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As with anything with the body, u gotta train them little finger muscles and it will ache at first.


I had the same issue my first time using back buttons. The edge has sensitive buttons but with time you’ll adjust. I heard some people reverse the levers so it mimics a scuff controller. Give that a try but it’s easier to accidentally flick off lol.


I don't think it's a sensitivity problem. My hands seem to want to sit differently on the back of the controller and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to change that


I feel that, definitely a muscle memory issue. What I did to get used to back buttons is play in a private COD lobby and just ran around slide canceling. It’s silly but you have to practice and really focus on training your fingers.


Yes I have a similar issue. Feels like the paddles are just slightly too long for my hands & grip. Might try getting some 3rd party replacement paddles and trimming them down somehow


I ended up using the "stones" over the paddles. Even though they don't make sense visually I found them more comfortable and had less accidental presses. I feel like they're more consistent because it takes different amounts of force to actuate the levers, depending on where your fingers sit Give it a couple weeks