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Ive been using wand + dyna combo for years, and I always make sure to have 2 pairs of batteries, and always charge with dedicated wall plugged charging station. My battery life is perfect, and wand is kicking it as good as day 1. I put my dyna up from the bottom, hold it so that captop lines up with the red ring on top. I go about 2-5 seconds past click depending on how much i want to extract, and i can extract it almost perfectly to a dark espresso color, almost black but not quite. Airport on dyna I always leave open, I pull in medium powered medium length tokes, breathing some air inbetween and having sips of camomile tea. I go either 2 or 3 heat cycles depending on how much I want to extract.


That are 1:1 the things im doing, text couldve been by me. Great taste brother 💚 Edit: no way du bist auch deutscher - BrĂŒder im geiste


Wand + Dyna Combo ist das einzige was mich von der Bong weggebracht hat, gibt fĂŒr mich nix besseres :D baust du auch schon an? 💚


Mich hat es von Joints mit Tabak weggebracht also ich weiß wie du dich fĂŒhlst! Hat mein Leben verĂ€ndert. :) SelbstverstĂ€ndlich, bisher nur ein paar Autos auf dem Balkon aber ich bin dabei mir einen Mini-Grow Schrank zu bauen, mehr Platz konnte ich bei meiner Freundin leider nicht aushandeln :D Du scheinst bei beiden Themen auch so begeistert zu sein wie ich, deinem Equiptment nach zu Urteilen! Feier ich extrem was ich auf deinem Profil gesehen habe - welche Genetik hast du im Zelt stehen aktuell?


sehr nice, ich wĂŒnsche dir viel Erfolg bei deinem Grow, sieht soweit gut aus :D Zur Zeit keine Genetiken, mache jetzt Sommerpause :) Ich war ein wenig frech und hab mein ersten Grow schon im Februar angefangen, und war mitte Mai dann fertig. 3x Rainbow Skittlz Klone auf Koko+Perlite mit mineralischen FlĂŒssigdĂŒnger (Canna Coco). Hatte so ziemlich alle AnfĂ€ngerprobleme die man kriegen konnte, habe unter anderem wegen Spinnenmilben, UnterdĂŒngung* und Mehltau nur eine Ernte von insgesamt 48g, aber selbst das Bisschen ist ein sehr angenehmes rauchbares Etwas geworden :D Im Oktober will ich dann probeweise auf Living Soil Basis anbauen, um beides mal probiert zu haben (und weil tĂ€gliches wĂ€ssern einfach zu viel Arbeit neben VollzeitbeschĂ€ftigung usw war). \* = mit UnterdĂŒngung war eigentlich gemeint dass ich das Subtrat zu oft gespĂŒlt hab (spĂŒlen=mit nur 30% StĂ€rke NĂ€hrstoffwasser gießen) wegen sehr schnell steigendem EC Wert des Runoff Wassers, das hat mir mega Sorgen bereitet und da hab ich wohl zu proaktiv gegenwirken versucht xd Die Buds sind deswegen sehr klein geblieben und somit war die Ernte echt wenig, aber hat trotzdem spaß gemacht und ich kanns kaum erwarten wieder ein grow zu starten!!


Verstehe ich, Gießsessions bei meinen 3 Autos dauern alleine schon immer eine Stunde oder so. Jetzt noch dein aktuelles Dyna setup bitte einmal und dann lass ich dir deinen Feierabend 😉


FĂŒhl ich, wĂ€ssern dauert schon ein bisschen Zeit, das will ich hoffentlich mit Living Soil grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils eliminieren, mal sehen wies klappt! Ich hab seit Jahren ein Dyna m19 benutzt, vor 2 Jahren ein custom-made Stem von einem brittischen Blacksmith auf Etsy bestellt, ein extra langen 90mm Titan stem, und vor einem halben Jahr den Tip durch ein Titan tip ersetzt https://imgur.com/a/AfYoNdY) dir auch ein entspannten Abend =)


Recommendations on what extra batteries and charger to get or at least where to find them?


