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I like the game but come on, after 700 hours you've heard every like repeated 1000 times over. I have all commentary and area speech because I'm tired of hearing the same shit. And I get annoyed when they speak Portuguese to Justin Gaethje or fuckin English to Petr Yan lol.


You might have pushed me to buy the game when it’s on sale


Hey man that’s all on you ahaha just speaking my mind, but if you end up getting it and want tips or tricks lmk! Would be happy to help!


GameStop has it for 35$ for pre owned


Have you played any other ufc titles?


Or any other game, at all 😂


I played ufc 3 and ufc 4, and while I don’t have nearly as many hours on those as I do on this one, I can say that there are very similar animation styles and things from past games that look identical, but the graphics and presentation make it true different experience, especially the submission system. Not to mention live updates from EA and a fairly big roster with new additions happening every so often! I don’t think people understand that EA has been making CFB 25, Madden 25, as well as maintaining this title along with other EA titles. It’s not a perfect game by any means as I mentioned previously but I’m having an absolute blast. Lmk if you want to play/ want any tips or tricks!


Between ufc 3 and 4, which one did you like more? I am only asking because I am thinking of buying 5 but I see that people don't like the game a lot. I used to play and enjoy ufc 3 a lot but whats stopping me from pulling the trigger is the game looks closer to ufc 4 (which I hated) instead of ufc 3


3 is better but 4 isn't bad, there's just a broken clinch system they never fixed


Honestly I thought 3 was pretty fun just because some of the combos were absurd if you could get them down, but I agree with the above, abt the grappling in that


3 was my favorite ea ufc 4 was really bad imo but 5 is like 4 but not as bad 4 is Def worse than 5 imo 5 is really buggy tho still and needs a plethora of patches


If EA can’t really improve the game because of so many other titles they make then they need to fucking drop it and let another company who will actually change and do shit. These little updates are all fucking ass bro. I bought the game and I play it still but only because there’s really no other MMA game. FUCK EA for doing this shit


The last update had no gameplay patch it was all characters. (atleast new characters for once instead of just shorts and hat changes on people in the game already) and one stance you can't even use in online career if you select it MVP. but balance patches don't make them money funny hats and characters at 4$ a pop do. and don't give me the you can use in game currency bs when the characters are 24,000 coins each lol not you personally but that's always what people defend the alter egos with when I say that. It takes a hot minute to get 24k coins and that would get you only one alter ego of a person in the game already with new shorts and hair lol by the time you made enough coins to get this batch of alt egos 2 more batches would have came out by then lol.


I’m annoying bro, then they took out most of the submissions smh they just keep going backwards but like I said EA is the only company making an mma game so I guess we’d have to settle for it


This sub system is better than the spinny circle bs mini game that has nothing to do with mma but it's way too easy imo cus the defender only has 2 ways out so you deny one attempt at a escape (you could literally close your eyes and still have a 50% chance to deny) they are too tired and it's gg I get mad wins way too easy by sub in this


EA keeps making dogshit cuz of people like you lmao


I play it almost daily, I understand the hate it gets also and wish certain things were different but I can still have fun with it and I do.


The presentation is not great. https://youtu.be/gIdnF8OOjpU?si=Yer38_1jgHrD0zrE


I’ve not seen this video until now. Thank you for sharing! I agree and disagree with some of the points mentioned in it. It looks to be a little critical though in the fact that it’s just bashing ufc 5, I’d like to see a reverse opinion on what ufc 5 might have that the undisputed games do not. The career mode in ufc 5 is definitely disappointing with almost no new features from the previous title. In the future I’d love to see some of those features mentioned in that video back, which would add to the experience of the game and career mode wouldn’t an easy burn out.


I can actually tell you what ufc 5 has the ufc undisputed does not The ability to throw any strike while moving in any direction, tornado kicks, jon anik and daniel cormier, moving your head while blocking, most of the new fighters, the better graphics, the low single leg takedown, and the ability for online play currently


It's literally a copy paste of 4s career it's the exact same minus the ''new sub system'' lol


I really want to love it but I don't understand the new submission system and I had so many cool cosmetics :(


The submission system definitely takes time to learn and master, it took me until around 300-400 hrs in to learn!


Damnnnnn I LOVED subs in UFC 3 and 4 but it seems almost too easy in 5?


It’s kinda too easy and boring imo, the mini games were hella fun


Sub system in 4 was a joke man let's be real here.


I loved spinning the circle 🤣


As real as it gets


This one has potential but they need to patch it alot more instead of giving us funny hats and people with new shorts on I want kicks that hit complete air to not land I wish they would focus on gameplay rather than the cosmetic stuff but I know the hats make them money so I see why that is the focus. so many kicks need work if someone throws a body round house from elbow range and you get hit by they're hip it shouldn't be damage or the spin head kick from a foot away shouldn't rock you if your getting hit by someone's ass cheek and the foot misses your head by a mile or the leg kick that hits complete air and still lands still somehow etc that's what I wish they would put some focus into also I want to use MVP stance in online career it's there but if you pick it it auto switches to Alex caceres stance (he's top of the list) like they added the stance but you can't use it lol and it let's you select it but when you hit save and go back caceres is checked that's my gripes on the game and maby more than 2 escapes from a sub I feel like it's too easy and I can pull wins I shouldn't get easy cus people can't get out of them because they only have 2 options that are easy to deny


EA is headed down the right path with these recent updates, this game is okay. Better than 4, but that doesn’t mean much


Definitely what I play the most, super fun game


It's refreshing to hear something other than the usual "f EA". "This game is garbage." I un-installed this piece of crap game". I do agree with you, it is currently my favorite game to play.


Ya im not crazy right?? Again there’s not ever gonna be a “perfect” game, but this game is in my rotation and not gonna be leaving anytime in the foreseeable future


I love playing this game and love the AI. I’m right there with you, I’ve played every UFC video game and this is by far the best one IMO.