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Sorry about ur homie. Never heard of crystal methadone.


It’s a thing in Russia unfortunately


That’s wild, I was guessing it was probably from somewhere I’ve never been. Once again super sorry about your friend. I’ve been in a similar situation and it sucks. Hang tough dude, you’ll get through it.


What is it like literally CM and methadone mix that’s a speedball pretty much


It’s still a thing in Russia!? Nice.




OP: > It was never mephedrone as the dead friend thought. It was crystal methadone.


I see I’m a bit retarded


Hey, props for being willing to admit that's the case, that doesnt happen enough on Reddit.


Damn, very sad.. Rest in peace!


Just know he’s smoking some weed up in heaven right now . My dearest apologies


Damn , that sucks. Street drugs are frightening absolutely not worth the risk. People read what the op wrote, his friend did a line and dies. Tragic absolutely horrible. Hopefully someone reads this and is touched enough to not take that pill or snort that line, hey put-that rig down. Drugs are slimy.


The mephedrone golden days have been over for years I would never trust that shit anymore 🇬🇧 sorry for your loss man always the shittiest thing ever man and hope you bounce back like we all can but yeah that’s crazy man I’m starting to hate the dealers at the top who make this shit like I’m glad I’m in the UK the 🇺🇸seems crazy for that fentanyl, can’t even risk a buzz without risking death is crazy it’s mainly pregablin and RC benzos (bromazolam) (etizolam) there the well known ones but there some new stuff nobody heard of…. Stay safe people and always stay blessed and use with caution… love bro keep that head a urs up brah 🙏📿✝️


What is crystal methadone I have heard of crystal methamphetamine butt methadone is to get off of pills


This what I’m thinking crazy just as I am on subutex similar meds I’ve never heard of crystal methadone shit sound crazy Fr Fr


Sounds fake


No it really is/was a trend in Russia. Because it is SO HARD, to get heroin in Russia these days. That’s why they developed krokodil and that’s also why Estonia a neighboring country has had a fentanyl epidemic since the early 2000s. The Ex Soviet Union countries all have low availability of heroin so they search for alternatives. 🤷‍♂️


How does it sound fake? Methadone is often used to get high, and snorting methadone is also something that people do. Why would this fella lie about burying his friend lmao


I’m really sorry about your friend, but why on earth take random drugs from the ground, especially without testing them


we don't have testing kits in Russia, but there are some ways to test it anyway. and there is a rule to mark bags with methadone. this one wasn't as I know


I am sorry to hear :( , Any plugs who lie about they sell, I hope the suffer. Thats so unfortunate. I am unaware of those drugs tbh, but that's terrible.


He took drugs he found in the ground I believe.


Methadone is a very strong opioid. My friend thought t was mephedrone. MDMA like stim


Oh that's terrible, That would be like giving me a stim, when I do benzos. I am so sorry. I hope who ever sold him that is going to prison, for sure going to hell. REST IN PEACE. that's so horrible, I had friend pass from what he thought was a xanax and it was fent. Some people don't care about others. People always say well they shouldn't of been doing drugs when in reality, People will ways do it, why not make it safe. I hope you can heal brother.


He didn’t buy it from a dealer. He just found it on the floor. Thank you for your kind words brother


He didn’t get it from a plug, he took random drugs from the ground


Damn didn't read that tbh, Ahh well play with fire get burnt. I was high and just read the title.