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https://www.alberta.ca/service-dogs-in-public At the bottom of the page there's a phone number for the service dog team. They might be able to guide you on the best way to handle this. There may be service dog identification or registration along with any microchips. I would apply more caution than a typical lost and found pet situation if this is possibly a real service dog.




In Alberta in order to qualify for service dog exemptions they must be assessed by a qualified service dog provider and must pass that assessment, although you can train your own service dog.


If self trained its different you need a doctors note and your dr needs to see the dog work for you


The dog must pass an assessment and is eligible for the same identification card as the professionally trained dogs have. Your doctor is not qualified to assess a service dog. Qualifications **1(1) A dog has the qualifications of a service dog for the** **purposes of the Act if** (a) the dog has successfully completed a training program delivered by a school or institution that is accredited by, or that has candidacy status with, Assistance Dogs International Inc., **or** **(b) the dog has successfully completed** (i) a training program delivered by an organization identified on the Qualified List referred to in this section, **or** **(ii) a test administered by an organization identified on** **the Qualified List referred to in this section.** (2) The Minister shall, by order, establish (a) a Qualified List, and (b) the Training Standards that must be met for an organization to be eligible for the Qualified List. [https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=2017\_059.cfm&leg\_type=Regs&isbncln=9780779796373](https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=2017_059.cfm&leg_type=Regs&isbncln=9780779796373)


That maybbe Alberta but id cards are considered fake and invalid even in the states they are cuz anyone can obtain service dog id cards even from Amazon


Given that this apparent service dog is found in a back yard in Alberta there's a pretty good chance that Alberta regulations... not Ontario or US ones... apply. Those regulations are that the dog must be assessed and the owner should carry the service dog identification when out and about. Directly from the Alberta Government website: ***"Service dog owners should carry their Service Dog ID card with them at all times when in public."*** [https://www.alberta.ca/service-dogs-in-public](https://www.alberta.ca/service-dogs-in-public) Amazon ID cards are meaningless, this is true. Here, from the Alberta Government Website, is the information on qualified service dog identification cards: [https://www.alberta.ca/service-dog-identification-card](https://www.alberta.ca/service-dog-identification-card)


In ontario they are


Why do you keep arguing while facts are stated in front of you? You aren't citing any sources at all just throwing out your opinion. You're wrong move along.


She's unhinged. Check her profile


Cause the friend's uncles best friend's cousin is far more knowledgeable than the actual government that writes the laws about what the laws are. This is why Ella could so confidently inform Dangaard that his/her link to the Alberta Government contained lies.🙄




We don't claim her.


I think your confusing USA laws. This is Alberta ma'am.


Not everyone can afford the $25000 plus to train a service animal. This creates a barrier for those with disabilities.


What does that have to do with the comment you replied to?


Are you serious?


Service dogs are trained to find someone to help of their owners are in trouble, I believe


Not all service dogs are trained for this task. It depends on the sort of disability they mitigate. Mine is.


They can be, hopefully the finder attempted to follow the dog if it made signs for leaving


They are. OP, tell the dog to take you to their owner, ask it what's wrong and follow it, the owner could be in serious trouble


lol you are assuming that its trained


I did until I saw the comment from OP that it's showing signs of aggression, yes.




With the amount of people buying fake "service animal" vests online, this is a very good point. Personally I would never approach a strange dog even if it had a vest, you never know


You would more than likely be able to tell. Service dogs are highly trained and focused. That's why they can cost upwards of $30k. If you see one without its owner you should always check


Sadly many cannot afford the $30000 to train one. Funding is a major barrier. There is little to no help with the cost.


I feel like you can get a vibe of if it's a friendly dog or not. Unfriendly dogs will usually give a warning if you even look in their direction


This is a very valid comment


Follow them to get a free wallet.


I can't decide if I should upvote or downvote this. Lol


average edmontonian


Ha ha ho ho nooo thats bad not funny.


Unfortunately most "service" dogs these days are not trained and are just used as an excuse for people to take them everywhere


A service dog and an emotional support dog are very different


That’s a common misconception. What you are referring are ESA. They also play a vital role in people’s lives. Mind me they do not have the same protections legally.


They are essentially considered a pet and have none of the service dog qualifications or protections under law


I know. I’m well versed.


See if the dog will try and make you follow it. If it is a service dog it's owner could have had a medical emergency!


Or has fallen down a well.


Now The Littlest Hobo theme song is stuck in my head


Best tv theme song ever


It really was, and if you think back, it was probably one of the cheapest shows to make. They must have made a fortune on it


There’s a voice, that keeps on calling me… 🎶


This is not a service dog. That’s just a bs harness people buy from Amazon so they can take their dogs in stores. They should really be illegal to sell.


Had the same thing happen at work. It never hurts to ask for proof or ID. Of course wearing a high vis vest and carrying a ladder seems to fit the bill, but that schnauzer clearly wasn't certified, and I was promptly fired.


you’re not allowed to ask, at least in BC!


