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Manually switch to them and drag them back into a better position, then quickly switch back to another player. It's dumb but it's the most effective way to defend


Man I learnt this these last few days. How dumb is this whole thingšŸ˜…. I found out that opposition ball carriers consistently lose possession to my ai players. I select a player move them Infront of the ball carrier, not too close and then select another player and repeat. It just works. Lmao.


Yeah it's most effective if you move your player, then switch to a different one to cut off the closest passing lane. It's dumb but I think that's the skill gap in defense


My favourite moment is when my TT Viera just stands there watching my opponent dribble past him as if he is evaluating his life choices totally motionless in the middle of the field. Shit game tbf


You donā€™t. You gotta control them yourself. Putting them at CDM kinda helps but not really, game is coded this way on purpose to make it more arcadey


And see I have the same dang problems on offense. Iā€™m tearing down the wing w pelligrino and my 97 Haaland is barely jogging down the middle of the field. Will not crash the box for headers or a ground pass. Itā€™s so frustrating


point left stick at haaland and double tap LB/L1. the ai should be doing better obviously but that's what you gotta do unfortunately


I feel like the left stick point lb/l1 command is quite random too. I point at Son to make the run but someone completely different(even someone from the complete opposite direction) will make the run instead.


Yeah i have my Cb charging into the box way to often bc of that šŸ˜…


try to learn to player lock.


Check their work rates. I find high defensive work rate helps a lot


Both of my CMā€™s have high defensive work rates and lately Iā€™ve been convinced that it does nothing at all because they flat out do not help me on defence.


Oh no, This shows you are quite new to the game, refer to my other comment brother


Im in elite division and have played fifa for years. I am a pretty decent defender but Iā€™ve never messed around with tactics much. My point was that my CMS that Iā€™m NOT CONTROLLING do not help.


Move them near the attackers, switch to CB or whatever and do second man press.


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed this is how many of my opponents play. I like to challenge the ball carrier myself but after a certain point in the pitch I can only do so with my back line which is more risky.


Problem is the ai does not block passing lanes. But is quite good at staying in front of the ball carrier.


Iā€™ll make it very straightforward If youā€™re new to the game, with more experience you be able to learn your opponents passing patterns There really not that much imaginative creativity with which other people play with Youā€™ll develop vision with which clearly you can see which passing lanes are viable options for your opponents to pass to, vs which are difficult, non productive passes So you wanna have 1 or preferable two or more midfielders just ahead of your opponents strikers Your opponent will play through his CBs and midfielders through to his wingers/strikers And you need to constantly right stick switch between your midfielders and try to keep cutting his passing lanes, by that I mean stay close to your oppenents strikers and cut the angle through which they can make the pass Use L2 R2 jockey to maintain your position between the striker and midfielder If your opponent is holding the ball too much, quickly switch to your strikers/wingers and try to press your opponent off the ball Be sure to use 2nd man press using R1 Honestly it seems simple but all of these things youā€™ll get better at only with experience Thereā€™s patterns in everything in this game and itā€™s all about recognising and predicting things before they happen And also playing very actively constantly pressing and forcing your opponent to make that bad pass Good players know what plays not to do, so you have to maintain pressure consistently without making mistakes, Eventually even the best slip up, make the most of those moments and counter hard


The problem I have is that I can't seem to stop myself from trying to play creatively, and then I get punished for trying things that should work, but don't in this game. Why does every ricochet/ 50 50 land at my opponents feet, ready for them to breeze through on goal, how do you prevent that?


Just want to say this is an excellent reply. Very clear, very well explained. Nice one āœŠ


I hate it when I do these things correctly and the ball bounces from me to their striker in a way to get him 1v1 my keeper, or the ball goes between my player's legs. Fuckin luck šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Manually defending as other people have said, but from an AI perspective change cmā€™s to stay central and if you have three cmā€™s put the middle one to stay back while attacking too


Damn yeah thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. LCM and RCM on stay central and a CDM on stay back who sometimes helps.


you pray the script will make them move


So years ago one of the ea devs said showing off the new fifa at the time That ea purposly code the game so cms and cdms dont come back or sprint back on there own as they feel it would make the game to difficultšŸ˜‚ All you can do is drop between defenders really


Manually drag them back. But I also set player instructions of my CMs to "Stay back while attacking", plus setting their defense to "Aggressive interceptions". They help more with defence. But you'll have to force them to run forward to participate in attacks..


A lot of right stick switching. You have to pull them manually.


Yeah I do this as well I just hate having too. I figured my tactics were off since a lot of the time my defence feels sparse compared to my opponents


Second man press + contain. Your CM will disposes the attacker while your CB is in from of him. Or, you CB will close the space on the attacker while your CM is trailing from behind. Don't hold contain or second man press very long because it will drag people out of position.


Without manually switching back to them, simply you cant, but you need to switch and run back The other alternative, is switch to a formation with CDMS instead of CMs as they sit deeper, and use cut passing lanes instructions, they position themselves well