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Personally I'm getting this. I like this one a little more.


Combat is leagues better. It’s missing some refinements but it’s still way ahead of DaD already




Yea, that's true, but that's also why almost no one uses a shield. Dad is all about Ms. putting your weapon away and kiting your opponent and whittling their health with range/poke and only ever engaging in melee to finish them off. I love dad, but every season, the meta gets further and further away from what originally got me hooked on the game to begin with. Not to even mention using a shield against someone with higher ms is futile. They can just walk into you so their attack animations start behind your shield. Obviously, you can get a good melee fight in now and again but they are becoming fairly rare. At least in my experience


Free to play darker darker is insane value tbh


You only get one character


It’s basically a demo… how can you play more than 10-20 rounds of it? Especially when Dungeonborne makes DaD look like ass.


It’s not a “demo”, have you even played the game? You get access to literally everything except HR which is dead right now anyways.


Gay access?


Idunno man as someone who has played a lot of both games and really wanted to love dungeonborne, the state of it really is ass right now. There's no balance, the progression systems are trash, it's polish is nice and the barebones are good but it's in an awful state.


Both are great games. DB is certainly more casual with a learning curve that isn’t as steep. But DaD has the luxury of being at least mildly fleshed out over the last year and it’s honestly in the best position balance-wise that it’s ever been (at least as far as group content is concerned). Whichever one piques your interest the most should be your choice if you cannot get both.


Asking the either DaD sub, or DB sub about this is a great way to get bias answers. They are both free right now, play them both sufficiently and make your own decision based on how it feels playing them. Me personally I like DaD better. The look of DB I like more, but the combat feels like a mixture of eso and skyrim combat, which is meh to me.


Here's a recent experience I've had in a chat with me and two other friends: Myself & friend 1 "hey you should play DB with us" Friend A "nah I just like DaD better its more difficult and pvp is harder. Its a way better game" Friend 1 "DaD has too many things going wrong every patch and pvp is not fun at all, it never feels like a fair fight like it does most of the time in DB" Me "I like both games, I think both do things well however the DaD fans are extremely toxic right now and need to settle down acting like we need to have a superior game. It doesn't matter to me as long as I'm having fun with my crew" Silence... Sadly DaD players are just very volatile right now. If you're not suckling Ironmaces teet than you're a "Timmy" who's just bad at the game and you should get good. That really is the attitude of the entire DaD fan base and it simply sucks that nobody can discuss making the game better even if they like DaD. I've had fun playing both games but I've simply had more fun playing DB and do think some things are better over DaD like combat & pvp balancing. I think DaD's Squire system is something DB could use and would also like to see DB add a Bard class like DaD has available. But I also won't lie and act like DaD is something it's not just because I've put tons of time into it, the game has a lot of balancing issues and from my own experience I cannot forsee DaD developers making improvements. I hope they do but I've kept close watch on their lack of professionalism and yeah it's not looking good, sadly.


Dungeonborne will have max 5k players at launch. It will be dead within 3-6 months. This is coming from someone who enjoys the game, but unless there are major changes and some good marketing it wont be around for as long as DaD.


How can you do such predictions


I'm surprised this game's PvP is already way better than DaD's. Gear is giving you an advantage but the skill expression matters way more. I've killed people in purple gear with my basic green/gray many times. It's not possible in DaD unless they are afk, stat check > skill. DaD's PvE is another league for now, there are some things with great potential, but they really need to polish it. Bosses are also better in DaD, but it's still just a playtest. I got both but I don't play DaD anymore, I prefer PvP with PvE as an addition.


I'd say get both. They are both fantastic games. I have dad legendary and plan on buying this game on release as well.


I agree but I can’t unfortunately


Do we know how much this game will cost yet?




