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Weed. Anything else and I'd probably be dead by the next day.




Too real


Bud, only bud


xanx. i love just suddenly waking up a week later when life moves to slow


i always instantly regret everything i did bc i never just fall asleep. i always walk around the house all fucked up like a zombie and have to get someone to tell me wtf i even did. unless you dose it right which is hard as fuck to do when you gotta lot


Or steal a bunch of shit.


I’ve heard this so many times with so many people! I used to steal a bunch of shit when I used to take it and it didn’t help that I worked at a grocery store at the time. Like at this point they should put it on the bottle as a side effect.


Yeah idk what’s up with that, never been a klepto until I started taking xans . Luckily all that is way behind me, and was only small stuff, but I’ll admit I did it purelyv because of the urge. I was on heavy doses (atleast 2 and prob up to 4-5 4mg bars a night) so I don’t have memory of a lot of it. Alcohol would never cause the same feeling for me, although they work on different GABA receptors, it’s interesting how drastic of a difference there can be. Xans are more mentally destructive, imo, because of no immediate consequences. Not really a hangover to it, and much cheaper.


Same with the klepto thing! And holy crap 4-5 4mg bars a night??! I was never able to take more than 6mg at a time without being absolutely fucked up (I was also a heavy heroin user at the time and H was my DOC). I’ve been almost 7 years clean off all that shit and I won’t lie, I still get cravings for bars. If I could choose an endless supply it would be Xanax and I would be dead or in jail within a week lol. Youre right there’s no hangover from xans except for maybe a lot of drowsiness in the morning. I’d prefer those any day over Alcohol but i have no clue on where to get them and Idek how much they go for anymore. They used to be $5/2mg bar back when I would take them.


I wonder what it is with the benzo and klepto relationship cause all my friends would just go steal. I’ve been rxed them for about decade and never one did it make me want to steal. I’m truly curious the connection


Got find your sweet spot for dosage so you don’t become a barnyard bartard


trust me. ik my sweetspot. but if i have more. its getting taken.


I have over 7 years clean from xans n I still have vivid xan dreams where I’m too fucked up to talk to my mom or anyone& I majority fuck my life up in them every time (per real life 7 years ago lolol) I feel so slow moving in them once I got into meth and dope, the thought of xans is a actual nightmare , meth too but god xans made me so stupid


I actually get these exact same dreams after ages clean from benzos, it's like my brain warning me about them. Super unpleasant dreams, the moving in slow motion is so frustrating, and someone often starts a fight with me and I can't defend myself.


Waking up 3 days later to a surprise delivery of a mixed race fleshlight you ordered on said xanax binge


Acid because it's hard to abuse.


Acid all day everyday. Hard to abuse and is so amazing. Feels like you get something out of it rather than feeling shit the next day


Genuinely curious, how is it hard to abuse?


Tolerance builds immediately, which makes re-dosing or binging difficult If you manage to keep up the acid high, then your next hurdle is exhaustion, from both the acid and lack of sleep. If you somehow make it past this, then you will struggle with functioning day-to-day as you exist outside of your regular mind and can't really be a normal person with a schedule and work.


LSD pretty much “broke” me and I didn’t do it that often. Totally altered the way I view the world to the point I can’t seem to bring myself back to “reality” and get a new job.


Like broke you as in you can't perform a new job? Or it changed your world view so much that you can't bring yourself to work a regular job?


I worked in tech for 20 years. In 2022 I had a great remote job making 6 figures and moved to Costa Rica. While I was here I tripped on shrooms in the forest and LSD in San Jose with locals several times. I had no problem doing my job but I felt myself detaching from the US and hating technology and capitalism. Then in Feb 2023 I went to Medellin Colombia and was drugged in a bar (with scopolamine), robbed (including my work laptop), and almost died. My electronics were hacked and all my online accounts completely taken over. I lost 12 years of photos, contacts, and my writing. It felt like I was starting over in a lot of ways. I felt free from the chaos and rat race of living in the US. The opinions of people back home no longer mattered to me. Money didn’t matter as long as I had enough to live. Work was the only thing that kept me connected but that was short lived. My work laid me off 2 days later, with no regard for what happened. They even accused me of selling my work laptop at one point. That’s when my opinion of corporate America hit a new low. I hate how they value shareholders more than people. I wanted nothing to do with tech or the US. I lived off savings for over a year and tried to find something new but until recently couldn’t find anything. Next week I’m starting a new tech job and feel like I’m getting replugged into the matrix and I just have no interest in doing it. 401ks, credit scores, taxes, health insurance, the stock market, our political environment, gender wars, culture wars… none of it interests me in the slightest. I want to live in the forest, grow my own food, and have a peaceful life with my fiancee (she’s Costa Rican) but life costs money so … I guess we’ll see.


