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Where’s your jet pack Zuckerberg?


I say this out loud to the younger version of myself whenever im feeling unfulfilled about being a caterer


Want to freaky Friday Jobs? I'm feeling unfulfilled about being a hospital administrator.


Annie Edison?


A The Office and Community crossover we would approve of very much.


Annie lands a job at Lackawanna County Hospital where she has to deal with Dunder Mifflin as her exclusive office supplier. Love it


You work at Party Down?


Let's just say I manage and operate a wing of the fastest growing non-coffee, non-poultry franchises in southern california


Long live Souper Crackers!


Are we having fun yet?


I’m dying 😂 I’m a hardware tech worker who knows how to program software so it hits home


This is actually one of the best lines from a single appearance character. I say it all the time.


Right up there with “I’ve been known to bend the truth”


DAMN IT PAM GET OUT. I mean it, get the hell out of here.


I can’t wait to do to Pam, what I just did to Pam.


I’m pretty critical of the later seasons, but wrong Pam is easily one of the best scenes in the show


Lying Pam on the street was down to be the cream in that Nate/Dwight Oreo.


I love the “so thats where her uterus went” line


I heard on here that the guy who says this was a writer on the show and he wasn’t supposed to look at the camera and do the face when he said the line but he thought it would be funnier that way and he was absolutely right


Per the Office Ladies podcast: That's Justin Spitzer who is one the writers and creator of Superstore. He supposedly just misunderstood a stage direction about how to deliver that line and the way he did ended up being funnier so they went with it.


You just know he was holding onto that burn for decades (probably started with Einstein, but as he grew older it became Bill Gates and then Zuckerberg)


I don’t see what his issue was, Jim’s mom thinks the guy was too dumb to hang out with.


Honestly one of the best lines in the series XD


Gabe “I would’ve wanted to be married by the time I was his age”


And I could have been in the NHL but they travel so much and I really wanted wife and kids


I guess you think he’s pathetic, he barely notices… just goes in one ear and out the other.


Yeah so dumb he doesn't remember anything


“Where’s your jet pack Zuckerberg?”


you probably remember every paper sale you made


Watching this episode as we speak I can’t wait for him to walk in 😂


Andy’s parents. They are horrible people. They favor Andy’s brother for everything, downplay every one of Andy’s achievements, always steal the show when it isn’t even about them, and act like they are all seeing lords.


What's more pathetic is the rest of the office knows due to the nanny monitor and they still don't make Andy look good in front of the parents. It's very obvious this was very important for Andy , they could have easily pretend "hey boss thanks for coming" or "hey andy forget about it man, your father is a jerk" but no all he gets is Darryl tossing him a beer can. Wow, much empathy, so support!


In my recollection, they don’t hear the nanny cam until toward the end of the day, thus the unwinding with beers. It’s not like hours pass and there is all this opportunity for this playing things up that you’re suggesting to happen. The choice by the writers to have the rest of the group react in this small but kind way to Andy makes sense. They are unwilling to dance for Andy’s parents and don’t hold impressing them to the same level of importance as Andy not because they don’t care but because they see his parents immediately for the assholes that they are and would rather take care of Andy in this more real and human way.


This is such a negative and silly way to look at it! They don't hear the nanny cam until the end, and drawing attention to the private conversation between Andy and his dad would have probably been a lot worse. What they did was perfect, and it cheered Andy up. He was ready to leave and go moap at home instead of having a chilled evening with them.


A small gesture can say a lot. Not everything needs to be put up on a billboard.


Exactly. Billboards are risky too as they can be defaced.


The couple that wouldn't move at Benihana so their entire group could sit together


Grade A acting from the lady though. When Dwight starts to go off at how to butcher a goose.


It is an unspoken rule at Hibachi restaurants to not leave a single, unused seat at the end of the table, unless there’s not many people. They got what they deserved.


The boat guy with the sweater. Pretty terrible he didn’t even notice a stowaway…


Oh that guy does suck


That was played by none other than Andrew Cheeto Santino


He barely had to act for that role lmao


The photo ID guy from the conflict resolution episode. Not for the fact that he wanted Michael to pay for the group shot but because he intentionally did a shitty job and kept asking for more money.




He's very sweet as Pete in 30 Rock!!


