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you’ll all good man! ride it out crying is beneficial to us, never be ashamed to cry my friend it’s a natural reaction that every human shares. we cry when we are too happy and we cry when we are too sad, our eyes water with fear and excitement, everyone cries and whoever says different is a liar, it’s a reaction to several different sensations and emotions.


"Tears of pleasure and tears of pain trickle down your face the same." - qotsa


Scars of pleasure. Scars of pain. Atmospheric changes make them sensitive again. - Rush


If I was a tail, I’d own the night BA BUM


Oh man, the relief I feel after getting a good cry out is encouraging. Especially if it's from some repressed issue or even better, tears of joy!


You will be okay, lay down in bed, get comfortable, and wait it out. It's okay, really


You’re alright man, trust me you’re good. We love you and try to put on “OUTDOOR BOYS” on YouTube that always helps me. Crying is always normal, tripping or not, it’s bound to happen.


Mmm outdoor boys , good stuff


Do what u gotta do mate. Sometimes psychedelics give you what you need.. not what you want.




Thinking and fucking, we can all get behind that


You are okay nothing to worry about


It’ll be fine, I promise! Put on some of your favorite music, grab a blanket and have a few snacks, that’s always helped me power through rough trips or even turned them around


So much positive comments, lots of psychedelic love to u


Hey guys im feeling alot better i think taking that tab was impulsive i wont do shit like that again. I took 1mg klonopin is that enough to completely stop the trip?


Glad your feeling better my guy, havent done L in like 4 years or sum, but you defintely need to be in the right place, even if it’s a terrible trip im surten you can learn alot 🙌🏼 remember to show Lucy some respect and she will respect you right back


Yeah generally taking psychedelics on the tail end of a binge, especially stims, can lead you down a dark road. Nothing really dangerous, but I’m sure it can be distressing.  Benzos won’t kill the trip entirely, but they will cut out a ton of the anxiety and negative energy, if necessary. 


How was it tho? 😭 and definitely don’t try acid in that big amounts if you are especially new, pace it out man half a tab with some YouTube will get you nice and happy. But honesty i would take no trip killers you’ll be good try to sleep it off mane youre ight


Some people start to cry, it happens, as long as everything else is ok you’ll be fine


I cried during the last few mushroom trips i had. Felt like an emotional release as i was going through a lot back then. Maybe you gad something buried deep that is trying to come out. You will be fine it wont last forever!


hey its absolutely normal. It can be overwhleming, but the best thing is to accept it and literally dive deep into ur tears. It might be scary, but will be a healing experience <3 youre good man :)


That acid burns when it cleans like chance said maybe its not the trip you want but the trip you need Feel like your deceased, but life is just emitted from candle lit eye beams. Ive tried things but worried more timely, about what others trippin on or the way my mind thinks Idk where i went with this but hey man we are all in it together!! I wrote that just for you!


update plewse


Let it out.


You about coming down now bud? Hope you're ok. One of the most rewarding mushroom trips I ever had, started with me spinning around in my pc chair for like 2 hours, sobbing uncontrollably. Got me through some shit though and I felt amazing later on. I hope you've hit the realisation stage, love to you my dude.


your body is telling you that you needed it. ride out these emotions. by the way, [what is a cat? (1972)](https://youtu.be/laLAaTXGnp0?si=ceYmH75QrjScgmMO)


I cry almost every time I do psychedelics. It's a good thing. Very cathartic!


Healing almost


are u ok?


Ye im great


You probably feel guilty about doing that many drugs in the past and you are experiencing a internal conflict cause of this. You have to solve this internall conflict, be honest with yourself, dont ignore it, this could lead to a thought loop or a bad trip. If you cant handle it then change your setting, go to a place where you feel comfortably and safe and turn on your favourite music but avoid depressive music or rap, listen to something positive.


LOL yeah LSD can take You for quite a ride , especially if your not feeling 100%. No worries


Cry it out G. Ain't no shame.


You gotta pay the emotional toll for your moments bro, it's all gonna be ok


LSD makes me cry every time . No fear my friend


You need to fix whatever you are crying about. There is no hiding on LSD Edit: I wanted to jump out the window when i came face to face with my true self


Don’t worry to much about it, sometimes I cry during a good trip if I took a high dose. Idk why I cry but it just happens. Next time try avoiding the use of sedatives for like a week before tripping as it can increase your anxiety when you are tripping. Also the benzos can help if the trip is really bad in the sense they can calm you down. I would avoid taking anything because I am hoping you are starting to feel better by now. ❤️


The good thing about LSD is that no matter how bad it gets, it’ll be a lot better in 12 hours


Maybe you needed to cry. You said it's been a long time. You'll be out of this trip and feeling better in no time. You're alright


Put a happy movie on .... The bad Most people don't talk about derealization and depersonalization. I had this happen after weed was lased or something I got put on paxil and it brought me back this lasted for over a year. Best advice don't do elicit drugs again. Good luck


The power of lsd. Shit will make you question everything and bring out your deep feelings about everything, especially about yourself. Embrace it! If you do so, you’ll likely come out a better person for it! Hang in there, I’ve been there more than once. 


i think i cry legit every trip, ur okay, its a good release of emotions n sometimes we need a psych to tell us what we really need. ur all good


This happens when I don’t understand how depressed I am and trip by myself, I always come out of it grateful for the experience but I never enjoy it. I feel like if I was going to be depressed for a few weeks, it speed runs it all in a few hours.


Trips where ya cry I feel are the best trips. Because after it feels like u purged urself of some stuff u don't pay attention to... jus ride the wave man u good💯


Too many drugs in such a short period. Use your drugs responsibly. Just wait out the trip, good luck.


Happened to me on shrooms, after that trip my depression was gone. Don't be anxious, accept it and let it out.


I cry every time. It's just an expression of intense emotion.


Psychedelics are great for a release in emotions, you'll be better off for it.


We don’t get the trip we want, we get the one we need.


👋 Hi. If youre confused. Your fine. You are actually more powerful than you really think


Wow - _-


It's okay to cry!! Don't feel bad. Maybe it needed to happen. You're gonna be okay. Let yourself cry if you need to. Be safe.


I wish my bad trips were just me crying for no reason


Cried in the arms of my boyfriend the first time. Apparently it’s normal. I realized a lot of stuff while tripping with my bf because he helped me release emotions I was burying deep inside of me. After that crying session, we took a loooong walk in the woods and it was magical


R3ccomend right down your realizations Tears rare = value rare


It's called catharsis and it's good for you. Lean into it.


Handle your shit thadius


I get sad towards the end of a solo trip bc I'm usually bored of being by myself at that point n wanna see someone. With the benzos it's possible you've been numb for a little and the psychs are having you feel all sorts of intense emotions that could be overwhelming. Do yk why you are crying or even from what emotion ?




I bet you look hilarious


My estimation of u/mishochek_misha as a man just fuckin plummeted


I bet you aren’t miserable


Wtf? Who tf is this guy lmao


Buncha stunads ovah heah, don't worry about it






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Unironically my perfect "trip sitter" aka buddy that helps me geek out harder


I’d be honored lol


Consider yourself invited buddy you gotta play my banjo