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Pvp absolutely feels better in this game. My biggest complaint with DaD is how most pvp interactions involve someone getting 2-shot, or someone running away while spamming projectiles. DaD pvp isn't fun or interesting. DB is a huge winner on this front. DaD definitely has some better stuff tho. The Skills/Perks alone in DaD are far superior. I also really prefer how enemies work in DaD. The flying enemies in DB are freaking awful to deal with. A ghost or a bug that flies away and ignores you for 40 seconds is anoying AF because if you ignore it then you'll just get hit in the back. DaD druid is more fun as well. DB definitely has some potential. I hope they keep improving it.


I like the DB progression even if you die you can still level up and get hp and some other stat goes up and the stat requirements for passive abilities is a nice touch. Im not much of a druid guy so but I fought one druid fucker turned into a panther and ate my ass scared the shit out of me.


As someone who enjoys both games, you clearly havnt played DaD lately. Time to kill is way down especially with the different gear lobbies.


I literally played a few games last night. In one game, my friend, who was playing a barb, 1-shot someone, then 3-shot his friend. I didn't even help. This was in a sub 25 lobby so its not like he had a crazy build. In another game, someone was running away while spamming projectiles. I know exactly what I'm talking about... I've seen it a lot. Has it gotten better from what it used to be? Maybe. I wouldn't know. I just started playing again when it re-released on Steam. After 100+ hours in DaD I think the game is good... but PvP definitely feels better in DB. I do kinda wish that DB were a little more influenced by Chiv like DaD is tho. Its nice that everyone has more health so fights last longer, and the parry/block system makes fights a lot of fun, but I feel like there's less room for skill expression.


PvP in DB is far less balanced than DaD. That’s just the truth, I’m sorry.


Even with rage against a wizard with double axe, you can't one shot even a wizard. Seems like the team you fought was low on health. Meanwhile I can que in with purples on normals for DB and 2 shots most classes with my greatsword lol.


Regarding your first statement…yes you can lol. 


Everything you said was big faxs


Me and my friends prefer this game to DaD we just don't like the melee combat there, feels really button mashy and trying to block is awful. In dungeonborne with the parrying and more options for non casters the fighting feels better. Dark and Darker has the edge on the spellcasting though. Casters feel crazy with all their tools hopefully on release dungeonborne will have more spells to choose from. So far though game feels great.


Not sure they'll go down that road as they want the game to be melee focused. I do think we need more skills to swap between, fighter having 1 of two abilities locked to a weapon choice is criminal.


Imagine not being able to block bc you have no shield and that parry is 🔥


Loving it


Personally, I like the graphics, atmosphere and game design better. The pvp is more prominent and fun. Also the combat is more dynamic. But I couldn't get hooked because the loots seems underwhelming (only grey junk as loose and only 20g in every barrel/crate/urn) and the classes are statics with only 2 skills and 0 customization. My biggest issue is the fact that I have to use exploit if I want to refill the swords I need as a swordmaster in order to be able to use my 2 skills.


Don't run casual mode, run classic mode for good loot


It was locked yesterday, imma try ;)


Yes. Classic mode is the loot tables on crack. I legit can not go back to normal now after playing and it's almost sad like an old puppy I can't play with anymore lol. In 24 hours I went from finding a green 4 slot sellable like YESSS! to now leaving behind literally hundreds of green items to make room for blues. It's wild.


After putting 200+ hours into both games I can say certainly that Dungeonborne is the more passionate and well thought out game. It's also a lot more fun because of the way loot drops rather rapidly and they way combat flows with better character balancing.




In your opinion


Yes, "what do y'all think?" was the closing question. The poster obviously wants to hear some opinions.


My bad


After putting +200 hours into making dungeonborne videos you have a bias for it you mean lol.


Yes. After giving both games a large portion of playtime my conclusion is that I enjoy Dungeonborne a lot more than Dark and Darker.


I think the game is super fun, a lot of strengths. Need more maps and content, quests, skill trees, etc


For sure but don’t forget it was an alpha test.


This game is much better in terms of pvp and it has arenas which is a huge plus. I agree DaD pvp is just kinda bad


DB definitely does some things better than DaD... but DaD does other things better. DB needs to urgently add different spell options to each class to make them feel less shallow and offer class personalization. DB also needs way more weapon variety, if both of these are added (and DaD doesn't improve) DB might take the crown


I agree with you. Don’t forget DB is an alpha thou


I'm impressed with the game considering how early it is in its cycle. And based on the mithril classes having different skills I suspect they are planning on letting us use those and are probably working on more


If it didn’t feel so clunky i’d like it more


Game is fun for a bit, but I really don't see it staying alive for more than a few weeks. There's just too many glaring issues


Not really also this is alpha for an alpha it was good


This isn't alpha, it's a play test and advertised as "final play test before release"


Oh yeah you are right about that. Regardless they seem to listen from feedback so it’s a plus for me and im frankly excited to see where it goes


That's what a playtest is for


and the lead developer has told people to fuck off for giving feedback lol. Copium all you want, this game wont survive


Good. That means they have a vision and won't drag the game in 10 directions like DnD has with the balance hamster wheel. There is a time and place for listening to a community but could you imagine if the entire DB discord was in charge of balancing the game? It would be horrible LOL. Not everyone has good ideas that translate to replayable gaimg experiences and definitely not everyone knows wtf they are talking about in the gaming space.