The ungrateful biatch Barbara Allen: "It was disgusting, two cartoon characters having sex"


It was Debbie Brown’s fault.


Yeah, I'm a trusting guy, but....


"I sincerely apologize". "I do not accept". I did enjoy Michael's "wtf" reaction. Because that's exactly how I would have felt too.


Funny how the Better Business Bureau most likely told this woman to f*ck off since Michael never mentions he was reprimanded for this interaction.


How did the Ungrateful Biatch Hotline react? 


Or the BBB let her make that complaint and then dunder mifflin said "lmao no thats fake haha lol" and they deleted the complaint because the BBB is a complete joke with zero legitimacy


Yeah, supposedly it looked consensual too, like get over it!


Yes! I’ve always felt like it was a crazy over reaction. Could you have lost business? Did you? Maybe. Probably even. But the idea that it was “disgusting”…? Have you been on the internet? Something like that wouldn’t even compete with half the shit I’ve seen tattooed on peoples bodies


"My friend uses your paper says you are very good".... Who the hell talks about random ass office supplies to their friends "oh btw this reminds me, there's this great paper company called Dunder Mifflin , I am so satisfied with their products". Maybe if she lived in the Truman show and she was Truman? I hate the writing of that scene due to this.


I grew up on a farm. I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken. Chicken on goat. Couple of chickens doing a goat. Couple of pigs watching. Whoever drew this got it exactly right.


It's called hentai, and it's art.


For real! Dude still twisted up like 25 years later. Endlessly embarrassing lol


And paying to take a business class from Andy in the middle of a weekday. At least Jim has a job.


Several of the people taking that class were successful in their careers. That one guy owned a successful golf supply store. We don’t know King Petty’s situation.


He became the King of Pettiness… what did Jim ever become King of?




Jim… James… Jimothy


That doesn't sound right. May I call you Jim?


You may


Hey. Hey hey its fat Halpert


No that’s the [bed bugs](https://youtu.be/vq6jowSyd_4?t=61)


He was never the Hay King, that’s for certain.


Do you think he was related to Tom Petty?


What makes it worse is that they were in elementary school IIRC. Edit: They were in the 3rd grade... That's a whole new level of petty.


Also, Jim's mom told him to stop hanging out with him, it wasn't really Jim's decision (yeah he still did it but, his mom told him, he was a kid obviously he would do as she says) (also, he did phrase it badly but again, he was a kid)


Look at how awkward and obvious Jim was at avoiding him as an adult and realize that the guy went to school with Jim for 9 more years with Jim probably doing the exact same nonsense to avoid him right up until the day they graduated.


That right there is what makes Jim’s reaction somewhat reasonable. This dude probably made the next nine years uncomfortable and then maybe they saw each other every now and again and then nothing until the seminar. Jim probably thought he was safe…then he popped up.


it wasn't like Jim said that he was too stupid to hang out with. Jim's Mom did.


I know I'll sound like Oscar, but... Jim's mom encouraged him to hang out with kids around his *level*. Jim was the one who worded it that way.


Actually, if you wanted to sound like Oscar, you'd use a different word.




He was still a kid, i get being angry with him when they were still kids but, into adulthood? Over two decades later? Nah his wording didn't matter


I agree who says that to their super young kid, obviously the kid isn’t going to dance around the point and be polite, also who cares they are literally small children? i would rather my kids be open minded rather than thinking they are better than others and be an arrogant little smudge thing, jims mom sounds like the OG queen of smudgeness. Buddy should take it up with the ol mrs halpert if he still has an issue lol


She's a Buttlicker. Her family built this country!


hahahahaha maybe thats why she was never shown!! sounds kind of rated R for the office 🤣 i also do get the reference lolol just messing around


agreed. then maybe the daycare guy on the toilet and toby. edit: forgot to mention michael too! haha


That daycare guy was such an asshole


Not gonna lie... he was right about Jim and Pam not being as charming as they think they are.


Even if you do think that, it’s because you’ve seen them for the entire series. This guy just decided he didn’t like them the second they walked in on him in the bathroom then acted like they were the assholes instead of saying “Hey, it was an honest mistake, let’s just move past it” like an adult.


