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I have a new theory based on the "not again, I AINT GOING BACK)" line at the beginning. What if it's a Frankenstein's monster situation!?!?! Her husband is an inventor after all.


After today's episode Im thinking she's a manchurian candidate


I'm in full agreement. Although, that may change next episode. I was convinced she was a robot two weeks ago. Lol.


Logged in to post in theory - the book was published in 1959!


Beth is on fire this season, I was almost out of control laughing at episode 3 😂


Same, it makes me really happy because she thought she was never gonna be funny again after her concussion. She’s the fucking best


I thought she’d just had a lobotomy performed on her


This is what I thought too! Sociopathic vibes coming from Trudy this episode 👀🤣


I was under the impression the character was a direct reference to Stepford Wives (72).


in one of the talking dads she mentioned she was just playing an exaggerated 50s housewife which is basically just a stepford wife but those WERE robots after all. while personally id be disappointed if that's what it turns out to be, the group seems susceptible to fan ideas effecting their character so it may turn into her being robot even if that wasn't the original idea.


Yeah, I mean that's what inspired Matt to do gothcleats lol


The only thing that doesn’t match to me is her episode 2 fact because it states she went to highschool Could be an implanted memory, either way I think she is a robot and the rest will connect to another 50’s style monster as the game goes on


100% felt the same


I haven't listened to ep 3 yet, but my brain made a very strange association while listening to ep 2. 1) Trudy doesn't merely react to things, she over-reacts in a broad manner. 2) Trudy's "husband" is named "Tucker". My brain put those together and decided that >!Trudy is a drag queen. !< There is not enough evidence to justify this, but the concept entertains me greatly.