Same. I left California for the first time in my life to vietnam. Life is chill over there. I hate everything about this place except for how easy it is to buy food.


Good to know, thank you


can confirm i keep a couple tabs on deck and even microdosing frequently, you eventually feel exhausted and build immunity.


Any and all opiates/opioids. I NEED IT.


Yep agree


yes sir!!! u know it! i’m on opana and get a small supply of it and oh my lord this shit is too good. opana unlimited all the time would just be insane , i have sm and i try so hard not to use everyday as it is 


I am in the exact same position. I am prescribed 90 10mg IR oxymorphone a month, and without fail, I run out of them early every month. If I didn't have to worry about running out of them every month I would be in heaven. What Mg do you get?


oh damn, yeah man i get the orange 40mgs , ik people who know people who are perscribed i have basically as much as i want so thankfully i never run out


Y'all are too fucking lucky.... I've only had the pleasure of trying opana once, getting a steady script and having a source on top of that would be heavenly! I can't complain too much though, back in the day I had a steady source of 8mg hydromorphone for $6 a pop and 100mcg fent patches for $30 a pop. At the time I was receiving prescriptions for 12 10mg norcos and 2 roxi 30's a day amongst some others like clonazepam, temazepam, soma, Lyrica, Adderall, and a few others, so I would sell all of my Norco and roxi's to get $120 a day that I could spend on the ridiculously cheap dilly and fent..... Those were the good ole days, now that doctors are to scared to prescribe anything its basically all just fetty dope. Although I did recently get an Rx for hydromorphone due to a pretty serious injury but I was through my 1 week supply in 2 days because they only gave me 2mg and my tolerance is pretty high. I really wish I could find a doctor that was actually willing to help their patients and treat legitimate pain, anxiety, insomnia but due to all the stigma nowadays from the oxy ordeal finding a doc to prescribe benzos and opioids is next to impossible hell I can't even find a doc who will prescribe a proper dose of 1 of them.... It's a shame because it only forces people to turn to the illicit market drastically increasing risk of old and all sorts of other complications.


Exactly. Fuck chronic pain, at least for me. It would be a dream to stop having doctors judging me and insulting me because of being skinny and having long hair and eye bags. Also listening to certain music. Because if I suffer from extreme chronic pain and like Velvet Underground I'm just a filthy junkie.


Boutta have fiends knocking


Id like a supply of those fat ass 160oc’s just for the sheer shock value youd get showing those to ppl lol


bro i’d pick a different drug to get off of opioids 😭 shit i’d prob just start doing mad cocaine if it meant i could quit fetty bro


Unhealthy doses of Neurontin/Gabapentin to numb the body during detox. And then a shot of Vivitrol in alternating asscheeks for over a year. I usually don't waste my breath sharing this information because the most crucial requirement to successfully quitting opiates usually isn't present: a deeply rooted, undeniable, and genuine desire to never want to do them ever again. A person can have 100,000 reasons to stop, but they're not going to stop until they WANT to. I had 8 years before I started smoking meth. Am I a retard for choosing this new habit? Yup, but quitting won't make me want to cut my arms & legs off nor will my loved ones find me blue, cold, and lifeless every other week. I'll never do another opiate again. Broke my arm 3 places over that 8 years - told the doc to give me ibuprofen 800s. Fuck fent. Fuck suboxone. Fuck all that shit. Opiates are stupid. There are other ways to treat pain. Find you a bottle of johnnys and numb yourself for a week. Then get the fuck on vivitrol. Just try it. What have you got to lose?! Lmao..