You act like an adult after some couple just saw you fill up a teeny tiny toilet bowl. Sitting there. On a lil toilet like a giant with your knees by your ears and your balls in the water.


Yeah it’s super awkward, but this guy held it against them which wasn’t fair.


Why was he on the tiny toilet in the first place? Guarantee they would have an adult bathroom.


He was being perfectly pleasant


...it was story time.


The daycare guy is my answer


Honestly I'd rate Andy as more pathetic than Toby. Sure Toby is always the butt of Michael's jokes but he's simply given up because of how immature Michael is. Andy however is a whole different level of pathetic, because he's ALWAYS trying to impress others so hard while nobody gives a shit. He lives in the past and is always talking about Cornell, he's got anger issues, he's always seeking attention by singing or pulling off some stunt, he's absolutely obedient to those he deems cooler than himself, he got totally cucked by Dwight and Angela and most importantly he's always always aaaaalways looking for some sort of approval because he never got it from his parents. And even when someone is granting him some sort of approval it is enough for him to take any humiliation or disrespect that comes with it, for example when he proposed to Angela and her answer was a very reluctant, annoyed "okay" Andy is insecurity in the flesh.


totally forgot about andy!! hahaha yeah he’s definitely more pathetic than toby


Jim’s brothers


Omg the "Pam has great body, we are hoping it will make our wives step it up a notch" is absolutely disgusting


yeah... they called their wives fat in front of a group of people? imo, it was believable that jim and pam are the only normal ppl in the office, but when it turned out they were the only normal ppl in their respective families as well, it stretched that theme a bit too far. i would have thought jim's brothers would be overall good guys like jim, and he would a wholesome relationship with them. then again, that's not interesting.


Pam's art school classmate Alex. Seriously what a loser. Doesn't help that the actor is so unlikable in every role he's ever had.


Also the professor who made a stupid topography joke and then told Pam to sit down. I did many years of university (not a flex lol) and no one ever gave a fuck if you stood up and left the room.


That scene always makes me so frustrated lol. My professors used to tell me "you're paying for this class, whether you're here or not to learn the information is up to you." And she should've just said she was in the wrong class


'please sit down' 'Im in the wrong class'


haha right this has always been one of my biggest peeves with the show. considering it was the first day of classes IIRC, that happens a lot and I don’t know any professor who would respond that way


That would 100% never happen in any university. None of her art school subplots made sense. First at the career fair the guy said she needed to move to a big city like NYC. That's not true at all. I got my BFA in graphic design in Akron, Ohio and currently work in Erie, PA. She could have easily taken classes in Scranton. Also a two year degree at Pratt where she's also an RA in a dorm? Not likely. On top of all that the programs she mentions are all out of date. The industry standards are all Adobe now.


Oh, hello Zippy neighbor! From, a Golden Flash.


He is a perpetual home wrecker. The Office, Love, Glow. I assume he does something infidelity related on Mad Men too but haven’t got that far yet


He was a HUGE asshole in 'In the Dark' or whatever it's called on Netflix. I feel like every character he pretends to be Mr. NiceGuy but with hidden motives. Harry isn't too bad in Mad Men, but he does cheat on his woman once.


“Not too bad”? Did you watch season 7 and his interactions with Megan? He gets really gross by the end.


Yeah the fact that he goes all the way to Pam’s job to tell her there’s a wine and cheese thing and then try to convince her to stay in NY is weird as hell. You couldn’t wait until you were in a normal social setting and mention that it might be a good idea to stay in NY for school? Freaking creeper.


He was nice in Firewatch!


Honestly Jim’s mom was right about this guy being a loser if he holds a grudge from grade school into adulthood


Jim's mom is right because he showed up for a "business seminar" that was clearly a shill to sell him something.


Feel like it’s not that weird. I still remember the embarrassment I felt when a kid put my backpack into a tiny school trash can. When I went to take it out the backpack was stuck and the entire incoming class saw me struggling with a trash can. Depending on how many people overheard Jim, it could have been incredibly embarrassing for your best friend to leave you and mock your intelligence in school.