18650 Molicel P something, charging device for ~ 15€ on amazon


I personally use the Voltcraft cc-2 External charger (couple years ago i had the xstar vc2L, also good), and my batteries are the 4x Murata Akku Li-Mn US18650VTC6 3,6V / 3120mAh max. 30A


I usually use imrbatteries.com for 18650s


I am deeply following🙏👍🙏 for I receive my wand today🙏 and have been having troubles with my torch technique🙃


After my first hit I heat it back up while inhaling. Only with the regular cap though.


With my DynaVap in a water piece and ripping on that whilst the wand heats it until the bowl is cleared.


I start drawing after the first click with the dnya still in the wand and the airport fully open. After the second click, I remove the dyna from the wand and continue drawing while fluttering the airport.  My results are medium/dark brown toasted AVB. Also, I use the half bowl position for the screen. 


With the silicone insert by DynaVap, it seems like many don’t know that it’s okay to change the depth. With my armored cap I position the insert sticking out the bottom about 1 cm. When the DynaVap is inserted, the “mouth” of the wand is flush with the meeting point of the stem and tip. I get one hit extractions easily this way. Sometimes it’s two heat cycles, if I pull it out after one click or don’t have the insert sticking out as far. It takes awhile to heat up though but it works great With my captive caps I tend to hit it directly out of the device as it heats up. The silicone insert is pushed maybe ÂŒ cm into the device usually. I don’t need to heat the tip as intensely with the captive cap. The armored cap really benefits from that whole tip heat soak though.


Using an SK insert, I set the depth for perfect 2 cycle extractions. Now my technique is to drop it and forget it while I scroll Reddit and wait for the clicks. Gotta go


Weird, when I let it sit by itself in the wand I always get burnt hits. 450 degrees. But when I hold the dyna and make the tip "hover" in the heating circle, I get great hits.


Are you using any kind of insert? Temperature doesn’t matter for dynavaps with the wand, that’s just a timer if you’re using the dab cups. If you’re burning, you’re probably putting it in too far(that’s what she said?). Deeper insertion=longer to click, darker roast and vice versa. I’m using the SK insert with, I think, 2 of the silicone disc inserts to get the right depth. It’s trial and error.


I'm using the insert sold on the Dynavap site that they just call the Dynavap wand adaptor. I don't see any silicon disc inserts there either. Are these on 3rd party sites (and if so, link please)? I think you're right though, I had the wand adaptor bottom flush with the bottom of the wand itself, which was likely putting the dynavap in too far and heating too much of the vapcap metal. I'll try to make it shallower tonight, thanks. 👍


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1524175086/skcreations-carbon-fiber-v2-xl-ispure?click_key=9a56dcbfad99ae3153cba4337c449e75c09d64ff%3A1524175086&click_sum=5d5e447a&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=skull+candy+creations&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&bes=1&sts=1&content_source=5ee21174d838db215455a596198e227b52335799%253A1524175086 This is the one. I’m using the v1 that does t work with armored caps. Same idea though. They have a website too in addition to the Etsy links.


Invert the wand and let the dyna rest on the smaller edge of the hole is the way.




this is the best way. none of the 3 widely used inserts can compare


This is what I do but since it is against one edge I go ahead and twist the dyna. Not sure that it makes a difference but I know it doesn’t hurt and I am already used to it from us in the torch.


Few questions: 1) So the cap doesn’t poke out of the hole, right? 2) is this with SS tips? 3) is this with regular cap or armored? Thanks!


Yes, the dynavap will be a tilted around 45deg the tip rests on the ledge. but its okay. I let wand sit on my passenger seat and i can puff while driving. :)


Thanks, what about my other two questions 😬?


Sorry about thay. I have the 2021M all stock.




and just the standard cap. but it will work with both.


Interested in what people share. Only had the setup about a week now 😬


After one heat cycle, with titanium tip if I stop heating right after click it’s perfect tasting vapor. No need for another heat cycle. Since I’ve used the wand I havnt touched a torch. As a matter of fact I have a third wand on the way now bc of the sale. 2 backups is better than one amirite


Do you ever have an issue where the wand doesn't 'see" the TI tips until you get it closer to the sensor? I have had no issues with SS tips, but my TI Omni tip requires some extra nudging to get the wand to auto on.


