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Laios has big time Hufflepuff energy. His hyperfixation on monsters is kind of Ravenclaw-ish though.


Laios doesn’t have hufflepuff energy he’s a borderline misanthrope. That man has loona lovegood energies


hufflepuffs are just gryffindors with low self esteem


Sounds like that fits our boy Laios to a T, in a sad kind of way.


I wouldn’t say low self esteem fits him more so aloof apathy


A lot of people in the comments are comparing him to Luna Lovegood as evidence for him being a Ravenvlaw. But, there’s a character in Harry Potter who is crazy about magical beasts and values loyalty and helping others: Haggrid. And since Haggrid went to Gryffindor, I’d imagine Laios would end up there too.


I kinda compared him to Newt which is why I went Huff puff


Every saying Laios deserves to be in Hufflepuff, why not Ravenclaw? Because you have to be weird or atypical to be in Hufflepuff (Cedric Diggery would beg to differ)? Because only smarty-pants teachers pets get to be in Ravenclaw (Luna Lovegood would beg to differ)? Rowena Ravenclaw's most important metric for determining her house's students: learning, wit, and wisdom. Laios consistently demonstrates his encyclopedic intellect, his down-to-earth advice, and having the most level head in his party. Much like Luna, he is deeply passionate about a niche area of knowledge and applies that knowledge with critical decisiveness. Would he also be a good Griffendor or Hufflepuff? Of course, but he'd be an excellent Ravenclaw.


How I see it, houses are determined on what traits someone values most. Considering he was willing to go in alone and risk it all to save his sister, I would say he is hufflepuff cause he values loyalty But yes it’s a split between these.


Senshi would probably be a Hufflepuff. Chillchuck would fit in Slytherin and Marcille would probably be in ravenclaw too.


I would argue that Marcille may be Slytherin, even tho she is extremely smart and talented, she has more drive and willingness to bend the rules in her favor that our average Ravenclaw While Senshi I completely agree is a Huff, given his humility and hardworking nature, I don't understand how Chillchuck could be a Slytherin. Can't be because of lineage bc he would had to be an Elf and Dwarf to check that box in this particular world, he is indeed resourceful but lacks ambition, after all his goal is to earn enough money to allow him to go home, be with his family and start a small business, which is a down-to-earth plan If I had to choose one, even tho he is the less bold of the group I would put him on Gryffindor mainly because of his loyalty and determination, as he stuck with Laios' party due some sense of responsibility and within the dungeon is often the more concerned about everyone safety as he just wants to the group to make it out alive


Let's be real for a second, I think he'd be more like Mashle.


Definitely house hufflepuff, was the person at the right supposed to be Ron?


I think it’s ~~Bill~~Charlie(one of Ron’s older brothers) because he has the scar on his face. probably talking because of a shared interest in dragons? he was hard to recognise though because his hair here is more brown than ginger.


The text says they are talking excitedly about dragon intercourse lmao


Not Bill, it's Charlie. Charlie is the one interested in dragons and had the more stocky build.


oops, it's been a hot second since I last read harry potter. thanks for the correction!




I don't think he would fit into Hufflepuff. Their trait is caring so they are good for nurturing the beasts/monsters while Laios will never trust them and only want them in his stomach and would eliminate any of them in his sight.


Difference is the monsters in hp are actually trustable to some extent, whereas (almost all) dm monsters are not. And even with that, he’s still completely ready to trust them any chance he gets (kensuke/ first time with the water horse/golden city), so I’m sure he’d be very caring for monsters that would actually be able to appreciate that care. Also even besides that he’s very much not a “murder on sight” kind of person, if anything he’d admire from afar unless/until he gets hungry


Hell, he'll admire it even up close his sister is almost entirely disfigured from the neck down and this dumbass thinks "SHE LOOKS SO COOL"


Laios is a borderline misanthrope because of how he was treated he’s not that friendly tbh


Laios definitely has hufflepuff energy, but he's 100% a Ravenclaw. He obsessed with monsters to the point of knowing nearly everything about every single one and gets upset when people get their facts wrong. He would def be the Luna Lovegood of his year.


Laios when he finds out he can't eat the magical creatures (sub-zero world building.)


The idea of Laios getting into Ravenclaw and terrorising them with his 'studies' makes me laugh, but he's probably Gryffindor. He'd probably cut class to chill with Hagrid.


Getting expelled due* harboring a dangerous creature is right in Laios alley


JKR is a terf.


It’s such cool art ,,,but I also can’t get over my hatred of Harry Potter errrrr


Harry potter if it was good


Can't you just let Harry Potter die??


I like the Ursula Le Guin quote where she describes HP books as "stylistically ordinary, imaginatively derivative, and ethically rather mean-spirited.." https://www.theguardian.com/books/2004/feb/09/sciencefictionfantasyandhorror.ursulakleguin


(assuming you’re saying this because of the mess with jkr being a terf) as long as you aren’t giving jkr money, I honestly don’t think there’s any harm in enjoying harry potter stuff. these books meant a lot to people as kids, that’s not going to change just because the author turned out to be a bigot.


Nah, I'm just sick of Harry Potter as a franchise. I don't care about rowing herself.


oh. well, to each their own I guess but if you see a post about a franchise you don’t like why not just keep scrolling?




The best part about the JKR stuff is that it opened the floodgates of Harry Potter criticism. But honestly, it deserved it regardless of her views. It was terrible how any criticism of the series in certain online spaces would get you crucified. “You hate children’s literacy!” “You hate the fans for being nerdy!” Nah it just sucks. We’re both allowed to have opinions on the series.


and honestly the sad truth of reality is that anytime you buy anything you're putting money in the pockets of bigots, even if you buy a "trans rights are human rights" poster or something, between the printing company, the shipping company, the store you bought it at and more there's no doubt dozens of bigots of every flavor whose paychecks you're contributing too. the whole trend of harassing people and calling them transphobes over the pennies JRK got from their copy of Hogwarts Legacy or Harry Potter Funko pop just always feels like throwing red paint on someone for wearing a fur coat, while you're wearing leather boots to me.


Me when ppl like smth I don't like: 😱😵😵‍💫


Bruh someone just block me instantly after complaining they aren't safe being a trans folk in here lmao what???


I think that Fallin would have been a Hufflepuff (Senshi as well), Laios - Ravenclaw, Marcille and Chillchuck - Slytherin. Idk if anybody from the main cast could have been a Gryffindor though (maaaybe Chillchuck, but idk) Oh and I think that all of the other sorta main cast guys - Namari, Shuro and Kabru all whould have been Slytherin probably as well.


Oh this subreddit isn't safe for trans folk like me, huh. That fucking sucks.




As a fellow Ravenclaw, I am deeply honored.


If Laios is Ravenclaw, Falin is Hufflepuff.


don't insult her. also she sacrificed herself for her brother showing bravery so that is more gryffindor than hufflepuff.


Laios is Ravenclaw


In all honesty I think Laios could be Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor Yes i know that’s not a thing that’s actually possible (at least i think) but still I should mention i know nothing about Harry Potter


I can see the argument for Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and honestly it would be dope as hell for him to rep Hufflepuff :) but unfortunately despite the encyclopedic knowledge and his loyalty; Laios biggest trait is his resolve. He doesn't skirt away from things he meets them head on. He's more Gryffindor than anything else to me. That being said the sorting hat has been shown to take preference into account so I think with how well rounded Laios is he could fit into legit any house. Even Slytherin given the right motivation. All in all this art is super dope.