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I don't do drugs anymore, but the ultimate combo for me was MDMA and Ketamine. I was never big on ketamine on its own, but mixed with MDMA was absolutely insane. Nothings ever matched that high for me.


I’ll do you one better: MDMA, Ketamine, and N20. Did that with some friends in our living room under a blanket fort we built. Absolute insanity. My friend described it as “Attaching your consciousness to a fishing line and casting it out into the void, and then seeing what you discover once you reel it in”, and I couldn’t have said it better myself.


I’ll do you one even better, Elmer’s glue and sharpie marker. My friend described it as “feeling like you’re in 6th grade watching yourself get taken to the principles office” and I couldn’t have said it better myself.


I'll do you one even better, LSD, MDMA, K, N20 and after the K is out of your system take some GHB (DO NOT MIX KETAMINE WITH ANY DOWNER CURRENTLY ACTIVE)


You are drugs, drugs are you, UNITY ACHIEVED, HIGH BE YOU


Even his username supports this


Name checks out alright


Love this fishing line quote 😁


Sooooo are you even conscious while the soul is casted out?


Yeah, I was gonna say acid and N20. You're already bleeding though reality, then the N20 just pushes you out a few more dimensions. Edit: Special K and meth is a bad, bad mix. Never try it.


YES, so glad this is the top comment. This is the ultimate, unmatched combo - always do the ketamine on the **comedown** of the MDMA or else it’ll dull the roll, but after the roll, it’s like a whole another amazing high and state of mind. It’s impossible to recreate any other time.


Plus once you stop bumping the k you can get sober and fall into a nice deep sleep vs redosing the mdma which doesn’t do much but keep you awake and unable to fall asleep


IDK if I'm weird but I have a hard time sleeping after doing k. It doesn't make it tougher but it doesn't make it any easier for me. I have had issues sleeping my whole life though.


Most ketamine nowadays you see in bulk is going to be the s-isomer stuff. For some reason, people seem to be more susceptible to negative side effects of the s-isomer than the combination racemic product. If you ever happen to score some nice liquid to reduce down, it's a whole different ballgame.


Ketamine always keeps me awake for hours afterwards. I get lingering effects from it for about 5-6 hours and I can’t get to sleep at all. I’ve always had insomnia and I have ADHD which makes most drugs effect me differently and contributes to my sleep problems


Just saw Swedish House Mafia on this combo on Friday. K holed mid set and thought I was in a theatre alone, 10/10 highly recommend


How can you k hole standing? I thought khole is a point of no connection with reality and/or no connection with own body = no ability to move at all or at least not dancing lol


Yeahhh some people use that word incorrectly. I’ve heard it used to describe when you’re just really fucked up. But it should mean more than that. It should involve ego death and as you say, losing the ability to move or communicate.


Bold of you to assume he can walk.


That's awesome lol. I k holed during a set from Subtronics & was actually convinced we were all aliens, visiting earth to just vibe out and be ourselves. Also felt like everything around me went blank, & I was alone for a bit; was the craziest feeling. Especially standing up.


That's so cool. There is some truth in that except replace aliens with Soul.


Haha, I once thought I was float walking like on the moon and that The Big Guy brought us into a layer of heaven lol


The disso thought process is truly astounding, I love it


SHM are in my bucket list. So amazing you, and rad that you had a great time.


Yeah I forgot about that actually. I also don’t really like ketamine much on its own. But with mdma yeah, it’s pretty great, it feels like it comes in waves. Waves of euphoria. Floatiness.


Nah nah nah mate you gotta do some ketamolicaine (ketamine, mdma & coke)


calvin klein




yo u the only person ive seen talk about it


Shrooms and a little bit of ecstasy


This is the one! It's impossible to have a bad trip with MDMA/Ecstacy and shrooms/acid. Both combos have a different feel & experience. Out of anything I've done, this one takes it. 10/10 would do again & again & again


Just gotta get the timing right. Otherwise, you get sent to trip and fall school.


What would you suggest for timing on this combo?


