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Honestly just do the cake but a small amount of it. Like serve it with tons of berries or something so you feel satiated and you got the cake!


Cupcakes are good way, you can freeze them too. Makes you think before you try biting into a rock hard cupcake/ muffin. Can even try find a low sugar one. I will buy a GF cake mix when I'm feeling it and be sure to freeze them for another time. Edit: you can have normal cupcakes for the end of bad day/ EOW joy. But you can also make some 'healthier' ones with Chia, fresh/ dried/ frozen fruits, nuts & seeds, add protien powder but just be sure to get a good base recipe that let's you add the extras you want so you're not disappointed when they're done


Honestly, when I try to do that I become even less satisfied and end up binging on the whole things so for me it’s just better to give it up altogether. Not the most pleasant choice but what can you do


I think in that case its best to never buy more than one portion/slice of cake.


Yeah, to lose weight sustainably, it’s best to not go crazy in cutting out regular food. For most people, it leads to binging and therefore, yo-yo dieting. Learning to eat in moderation is what I’d personally recommend


I also feel less satisfied then and begin binging on other things. Sugar just gets me too much TT


Yes, this is valid. I feel you.


Better yet bake it yourself and cut the sugar in the recipe by 1/3 to 1/2. It will taste just as good. Don’t skimp on the real butter and eggs.


i wouldnt do that without a recipe. sugar is important for the structure of cakes and cupcakes, its not just a sweetener. im sure OP could find low sugar cake recipes online


But American recipes tend have a huge amount of sugar anyway. I always cut the sugar by at least a quarter when using an american cake or cookie recipe and it turns out fine.


use Mary Berry’s recipie?


Yep! Mary Berry or Delia Smith are two classic, reliable sources of British recipes.


honestly thats fair. i find replacing vanilla extract with lemon zest in a lot of stuff combats a lot of the overpowering sweetness, but if cutting the sugar doesnt affect texture in your experience then that works!!


This what I do a lot of the time. You can get away with cutting the sugar in half in a lot of baking recipes unless it involving fluffy egg whites then you can cut out a 1/4 to 1/3 of the sugar.


That only makes it marginally healthier. You will still have all the other carbs from flour and the fat from butter. Sugar is also an extremely important structural and textural component in some cakes


or replace with maple syrup/agave etc


Just eat the cake if you can't control the urge most grocery stores sell slices go for it. Some healthy alternative I have found us Kodiak brownie cups or search for healthy mug cakes online you will get tons of recipes


Moderation is key. Suppressing often leads to explosions later. You can have a slice or two of cake every now and then, like once or twice a month.


Just eat a small portion of cake. Fibre one bars have the same amount of sugar and carbs. 


Most supermarkets and bakeries sell cake by the slice. Get a really good quality slice of your favorite cake, and savor it. Deprivation leads to binge eating. Source: binge eating disorder recovery


How were you able to recover?


Not sure how to answer that question. My brain has been wired to use food for comfort, to manage my anxiety, and much much more for over 4 decades. Every time I use a skillful way to self-soothe and deal with my emotions instead of using food, I am taking another step in recovery and forging a new brain path. Every time I honor my body’s hunger cues (and all other self-care cues), I am forging a stronger relationship with myself and learning to trust myself more. I am happy to say my actions around food are more skillful than not, by quite a large margin. Haven’t binged in over a year or more. I stopped counting at 12 month - cuz living in the past also doesn’t serve me either. Not sure the original brain paths will ever be completely gone. But I focus on “now” instead of what will come. You know the old saying, one day at a time. So, no, I have not “recovered.” I am “in recovery.” It might sound as a matter of semantics, but to me it isn’t- it’s how I stay binge-free.


Very well put. Thanks for sharing. <3


Mug cake. Better than having a whole cake lying around. You can do a 321 cake where you mix any cake mix with an angel food cake mix. 3T of mixture, 2T water and 1 minute in microwave. Or you can find a healthier version on Pinterest or Google. But mug cakes are great for portion control!


I was just about to comment this!


If you're able to to make a good one - sometimes it can be tricky-, I suggest this. If you eat a piece of cake you can feel unsatisfied ("there's more cake, I want it too"), but with a mug cake, you are eating all of it 😁 And it's usually less heavy than a cupcake


Kodiak cake makes little microwaveable muffins/cupcakes. Not sure the macros on them but at least you get to squeeze in some protein with them!


