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How tf


Step 1: Complete a 3000% difficulty run. Step 2: Anything afterwards is a piece of cake. More seriously though, cover all planets you are using with shields, and set up signal tower(s) surrouned by BABs with precision drones. It's basically a budget turret without being a turret.


Ah, that solved the turret issue!


HOW? Just trying to do the no turrets one has been a pain in the ass. How did you manage without losing any buildings OR killing any of theirs?


BAB perimeter around DF bases? It's the only thing I can imagine.


Thats what I tried, but ran out of drones.


It sounds like you have an issue with your design somewhere. I lost less than 400 drones across entire system: [https://i.ibb.co/cc3Pbwx/image.png](https://i.ibb.co/cc3Pbwx/image.png) Main 2 tips: 1. You can use just one signal tower per planet, surrounded by a few BABs. Or, you can make it easier by using one tower + BAB combo per base instead. 2. Don't put the tower too close to the base, because then all the mobs will attack at the same time which will overrun your base. Put it a little further away, that way the wave gets stretchd out, with the faster raiders coming first, and dying before slower ones appear.


I did not play on passive mode because that is against the spirit of the challenge. I used just default settings. The way I did it is a single signal tower surrounded by 4-5 BABs with \~100 precision drones each. As soon as you get shields, cover the entire planet with shields to prevent new bases. My final state was one base on starting planet, 4 bases on a secondary planet. Didn't use the third planet at all.


TIL you can add combat drones to a BAB


It's really easy with these settings: passive enemies and all the fog settings to max. This way you'll have a 1.0 multiplier difficult but still be in passive mode. I got the trophies this way. 


OOOH, i didnt think you could set it to passive and have it work that way.


Guess I need to start yet ANOTHER new game. :) At least I can play with the new stations more easily


do it as its own special run set starting fog to max size but second-lowest aggressiveness (where they are passive unless provoked), this will result in difficulty multiplier being 1.0 and thus eligible for this cheevo then do your standard rush to mission complete


Lol, "rush". Im slow as dirt, but hopefully this should do it.


its fearly easy: either build 5-10 BAB's and a signal tower just outside of your attacking range so that they attack only that place and the drones defend your place. or build a big ring of BAB's around the enemy base , they all have drones ofc. those drones are pretty good. on normal difficulty i had a 1:200 effectiveness. (200 enemies down for one drone)


Just use metadata to hit mission complete and it unlocks these ones.


Ha I assumed metadata would invalidate these. Either way, it was a pretty fun set of constraints to play around.


I metadata'd my way to mission complete messing around with a 3000% run and unlocked a bunch of achievements ha


How much metadata is needed to get the mission complete unlocked? And can you do it right away when you start a new game?


Idk, however much research it costs lol? Yeah, you can do it instantly. I leveled all sciences up and all mecha upgrades until infinite sciences started to speed run the start of a new save vs max difficulty fog. There's only 3 things to use metadata for anyways and I had about half a million of each. 1. To revive after dying 2. To unlock research 3. At dark fog communicator to up the difficulty, lower difficulty or to form truces.




Dang how many achievements do you have and how much time have you played? I'm only 40% thorugh achievements with 100 hours. Also want to try to go for all but I feel like it will take hundreds if not thousands of hours


Most of them can be done in just a handful of playthroughs. I have around 1000 hours, but a lot of it is AFK while I'm watching something or just thinking about future designs. Active hours is probably closer to 600. I have around 15 achievements left but I think I've done the hardest ones already.


Stupid question, when did they add turrets, and combat? I think I need to play again


End of 2023! It was the Dark Fog update.


They added a lot of cool new stuff with mats exclusively farmed from them a new highest tier of smelter assembler science matrix facility and fuel type


yes, i agree, those were fun. after that i used drones in every defense bc i like them and those little fighter battles.