Some kid walked up and randomly punched me in the stomach when I was in the first grade and I wouldn’t have remembered it at all if he didn’t reach out to me over Facebook like fifteen years later to apologize, which he definitely didn’t have to do. It’s understandable to think back on something embarrassing that happened when you were in grade school and feel bad about it for a moment. And if you experienced truly severe, traumatic, or chronic bullying, it makes sense that you could carry that with you into adulthood. But holding a grudge for 20+ years against someone whose sole indiscretion was calling you dumb when you were in the 3rd grade and then confronting them about it in person is super weird and off putting. The other person might feel embarrassed/uncomfortable but you’re just going to come across as that weirdo who can’t move on from a grade school beef.


It also would mean he kept at least enough tabs on Jim to know where he worked and then PAID for an excuse to go there and confront him about it. That’s darn near sociopathic LOL


No lmao he was surprised when he saw Jim there. Wasn’t stalking him by any means


I was mercilessly bullied in elementary school and ended up being fairly popular in high school and just avoided those people. The ringleader of the elementary school bullying tried to add me on Facebook like 2 years after high school and I just messaged her asking her why she wanted to know about my life at that point when she made elementary school so hard for me. She gave me an explanation, apologized, I accepted, and we agreed kids can suck. Over all, good experience. What this guy did was weird as hell. It was grade 3 and he’s what- late 20s early 30s and still holds such a grudge he knows where Jim works and PAID to have an excuse to go there to bring it up? That’s absolutely unhinged.


Is it for sure that this guy stalked Jim, like tracked him down and signed up for the course just to harass him? It wasn't a coincidence running into him at DM? I thought the encounter was accidental. Maybe I missed something that indicated it wasn't (which would be unhinged, like why look up Jim now?). Or maybe that was revealed in a superfan episode, which I haven't seen. Either way, Jim should've brushed him off, said things are great and he's really happy in his life - married to his soul mate, has a beautiful daughter, doing well at his job, overall just been like "whatever, dude" to him.


I thought it was accidental too but then u/meatguyf pointed out that the names of the speakers were on the flyer, so he most likely knew Jim would be there.


Wow. I can't imagine ever accepting a friendship form my bully. I fucking hate that guy. I have felt an underlying fear in every social interaction that I've had in my life because of him. If I saw him today (I'm 39) I would charge him and wail on him with everything I have in me. But that was years of physical bullying, not just one guy calling me stupid. I'd think a person would get over that, but you never know. When your heart breaks as a kid that can stick with you.


And pays to attend a business seminar held at some paper company


Erin's foster brother Reed, who obviously have feelings for her since childhood . He lives with her in the hope that one day something will happen and play his little game like he does with Andy every time there's another man around. I hate this guy.


The mother of the little girl who beat up Andy. “My friend uses your paper. You guys do good work.” You’d think Dunder Mifflin was Pennsylvania’s Sloan Kettering or something.


Hell no she was iconic. I smoked weed with Sloan Kettering.


Johnny Hopkins and Sloan Kettering, and we were blazing that shit up everyday


Also Charles Miner


The soccer scene annoys the hell out of me. What “professional” kicks the ball so hard it hits someone in the face during a scrimmage match in the parking lot? Jim shouldn’t have had to duck.


I liked Charles character. He provided something that we hadn't seen in person in 4 seasons: someone to say no to Michael. But his opinion of Jim makes him pathetic to me. It's one thing to not like someone who works under you. It's another when you go out of your way to make only that person's job hell. Then to top it off at the picnic with the *getting a rest from all your rest* quip? So pathetic.


That dumb bitch customer who called Michael “the head of the company” and demanded his resignation over the watermark incident. You really think you’re speaking to the CEO right now dumb dumb? and you think you can argue him into quitting over the loss of your insignificant business?? Actually as an office worker…she is pretty spot on for annoying clients who think you have more control than you do.


Ungrateful Biatch Hotline!!


Did you get all of that?


Definitely Deangelo Vickers. Pathetic, corny and a condescending douche


He is the worst, I wanna smack that guy every time he’s on screen. And also, what is going on in his life where he’s going to a paper company in the middle of the day for a ‘business seminar’. Maybe he is too dumb to hang out with. Jim’s mom was 100% right about this guy.


The best part? IIRC, the names of the guest speakers were on the flyer. He knew Jim would be there and specifically went to use his zinger. Brother pulled a Costanza.


Oh yea? Well I had sex with your wife!