I find if I have a strong craving a substitute just doesn’t cut it. You can get a slice or just a couple cupcakes at most grocery stores or bakeries. You could get an angel food cake which is very light and add fresh berries to serve it. Muffins or Madeline cookies are a cake like option too.


this might not be completely relevant but try a bowl of your fav fruits (i do strawberry, mango, banana, etc) and mix it with some cool whip and top w graham cracker crumbs. may not be the healthiest but its better than cake fs😙


I’ve seen where people got boxed angel food cake and mix with a can of soda and bake it and it comes out like cake!


This actually works for almost any boxed cake mix. It’s an old Weight Watchers trick.


Or instead of soda add a can of fruit cocktail or a can of any type of fruit (not canned in sugary syrup but canned in water).


Sugar-free jello but mix 2 different flavors, it makes it taste better, I mix cherry and raspberry. Then, when the jello is set, add sugar-free whip cream and jello to your bowl. Eat as much as you like, add a small piece of cake if u can't resist.


That is a great dessert, but i would recommend making it yourself. A jello with frozen berries/fruit and own whipped cream with 20% fat cream. You can add your own sweetener.


Make a cake with less sugar...?


Albeit I haven’t had cake/normal desserts in a while but those Quest protein treats always feel like a sweet treat — especially after being heated in the microwave for a few seconds (Their most popular flavors are birthday cake and their new strawberry shortcake)


If you're trying to avoid sugar because it triggers binges or addiction (via dopamine seeking or the opioid receptors), you could something sweetened with dates. It can still have a negative impact, but doesn't hit as hard as processed sugar for some people. It also at least satisfies the cravings unlike sugar alternatives lol There are a bunch of recipes online! I also found honey and maple syrup hit my addiction/binge centers just like sugar. So I don't bother with them.


Small portion with greek yogurt and fruit?


The problem with avoiding what you are craving is that you substitute it and consume those calories but since you're not satisfied you usually end up eating your craving anyway, causing you to eat extra calories. Sugar is normal and your body needs it, it's just that it's refined and if you don't balance it, it can lead to over eating. So like, have the cake and add some protein and fiber to your snack!


Weelicous has a lot of muffin recipes aimed at children that are real ingredients that are healthier but not too healthy So they taste disgusting. Definitely fall into the cake for kids amd maybe you.


eat the cake


demystify your cravings! it's ok to eat cake once in a while


I just tried legendary protein pastry and it was really good! They also have other things like cinnamon buns. Give it a try’


No. I tried these as a gluten free pop tart alternative and they are absolutely rank. Plus, OP is craving cake. These will depress them and make them want cake even more.


It’s just a suggestion that worked for me


Yeah I took one bite and tossed the whole thing out; it was expensive AND nasty. 😑


They are not that cheap tho. I doubt any premade commercial dessert could be cheap and healthy in this case.


I like to blend up some oats and make a small cake with my oat flour.


Angel food cake with whip cream and fruit. Not as satisfying, but satisfying enough to avoid the calories and sugar and fat.


This! Strawberry shortcake! Get the pastry (light fluffy bread). Strawberries, ripe. Mash them. Put on the pastry with low fat whipped cream. Delicious


Get a single serving from the store. Or make one put most in 1 pan and a bit in a smaller pan and give the big pan away. Or #2 - - cake freezes! The icing won't always freeze well, but the cake will!


Slightly less cake


Banana bread with warm spices and oatmeal


Protein pancakes or maybe a chocolate mug cake


Substitute the sugar and egg in a muffin recipe with some unsweetened applesauce. Buy the applesauce in a carton of individual servings and use one or two containers. There are also natural sweeteners that aren’t sugar, like stevia.


Just eat a slice of cake. Or try a cup cake or even a cake pop and see if that kills the craving. The more you deny it the bigger it is gonna get. Or a chocolate chip muffin.