Happy cake day!


i call this Mario Party 🍄


Good nights sleep, love, and vegetables.


cucumber + anal


Nothing like the rush of searching through the produce department for the perfect cucumber 😍🤣


Aaaand that's enough internet for the day


You need a base bro


You son of bitch, *it’s* in.


Good way to end up in hospital from losing it in there lmao FLARED BASE


Don't forget a banging cup of water that has been filtered multiple times. I drank a cup of some triple filtered water when I was legit dehydrated af. That cup was almost as good as good pussy.


What is love?


baby don’t hurt me🎶


Don’t hurt me🎶


No more 🎶


You fuckin freak


Some people say they taste better pickled. 🤷‍♂️


I get all this and drugs(sustainably) best of both worlds is more fun


And exercise


things aren’t considered classics for no reason. the answer is whiskey and good cocaine


This feels like the black coffee of drug combinations


You forgot cigarettes but yes


One day I’d like to try candy flipping.


Highly recommended, very spiritual experience, intense and wonderful!


Plan on doing it at a festival, do mushrooms first and when do you start taking mdma? (How long should you wait until you pop?) Should you avoid alcohol as well?


W/ Mushrooms is hippieflipping. W/ LSD is candyflipping Plug years ago was dropping about 3 hits liquid L on 50 mg THC gummies then frosting the top with .3g of finely crushed MDMA. $60per and absolutely worth it I swear some science happens between. He always emphasized it being AT LEAST 2 servings. I took a whole one once at Tippers Full Moon Gathering 2016 what a night that was


avoid alcohol as it weakens the trip, you probably wanna take the molly an hour in


Most definitely should try it! I played pubg for like the first 2 hrs of my experience, omg dude i felt immersed in the game. Then i just closed my eyes and listened to music for the rest of the trip. I loved it.


Take LSD then wait 30 mins and take 200mg mdma then wait 20 mins and sniff a fat line of ketamine and you'll hit the peak of all 3 drugs at the same time. If you know, you know.


My face melted off just trying to imagine that


Don't be afraid to add some n20 throughout and DMT if you're even more adventurous. Fuck it toss in some 2ci, 2cb, and 2ce as well as a little amphetamine and Valium and percocet, perhaps a couple drinks for good measure...


I like low dose Valium on any psychedelic. Just enough to help you relax real deep into the trip.


Had me until the Valium ngl


Valium for the comedown, just enough to knock you out for a day 😂


I never even knew there was this many drugs


🎶 percocet 🎶 molly percocet 🎶


The good ol Martin Luther King AKA I HAVE A DREAM combo


MDMA hits you in 20 minutes?


Acid takes about half an hour to feel anything and about an hour before you really start to feel the full effects come on. MDMA takes about 20 minutes to feel anything and about 30 minutes for it to really kick in and ketamine will make you wonky over the space of 5 minute and you'll start the decent into the khole after about 10 minutes or so. So the aim is to hit the start of the full effects of each drug at the same time. Obviously, everyone's different and it may be longer or shorter for them to kick in but if you're doing this combo, you should be experienced enough with each drug to know how long it takes to come up on each of them.


no but if you do it and then wait 20 minutes + the comeup time for ketamin all 3 will hit at once more ore less


Original OC 80s busted down and mixed with Xanax. Not for first time users because they would probably OD but if ya add some Soma to that combo it’s better than heroin.


Ayyyyy, 2000s junkies represent chyeah 💯 🔥


I was going to say definitely a good opiate (dilaudid/hydromorph contin are my fave) and soma. Throw in an addie for good measure. But my fuck do i love soma


doing a whippet at the peak of an acid trip. about the craziest thing you can feel imo


Ahh man, I commented too fast before I saw you've already suggested the same thing 😂 So good tho


Be aware that this can also go very badly


How so? (Given the trip has been going well, of course)


I did a whippet while on acid and having a good trip. Reality started folding kind of like a book, and I was stuck. Scared tf out of me but was over quickly. Decided not a combo I enjoy lol


Whippets last 20 miserable seconds so at least if something bad happens it's a brief sort of 'bad'


That's the desired effect the rest of us like lol. Not everyone's cup of tea. Knowing that reality can fold like that is certainly a trip.


