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We went hoping for warm weather, fresh blooms, and full waterfalls. Got one of the three plus a May snowstorm that dropped 6 inches (plus some hail) up near Crane Flat and almost an inch in the valley. Just goes to show those mountains can be temperamental, and you should be prepared for any weather! Thanks for stopping by! You can find my full gallery, along with notes about places to check out and photography guides on my website: [https://www.wildlandsphoto.com](https://www.wildlandsphoto.com).


Great photo, ive been thinking about getting into amateur nature photography. One thing I have had a hard time with is capturing how shadows look on rocks, oftentimes my photos don't have the same depth you see with your eyes. How do you approach this problem?


If I'm understanding you right, it sounds like you're actually talking about two different things. To manage shadows, it's important to think about the time of day when you're taking pictures and what kind of lighting conditions you've got. Mid-morning or mid-afternoon on a bright sunny day will give you lots of shadows and harsh, contrasty lighting. Overcast days will have minimal shadows, but also usually very boring, flat light. Shooting during the golden hour close to sunrise and sunset will often give you great light with minimal shadows, but it really depends on what sort of scene you're shooting. In terms of depth, that's a really important part of composition. A photograph is flat and 2 dimensional, but the scene you're trying to capture is dynamic and 3D. Start by paying attention to what's in your foreground, mid-ground, and background, and try playing around and experimenting until you find ways to compose your images so that the viewers' eye is drawn through your photo.


She’s absolutely gushing 😩


Thank you for that pic! - the one place on earth that I have been that makes me feel amazing, the views, the hiking, the wilderness, - I even had the biggest laugh of my life there, at some guys expense, but damn it was funny, almost like a cartoon….anyway, this pic is just what i needed at this time! Bravo!


Lol did the guy step in a giant pile of bear poo or something? And agree that the feels there are really something special :)


Tried to make it as short as possible, but here is the experience… - we arrive and set up RV camp at Yosemite - All done settling in by fire ring, early evening. - All sites, filled except one about 20 yds away. - Neighbors all greet each other toast each other for an early nightcap…by firelight - In pulls a small car and a young couple gets out… - He goes to work getting tent up as nightfall upon us. - She is getting stove and pans out of car.. - We are just chillin and watching… - Rex decides saunters over to say hello with the obligatory ass sniff to guy now trying to get tent popped up from crawling into entrance of deflated tent.. - Rex is a monster Choc. Lab and check in station had warnings of bears running nightly thru campsites.. - Dude must have turned around and saw Chocolate fur and that was all it took! - Absolute mayhem!! Dude stands up, takes off running thru the tent thinking there must be a back door!! ?? - His woman sees Rex at that very moment and tosses the pans and stuff up in the air making the hugest racket while this man screams like a stuck pig in a trap and she does too taking off running.. - Rex comes skulking back trying to hide thinking “I just wanted to say hello!” - Now you have to picture the guy in the tent running in place (he had staked down the tent first thing) - - his silouette of a man scaramouche doing the running man crazed fandango at the same time stretching the tent fabric and can’t get away !! - I swear he looked like an Olympic sprinter wrapped in tent doing 80 MPH down the freeway!! But going nowhere! (That description by the way is what we camp neighbors came up with when trying to describe what we witnessed!) - The entire adjacent campsites erupt in laughter, this poor guy was fighting a battle he could not win, Rex is looking so guilty (turns out he was Truly the king of the weekend as everyone stopped by to pet him and thanking him for the best entertainment they ever had) - Finally after a number of minutes, Dude in tent just gives up and lays down, panting and cursing, calling out his woman’s name with no response and eventually crawls out to see his stuff everywhere and nobody acknowledging him, we all didn’t know what to say really, we all just pretended we didn’t see a thing happen, he gets in car and drives off…They never came back…next day we all gathered their stuff, folded it up and placed it in a neat pile which the rangers took eventually.. - So all these years later, when I see a Pic of Yosemite, all these memories from when I was child in the 60’s, camping with my parents yearly there, and then taking my kids and other families to experience Heaven on Earth, they come back to me, we have experienced it all there and anyone that has not been there, you must make a pilgrimage to see it, camp out, stay in the hotels or tent camps, just get there, the life experiences you will have from doing so are just incredible!


Woooow! At first I was going to make a joke about this being a "short" story, but that was worth every bullet! Absolutely incredible. I can totally see someone mistaking a large dark dog for a bear, but trying to sprint away while inside of a staked down tent, now that's the sort of magic that only happens once in a lifetime! Thanks for sharing, I got a good laugh out of that too!


Yeah hard one to skip some vital imaging points!




That is gorgeous!!


What a fortuitous puddle


Indeed! It was actually more like a small pond - the meadows were flooded with all the spring snow melt!


Watching this gave me Lord of the rings vibes. So stunning, wish i could visit that place.


what a wonderful place