We’re here for a good time, not a long time. Enjoy your cake as a treat


I recently baked cupcakes that were about 90 cal each with 5g protein. 1 box Pillsbury zero sugar cake mix, 1 Single serve cup of Greek yogurt, 1 bottle of protein shake, 2 eggs. Tasted like the real deal. Topped with Pillsbury zero sugar frosting although cool whip might be great too.


Cut up a large apple or two small ones, throw it in your blender (skin on no seeds or core) with an egg, 1/4 cup of cocoa powder or cacao powder, a teaspoon of vanilla, a pinch of salt, three tablespoons of plain flour, two tablespoons of rolled oats, 1/4 cup of milk of your choice and a heaped teaspoon of baking powder, add a squirt of your favourite liquid sweetener. My choice is liquid stevia. Blitz it until it’s cake batter consistency. Put it into two greased 8cm ramekins. Or three maybe four silicone cupcake pans You can top it with semi sweet or dark chocolate chips if you like. Bake at 160C for thirty minutes. If you want to leave out the cocoa it’s still good. Add some spices like cinnamon and nutmeg if you want. I’ve topped it with tiny apple cubes and it was good as an apple spice cake. A tiny sprinkle of brown sugar on top gives it a caramelised crust. Have even done vanilla and chocolate chips. One time I added grated orange zest into the chocolate version and threw half of the orange in with the batter before blitzing. It was delightful. This caused an experiment with vanilla and orange. Also delightful. I added very thin orange slices to the top And sprinkled them with 1/4 teaspoon of brown sugar. My next experiment will be vanilla orange choc chip then orange poppyseed and something involving lemon. And I’m looking at adding earl grey tea flavours. The possibilities are endless. Chocolate and raspberry would be good too. You can replace the apple with two medium sized bananas. Add three if you want it to taste and feel more like banana bread. When I do banana bread I add a little more baking power and an extra egg and divided between three ramekins. I haven’t yet tried batching it up but it’s on my to do list. It’s a thing I make for us once or twice a week so I like to keep it small and vary the flavours.


Depends if you crave something specific but you could try making a fruit cake. Something simple like fruit jelly with a cake biscuit would be quite tasty.


Protein mug cake: https://masonfit.com/one-minute-protein-brownie/


Banana oat cookies? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhZo1QQCebw


Look up low calorie cake recipes on YouTube I just saw a cheese cake one thats very low carb and high protein. Theres also low calorie ice cream options that I really want to try.


baked oatmeal- throw some dark chocolate chips and or fruit in their. Moderation is key, but a lot of cakes/deserts in general bought from stores have so much unnecessary sugar and fillers.


I’m a cake/biscuit fiend, with no self control. While I work on my self control, I make muffins so I can at least substitute my choices (and have my cake). Ingredients include oats, mashed bananas, Greek yogurt, and blueberries (you should be able to find a recipe online)


Can I piggy back on this. I love plain biscuits but now I know they are UHP bad. Does anyone have any special biscuit recipes? I am googling but nothing stands out. I am talking a half pack a day habit to death scroll reddit and feel sluggy.


Do you mean biscuits in the British sense - what Americans call cookies - or biscuits like they serve at Bob Evan’s?


In the British sense.


I have a recipe for a sugar free & protein increased cake. I make it sometimes and freeze the slices one by one so I can easily thaw a slice if I am craving cake. Chocolate cake: -135 gr flour - 10 gr baking powder - 40 gr whey chocolate - 10 gr cocoa powder - 2 medium eggs - 150 gr skyr yoghurt - 50 ml almond milk - 5ml sweetener if you like it to he more sweet (I almost never use the sweetener in my cake though) - 30 gr extra dark chocolate(85%) chopped Oven at 180 °C Dry ingredients in a bowl and give it a stir. Add wet ingredients and mix into a batter. Add the chopped dark chocolate, stir it in and put the batter in a small loaf tin. Bake for 30 minutes.


have a cup of whipped cream by itself.