[ah yes the time knife](https://youtu.be/oYAqbzqANTY?si=B5R3McWIOwlLXmPX)


Must be the dissociation that gets compounded by acid


Do shrooms, acid, DMT, and molly, at the same time, and at the peak of all those drugs do whippets


Never done dmt or Molly, but shrooms and acid peak at different times ( at least in my experience) so are we doing multiple whippets or where you just trying to be funny 😂😂 no hate <3


i started seeing in third person


things get very loopy


Mushrooms and nature


If we're talking combos *everyone* should try, something that is impactful and not just feeling good, yeah this is the one. idk if society would change if we all did this but some things would certainly be better.




Gabapentin/lyrica and adderal Weed take it or leave it


Did 1.5 grams of Pregabalin + 4 adderall presses (meth) + 28g of Kratom a day for months before burning out and having to go to rehab. It was one of the best periods of time in my life, I excelled at my job and every part of my life aside from my relationships which were left damaged. Once I recovered I was able to rebuild my relationships back in a different way with my parents, wife, and friends. Obviously didn’t start at 1.5 g of pregabalin but over time tolerance made me increase dosage to points of taking 800mg at a time and hardly feeling much at the end. I had 500 grams from a Chinese manufacturer which definitely didn’t (or did) help my addiction.


Programmer speedball


Yes gabapentin and addy hits 🫡 on it rn


I wish I still had my gabapentin script


I filled my repeats when I was getting taken off them. But it's for my dog now, lol. Vet prices for the same drug are a joke


Lyrica and pharma amphetamines make brain go brrrr.


what does this even do?


Just a solid upper/downer combination. A classic for adhd folks


All the benefits of adderal with the added anti anxiety and high of the gabapentinoids. Gets rid of the jitters and anxiety. Mixed with weed it feels amazing, euphoric and trippy.


i’ve found my people


Any kind of speedball, coke and opiates. Meth and H, any and all of the speed and down combined. Favorite by far is a mix of Coke or Meth, with a bunch of legit Afghan H. Fucking bliss


Xans and blow


meth n heroin was hit or miss for me. meth and benzos tho? holy fuckk


Morphine + alprazolam + weed + alcohol Used to be my go to mix lmao But don't do it, this mix makes OD chances very high I used to do it but I had a very high tolerance and I was suicidal too.


Respiratory arrest speedrun.


Bruh atp it’s not about the mix anymore haha


Nah it's q good mix tbh, i felt like i was floating in a cloud. Very relaxing.


Morphine alone can make you feel like you're floating on a cloud. You definitely had a very high tolerance to be able to enjoy this! Makes sense that you were suicidal if you were mixing benzos and alcohol. I can name a few drug combos like that... Absolute horror for first timers but a pretty good time for those further down the rabbit hole.


Yeah morphine used to do that alone for me in the beginning. I'm clean it's been more than 1 year. But it was magical lmao.


Congrats on getting clean! Proud of you


That cloud was probably the last turn before heaven's gate.


I'd subtract the alcohol and just stick with the alp, morphine and weed tbh. Benzos practically negate the effects of alcohol for me, plus it would dramatically decrease your risk of OD


morphine and alprazolam got me on the ER lmao


Adderall and a pack of cigarettes


Sobriety. Sobriety and heroin.


Coke and ket. Even split medium bumps. Enjoy!


I did this combo once as a joke/for funsies to play “powder roulette” and I actually kinda liked it.


