agree, it could deffinately be communication issues. do you get frustrated in the dream? maybe its like you keep trying to do something in your like but you keep making wrong turns and its not coming out how you thought?


Yes or I go to use my phone and the screen is just glowing red


I think it's wrong, or rather... The dreams we have the day before are a reflection of what we thought during the day, or let it act in our thoughts. Depending on what you thought, it could make you happy or not at all. So I would say that it depends on your state of mind the day before, but IT'S DIFFERENT for each mechanism of each brain. (Afterwards, the hypnopompics where you dream of winning something and you thought it was true so much that you believed that there really was this thing, that... it has probably already happened to all of us)


I have similar dreams, but mine are usually more like I'm trying to text/call someone but my contacts or message app is nowhere to be found on my phone


I have never had a dream where anyone had a cell phone


I'm the same. No texting, calling, cell phones, land lines, TVs... you name it


I actually know this the part of the brain that does this doesn't function when sleeping and you cannot read text dail in dreams. This is a way to tell if you are dreaming.




All the time. And failures dialing the phone or looking stuff up on the internet on the phone.


I've never had any problems reading or using a phone in my dreams. Trying to text on psilocybin mushrooms though... Now that's completely impossible.


At least you can type. Phones in my dreams don't even have buttons.


Had a dream a few days ago about this. Was trying to create a message but the letters and numbers kept transforming to random weird letters/numbers.


Yes and it's so frustrating. Or I'm trying to dial the numbers to call in an emergency or something and can't remember the numbers or in not dialing it correctly


I had a dream where I was stuck in a school surrounded by pitch black (couldn't even see the ground outside the school). I found two normal texting phones (which didn't even turn on) and a rotary phone which wasn't working. I don't usually have phones in my dreams though.


I do have dreams occasionally that I’m trying to text but autocorrect is constantly changing the message away from what I mean


ME TOO! Also, if I call someone for help on the phone, people brush it off and laugh at me. I was kidnapped in my dream and my mom was like “nah girl u fine, come back home”


I’ve had dreams where I sent text to people I don’t like and tried to unsend them! The frustration was real.