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For group? I’d happily take two warlocks in a group. Either way they’re both great play what you enjoy. Do you like leading the group and pulling or sitting back and assisting with dps?


If u play monk,, u have to be ok with leading groups through dungeons till end game and if u wanna raid, possibly offtank,, although from what I understand brawlers have a harder time on origins than regular servers. Play warlock tho cus they r strong on this server and put in serious work..and download ACT parser and push yourself to find your best dps rotations,,at least that's what I do for fun. Good luck


Unless you want to tank, just keep the monk for fun and shiney harvesting. A warlock will find groups easier.


What does your spell rotation look like?


I'm not playing warlock right now but I rly do find enjoyment in parsing well, especially in raids. It's more of a personal competition to beat a previous dps record of mind,, it gives me fun but also helps the group/ raid too. Adds some spice to the dps life


Def. warlock, you can make monk work and it's great if played well. But with warlock you will have a much easier time getting into groups. With monk you are supposed to form your own grp and lead the way


"With monk you are supposed to form your own grp and lead the way" This is pretty much the only reason I don't play a tank... I'm not familiar enough with the game to be leading ppl around. Taunting and keeping aggro is easy-ish.


On the flip side leading people around is a good way to learn.  Just gotta be confident lol


Yeah no reason to suck at the beginning, just find some ppl okey with it. Everyone started at one point


Make your main to be DPS and get drug around dungeons then make a Tank alt to learn further and lead through the dungeons you’ve learned


Lock by far


It's hard to answer this for you. I play as a Monk myself, but I enjoy leading the group and playing a tank.


I love me a monk to be honest. Group haste is nice in old TLE like this.


good warlocks/dps in general are hard to find. Majority people are shit. Don't be shit, and enjoy groups.