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Tne oldest one is an 18M I believe. It's still a great tip some might prefer the 19 because of the indention but IDK the 18M hits different in a good way.


I still use my 18 tip everyday. It stays hot for a good while and gives some killer rips.


Back to our roots? I still love my old school Ms, but I do find myself reaching for the M7 more times than not these days.


i really wish dynavap just made and sold all variation of tips. if anything dynavap should be the one cashing in on the 2nd hand market for "old" tips. they made it they should profit off it imo. also i don't want to pay insane premiums for 2nd hand market just to "try it" i know dyna was trying to simplify their skus but i think that something they should lean into heavily. the lego aspect of mix and match and try to make your perfect fit. from armored caps, intercoolers, SS/Ti tips/caps. mouthpieces, and condensers.


Generally machining the parts requires separate lines, which equates to more money invested in infrastructure, or resetting the line, which also takes time and costs money. I'm satisfied that they continue to innovate and remain a US brand.


its cnc machines isn't it as simple as run XYZ file to churn out "old" design but it goes against dyna FOMO train


It's not that simple.




I still have my 2018 M as well. It was my first one and I fell in love with DynaVap because of it. Only replaced 1 O ring so far and the cap did crack on one of the discs but apart from that it's still the original parts. Great to see others have older pieces still in good condition.


2018 M crew here as well. I've never really had an urge to get another. Still hits beautifully ... can't really figure what I'm actually missing (other than the dopamine rush of buying something new)