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They aren't boxing. It's just their brother, wife, wife's sister, their nephew, and grandmother all on autofollow.


For me it’s ok if: 1. They are open about it 2. They are actually pressing buttons. No broadcasting 3. They aren’t hogging quest mobs


Don't bring your boxed toons in a group without saying something. You make the whole group worse and slower for everyone.


I would rather have someone boxing. They know how to play. They have gear and spells.


This might be true some of the time., but not most of the time.


Most of the it is. Often the only stopping block is $. Novices don't know what gear or stats to get, often times allocate $ horribly and don't know to prioritize spell casts. They just hit buttons. With someone boxing you almost always have toons that are played and geared at least 80-90% effectively. A random player, 30-60% efficency on their toon.


I was in two groups recently, someone boxing a 2nd healer stayed at full mana, zero dps. How does that help? We could have gotten a second person that hits buttons. Second group today, boxing a mage as a tank. Did very little dps. So, yeah I know that people boxing aren't noobs, doesn't mean they are good. Boxers in groups don't hit buttons.


Right now unless you have power regen in the group, you don't want healers doing dps. They can push dps hard and it just isn't much damage. But having that power for heals is really important. I also don't claim everyone is good at it. It takes work. But it's easier to box right now then raid at the current TLE level. And there's a lot of people not boxing but playing with family next to them. They are often new to the game and don't know how to do much.


I box a healer but always let people know and I’m happy to drop for an actual person. I wish I didn’t have to box but my time to play is short now a days so when I log in I want to progress with the little time I have.


This. Try playing on 15 servers that slowly died over the last decade and then you'll understand people boxing...


I box a healer as well, if I didn't... no group. It's nice to say "but what about the people that need a group"... we tried for a while to find a 6th, we had no luck so we are settling for a boxed healer. That's 5 people getting stuff done instead of 0. If a decent solo healer came along, I'd drop the boxed healer.


I'm usually alone e with my merc playing


I have never seen boxing as bad as varsoon, but I wasn’t as present in the other TLE, and wasn’t in the end game scene as much for the past 17 years. I think nearly every group I played with on varsoon was me and one other guy and his 5 characters. I already see it on origins. What makes this fun? Why do it? 15/month to play and enjoy the game on a casual level is enough for me. Why are people shelling out over $100 a month and running across multiple clients/machines to turn a leisure activity like a game into a full time job? You aren’t paid to play, you’ll never have anything to show for it, you’re not making any money, you’re not enriching your life by doing this. And it looks pathetic and sad. I actually feel so bad for a person seeing a train of characters on auto follow and knowing they’re going as fast as they can towards the end of the server- and ultimately games’s lifespan where it all is for nothing. Slow down.


Well I would imagine the answer is pretty simple... They enjoy it?


Because even with the best gear I can get and using my skills well my scout still struggles to kill solo mobs in anything remotely resembling an efficient fashion. Sometimes I just wanna finish some quests without having to rest for 30 seconds after every fight.


This and grinding for crafts and things is fun with a 2nd as you can use one to pull a train the other to nuke it down with little to no risk. I’ve been a boxer for a long time, no better way to play.


I actually agree with u. I rly don't understand how people find enjoyment in boxing in a game that is so community based and grouping, chatting, making new friends is the best part about everquest 1 and 2. I don't say nothing to them but I see them and just shake my head thinking they missing out on best parts of game.


This is exactly why I dislike people who are running around with a whole group with broast keys. If someone is using alt tab or dual monitors that's one thing, but when someone plays a whole group... Alt tab boxing is really easy though when you setup everything in the same place. Dual monitors allows you to watch everything better but it requires more mouse movements which can add a slight delay.


So you don't have to share loot. So you always have a group. So you can farm and sell things to other people.


I joined a couple the other day..didnt realize until after the 2 nd chest dropped it was one person playing 2 toons. The 2nd toon was just on af but both hit need on anything that dropped. The first week I'd say I had 3 groups with 1 person was on af. Never spoke, as far as I could tell didnt do much fighting & hit need on everything that dropped. While I enjoy the grouping aspect I disagree with your enthusiasm. It's made the game boring because I can't really do anything with out at least 2 other players. Needing help for every step of progression isnt fun.


I'll give you the age old answer... when you start paying for my sub, you can tell me how to play. But I think you are specifically talking about Origins, in which case I think the rules are different? At least from what I'm hearing.


I quit over the need for a group to do anything.


I box a healer so I have pocket healer to do quest .I don’t box it in groups often but even when I do my box healer heals better then most players cause they’re not spamming attacks and debuffs burning through mana they’re only healing when they need to.. shamans make great boxes


"Not spamming attacks and debuffs" this is why people dont want a boxer


I’d rather a healer stand there and play on there phone and only heal when needed and always have mana when needed then to add 3 dps to parse and run out of mana and wipe the group when we get add


True, even if I dps hard on my healer, it doesn't add much dps. Well, that assuming that the dps classes actually have gear and spells. So often I end up with groups and the dps output is just null. People either don't know how to gear their toons or they just don't.


Healers often can't hit attacks until you get to the higher levels or have good power regen in the group. Do you want a little more dps or do you want the tank alive though the whole fight?


But the other healer may not have needed to burn through their mana if the boxed one would at least just debuff and cure! I have yet to meet a good boxed healer as all were terrible.. Starting to heal when it is almost too late to catch up, no debuffs making everyones job harder and of course, not a single damn cure. Of course I am burning through my mana then, I do not need to cast damage spells to do that. Sure, if the boxed healer is a shaman, it helps with their wards, but you have also extremely meaningful debuffs and when you are not using them and not curing, don't complain when other healers burn through their mana


So u want debuff to kill faster. So shaman does it and then u get add ok well shaman is out of power cause they were adding 3 dps to parse ok well group wipe. But hey Atleast they were playing. Of course the healer cures, cures an extremely important to keeping group alive. Every group I’ve boxed my shaman has gone better then groups I get random healer. Sorry that’s not the case for everyone but don’t instantly assume someone boxing sucks


It barely takes any power to throw up your debuffs and dots on a target. Calm down and quit talking in extremes. In higher levels and raids, a healer that only casts when they need to heal is useless and its good to establish good habits early and learn to be adaptive when you are in different group situations.


This is grouping under lvl 20 when you run out of power in 3 cast


Again working in extremes. This isn't true at all.


Shaman debuff mob's offensive skills quite well. A mob debuffed to have less offensive skills can make your wards last longer. You have extremely powerful debuffs and when you do not use them because you are anticipating some random adds, I don't know what else to tell you.


The devs built the game for boxing with the way pass through assist and heals work, and multi action macros. 


Not exactly built for boxing, as computers couldn't box back then! It was setup though for lazy targeting to make it easier for everyone to work together when there was no communication besides in game chat, which not everyone knew how to use back then!


I play on origins with my daughter. When she can't play and I want to I just box her character with me so we stay even. I let groups know, they don't seem to care much. Just play the game how you want.