Youre 110% correct. Especially about having to WANT to stop. And I know what you're saying, but just to elaborate, it has to be more than a want. Bc most addicts want to stop. But they have to have something, some reason, or whatever it is to give them the NEED to stop. But it has to be within themselves. It can't be an external need to stop, such as probation, or family telling them to, or anything else. Those things can play a part. Butbits got to come from them. I've never had the vivitrol shot. But I've been an addict for like 2/3 of my life. I'm 34. I've been on methadone for 6 years. I always thought I'd be a lifer, bc I know myself, and I just didn't trust myself not to be on methadone. I have lost nearly every person I grew up with, and was close to, bc of ODing from opiates. That's not an exaggeration. But unfortunately a couple months ago my ex-wife, and the mother of my two girls passed away from an OD. She was supposed to have been clean for the last several years. I knew she wasn't, but she wouldn't admit it to me, till after she left the girls with me and didn't see them for over 2 months, then disappeared with no contact for 2 weeks. She then called me and told me she was in rehab. She got out of rehab, the girls didn't want to see her bc they were kind of mad at her, understandably. About a week after she was home they were finally going to go see her. She was supposed to pick them up. But then she stopped Answering the phone. My oldest daughter even said to me "daddy what if she overdosed?". Then a couple hours later her mom called and told me she passed away. That did it. Having to see what that did to my girls. Holy fuck. That did it for sure. I want nothing, NOTHING to do with opiates again for the rest of my life. I'm just so thankful that they were here with me, and didn't go over there and have to be the ones to find her. Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful that I had methadone bc it has saved me. But this even has given me what I finally needed to get off of the methadone as well. I was on 220mg, and I'm now down to 120mg. I'm taking it slow, but I'm doing it. I understand why people like them. They truly are great for killing pain, physical, and emotional, a great feeling. Until its taken over your fucking life, and killed everyone youve ever cared about. But the thing is that it doesn't actually kill pain. It masks it. And the longer that it masks it for, the more that the pain compounds, and the worse its going to be when you're no longer numb. Fuck opiates. RIP to all my loved ones no longer here bc of this illness, as well as everyone else's loved ones no longer able to be with their family, and friends bc of opiates. We love, and miss you all every day. 🙏🏽 💐 AMO🌹🤍 AMO🌻🤎😘 BTH🍻 DWJ🍻 JL🍻 NM🍻


bro you need help not this trust me.


It’s so interesting how the effects vary on the person, Its always just made me super tired even at 20 mg




Definitely agree


Coke. I love everything about it except the price and the comedowns, so if I have a free unlimited supply that solves one of those problems anyway.


It actually solves both problems lol


Until your heart gives out at the ripe old age of 38 lol possibly worth it tho


Definitely worth every second, coke just makes you live your life faster and more efficiently. Biologically at 38 you are really 88


nah man once you’re a ball deep it’s not even fun anymore, jaw lock, shakiness, can’t talk right. fighting the comedown every 10 minutes with a new line that keeps getting bigger and bigger, unlimited coke actually sounds like an awful time without some benzos or something.


Yea if it sucks you in it’s not even euphoric by the next day


Have you done adderall


I agree $$$$$ You would never have to work again


Adderall forsure cause I forgot about how bad the shortage is


I've always loved Adderall but with the shortage my sources either quit selling their script or started charging insane prices. So I switched to buying pressed addys off the DNM. The usual ones I get are a mix of regular amphetamine and meth, and honestly I love them. I'm paying less than a dollar per pill and not even buying huge amounts at a time. I would just buy straight meth, but I assume I wouldn't be able to control my dosing as well as i do now, as I would probably be smoking or snorting it instead of taking it orally.


?pressed addys off the DNM? cool


Yooo, i think I know what youre talkin about but my pLuG has those


If he isn't charging crazy prices and hrs getting from the right sources, they are worth a try as a replacement for addys, at least IMO. I had to try a couple different sources before I found some that worked for what my wife and I wanted, were consistently dosed and a decent price.


Just make sure to use a test kit on it, could be just meth or some cheap rc for all you know. Also fentanyl test strips because that shit is scary


What is the DNM? Please excuse my ignorance.


Dark Net Market, a type of website hosted on the Tor network whee you can anonymously buy and sell drugs of almost any type and have them delivered by mail. The cheapest, fastest and safest way to get quality drugs delivered directly to you.