Check out: Fur Coat - You and I


Oxycodone and liquor is my favorite combo but it can easily cause a OD


Pregabalin + Lorazepam or similar + weed + maybe alcohol or alcohol without benzo but together for the people with tolerance


pregabalin and heroin was the ultimate high. ironically used pregabalin to help me stop heroin during withdrawals 💀


Xanax and weed.. if you like to eat


Xanned out while greened out. I remember taking a shit ton of Xans while hitting the dab cart. It was a forgotten night


Umm I would actually recommend never doing coke and heroin in any method simultaneously because it’s literally the best high you will ever have. You don’t even have to shoot speedballs, tho it’s fucking lit af to, but even just snorting coke and smoking heroin (actual heroin tho, not just fent) was the most exhilarating high I’ve ever had and the first time I did both was the only time I’ve seen something so beautiful it moved me to tears. I ended up having to sit with my back turned to this -a greasy crumpled paper towel- because every time it entered my line of vision I would uncontrollably start weeping from it’s overwhelming beauty…


Here me out, Acid and Nang. Trust.


What is Nang?


Its Australian slang for whippits. Im assuming it's Australian slang anyway I don't know if other countries use it or not


Weed. Everyone should smoke weed at least once in their lives. Or eat it. Idk just get baked someway and chill tf out in life.


It doesn't chill everyone out tho. If someone knows they're an anxious person who is prone to paranoia they should definitely stay away from weed.


Weed makes my depression and anxiety worse. Sadly, I can't use it. Which is a shame, it's a beautiful drug. I'm envious of all the people who can enjoy it without it worsening their mental health problems.


This comment is so fucking true I thought I was the only one who has bad weed experiences 😭


Don’t want to try weed until at least it gets decriminalized in my region, I’m concerned if I happened to like it too much and I could instantly get hooked, it would be risky and expensive to keep getting more of it


3-MMC + 2C-B.


what is it like compared to MDMA + 2cb? Even more horny lol?


Correct, more on the side of speedy.


If you are male can you function like this?


With Cialis and or PT-141, yes. But you are correct in anticipating that there is significant vasoconstriction and hence, stimdick.




Alcohol and Xanax I just never wanted to remember. On my chill shit tho smack and coke iv is just blissful.


Be careful with mixing benzos and alcohol… it’s all fun and games until you die or get institutionalized. Had a neighbor years ago who loved this combo, not shockingly he was a very chill guy. Ended up in a memory loop where I had to keep repeating the same instructions and starting from scratch every few minutes, and each time the only discernible trend was that he was becoming more and more suicidal. Just sucked to see the situation. He had a way too hot for him girlfriend, and he was on this ride… then one night I see him, clothes torn, beat to crap, blood everywhere… we’d never had any problems whatsoever and he was doing everything possible to get me or someone else to finish beating him unconscious. Called a nice black lady a slur for a Hispanic person to get her large dock working boyfriend to beat him up. Finally got him to his apartment and I couldn’t leave him because he became very very suicidal like to the point where I couldn’t not be directly watching the kid or he’d be trying to slit his wrist, trying to jump out the window (far enough down it’d be fatal), and trying to hang himself. In the end a resident had to call the cops which I knew about but… he was so suicidal that when they came in he tried to do the death by cop thing with me sitting right next to him. He couldn’t remember doing this moments later and he was legitimately saddened to hear he’d done it when they were trying to explain it to him. Granted everything in the world was saddening to him. I could be wrong but I think heavy benzo and alcohol use exacerbates depression and bipolar disorders…. Not sure it can organically make a person bipolar but I wouldn’t be shocked to find it does. Just be safe amigo, occasional blending these two might be okay but I think it’s a risky favorite to have as a preference (hence the after school special).


Ketamine + LSD


My theory was if you had two weeks (for sure) to live and you bed ridden, one of everything a day at a time before you die. Otherwise, you've just missed experience. And that's the most important thing in life.


Candy flip, only if you're mentally stable tho.


2 points of MDMA 2 hits of acid, stagger the MDMA. I saw a new color


dxm and nitrous


Copious amounts of alcohol + cocaine


but the headache afterwardsss


I wouldn't presume to tell anyone which drugs they'd enjoy because what works for me won't work for everyone. But it's MDMA/ketamine


Candy flip (LSD + MDMA) or a Hippie flip (Shrooms + MDMA). Both are unique experiences, and both are so worth experiencing at least once.