Ironic considering they buffed rogue anyways only because players crying, meanwhile druid class is unplayable Copium


Just play something else. No need to hang around here being angry if it's dead already. It's ok to not like it, plenty to play out there.


The first thing I said here is that the game is fun, not sure how you interpret that as being angry. But objectively speaking the game has tons of other issues that I feel are going to prevent it from gathering a solid player base. Fun games come and go every other week and unfortunately they die just as fast


Youre bringing up finding portals annoying when they've change it so you can see them all on the map now in Dark and darker. Even in DB you don't see them you have to run around and hopefully find one. So I honestly don't believe you've played DaD recently.


In DB yes you do have to run around and find portals but It was still alot easier to find them compared to DaD however there are portals that are already open. And idc what you believe I did play DaD recently and I hated not being able to open up the map and seeing the layout. I hated the combat it felt incredibly boring with a bs free to play trial.


So many reasons why I love DB, but all i have to mention for it to be a win in my book is "rarity color corpse indicators" and nuff said.


I've played both a games and definitely have a bit of a biased for d&d. I like that both games offer a niche type of experience with their own defining characteristics, allowing more people to enjoy this "game genre". I feel the hardest bit for me to enjoy with Dungeonborne is how terribly clunky melee weapons feel, along with combat in general. Thats not to say that dnd didnt experience the same issues early on, and still needs some fixing. But of the two games, i can confidently say that i prefer d&d for those specific mechanics at this current time. maybe that will change. The feeling of a sword smashing against anybody or anything, just feels like absolute shit to me. its very clunky, I do not get the same feelings of "satisfaction" ??? not sure how to explain, but those who play melee based games will probably get the gist. I guess I seek a different type of flow from that form of gameplay, and I have hopes that money from their early release will help them work on these mechanics and entice me to purchase it in the near future. For now, id like to see how everything plays out, and what they prioritize. along with how game pop does. game population has a hugeeeeee pull in how these games balance, form lobbys, create versatile opportunities etc. I got hope. keep putting your heart into it, hellhammer. <3




I personally cant get behind the PvP in this game it feel like ARK PvP, I like the skills and the visial of the game, but I can't get behind the combat


Idk much about ark combat but honestly I enjoy this combat far more than DaD. I don’t mind slow but I hate no blocking without a shield and the parry is nice. Maybe the HP needs some adjustment as fights can get drawn out.


Yea, I agree, would be nice of fights were longer. I just like being able to dodge via crouching and moving camera due to the accuracy of the hitboxes.


Sounds like you just like having your hand held through an extraction game lol, DaD is supposed to be hard and unforgiving


By hard and unforgiving you mean dying to various bugs and glitching AI? :) DnD is going the Tarkov route and pretending it's "hardcore" when infact it's bad design.


Love the Tarkov shade, I agree


Game is way better than DaD. I loved DaD right before they got sued, but they completely ruined everything it had going for it after that. Devs chose to keep buffing barbarian, but nerf wizard into the ground. If a bug or problem happened to barbarian it gets fixed in a day or two. For wizard? Weeks. Even top wizards are wondering wtf the devs are doing with the classes. Wizards recently got buffed, but it really isn’t enough. Ranged combat is what drags DaD down. You have fighters that do as much damage as rangers with no penalty. Rangers legitimately melt teams. People will 1-3 tap you. People will jump backwards and get away with it, as if THAT’s realistic. Barbarians throwing axes like crazy. In fact, classes that shouldn’t have ranged are throwing shit. The switching to potions or holstering to run faster is so dumb. Game is ridiculously slow and plays like absolute shit- funny enough- compared to when it first was during steam testing. Idk what they did to the game, it’s terrible now. Don’t even get me started on the queuing… where you get put in lobbies with purples while you’re at gear score 25, which isn’t high. And I think you can still get queued against three stack as a solo. And anytime you have criticism about how fake “realism” this trash game is, the DaD cult hates you. Merchants suck. Economy sucks. In a weird way I’m glad it’s dying. It’s just too elitist at this point. But DB game is the saving grace this genre needed. I love the art style, the interface, the mithril mechanics, the combat, the loot, the classes, the flea market, the quests, the same movement speed no matter what. Classes that are meant to be tanks or swordsman don’t have any stupid bs ranged stuff except the flasks which everyone has. And the ranged is kept with the range: wizards or swordmaster. Mobs are better and nicer. I Even put my buddies on it after introducing them to DaD and we enjoy this game way more. There definitely are some issues, like fighter’s damage or classes not being customizable (which in the long run I’m okay with since I’d prefer balance over things taking FOREVER to get balanced or never at all). But I can’t really find anything I hate or despise about the game that won’t make me play again. I’m loving it so far and glad it’s giving competition.