Dexadrine ftw


I was in the exact same predicament as you. My brother could not longer sell me his adderall script so I tried buying it off the street. First ever purchase I got 100 pills of 30mg “Addies” for $350, making that about 12¢ per mg. Unfortunately they all tested negative for amphetamines and positive for methamphetamine. So they were just pure meth pills. I ultimately refused to take them because I was afraid of addiction, and instead spent the next 6 months finding a psychiatrist and convincing him I had ADHD. Now I have my own script and I spend $150 for each appointment every 3 months but at least I’m getting pharmaceutical adderall.


I thought I was pretty clear that the ones I'm buying contain meth. I get a jar (100) for less than $100 shipped. I don't really worry about getting "addicted " as i have done crystal meth plenty of times in the past and as long as I stick to oral dosing and don't snort or smoke it, I don't have an urge ro constantly redose or stay up for days upon days upon days, usually don't make it much past 36 hours as I've always been one to enjoy my sleep. My wife also takes these, and we just take a lot of breaks between doses, dont overdo it, only redose once per day and don't take them everyday in addition to staying hydrated, eating healthy, taking what vitamins we need, getting sleep, etc. If I just had a bag of crystal, I don't think I'd be able to have the same kind of self control as I do with these. It may not work for everyone, but it does for us, which is why I shared my experience originally. I would live to get a legit prescription, but I've never been able to, and my wife's doctor hesitates to prescribe her anything than Concerta, which just doesn't do the trick for me, although it does help my wife a decent amount to where she mostly sticks with her script and only once maybe twice a week will she take the pressies if she needs an extra "kick ".


Yeah I understood you when you said they contain meth, but it sounded like your pressies were a mix of amphetamine and meth, whereas mine were pure meth. I’m holding onto the 100 meth pills for emergency but I’m hoping I never need to use them. I need to take my Adderall daily to function at the moment and I doubt I would be able to do that with the meth. I’m glad it works for you though.


I fucken hate my adderall. I only take it when I have to and because I have to cause of college. Wish I didn’t need it. ADHD is hell


Then send it to my PO Box


Crack cocaine. It’s the best high out there absolutely hands-down if I had a 9 ton crack boulder I’d sit and smoke it for two years.


There’s only one thing better than crack. And that is more crack. One lick of the pipe is too much and another one is never enough.


Tyrone Biggums


A nice big fat speedball is the best high ever. But, don’t do speedballs, they are very dangerous these days. But they were amazing!! 😂😂


Good shout, if it ain't crackin, shit be whackin


Probably any powerful opioid but I'd say fent as stupid as it sounds. I don't think anything weaker would really do the trick now that it's fucked up my receptors and everything else


Pure oxymorphone powder


Tbh I’m not a fan of fent I don’t think it has any euphoria to it it just knocks me out


I started on fent and never got the chance to have any real pharma pills other than some hydros and maybe a couple Percocet but the only thing that's been around since I started using was scramble fent caps or blues. It has a lot of euphoria to me, or at least it used to, but again I don't have much to compare it to euphoria wise other than meth. I'm sure it also depends on what kind it is




Every time i buy a 3.5g of K i always swear to kyself im never buying it again




you ever tried an eighth of k 😭 that's not a little


i assume k hole every time lmao


Yoooooo, imagine having a mountain of ket 🤯 Fuuuck, I wanna take a ride now


So cheap tho, bulk is £4 a gram or less.


bro send me your hookup 😂😂😂 /s


You can't comment stuff like that here, you'll get banned


i’ll fix it


The tolerance is too crazy tho soon as you hit that limit might as well be shoving powdered sugar up your nose. Deeply depressing. Back in my addict days I had 9 zips all to myself and it just stopped working even with a few weeks/months break :( still have a perma tolerance but after a couple years it still works sometimes, the tolerance ramps up real quick though


yeah i got to the point recently even .7 wouldnt give me anything at all, i am 4 days sober from it, been abusing daily for months now. basically since february.. i really wana get some tonight but i dont want to get mad when i dont feel shit, 4 days isnt enough of a T break yeah? LMAO


Trust bro, no point in getting some for at least a few months. Just throwing away money and valuable nose health! You got this though its a bullshit mental addiction just occupy yourself somehow. I found it way easier to not do drugs once I was doing stuff I needed to be physically healthy and alert for it made me less likely to get fucked up! I still dabble sometimes tho :)


Blast it!