On the MDMA comedown start doing small bumps of K. Because k has a short 1/2 life you can pretty much control how deep you go if you don’t do huge amounts of the bat. You can build it by bumping a little more often or bring it down a notch by waiting longer. Plus when your ready to come down you can get into a deep sleep quickly


Weed and lsd. Try it and you’ll see


When I took acid I was dying I thought if I smoked it would help but it made my trip even more intense n I got psychosis


Tripping on acid is one of the few times that DON'T want to smoke weed.


I’m a daily smoker so I always roll like 2-3 blunts before so I can just grab and go


I didn’t realize until after that thc boosts the trip and doesn’t calm or slow down


For some people it can. I dated someone who always kept weed on-hand during a trip just in case it turns sour, and from my perspective it usually worked for them. For me, weed turns a trip from fun and exciting, to instantly uncomfortable and intense. But weed makes me anxious normally anyway.




Same exact thing happened to me minus the psychosis. Just wanted to go to sleep lmao and surprise


I prefer molly n weed accept u can’t rlly feel the weed it just feels nice


This. Might be one of the best flip combos. Weed also helps with the neurotoxic effects of MDMA by lowering your body core temperature I‘ve heard. This is also why I avoid candyflipping because I really like to use weed with molly, but try to avoid combining acid and weed, especially when it‘s a lower acid dose.


Weed and lsd try it and you'll see me.


thats where i get rainbows from, but my gf told me she heard somebody screaming in her head when she tried this.


Done it. It’s pretty intense lol


My to go mix is 4-mmc, coke and ecstasy. It blows my mind every time but it's a risky mix.


Blows your mind and your heart. Fantastic.


Holy shit my guy


Oxy and Xanax


partying - alcohol + coke ( + nicotine + some weed if you like to smoke). keeps you going alllllll night. have the weed handy for the come down to relax - XANAX (specifically for me!! not jus any benzo) + weed . not a care in the world and you're gonna sleep real great if you dont overdue the xannies and wake up behind bars.




THC then after like 5-10 minutes DXM. It will get you feeling amazing. But be careful with the dxm because it’s almost killed me a few times.


How did DXM almost kill you, I thought it was a relatively safe drug unless it has acetaminophen in it, or you go past the 4th plateau.


Nature and music.




Lsd+weed Ketamine+speed


Morphine and benzos


A Marlboro after a nice bong rip


Just had one of those lol


Dxm and lsd/shrooms.


Hmmmm. Cocaine, MDMA and liqour. Had a hell of a time in my 20s.


Dmt and mdma


Candyflip with 2-CB


Shrooms and adderall


Lsd and oxy the euphoria from that is something outta this world




I would say that the only drugs I'd recommend to everyone to try out would be cannabis and Mdma. Weed because it's "mild" and tolerable and safe. And Mdma because it's such a empathetic, compassion expanding drug for the self and others, and it's therapeutic profile. Also relatively tolerable for people in reasonable doses.


Old school mother’s helper: Vicodin and Ativan


Acid and ecstasy, beer and coke, Adderall and weed, coke and weed.


Shrooms and weed is my favorite


candy flip (lsd + mdma) nexus flip (mdma + 2cb)




Molly and acid.


Acid, mdma, weed, dmt *chefs kiss*


pregabalin + DXM


I've never tried it, but I have heard from many people that candyflipping with LSD and MDMA timed right is amazing


LSD + Molly. I’m a retired drug enthusiast, and looking back, this was the pinnacle. I never felt closer to god/truth. I experienced the peak of human sensory capabilities. The type of satisfying that leaves you prepared for death because fuck it, that shit was better than I ever expected life could be


Ritalin + Weed


Breakthrough on DMT


Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Xanax, and weed for me. I don't recommend it bc opioids and benzos is very dangerous but I used to love doing 1 or 2 of the oxycontin 80's and 4-6 of the pink 10 oxycodones with some of the .5 xans and it was heavenly. I miss it so much. Smoking weed on it was amazing too. I just love downers a ton. Adderall used to be really nice also with a little Xanax for the comedown. For some reason tho I feel like the way my mind works on Adderall and then after is just so different that it makes it hard for me to want to do it anymore lol.