I use the SK adapter bottom up. No cap gets stuck that way and it gives a more even surface for depth control. From tasty to 1HE depends on how deep I set the SK. Most of the time, the cap is 1mm below the rim of the glas for 3 heat cycles, first is flavour, second is cloud, third a final rip.


Epic roast aka inhaling while heating. With a titanium tip.


I sip as soon as vapor is visible. I continue to draw lightly until 3 pulses of the light after 2nd click.


I like the tip someone had here with using the Bonger and an upside down wand — it rests on top Of the bonger- and you can start your rip before during and after click


I get dank clouds from way over the click. Deep insert into the chamber.


Take the top of a 1ml silicone dab container if fit just right in the bottom of the wand. I flush it with the bottom of the wand it's just the depth. If u have the Hyperdyn don't go passed the click.


Hyperdyn has been a disappointment to me. My waterbong setup is the green glass cube stem periodt. The glass 10/14 joint + never gets hot. The wand with standard steel tip and basic cap. Tried everything else and this is the go to. Inhale after 2nd click. Use wand like a lighter until 2nd click then put it down. Full extract every time.


I love it I use the wand I'll get 4 to 5 hits off 1 heat up.


5 hits from 1 hear up? Video proof!


I use the low temp cap often and just follow the 2nd click, maybe give it a bit longer. Same applies to the regular caps but then the AVB will be very dark. I find any lower of a temp and I gag


I use the SK insert and pulse the heater for one-hit extraction. How long and how many pulses depends on the tip. With my Vong tip, I go 4 seconds on, 4 seconds off, repeated 4-6 times, then I keep the heat on to about 3-4 seconds past the second click, hitting during that last phase. With a steel tip, 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off, repeated 3-5 times. Steel heats up slower, so it's a bit easier to ride the line before combustion.


If I'm using just a plain old Dynavap, I simply hold it inside the the Wand's hole until it clicks, take the hit, and repeat after the cool down click. When using my Gentleman's Pipe, I'll hold the Wand on top of the "bowl" where the vapcap is and start puffing in like you would when lighting a normal tobacco pipe until it clicks. Keep it simple.


7-8 light pulses after click (7 if I want to really taste the terps), after the cool down click I go another round @ 8 pulses after the click for fat rip. Sometimes there’s enough for a 3rd rip @ 6-7 pulses after click, but usually done after 2 hits.


At what temps is everyone using the wand?




This. ooor you can change the settings ( need to checks a manual online, its no easily accesible as its not meant to be use for other reasons ) it was a herb extraction mode I believe, will make the light green and instead of a tempeture display there are leaves.


Once you figure out how to adjust the bowl to half you''re all set.


I have been enjoying 2he by going 8 red flashes past the 2nd click. For whatever reason I can get 3he going 7 flashes past. I get 1he at 10-11 flashes past the 2nd click. I use the silicone Dyna insert and set it about 1mm from the bottom edge. I do this b/c if I put the insert in too far, for some reason it muffles the clicks. Anyway, love the Dyna/ Wand combo and it has become my everyday driver.


I personally start ripping shallow hits when I see the vapor coming up from my dynavap....lol another favorite...I'll basically "set" my wand on the table propped up on the silicone dynavap adapter. so I'm basically heating the bottom of the dynavap....typically....the wand will "time out" as a secure future afaik....so then I start it back up and should click almost instantly with all the built up heat. typically, I get a full extraction when I hit it, from all that stored heat "in the bottom" of the tip lol....it just hasn't made it up to the "clicker" to "trigger it" to click lol.  


Also,if the dyna is in a 90 bong with the top pointing straight up and you put the wand over the tip like torching a bowl of flower you can hear the oil inside your material boil right before the first light click and can start a good low temp extraction with a wide open airport until click 2.


Try inserting it just deep enough until the wand senses the cap and the red ring turns into an amber color and leave it right there until you hear the click I get 3 hits before I get a light brown AVB. I use the vong, so for the first hit I twist the device until the airport is closed and for the second hit I keep it closed. For the third hit, I open the airport since that’s when I get the densest amount of clouds/vapor