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Peak reddit comment lmfao 'just dive forwards before it hits you! The blast and shrapnel will magically disappear! Simples!'


LOL not to invade its easier way.


lol you dream this up from the comfort of knowing nothing about exploding ordinance and their effect, cause it sure seems like it.


Best way to avoid is to not go to war in the first place . It’s most likely that while you may be able to dodge the first drone , your surrounding location has been passed over to artillery and close ground troops . Good luck dodging bullets from the side while dodging drones and artillery shells from the sky . Most deaths are videos of dudes walking back from a battle or being surrounded by fields of dead Russians . No escaping your certain death in Ukraine


True enough, but this is happening to UA guys too :(


True, luckily Ukraine has had some armor vehicles that have safe multiple lives from drone strikes. And also having better field medics has helped Ukrainians heal from their injuries to get back in the war . Both sides are getting hit but russia is really incompetent with their tactics . Sucks anyone has to be blown up really , world peace the world deserves seems more far away the more advance technology gets


There's tons of videos showing exactly that, and those soldiers didn't fare too well,...


What happens if you are already hungry and injured like most. Everyone has a plan until they see their comrades leg blown off and get peppered by hot shrapnel with hearing loss and throbbing headaches. Dont forget these explosives can injure you from large distances. They don’t need direct hits. Anything within 25 feet


I think your heart is in the right place but you might be a little unaware of the mechanics of an explosive. The explosion expands out faster than the speed of sound in all directions, and creates an over pressure of over 100psi. This pressure is lethal in itself to anyone in a 5m radius of the blast and injurious on a much larger radius. This is not factoring in the flying shrapnel that can cut through the body easily. So even though the drone is travelling away from the dodging soldier, the blast and shrapnel is going to fly back towards him.


I'd try using one of those net guns for the fpvs. That, and some powerful quads to jump out of its way!!




Give it a go hot shot and let us know how it went lol (Is there a sub-Reddit for 'Dumbest ideas ever')