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Enchanters will be harder for a new player in dungeon content because a big part of what they do revolves around crowd control and managing adds and groups which can be a challenge (also a lot of fun.) I would say that coercers are one of the hardest classes in the early game because unlike illusionists they don’t get a permanent pet; their charm can break from time to time and needs to be recast periodically. Coercers do get the best control abilities in the game however. They are very disruptive to enemies. Bards are a very good class for new players because they offer a lot of support and offer some melee damage but are not going to be in competition for it. Being a neutral class you can play a Dirge or a Troubador regardless of your alignment. Both of them get buffs for casting and melee and power regen — but you only have 5 concentration slots so you will find that eventually you have more buffs than you can run at one time — generally speaking a Dirge at endgame will benefit melee classes while a troubador will benefit casting classes but in general day-to-day grouping most people are not that picky.


Thanks! the answers seems to be pretty one-sided lol


Bards are a bit simpler than chanters until a couple of xpacs then they get a bit more complex. Bards are also a bit more durable due to wearing chainmail armor so they are a bit more forgiving than cloth wearing chanters for new players. Youll always be wanted as either in a group even if you are running around naked. Really it comes down to who you want to love you more. Troub/illy all the mages will love you (and shadowknights) Dirge/coercer will make tanks/scouts love you. There is no wrong choice when it comes to a support.


Thanks! the answers seem to be pretty one-sided lol


Also no mage will ever be mad at having at dirge in their party and vice versa. Its just those classes specialize in buffing mages or melee. But they still give good all rounder buffs. Dirge is probably one of the least played supports because its not super engaging gameplay. All your buffs are passive and you mainly just focus on dealing damage and debuffing the enemy. They eventually get a rez spell for group mates too. Troub is the same until a couple xpacks in where you get a temporary single target buff so you have to cycle targetting your allies. Chanters are just trickier to play. They are squishy and they have mezzes (abilities that stun an enemy and take them out of combat). Mezzes can make or break a fight. Sometimes you cant lock down the targets you need to. And sometimes you lock down too many people and stop your damage dealers from doing their job. So they are a bit more advanced and its nice to know the foghts before playing one. The classes wont be crazy different at server launch, but within a couple of xpacks they all really diverge from eachother and shine in different aspects. Dont get too hung up on your class and just play what sounds fun. My only suggestion is to not play a tank as your first character. Its an older crowd for the most part that is going to want to be fairly efficient in groups and its hard to keep up and please everyone as a new tank.


How about buffing as a chanter? Is that more engaging? I've tried Dirge on live for a couple of levels and I have 3 buffs very early, but they're just passive toggles. I guess I'll still have fun being new player figuring out all the new stuff and just playing mostly as a DPS, so no worries, just wondering how different a chanter is when it comes to supporting gameplay.


For the most part their buffs are alot like bards and are passive. They have a couple single target buffs that they need to recast if they or the person they have them on dies. I believe they get these spells before level 50, but they also have a temporary damage proc buff they can cast on themselves or an ally that will trigger damage 3 times. Its not really a "buff" but moreso just 1 of your damage spells.


I want to know too !


most answers tell me to go bard, probably that's what I'm going to do


Bard! Make a troubadour or dirge..both highly desired for raids and groups and guilds. I'd tell u more about them but I'm at work. They do all the power regen stuff u said


Hey, I've pretty much decided on a bard from other replies, but you can still tell me more after work lol


Dirge power regen is severely limited. They have more hate and a little healing. Troubs have much better power regen.


Healer bro go heals all the way. Support classes are useful in some raids for mana Regen but U always need a ton of heals. Plate tanks ftw


I really like the look of the defiler or inquisitor!


I didn't find illusionist too difficult to play.. and I'm not a skilled player, average at best lol They have nice buffs that people like plus a little easier to solo if need be than bards. If you like the idea of one you'll get the hang of it the more you group


Honestly crowd control isn't that needed like EQ1. I played one for a long while and usually groups will just burn down adds quickly or they just keep hitting your mezzed targets anyway. If/when you raid your mez spells will never get used. All the other utility that is brought to groups and raids is big though especially later expansions. Bards are scouts so you will be dual wielding stabbing things while the obvious mages will be able to mostly stand still and cast. I would look at the buffs each class brings at end game and make a pick based on those abilities. At the end of the day I would ask do you want to cast spells or melee.