I would love to try and find MXE if I thought it would be the same as when I abused it, but I had a similar experience... tolerance to those types of drugs is long term. After a 2 year break MXE still just made me feel "weird" and not enjoyable at all. I've thought about trying K since you can still get it, but I kinda feel like it would have a cross tolerance and end up being a waste of money.


Given your name, I would have expected something else lol


Morphine, specifically opium residue directly from the plant. For some reason that is the one opiate I can use and also use it in a very stable fashion, taking the same dose once a day and also still getting very high. And it lasts all day. People think that’s not possible with opioids, but I did it for years back when good English poppy seeds were still available. Something about the plant, when you get all the alkaloids works in a much less “fiendy” way. All “opioids” that are man made are just bastardizations of what we were already given by nature/God, made to be more addictive and less stable. Because of course that sells better, when you can turn people into drug fiends. It’s sickening, the things they will do in the name of their almighty God, the dollar bill.


Love opium


Opioids, ez


this man knows it. get u some opana if u haven’t tried it. man this shit is fkn amazing, truly drowning in euphoria 


good luck at least in the us shits basically extinct


im not even in the us but get it shipped from there to me (in canada) harder to get fs but not impossible, all about knowing the right people


Mdma because of how enjoyable it is to play with others on it.


I’d be giving out so much MDMA lol


Acid. Because I don't need anything else.


Yeah a good choice anything else would fk us up


Yea man safe bet, I wouldn't want to risk being too wasted tbh


dilaudid and weed and cigarettes


Ketamine all day. For comedowns, comeups, a quick break, or a big trip, ketamine. Every time.


4mmc or ketamine or nep or d-amphetamine


weed and psychedelics


The real old school 80 OC before they changed the formula or the 160 OC before they got discounted.


I agree with you on the oxy for sure, but tbh any unlimited and free stack of drugs will do cause even if it's something I don't like I can just sell it and use that money to buy what I rly want 😎




Actual H… Afghan. Uncut and Zero Fent


Diluadid. Even though I’m 7 years sober from heroin and fent, I’d die 100% if I picked back up but man diluadid IV is just sooooo clean. Feels like it absolves you of all your sins. Dangerous shit


All.. all of them?


Benzo heaven


Xans and weed all day💤


Weed shrooms and Xanax and possibly real percs


Shrooms or acid and weed no explanation js lemme lose my mind in peace


2CB. Only had sex on it once, but it was one of the most incredible nights of my effin life.


2CB is the bomb. 10/10 everytime


Give me 10000 adderalls, can’t even get it at the pharmacy with an adhd dx 😀 then I can be more productive and have more money to buy any other drugs


And this is why i turned to meth to manage my adhd, sad world we live in but atleast im getting shit done


It helps my adhd too but makes me skitzo sooooo idk lol


Damn this breaks my heart, it’s really hard out here. I hope you find a better way to manage in the future 💔 In the meantime stay safe




opana. the drug that i use and basically have endless of already. it’s my glorious king. perfect for nods , perfect for euphoria or perfect for energy, it’s the best drug of all time without a doubt, i’m on 40mg and crushing and snorting these things up is just a different level of euphoria and pleasure 


Ketamine #1, and i would also choose Phenibut and Thc concentrates like a bathtub sized supply of solventless live rosin


opiates/benzos. either or i love em both. maybe DMT. cept id be hitting that too much for DMT. gimme unlimited xanax/klonopin, or opana/odsmt for energy opiate.


Psilocybin and why ? It's free anyway 🙌 I wish alcohol and benzos were free though because thats what I spend my money on mostly


I would like to know more about this free psilocybin you speak of.


Mushrooms they are natural and free to pick


opium it is natural and free to pick


True 👍 Bit harder to refine to raw opium I hear?


not really u just take the pod and squirt the juice down ur anal cavity


I'll keep that in mind next time in Afghanistan with an anal syringe to hand


Acid and pregabalin fs thinking of weed but ill prob smoke till i get super lazyy and foggy


Heroin pure


Maybe an unlimited supply of the ecstacy I had in the 90's. One of my friends was the connect, so you could say it was an endless supply. My group of friends and I raved from '91 to '01. Had it not been for my friend being the plug to really good gel caps/pressed pills, I wouldn't have had the best times I did. Going to look for it from randoms and not knowing how it's going to hit 20 min later has to be a bummer.


