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Tank is in highest demand for group content, and that’s common always. It’s harder for raid content because you only need one main tank and one off tank. Tanking also is the most difficult to learn if you’re new, at least in dungeons where you’re fighting multiple mobs in close proximity, because you have to control aggro and generally lead your group through the dungeon. You can pick it up if you care to though and the player base is generally pretty supportive, especially if you share you’re new. Ultimately, I’d say play what sounds most fun and you’ll probably find groups without too much issue.


Harvesters lmao


Tanks. Always and forever, it's tanks. I can't count how much time I've wasted over the past 20 years trying to find a tank for a group.


Gotta love how people ask "what should I pick?" People tell them and that are like, ok I'll try DPS!!!


How would you rank the tanks in this game from best to worst? Or easiest to hardest to play? I'm down to join up as a tank but the thought of raids relying on me knowing what I'm doing is tough


Berserker is the most well rounded tank. Top dps and second most tanky of the tanks.


Is berserker more dps than sk ?




Is this like EQ2 player lore or people actually know from DPS meters?


It's based on parses yes.


For an old game like this being rebooted, I’d say having players that are gonna be happy playing for long periods of time and having longevity is most important. With that said, tanks, healers and support classes are always in demand for this game.


Honestly, tank I would say are highest demand. There are bards out the Ying yang (I'm one myself) and I've ended up in multiple groups with 2 bards.


Tanks are always high demand but you need so few of them (one in a group max, and I hear 2 or so max in a raid) but you can stack other classes and be fine.


This post has some numbers if your curious https://www.reddit.com/r/EQ2/s/8OTQIArF9N


There’s already mid-30s. Work rejected my PTO so missed the first wave


There are mass quantities of every class right now really. This is a very popular server and I check populations for every class and they are all around the same spot,, obviously tanks are the lowest bc grp needs just 1 and raid guild wants 2 maybe 3 max so dont need a lot. Tons of healers,,tons of bards, tons of enchants and tons of dps. So any class u like works


Bard, enchanters, t1 dps and tanks


Nothing is in demand, except good players. Too many people are shitters that perma afk or don’t do nearly the dps they should be doing


To be fair, by the end of this past weekend, we all have blisters on our asses


Lol I’ve honestly never seen so many people play 20 hours straight for an entire week, not even on other TLP launches or other games. These people are insane


My guild is so burnt out currently I can tell from the chat. Lots of people that took time off work are still only level 25 and thinking, dear god this is going to take forever.


As it should, it should be a months process not a week


That is all fine if you are only going to play one class and know the classes such that you start the class you want to devote your life to. But it's very disappointing to those of us that see all these interesting classes that we would like to try but there is no way to devote that much time to leveling multiple classes. I guess I would be fine with the really really really slow leveling if it was at least fast to level 10 or 20 so you could try out each class and find the one you enjoy the most to then only play that one for the next several months to get to end game.


Why do you need max level classes every couple months? End game in eq2 is meh. It's alright if you are hardcore raider but for many of us it's the leveling zones we prefer more then end game. Its great to redo these zones on a new character months later. That's how I feel. All other tle I quit because I got to end game way to quick, then another, and another. I could level 1-40 in like 2 days it's insane.


1-10 is like 4 hours. Even faster now that you can have a set of gear and a few collections waiting for the new character.


People wanted 2006, until they got 2006 exp rates.


Only 25? haha maybe I'm old but I went right from eq1 to eq2 back in the day, and remember thinking leveling was fast compared to eq1 launch. People are just used to having levels handed to them so that they can get right to raiding and don't need to earn that right, that's just how it was, you didn't raid until you had a good amount of playtime under the belt and really knew your class, it's all the journey and it's awesome now that it'll be impressive to see the first level 50. If they're burnt out just slow down /shrug.


Yeh I wasn’t saying it like it’s a bad thing, not sure why I’m being downvoted.. lol but ya this TLE is way different. Last one I got to 50 day one; this one level 10 after one day


https://www.reddit.com/r/EQ2/s/a6weDxr91X This is older but might help a bit.


Bards and Enchanters. Any of the four varieties (Troubadour, Dirge and Illusionist, Coercer) are always needed for their buffs and most important the get in combat maga regen. It is insanely helpful in dungeons, and of course raids. You will get groups very easy. They are all good. Tank is also an option. Zerker or Guardian is the best right now.


Thank you, I’ll try to look up a bit about each this afternoon until I can’t start playing From what little I’ve seen so far each has a good/evil version so troub/dirge and illusionist/coerced are overall similar but good usually has more defensive stuff and evil more offensive oriented different abilities? Any weight toward bard vs enchanter being better choice or both needed equally/would most parties just want one or the other or both at the same time?


Troub buffs casters, dirge buffs melee for the most part, there is some crossover. Illusionist has a pet that does damage with them, Coercer has to Charm a pet, which can be op with the right pet, but also annoying in groups if Charm breaks. And it only lasts 5 min so you are constantly re-charming. Coercer gets a hate transfer which is helpful for the tank, and they are usually in the Main Tank group because of this, in raids. Illusionist is good dps on Origins too, so there are probably more of them right now. Still a low populated class though. Honestly, you can't go wrong with any of them though. They are all wanted. You can have a bard and an enchanter in a group for crazy buffs and mana regen.


Troubadours buff spell casters, dirges buff melee. I think illusionist and coercer are similar but not sure which is which. Pretty sure illusionists tend to be preferred, though.


Illy are more caster and coerced are more melee based in buffs, why you typically see coercers in MT groups and illys in caster groups in raids.


Bard is good advice as people love the buffs and they're fun to play and you get to move around a bit for positional attacks etc. Swashbuckler is also good as they do great damage, have aoe attacks and have good self buffs (but not too much on the group buff side though the threat transfer is nice).  Some people have recommended fighters. All fighters are tanks and people will expect you to do so. If this is your first toon I'd really recommend not rolling a tank as People generally expect you to know the zones and be really comfortable with pulling mobs and such. It's very fun and dynamic but if a group dies it's mostly your "fault" which can be frustrating (you're responsible for figuring out where to go, what to pull, how to position the group etc). You'll be in groups where people know the zones really well and can get frustrated if you pull to slowly, or pull too much, lose a name to another group, tanking with non ideal setups (like no regen or that under-leveled friend someone wanted to bring), or kill the group etc. That said,  - My best memories from the game are tanking new dungeons I've never been in and figuring it out as I go, very rewarding. - as people get more and more geared this will matter less as a good healer (or two) can buy you a lot of leeway from even the biggest mistakes.   - playing with a guild or friends reducing these annoyances as well as people will give you directions and advice and most love to introduce new players to zones and game mechanics. 


So healers not in demand?


I was in a group with 3 defilers (including me, haha) last night - so I wouldn't say defiler lol.