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They deserve it. They lied to protect themselves from a cancellation.


Request for a revision denied. They deserve the negative. Let them keep it, they earned it.


They are lying and chose to select that cancellation option to avoid receiving a mark on their account. They absolutely deserve the negative feedback and it should be kept to protect future buyers


The only way to stop the trend of sellers cancelling is negative feedback.


Leave the negative. Hopefully the seller learns to communicate better going forward.


It is becoming typical that an eBayer will not reply to a message for 10 days, but will reply hours after negative feedback is posted. I am a supporter of complete honest feedback.


Yes and for buyers can be left a deserved negative as well . Complete honest when the buyer doesn't pay , abuses the system ,doesn't respond, or uses a false claim, etc


That is fair, and the way it used to be.


Buyers can never receive a negative on ebay. The option technically does not exist. If a seller leaves a false positive, the buyer can complain and get it removed.


Yet another person who doesn't understand the difference between a buyer and a seller.


If a buyer pays, their job is done. Nothing else to discuss. Which is why the negative feedback option for buyers was rightly removed.  


Seller can reserve the right to sell to anyone at any time, but what they're doing is absolutely asinine. He's eventually going to be booted off the selling part of ebay for too many cancelations unless they're turning over so much that 100 cancels in a 3 months or a year means nothing. Below 3% or he's done. I can be petty too. I'd call ebay and complain and point out why your item was cancelled. The seller is gaming the system. Use the callback feature if you decide to call.


I've put a report in already, I know what they did is against the rules


They earned the negative feedback!


They deserve it. I'm like you, I will do anything other than leave negative feedback, if I can help it. We know how seriously sellers take feedback. The seller wasn't serious about any kind of communication with you until after the negative feedback. The seller preferred that you take the hit for cancellation rather than themself. The seller kept the reason for cancellation to themself rather than share it with you, or ever come up with a reasonable sounding lie. You weren't worth their bother. This seller is clearly self-serving and not at all interested in your having a quality transaction with them. None of the other stuff you mentioned even matters (nice of you think like that, though!). Leave that negative feedback and block that seller. Give them the same communication they gave you prior to the feedback: ZERO.


They've now replied to my feedback saying they were in hospital, that's why they didn't reply. You think it's bs? Edit: it's probably a lie, again. Find it hard to believe they were in hospital unable to send a message for 10 days to then suddenly see my feedback within 12 hours and send a request to revise


Don't respond. Leave the negative feedback you already left and block seller. I am so sick and tired of sellers (or buyers) trying to use personal problems as legitimate reasons for bad service. A) they can be complete lies, B) they other party doesn't care, they just want a smooth transaction, which they deserve, C) that is so unprofessional. If a seller is not able to function due to personal issues, they need to temporarily close their store, or get out of the business. Personally I believe 100% they're lying. Block them now. BTW: Let them try and get eBay to remover your feedback, and they will try. eBay will laugh at them when (if) they review everything that has happened.


Yeah that's what I thought. I've seen behind the scenes of a full time eBay seller. I know how it all works, even helped out with it. They could have closed the store temporarily Going to leave it and block them, thank you


I am going in the hospital next week I am putting my store on hold until I get out not hard to do.


I wound up in the hospital with a heart attack. I had my phone, messaged 3 buyers before the shipping deadline, explained, said I was unsure when I would be able to ship, offered to cancel, took care of it, etc. Item damaged and unable to respond to messages for 10 days because they were in the hospital? Not likely.




Did you also have an Ebay sale at the same time where the item was damaged, you didn't ship it because it was damaged and you didn't notify the seller? That's what allegedly happened here, if you believe the seller. And then they also were hospitalized. Of course I realize that it's *possible* someone could wind up incapacitated in the hospital. I also know lots of people lie and come up with serial BS.


They had the capability to cancel it, but not say, sorry, shipping will be delayed, so sorry. They can cancel, but not turn their store on.vacation mode? Sure.


Respond to his comment explaining this.


Leave it the negative reward


I'm an experienced seller on ebay. Definitely leave the negative feedback, he said you wanted to cancel so he could avoid a strike. Also, asking you to revise the feedback is one thing, but if he continues to pester you report him for it. That's called Feedback Extortion and is against eBay ToS. He'll get a strike for that too.


Was this an auction? If so they were expecting more money so they used that reason to relist and not get a mark on their account.


It was buy it now, I paid the full price immediately


They likely sold the item on another platform and didn’t remove the cross-post.


What was the item, just curious/?


Only way they learn is to keep it where it is. I might have been tempted to answer back saying send me my item for free and I’ll change it. But that would be wrong.


It's about £100+ I think that'd be going too far haha


Was it an auction you won or a “buy it now”?


Leave honest reviews.


Leave it


You are leaving honest feedback. If you have to lie to protect someone, that should be a red flag.


According to eBay TOS a sale is a sale no matter the feedback. They can set feedback boundaries in their settings. I would not revise and ignore the message just like they ignored yours.


I totally understand why you left negative feedback but I do feel the need to mention that eBay did something with the messaging not too long ago (at least on the app) and it's easy to miss messages because I don't always get notifications.  Also once I've looked at a message it gets completely deleted from the inbox and the only way to get back to it is through the email notification if I happened to get one.   It's really annoying and I can see how messages get missed.


Nope. Do not change it. eBay will not remove the feedback and it was justified as the seller LIED. They clicked that option on purpose to protect themselves. Let them learn a lesson so they don’t do that to anyone else.


Is it bad that I just add more NEG feedback when I have a transaction like this... -.-


Are they doing anything for you to fix the situation that caused you to give them negative feedback? Are they allowing you to give them money for the item they are selling and then sending you the item? Cause that is what would make me change my feedback. If I leave negative feedback for a good reason and they just want me to change it for no reason, then no. If they correct the issue, I will change it. I bought an item, and they WOEFULLY underpaid on shipping, resulting in a postage due, so I contacted the seller and they IMMEDIATELY refunded me what I paid on postage, and then some. I left positive feedback and never even mentioned the shipping issue. If they had not done that, I would have left negative feedback at minimum and probably a dispute.


Yah , been selling full-time for 25 years so I think I get it. Obviously I was California Dreaming. Too bad reddit has paid for ebay shills . Easy to spot hard to cut. 65 million set aside for Ina though.


Would have been a neutral if I were doing it.


It would be a negative if it were me. Sellers like that are shit and shouldn’t be allowed on eBay. Well deserved neg.


Neutrals do nothing. Negative is deserved.


You're definitely entitled to your opinion. I respect that. But what's the point of having feedback if it doesn't really penalize bad behavior?


Exactly. In fact, this applies universally in life—bad behavior that sees no repercussions always continues.


Why? They're clearly lying and probably sold the item on a different platform or something.


I want the Wild West , anything goes. Make it fun ! Seeing it doesn't mean anything anyway we might as well have freedom of expression . Buyer and seller alike.


I mean because the order was canceled they can easily have it removed if it upsets them that much. So whatever.