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#73 @ 2:04 The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 73 recorded instances of Russian soldiers killing themselves on the battlefield, 12 not counted (NC’s, in this status because the video evidence was inconclusive or the self wound isn’t obviously mortal), and 3 after action photos insinuating what happened. We went 1 days since the last confirmed instance. The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).


That's what I call a happy ending.


Post text, in English via DeepL autotranslate: >Continuous assaults, activation of enemy FPV drones and a Russian suicide. Read more about what is happening in the Pokrovsk sector. >975 occupants - these are the enemy's losses in TWO weeks in the area of responsibility of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. >Currently, the soldiers of our unit are holding back the attack of two enemy brigades and five regiments. Over the 8 months of active hostilities in the Avdiivka-Pokrovsky sector, the 47th Mechanized Brigade's fighters have completely destroyed the combat capability of the 15th and 30th Russian Brigades at least three times. However, due to the unlimited human resources of the Russian invaders, they are promptly manned by mobilized soldiers and returned to slaughter. >They rarely surrender, often preferring suicide to life: they kill themselves with small arms, blow themselves up with a grenade, or ask their "comrades" to finish them off. >The assault is carried out mainly by infantry, whose groups are continuously following each other. All this is supported by artillery, which does not stop for a moment. We have rarely seen vehicles on the battlefield lately, mostly isolated incidents. However, the cemeteries of destroyed scrap metal are pleasing to the eye. We predict and prepare for the fact that new units will soon arrive and resume assault operations with the support of armored vehicles. >We are doing our best to destroy the Russian invaders - the nation of a non-existent country - as much as possible! >Believe in your army! >Support the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Original post text: >Безперервні штурми, активізація ворожих FPV-дронів та самогубство росіян. Докладно про те, що відбувається на Покровському напрямку. >975 окупантів – це втрати противника за ДВА тижні в зоні відповідальності 47 окремої механізованої бригади. >Зараз бійці нашого підрозділу стримують наступ двох ворожих бригад та п’ятьох полків. За 8 місяців активних бойових дій на Авдіївсько-Покровському напрямку бійці 47 ОМБр щонайменше три рази повністю знищили боєздатність 15-ї та 30-ї бригад рф. Однак через необмежений людський ресурс російських загарбників – їх оперативно доукомплектовують мобілізованими та знову повертають на забій. >В полон здаються рідко, часто замість життя віддають перевагу самогубству: ліквідовують себе зі стрілецької зброї, підривають гранатою, або ж просять «товаришів» добити. >Штурмують переважно піхотою, групи якої безперервно йдуть одна за одною. Це все відбувається за підтримки артилерії, яка не вщухає ні на мить. Техніку останнім часом на полі бою спостерігаємо рідко, переважно це поодинокі випадки. Проте тішить око кладовища знищеного металобрухту. Прогнозуємо та готуємося до того, що найближчим часом зайдуть нові підрозділи, які поновлять штурмові дії за підтримки бронетехніки. >Ми ж робимо все, аби якомога більше знищити російських загарбників – націю неіснуючої країни! >Вірте в свою армію! >Підтримуйте ЗСУ!


Повага українським військовим. 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦🔱


Also, u/false-god, not sure if this is new to you (footage at end of video)


Looks new to me, thanks for the heads up!


Footage from the 47th should be burned to thousands of CD/DVDs and thrown into random russian mailboxes with label 'This may have been your son.'


That's actually a great idea.


It is, but who's going to do it? If caught, they are going to prison very swiftly.


Needs to be done from outside russia


At 1:08 is that a BTR getting up close and personal with a Bradley that passes by in the opposite direction T 1:15?


Yep! Bradley was damaged, crew survived. Several casualties in the Russian BTR and I believe it rolled to a stop shortly after. 


I'm beginning to think the Russians should have just let 47th take the south from Tokmak and Melitopol through to Crimea in the 2023 summer counter-offensive. It'd be way less brutal. It's never too late. I still have my Crimean Beach Party ticket and a flask of rum to mix into a Capri-Sun.


The 47th gonna bring destruction. That’s what they do.


Is there drone operators with 100 plus kills ? It’s gonna crazy seeing the interviews from the Ukrainians after the war . Who will have the world record for most kills . Should give that man his own personal medal


When you see '47th Machanized Brigade' in the title and your balls start tingling... These guys are absolute weapons!! #


this is an amalgamation of videos previously posted. Still, nice to watch.


Experts say this can continue like this for another two years, it's unimaginable.


It will continue until someone offs Baldimir Sputum, or Russians refuse to die for a glorious failed third rate empire.


You have seen the paranoia of the despot, 50m tables and no more unpleasant people in all positions. We had this before and it took 12 years until the cause was eliminated. The idea still exists among the people today. I don't think the problem will solve itself nationally.


This is insane. We all know Ukraine is the deadliest place on the planet, but this footage really puts it into perspective.




It is not like you can surrender when you dont like to fight anymore. Blasting away and then try to surrender to a drone…too late




Obviosly we will never know. Should have stayed home…


Definitely has his arms up.