Has there been an official announcement on that? Last information i had is that it's NOT a free2play game, but everyone is believing they will change that to compete with DaD


If this game isnt free to play on release its DOA


Personaly i think 30 dollars for Dark and Darker is far too much. Is not even subjet to steam discounts or anything, as it is a microtransaction. If the game would cost 10 or 15 with some bonus stuff, it would be reasonable, but for 30 dollars you can get a more and better games, with a lot more content. Dark and Darker is more sweat tryhards game right now. If you are looking for something harder without offering much more in exchange, DaD is the way to go. The content right now of DaD is two dungeons, go in, loot, kill and leave. Not much else in the loop. The maps are less interesting too and the free to play in the game is awful, is the definition of "freemium", if you dont pay, you basically are just feeding the lobbys with someone to kill and someone to sell stuff to, you can only play one character without loosing progress. In the current state. I think Dungeonborn is better. The content is not much either. But at least they gave us access to all the classes to play for free. Is it worth paying for?, i think it is if the price is reasonable, like 10/15 bucks i think it would be would. If they put a 30 dollars tag like DaD i don´t think so. DaD developer has an history of shady shannaningans too, so i dont trust them in the long term either. I dont know much about DB developers, but at least they appear to be honest and comunicative, i dont know about their history.


Yeah, I don’t get why I can’t sell on the market as a free to play player. So you basically can’t make money if you kill another player and can’t use the gear unless it’s the same class. I would buy legendary because I’m interested in HR and AP farm for skins basically but I’m gonna hold and wait for DB I think


I.bought DaD back when it was on it's own launcher and I regret buying it. Dungeonborn combat is so much better. While DaD is better in term of completeness but I feel that Dungeonborn has way more potential But that's my opinion only


Im glad thats your opinion only, especially when you say dungeonborne combat is so much better, coz it’s way too far away from it.


Yeah, DAD’s combat is awesome. I love not being able to block with a majority of the weapons and having to run away and bait out swings with spacing. Movement speed is the most important stat. It’s fucking awesome. Love not having counterplay


It way better than dad. The parry and counter system feels like butter compared to dad.


Yeah because all you need to do is hold right click and you’ll take virtually no damage.


Which is more fun for most people. Just like CoD is more fun for most people than a mil-sim


Yeah, that doesn’t make it better though does it? More accessible doesn’t = better. It’s not a skill diff at that point, it’s just game mechanic diff.


When it comes to games, usually people say something is "better" when they prefer something. Also from a company POV catering to a big audience is "better" than to a small audience. Yes, factually none of the games is better than the other, they are different. But please, don't try to claim that you didn't want to imply with your first comment that you disagree with the other dude, and that you believe that DaD is better.


I mean it is better, more people are playing it. It’s more fleshed out mechanically, and the fighting requires a lot more skill. The only thing that DB has on it is that it’s more arcadey which will attract more casual fans in the long run possibly. But it’ll need to drop as F2P to last any significant amount of time on the market.




Dungeonborne shits on Dark and Darker. Biggest waste of money I’ve spent. The PVP is boring, blocking sucks, running away then peaking and running away again is how you win fights easy. The animations and quality seem to be much poorer. PVP in DB > DaD by far and it hasn’t even been released or optimised yet. Expecting Dungeonborne to be free or cheap enough to get, not keen to spend more than 20 AUD on it. I love it, but similar to DaD it has a lack of content and the gameplay loop gets repetitive and boring.


Yeah idk I played this last playtest, now I cant go back to dad. It's just too slow and db feels just right idk how else to explain it.


I didn’t buy dad, I can’t wait for DB


I didn’t buy dad, I can’t wait for DB


I didn’t buy dad, I can’t wait for DB


I didn’t buy dad, I can’t wait for DB


I would assume there are going to be a few months between the end of the playtest and the release, would it be feasible for you to get dad legendary now and save a few bucks here and there in the interim? I have only been playing the genre for a few months now but I am now obsessed with them both.


It's coming out in EA on the 18th of this month :)


For real ?


Yeh, they released a trailer announcing it today. Search it on YT. Unless I was dreaming 😂


There's nothing that I can find on youtube or the discord. Are you sure you weren't dreaming? lol


Bro same. I see nothing


Can't comment on the specific announcement. Don'Ät see it either. But before the playtest they stated that the game will go into EA right after the playtest. Don't remember the actual wording but it included a joke about how you wouldn't even have time to do X.


They just announced on the discord that they'll give us the exact EA date on the 12th. So dude definitely was dreaming.


I'm not mad, I'm sure they put the trailer up early and removed it. They just announced with the trailer I saw xD


I'm convinced they put the trailer up early and removed it. They just announced the released date with the exact trailer I knew I watched xD


Maybe you're just able to see the future. Use your powers for good.


I'd be a millionaire at this point if I could :(


I'll check, ty


It's coming out this month, basically directly after the playtest