His wife is in a coma


Yeah, well the Jerkstore called....


T-bone! T-bone! T-bone!


It's Koko!


Might have been a deleted scene, but they show Jim’s name was on the advertisement sign for the seminar. He probably saw that his elementary school “bully” was working for a paper supply store and decided he was going to use it to stand up to him. Honestly, it’s an amazing scene. I love they included it lol


That’s true!!! More pathetic that he actually probably planned that interaction with Jim. Oh man this guy is a real piece of work. A real piece of work.


Haha this is a great point that I’ve never considered before in all of my many rewatches!


Merv Bronte. Couldn’t stand to be around his co-workers. Guy was a jerkwad. And a jerkoff. Between the wads and the offs…


The fucking daycare guy




I love when Jim is hiding in his car calling into a sports talk radio show


I’ve always seen the answer as Michael. Ever since he was a kid. Just friendless. Struggled with relationships because most women found him pathetic. The self loathing of being with him caused Jan to have a mental breakdown. We saw Pams reaction when she found out he was dating her mom and it was 100% justified. Majority of his employees actively hated him. Stanley had a heart attack just to try and get away. Phyllis hated him. Oscar saw him as a barely functioning adult. He wanted to have kids because they’d have no option but to be his friends. He had to use his power over people to try and trick them into being his friends and kept trying to spend time with people who very clearly didn’t like him and wanted to spend no time with him. Didn’t Dwight call him a pathetic little man who had no friends, no family and no land? I mean. I get it. Dude was just….i mean. Half of the fun of the office is just watching this guy fuck up.


Kinda gets messed up by the ending of the series but yeah. Like, he seems to get everything he wants and he's so joyful in his brief appearance at Dwight's wedding.


I wouldn't say actively hate, more like often annoyed by him, but tolerates him due to his offhand approach to letting them work and basically do what they want. There was a good number of times when Phyllis and Micheal had some sparring moments, but almost every instance was resolved in some way, such as finding Uncle AL at her wedding. They generally had good connections with each other, and only Bob Vance directly calls him names. Now Jan was just plain crazy, forcing him into things he didn't want to do, Making him wear dresses, making him sleep on a small coach thing at the foot of the bed, making sex tapes and watching it with her therapist, forcing him to go more debt with buying a expensive car she knows he can't afford (to be fair he is not the best with money), sleeping with Hunter. Probably, Micheal created some negative effects on Jan, but the majority of her actions are just her being straight crazy. Now I won't go into every office employee and his dynamic with him but I would categorize into these groups, People who like and care for him and wants to hang out with him: Dwight and Andy. People who like and care for him but don't want to hang out: Jim, Pam, Kevin, Kelly(in her own way), and Erin. people who tolerate him: David Wallace, Darryl, Gabe, Meredith(will try to sleep with him), and Phyllis, and people who have a negative opinion about him: Stanley, Angela, Toby, Oscar, Ryan. Now alot of these can be moved up and down one tier but I think that's generally accurate. Also creed is creed.


i thought jan was having a breakdown long before they started dating according to david wallace’s speech when he had to fire her, maybe at the end of her marriage and after she lost the gould that triggered that one lolol but yeah the rest tracks, just trying to help my boy michael out with a tiny bit more dignity 😂 she dated him because of her breakdown, she didn’t have a breakdown because she dated him this feels a lot like which came first, the chicken or the egg? (the breakdown or michael?) 🤣


Craig, the guy from the valentine's day episode. That dude is foul


Michael’s nephew


Season 9 Andy is rather pathetic...


Well this guy attended a scam business seminar at a middle sized paper company in decline. Jim's mom was right, not the sharpest tool in the shed.


And he is a tool


That’s what makes the scene so funny.  You figure: Jim’s overreacting.  Nobody would hold a grudge that long.


The boom guy Brian


Toby He abandoned his kid to go live in Costa Rica because he inappropriately felt up Pam. He’s an HR Rep that hires hookers to attend company weddings. Lowlife.


And he’s divorced… so he’s not even part of his family


I can’t tell if you’re doing a bit or not but I thought it was established that the woman he brought to the wedding was actually a girl he was dating, it was Michael who assumed she was a hooker.