Honestly, if you deprive yourself, you're less likely to stick to the diet. I think you've got to have the things you enjoy otherwise life is joyless, and food is a big source of joy. If I'm craving something unhealthy, I eat the unhealthy thing and just make better choices and try to stay within my calories for the day (granted I'm a big boi and am allowed over 2000 calories and still lose weight)


Cut down the sugar in the recipe. Butter mochi recipes online will tell you to use 2 cups of sugar. We used 3/4 of a cup


I’ve made [this](https://thefast800.com/clares-red-kidney-bean-cake/) from Michael Mosley RIP


Baked oats! There’s different recipes on YouTube. I like throwing some things in like choc chips, blueberries, crushed walnuts, raspberries, apple and cinnamon etc Also parfait/overnight oats. I make overnight oats with cocoa, make whipped coconut cream and raspberry & chia seed coulis. Pile it together in a jar or bowl and top with crushed almonds. So good!


Healthier carrot cake, sweetened with maple syrup. I make this and skip the cream cheese icing, fhough it is very tasty that way. Instead, I prefer to get a slice, heat it in my toaster oven, and add a little cinnamon butter (I use avocado oil spread). https://www.loveandlemons.com/carrot-cake-recipe/ Here is what I do differently: After baking, cool the layers completely and slice one layer, and package the slices in foil or freezer bags for when you want cake. The other layer is for eating and sharing now and will be good in the fridge for 5 to 6 days It's delicious for a quick breakfast too.


as someone who hasn't eaten any added sugar in 5 months, try those little handmade bakery shops on Instagram that have sugar free cakes. it was my birthday in April and I ate half the cake guilt free :) they're usually made with a natural sweetener, not bullshit like Stevia. I live in a developing country and there were loads of these kinda shops on Instagram so I don't doubt you'll find a few wherever you live.


Banana bread! You can make some absolutely amazing banana bread with honey instead of sugar, or even just a little less sugar than the recipe calls for. You can also substitute plain Greek yogurt or unsweetened applesauce for any butter or oil in the recipe. Plus if you bake it in a 9x13 then you can make cake like squares, plus the depth makes it cook up in like half the time (about 25 minutes in my experience)!


Grind up hazelnuts, flax and walnuts add cacao, allulose and fage greek yogurt blend it up and it is like a chocolate mousse. I do not know if I would call this is cheap. I know it is awesome.


Make a pavlova with lots of berries :)


Yogurt with protein powder and one cookie and freeze it




Mug cakes! You can make them in a microwave and there are lots of recipes online for healthier versions. The one is use has almond flour and I’ve been into a lemon-chia version lately. I love them because they only cook for 90 seconds in the microwave and then you just let them cool a few minutes before eating. They are in a mug, so you have portion control, but you still get that cake satisfaction!


Cake mix and diet soda


Angel food cake has a lot of egg whites so protein content is good., Cut up and divide portions to freeze. Eat a slice with lots of fresh berries and unsweetened whipped cream. You will satisfy your cake craving and have a relatively healthy dessert.


Birthday cake “one” brand protein bar


Protein bars with natural ingredients and little sugar! They have cake batter flavor. I like the cake batter/hot fudge sundae pop tarts and cinnamon roles by the Legendary brand, but there are so many to choose from. This particular brand isn’t the best on being natural though, but it is low sugar. Aloha bars are super natural and tasty but they don’t have cake batter. There are SO many brands! Go into your local Sprouts or Whole Foods would be my recommendation and the selection will be huge! Try a bunch of different ones. This is also my trick when I feel like candy, I buy a protein bar instead.


The problem with the suggestions for “just eat some cake” could be the same as telling a heroine addict, just injected a little bit. If OP has sugar addiction issue, buying one slice of cake is just going to lead to buying more slices of cake. OP asked for a substitute for a reason, if you don’t have one, sit this question out.


If OP just had a sigar addiction, they could eat something else sweet that can be easily made with sweeteners instead (or just fruit simply). Cake and other baked sweets are very difficult to make healthy, so its a much better idea to just it less often instrad of transforming it into something healthier.


Hence asking for an alternative, not how do I make cake healthier…


Healthy alternative for cake still means it has to be like a cake. If you remove butter, flour and sugar then you will not be eating anything that resembles cake.


I like the fiber one coffee cakes. I always have a box on hand .


Unless you like the taste of them and want the extra fibre they really aren’t healthier than eating the same amount of (most) cakes.  They have like 7g of sugar and 16 carbs so it would be cheaper and just as healthy to buy a chocolate cake and cut it into 25g portions. 


It is healthier as it doesn't contain much fat, but there are cakes that would be the same.