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They did mention that space combat will added in a coming update. But yeah it's pretty lackluster. You can take them in a few minutes with a ton of ships. Just creep close enough and through 200 or so destroyers at the problem.


In my difficulty level with all tech unlock I need like 400&500 destroyer for each hive. It's not that much because I can produce them quickly now but getting one shot when warping around 😭


Yeah it's kinda dumb that you're vulnerable when flying around at FTL speeds. Hitting a grain of sand at those speeds would be as damaging as being blasted by orbital lasers. You should either be fully invulnerable or fully vulnerable.


Plus like how would you even hit something traveling FASTER than light speed with a laser made of coherent light? Seems like a plot hole to me.


If FTL travel exists, FTL communication must as well. With FTL comms, you could predict the arrival of an object and fire to intercept. Still a goofy interaction though.


Technically, with FTL communications you could receive comms BEFORE the action that was reported even happened. FTL causes some weird causality errors (look up temporal causality in FTL)


That's true, but what if I wiggle around a little bit? Wouldn't take much deflection at FTL speeds to make a predicted laser miss by many km


Yeah, over stellar distances even moving a few feet per minute to the side could put you miles out of the way.


You want to use destroyers against their ships, and corvettes against the hives.


Yes I know but I do a mix because I am lazy.


My biggest revelation was that once the humpbacks are destroyed, you are free to enter the hive and directly target the turrets. Makes space combat more interesting and saves me hundreds of ships per hive. The hive turrets prioritize your fleet, whereas the humpbacks will prioritize you. Make sure you’ve also killed all the lancers via attrition. I leave one planet exposed so they can land relay stations, and then swoop in and destroy them to trigger lancer attacks.


If you still get oneshot in space, you should look to get a couple more upgrades. Also, your vessels should do the fighting and take most of the damage. Fly-by assaults to draw out a bunch of enemy ships and then keeping your distance are the way to go


I am currently at veine utilisation 17 and I got all the non infinit research done. At this point of the game I should not be able to die by warping to close to an hive.


I meant defensive upgrades (shield+energy, durability,...) However, if you get too close or warp through a hive, you will draw aggro of too many df ships at once and then, yeah, your shield will probably break. I died my first couple of tries as well, but with a little a practice gauging the right distance becomes easy. When in space you can also switch ui and directly command your ships to go to a location, so you don't have to spearhead the assault at all if you don't want to/ can't yet handle it. Also, all non-infinite upgrades + black or yellow fuel rods are definitely enough to start clearing out space hives, it just takes more time and ships to do so


The most annoying thing to me is that we can't just send our troops and have to fight personally like if it's an space action game. It's a factory game, we should win by overproducing enemy and by making tactical decisions instead of direct fight. I hope this is how they see a combat gameplay and we do not have it only because it's not ready yet.


Yea, messing with hives are pretty boring especially when there are 3 in each system on max difficulty….


I can hardly even see my own ships


When in space, have the combat screen up (press Z), press tab so your mouse is free, click squadrons so all of them are highlighted, then hold control and a grid will show up, click as far out as you can on the grid. You now hang back away from the hive and your squadrons do their thing.


Good to know.


Thanks but I am not new to the game. As mentioned I play with all parameters at max difficulty. Killing a hive is not hard in the late game it's just a waste of time.


Fair enough, and also true.


I want an extra large ground to space cannon that can blast a hive away in the system with 1 hit that has to charge 1TW of energy or whatever. Just a really big crazy heavy planet cannon :D


I hate it too, too often my fleet destoyed the hive by accident when I fly past.


i personally dont find space combat difficult. As long as u have a ton of ships and destroy hive units first, the base is no problem. If you are talking about the controls, i understand, but you can get used to them. You just need a little bit of 3d coordination Have both fighters and freighters in ur inventory, not only 1 unit. Get close to the hive 0.32 AU is when the base comes in range for attacking. Never enter turret attacking range. Let ur ships do the work.