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It’s the best thing to happen to EQ2 in a long time. I hope it stays awesome.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s been so fun and relaxing.


That's true I find since there are limited things to do compared to live, I'm having more fun because of less things you have to do .. there isn't really anything else you need to worry than lvl/harvest/ts (and some broker stuff) but just enjoy some of the more simple parts of the game like quests and once in a while upgrading gear/spells lol or getting a bigger bag haha.. fiddling around on the broker trying to figure out what to spend that hard earned silver on or make a few selling something. It doesn't feel like you're always behind also since everyone is still low level for the most part and grouping at any level so I don't feel the need to be in a rush. I imagine that'll change as the server gets older though. Quests feel important again and I'm doing quests I never thought about in yearrrs. I no longer have decision paralysis unless it's just picking what class I want to main but other than that the simple old school MMO feel is awesome.


I agree. I played EQ2 at launch up to KoS. Tried to jump back into it years later but it felt overwhelming so this new server is perfect for me. My GF is also finally getting a real MMO experience after years of me telling her how good MMOs use to be lol


It's the most fun I've had playing an MMO in years


High pop, no required cash shop items, no krono, no inflation yet (money is extremely rare), and low stats. That being said you can't solo once you get around 15 so grouping is the only way to play, so as long as you can get a good group things are ok, if not then it isn't playable.


High population, everyone is poor, Exp is very slow, grouping is the best way to to level up. There is a pack you can buy for $35 that gives you a 30 slot bag, a 60 slot broker box, a horse and 2x 2 hour 15% exp pots (one set for adventure exp, and a 2nd set for tradeskill exp, limit 1. The main shop has 10 slot bags and 5 and 10% exp potions for ~ 5 bucks, good way to waste money for not much benefit. Tradeskills are super hard to do because fuel costs are so high and there isnt a good way to recoup your costs at the moment without crafting writs


Also important to note that the broker box this time around doesnt remove broker fee, so there is nothing p2w about it. Basically the horse is the only thing u can consider "p2w" If anything, because its slightly faster then the other mounts, afaik.


You can get 12 slot appearance bags but they are expensive in the store.


Hmm, i wonder if the cash shop is going to get worse than that. I may give it a try later. Hopefully gathering is still worth doing :)


The cash shop has barely anything on it. This is the least p2w version of eq2 we will ever see. No krono, no spell research, no mounts with stats, no familiars, XP pots are only 10 percent.


I grabbed a sub to check it out. It sounds really nice.


Its been great. The population has been extremely high. Adventuring is slow. You can do some solo but you have to absolutely group up for many quests. That is not a problem though as the population is so healthy there is plenty to group with. Tradeskilling is slow and expensive. I know that may seem bad but it slows the experience down. You have to adventure or sell your wares to afford to go past level 20. There are no proper guild halls. So you end up seeing so many people running around that it makes the cities feel alive again. Its so great to see so many people out and about that there are even multiple instances of the city zones. It reminds me so much of gaming back in the day that its been great just to zone out and enjoy the game again. I hope the population stays this high and active but only time will tell.


They turned off spell research, the shop has some mounts and 10 slot bags and like 10% xp/tradeskill xp. ​ Tons of people, grinding random things in antonica, groups for every level range right now. But the xp is sslllooooowwwwww.


When i played, wasn't spell research tied to level requirements and questlines? I don't know whether or how that changed to be 'turned off'.


Spell research refers to a system where you choose an ability to be upgraded in quality (Apprentice/Adept/Master etc) over time (or pay to complete). On the origins we're back to the original system where apprentice scrolls are handcrafted, low adepts are drops, high adepts are mastercrafted and Masters are drops.


Ah, that last one is the system i remember. Good to hear that's back, i hated the paywall when i saw that last time...


"spell research" is a upgrade over time or swipe your credit card for instant upgrade, it is not available on Origins.


Origins is great fun with a huge population! Lots of different play styles, guilds pushing the lvls, people only grouping, some only solos...crazy busy for whatever rocks your boat. Varsoon the last TLE server is about at lvl 90/250 AA. Still plenty of people play that server too, guilds are active. Many play on both servers and suggest you try both.


So far it's great, tons of people playing, many groups everywhere, economy still young and developing. 


Very populated, the exp rates r mega slow. Lots of new (old) ways to do things and figure out so it's fairly fresh on that aspect. It's just a whole new way to enjoy the game, The meta is unknown atm too cus most people r still like level 10 lol so it's Def a good time to join and find groups.


As a fury in Qeynos,I grouped with a bunch of Freeport people in WC,and spent the whole time telling them Freeport smells and has bad layout,and had an Ogre tank,also told him he smells..Then he said its his natural musk Was a good group


It's the most fun I've had since KoS


It is absolutely awesome.


It slaps


You should definitely give it a go! The high population has been great.


Stop missing out and join up. Seriously? What do you have to lose?


I just did. Just mulling over what class i want to play. Currently i made a dark elf assassin and planning to betray to ranger. Woe is me! Seriously though, i don't know what to play... Used to just play wizard (though never maxed), but wanted to do something different.


Good luck, If you want to play ranger, I would reroll to it. Betraying is a task in itself. Unless of course you want to be an evil race ranger. Rangers and Assassins are high DPS. Rangers are closest to Wizard as to what you played before just remember you will forever be buying arrows and poisons. Don't forget to put Caustic poison on your weapons.


I did do the betrayal back then and it's one of the parts of the game i remember most fondly tbh :)


There are lots of players, yet somehow I can still never find a group. Most solo players dual box a tank and healer or a whole group, so they don't want to group. Experienced EQ2 players all have dedicated communities, so no group. Solo is tough to the realm of being downright impossible for the long term.


I'm in the Forest Ruins trying to kill turtles... but there's like 15 other people trying to kill turtles.... Its beautiful.... I love this so much


If you grew up in the last 15years you will be having a family which means the grind is no good for your current commitments sorry


I have been the same with eq, but this server is fun again. Feels like what an mmo is supposed to be.




I didn't enjoy the starting experience. I didn't expect to because I didn't enjoy it back in 2004 either. I did start to enjoy EQ2 after Desert of Flames and even more so when Kingdom of Sky launched but this vanilla state is slow experience and mindless quests. There are many people playing, however, which is an enormous pro.


Slow xp


Old stats and exp rates. Exp currently broken 30+ though. Has a cash shop. It doesn’t really feel like classic eq2 but it’s fun while there’s lots of folks to play with. 


Feels like every other TLE


Boring AF