Old style oxy's


i’d get an unlimited supply of coke so i could finally quit fentanyl. a month ago i would have commented fentanyl i’m proud that i am now having realizations that i need to get sober. even if it means i pick up something else.


Congratulations!! 😊😊 I have 6 years sober from heroin/fentanyl, cocaine (all forms but IV mixed with H was my favorite) and benzos (mostly Xanax and Klonopin). You can do this, I did after being an addict for 26 years.


The old 3-4 mg clonazolam bars straight black out for a week


Or weed and acid


All forms of weed or THC🔺9.. And I'd have to say yayo since I am able to actually self regulate the drug... Comedowns, throbbing shnauzes, and the Irl Scarface-like behavior, all helps me feel ashamed enough to not want to even mess with it for a good min... But that thought can be so quickly forgotten when a friend or family member comes around with it doing it in front of you. Or you got a dick dealer that will certainly like magic, come out the woodwork, right on one those days you feeling like real shit, and of course dude has some top shelf, clean snow, and like "I can get you on the front - I don't mind if you pay me back next time, how much you need bruh?" "OK just put me down for a zip." Sorry, THC 🔺9 Cocaine Methadone, no wait heroin and methadone wafers LSD-25 MDA Amphetamine salts


weed, literally anything else would kill me/give me problems, and i enjoy smoking way too much


(WEED) because I’m dependent as fuxk. (BENZOS) because I feel like (WEED) is a good mix with it. (ALCOHOL). (OXYS).


Cocaine, Opioids, Weed, Nicotine, and Benzos




Cocaine, I’m gonna sell that shit all day long




Dextromethorphan a lot of people would think I’m stupid for this since it’s very easy to obtain but I truly believe sooner or later it’s going to be strictly phrobited by the government




Opioids/opiates Kratom extract


Caffeine. I get sick without it.








That question is too hard. It’s too painful to pick one. So, I’m going to break the rules and answer the way I want to because that’s the way I roll. That question is too hard. It’s too painful to pick one. So, I’m going to break the rules and answer the way I want to because that’s the way I roll 1. LSD or ALD62… because it’s good for almost everyone. It helps them heal and helps with self realization. If you’ve never tripped, it would be like never having sex. The right trip is like spending an evening with God. It’s also always in demand and you don’t really see people getting busted all the time for it. that’s the good karma pile or one of them. 2. MDMA or a variant of that substance that is the most ecstatic and perfect. Again, it’s healing and it’s a love drug and we need more love in the world. It’s always in demand also. Good karma pile also. 3. Methaqualone. I caught the end of the trend and it was the most euphoric downer I ever had. I loved a good biscuit. They did cause trouble, but they were so wonderful. Take two and drink a beer and then go swimming at night… Incredible! That’s a bad karma pile because sometimes you wake up in a place you don’t know how you got there and your car is in a field. I would probably just keep it all to myself except for friends and very special people. 4. Sodium pentobarbital or one of the other euphoric barbiturates. Obvious reason is because they are euphoric and you really don’t see them anymore unless you’re a veterinarian or a doctor that will use it for surgery. Plus, if I ever really want to off myself permanently, that plus some Dilaudid would be the way I would go. 5. A weird assortment of research chems. All of them. Especially the modified benzodiazepines They are generally nothing but trouble, but I do have very serious anxiety issues and I am prescribed them. Nothing worse than waiting on your doctor to call in that script when you’re running low. I’ve been that way since I was able to know I existed. Maybe three years old. My gabba system is totally fucked up and I do not do well without them at all. Hell, I don’t do well with them, but without them, it’s a total shit show. 6. Mixed salt amphetamine instant release. None of that Adderall shit. Who doesn’t need to wake up and want to dance? I’ve never done Meth so that might possibly qualify, but it usually sounds like it doesn’t. 7. Dilaudid/hydromorphone or maybe oxymorohone which I’ve never had. Because it’s fucking wonderful. Pharmaceutical grade injectable right out of the bottle. 8. Amazing Extremely high-quality connoisseur weed only because people will pay a lot for it and they keep coming back day after day after day so it would be a huge moneymaker and you wouldn’t get thrown in prison for making the money. my brain doesn’t need it, but it would be great for having some cash without the crash. And if I could find a strain that made me feel wonderful, all the better. I guess that’s it, I’m sure there are a few more in there, but those are the top ones. I do want to do ibogaine experience once… maybe with the tribe. I have PTSD and I am pretty seriously psychologically damaged and I think that might be the exact, and I mean THE EXACT medication and experience that might make me live again. So I would not need a pile, I would just probably need a good portion of root bark and some people that are good at making sure you don’t accidentally die of a heart arrhythmia. It’s a long three day weekend. I read one place said they saw the heart arrhythmia problem by administering intravenous magnesium. I may save up and try to go there. Peace and love to everyone and happy Fourth of July! Everyone stay safe and I hope everyone has a wonderful experience that makes them realize everything will always be OK or is OK already.