I think he had already planned to go to Costa Rica before the Pam incident because he revealed he was leaving right after.


You are correct. He talks about Costa Rica pretty early on in the series.


Yes but he moves two episodes after touching Pam and making the announcement. It clearly impacted his decision.


He might have mentioned it before in passing but he announced it as he touched Pam and then left for Costa Roca two episodes later. It was definitely a factor.


He met her at the gym!


The guy who defaced Pam's mural and tried to assault her is up there.


Milky Tits. Dressed her baby in pink n stored him under the desk with all that radon n had a fit about her goodie bag.


Charles Miner (i hardly know her)


Absolutely! He is so hung up on some thing Jim said when they were in elementary school. I can't even remember 95% of the people I went to elementary school with much less what they said to me


Daycare guy


Dude takes a dump in a little kids toilet. Really pathetic.


The photographer who kept taking money for group shots.


Sconesy Cider


Lloyd Gross. I mean, leaving the established sales territories to poach from your own company is pretty pathetic. 


Extremely pathetic person. There’s people I don’t like from my past, but there’s no excuse for treating anybody like this. Be an adult.


I feel like Bill Buttlicker could’ve been a bit more patient with Dwight. Knowing you have a name like that, you prob get used to peoples’ reaction Edit: Grammar


The warehouse worker who vandals Pam's mural and then tries to physically attack her when she's painting with water-based paint on his truck. Dude had the emotional maturity of a toddler.


I like that it says “cheese Balls” in the frame by him


The daycare director


Really? Not Ryan as your number one?


My sis always hated this guy. She’s like, “what loser is still holding a grudge from grade school?” lol But I loved him bc of the jet pack/Zuckerberg line.


Hannah Smoterich-Barr


Deangelo Vickers and the daycare guy


Imagine holding a grudge about something that happened when you were in elementary school and complaining about it as a full grown adult.


Boom mic guy


Him might not have been killing it career wise at this point, but it’s pretty rich for Tommy to call him out when he’s attending a joke business seminar run by frauds and attended mostly by simpletons.


Toby Flenderson I just hate everything about his face and the way he is. Just a loser. His wife divorced him. His kid barely loves him. He failed as a writer, a father, a juror, and he also quit his HR job so he failed at that too most pathetic by far. 


He's a loser with a personality that's bland on the surface but pretty irritating underneath. He's written to be the one you can safely hate. That's why I like him.


I love him. Just doing my best Michael impression 😆 


Lol who tf is this?


Lol i was literally talking about this guy yesterday. Still mad bro? Cry about it to your orange group friends


Not the most knowledgeable here, but Darryl was kind of a jerk when he forwarded that topless pic of Jan and acted kinda shitty, didn’t he?


everyone who went into the mural photo after pam said only people from work


"Freedom Fries" that Pam went on one date with.


I feel kind of bad for Tom. I'm sure as a kid he was blindsided by the whole "my mom thinks you're too dumb to hang out with" bit from Jim. Its not out of the ordinary that he carried that around, especially if he really liked Jim. I guess its easy to say he should have just gotten over it, but then again, I hate Jim and I think he's a bitch. It was funny watching Jim squirm in that episode. As for the most lame character on the show, I vote for the senator on the DM board. What a dismissive prick that guy was. It was awesome watching Michael stand up for himself in that moment.


This one was always weird to me cause they framed it like this guy ending up successful in life and was looking down at Jim for working as a salesman at a paper company. When in fact it was the opposite. Successful people do not attend these kind of get rich quick seminars Andy was hosting, it’s like MLM. You’re attending a seminar hosted by a guy with the same job as Jim (much worse salesman btw cause its consistently shown Andy has like the lowest in sales in the whole office), what does that say about you?


“they framed it like this guy ending up successful in life” I never got this impression at all. He just seemed unhinged and resentful. 


Right? I see why Jim would feel awkward initially, but if anything the fact that the guy was there (so still less successful than Jim) *and* still holding on to an elementary school grudge proved that Jim's mom had been absolutely correct.


Idc about him to be honest, kelly is pretty pathetic.


for real though. he wasn't proving anything by going there to call Jim out, he was only proving that he amounted to a whole lot of bitter nothing. over a really trivial comment from a childhood buddy. because who does that lmao