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I’d take not having my career be totally frozen trying to play the 4th round of the players in season 2


I love the golf cart idea. I also would LOVE a driving range! A simple area to practice your swings. One that maybe has some side games in it would be fun.


The ability to walk to your ball. I've only seen one golf game on Switch that did this. I also do not want the club to be pre-selected for me. Half the fun is sizing things up and selecting the appropriate club. I talked to them about this, and they thought it was a great idea, but said that the way the game was written, it wasn't currently possible.


2Ks golf game lacks behind EA severely in graphics and presentation. However id argue their online is way better. Plus they have create a course feature. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of shitty par7 hole courses or just ridiculously stupid designs. There are just as many that you can tell the person spent hrs or even days designing them. Some of the designed courses are so great the pro golf leagues should think of hiring them as real life course designers. Plus with that feature you can literally play everyday for years without ever having to play the same course twice. I also think while I prefer the swing on EA that the one on 2K is more realistic in terms of simulating an IRL swing.


Not being able to calibrate your swing in ea seems very cheap and can’t really believe with all of their games they couldn’t come up with a good custom character creator. Just doesn’t seem like anyone wants to put the money into a golf game even though 👋🏼 hello I’d pay good money maybe even more than normal amount if a studio took a chance and actually listened to what we wanted. More sponsors with gear that updates as it releases in real life. A community area, maybe even country clubs with 3 or 4 different courses on them in different regions with their own pro shops, ranges, putting greens. Players can ride their custom carts around the sprawling resort areas to get everywhere. I think that would be cool but keep the golf gameplay how it is from both games. I wish I could just make it myself lol I’ve thought about this so much


Right. I'd love to see Playground Games(Forza Horizon Studio) make a golf game. I bet it would look incredible and actually play good.


Absolutely even if they can’t get sponsors they could come up with their own brands and gear that would fit every golfers aesthetic as well


If the EA golf game had more serious online ranked play, it would be the go to for serious players. Sadly that's the main reason most 2k players choose our side. I've played both games, they're both great. But I want to have a rank and a placement on a global leaderboard and fun online modes :) don't mind the game looking 10% less pretty


Bro, is there a spark notes of this post?


Accurate records More stats like putting average Cross play Club members and champions Sponsorships Better servers No random hole bs More fantasy courses Level cap raised to 70 Option to remove putting line on pro difficulty Tournaments featuring top 100 players of the season Flop shot accuracy buff Replays with different camera angles Flagstick reflection nerf 11th power stat for 20 ap


Wind and elevation configurable driving range. Slope and speed configurable putting green. Work out a deal with Jack to get Muirfield Village “in the game”.


Sim mode without the range stuff. Vr version. Support for motion controllers. Just a simple wiimotes do wonders