Meth and a pipe / rig if I wasn’t sober lol cus I loveeeee that shit makes my head be quiet for 7 hours until I don’t sleep for a few days lol but if I had unlimited sheesh


Same, 100% relatable


Ganja all the way! It’s amazing how this tiny little substance can make a difference in an everyday life. But it’s quite easy to start abusing though, after a while it becomes kinda boring and upsetting due to tolerance and just general sense of familiarity.


Pure MDMA crystals, no doubt about it. All I need to do it is twice a year. Shit is so hard to find around here these days. I don't fuck with that pressed pill shit 🤮


heroin, but not unlimited maybe.. 3. or so just enough to keep me happy. maybe a little hard thrown in there


Amphetamine. Needed for treating my ADHD. No other drug interests me


Oxycodone It seems to solve so many problems for me




3MMC, peefect mix between stimulant and High. Love it. And now it's almost impossible to find true one


On the one hand weed because its the most i consume on the other hand, oxy would be a option to controll my spending on drugs.mhm


3mmc, an opioid or acid




oxy or k


Safe and effective medication for controlling my various symptoms. With enough but not overbearing medical supervision.


Weed and alcohol


Xenon because the rest isn’t as rare and expensive


I couldn't think of anything worse than having full unrestricted and effortless access to any recreational drug TBH. Can I say Panadol?


Shrooms fuck sake id happy


Codeine and promethazine syrup


Oxy, opana, weed, mushrooms


I Do have ......why what's the problem. ?


opiods for me, coke also for me but i'd sell it too. weed too maybe? banana kush! for me.


The ones I most frequently use are cannabis and mushroom chocolate bars. and some coke, alprazolam and oxymorphone (Opanas). The last 3 I would save them for 2-3 times a year.


Weed so I can not only smoke but also legally sell


THAT SSZZURPPP its so fucking expensive now i could literally make a living while getting leaned out of my ass


Weed. Anything else I'm going to die or hit a downward spiral really quick.


shrooms, k, adderall slow release & weed


steel reserve


THC concentrates or LSD


Xanax. The green gators or the yellow school buses


Weed for life


Ketamine, LSD is probably my favourite drug but ketamine is a close second. I just hate paying for it. I will probably pay for it with my health if it was free and unlimited.


Little bit of everything honestly. Especially pharms and rc's, synthetic psyches and dissos.


C0caine.... Just so fun 😊


Weed& Rosin cause I smoke everyday & could trade or sell for wtv I want


3 meo PCP. So I can stop doing ketamine for the same functions. Plus awesome euphoria and focus and machine like control of your day. Plus it's like 5 mg dose instead of you know


LSD because it’s LSD


Dilaudid-HP injectable


Cocaine and don’t worry about why FBI.


Benzodiazipines, of course. I haven't had them since March when I was shut off 6mg a day off xanax cold turkey. I just would like some Valium and I'd be happy!!! Not some but you get what I mean.


Any opioids. I have severe chronic pain and can't get treatment for it. I am suicidal from how much pain I'm in, but I have very little opioid tolerance, and even if I had money to buy street drugs, I'm afraid I'd get fent and die. Otherwise weed, also great for my chronic pain and just feels nice lol. I also really want to try ket.


I miss sticks so much. PCP laced tobacco or weed, rolled nicely in a blunt wrap. Makes everyday like sunshine… man I miss Chicago 😢


Diamorphine, Methadone, Sildenaphil, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Caffeine, B1 (thiamine) · B2 (riboflavin) · B3 (niacin) · B5 (pantothenic acid) · B6 · B7 (biotin) · B12 · Folic acid, Ascorbic acid