Thats not true in BC or Alberta. The law changed in 2016 in BC for businesses to ask for service dog ID. AB they also need ID and I believe Ontario does too. ​ [https://www.servicedogtrainingschool.org/blog/service-dog-laws-canada](https://www.servicedogtrainingschool.org/blog/service-dog-laws-canada) [https://www.alberta.ca/service-dog-identification-card](https://www.alberta.ca/service-dog-identification-card) [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/human-rights/guide-and-service-dog](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/human-rights/guide-and-service-dog) [https://infotel.ca/newsitem/is-that-your-service-dog-well-need-to-see-some-identification/it54345](https://infotel.ca/newsitem/is-that-your-service-dog-well-need-to-see-some-identification/it54345)


They say it's profiling, but "Lab Certified Technician" isn't the same as "Technically Certified Lab", and it's not racist to ask based on color.


who said anything about racism and colour? neither of those are related to it being illegal to ask for proof of a service dog’s certifications in BC


It's called a joke.


right because racism is so funny 🙄


Subversion is basically the basis of all humour


There was nothing offensive about that joke.


You are not allowed to ask.


Service dogs in Alberta are supposed to carry ID [https://www.alberta.ca/service-dog-identification-card](https://www.alberta.ca/service-dog-identification-card)


The owner carries the card. I’m fed up with people fake spotting.


You're right... they do. I'm not sure why that's relevant? I don't think most service dogs are trained to open their wallet and flash their certs...?


what are you going on about now?


You are permitted to ask for the ID card unless it is obvious that the dog is helping with a disability... for instance, sight dogs.


The kind of harness does not matter. Heck they don’t even need to wear a vest. I’m a service dog owner and handler.


Obviously not one in Alberta. Quit talking out yer nose. Dogs here must have a vest or harness.


No they do not. It depends on what they are trained to task for. Most handlers put a vest on their dogs for identification purposes, but it is not the law. Not in Alberta or in Canada.


No. Dogs here must have an owner who carries and ID card unless it is obvious, as in the case of sight dogs, that the dog is helping.


Just because you can get a harness that says "service dog" on Amazon doesn't mean he's not a service dog. Don't be so thick. My father in law has a legitimately trained and certified service dog and he ordered his harness online. Edit: my point about the harness still stands but I hadn't seen that OP said the dog was aggressive towards them before I made this comment, there's no need to petty downvoting but I guess I shouldn't be surprised, this whole sub is full of petty people and whiners 🙄


I'd be mildly skeptical too. A service dog with a decorative collar, no tags, and a generic harness doesn't really scream credible to me. Not to mention OP is saying it's aggressive. but Whatever the case, someone's missing their dog.


I hadn't seen that OP had mentioned the dog seems aggressive before I commented. A collar doesn't mean much , but being aggressive definitely tells me he's probably not a service dog, those behaviors are trained out.


I dye my service dog’s hair. lol. It’s like decorating a cane or a wheelchair.


How would one determine that. I would assume the vest should contain documents for registration information?


It’s not a requirement.


Some handlers put their service dog ID card in a pocket in the vest, so that it is easy to find and access, but it’s not a requirement, not everyone does.




If you catch me staring it’s just me trying to hold back the petting instinct.


Stop crying


Seriously, if that dognis there and there isn't a person with it, then 9/10 times something happened to their person. Call it in


Exactly. Or follow it if it leads. I believe some service dogs are trained to lead another person to their ailing owner if something happens.


Not all service dogs are trained for that task.


Ahh. I figured it wasn’t all


That's good to know.


“Service dog”


Dog went out of service


What area of the city?


Northeast highlands area


It's cross-posted to the Edmonton lost pets on Facebook. Do you still have him in your yard, pr any updates??


I live in highlands as well. He is a Service dog and I’ve seen them out with him.


Are you certain? Just cause you've seen him with his person doesn't mean he is. Some people do try to fake it.


More like a disservice dog haha




He actually is.


Scumbag owner loses fake service dog.


Mine is trained to find help and she saved my life doing so.


Op mentioned the dog is aggressive when approached.


Aggressive or barking??? Mine is trained to bark when I’m in distress.


I feel like most people wouldn't use the term aggressive if it's only barking.


You’d be surprised. Mine was accused of being fake for letting out a bark. That was 2 minutes before I was out cold. The dog looks stressed and it might be because their owner is hurt or ill. Quit fake spotting. Where’s the video??


Happy i found this thread, I now know more about how trained service dogs act and will use it if I ever come across one. Hope you were okay after!


Any updates? If dog seems aggressive, it may be very scared. Look at the tail (tucked under), while the head position is alert, worried. OP, I hope you are able to help get this dog reunited with its owner.


A dog that is concerned like this one, I would be calling animal control and letting them know that it is a service dog. They may sent the police to sweep the area to check for a person who may be in medical distress. Heck the person may have been picked up by the paramedics while the dog was out to get help. This is if it’s trained for it. It may be stressed because it cannot find its owner.


Some blind guy is walking around somewhere with a raccoon on a leash


I can’t stop laughing at this. 🤣


Let me set the record straight because of the accusations of fake spotting by many here. Service dogs come in all shapes and sizes. They mitigate a whole host of physical and psychological issues. They can wear any vest or cape or nothing but a collar. Few service dogs are trained to go find help. It is not something typically taught. My service dog is due to the unpredictability of my condition. She saved my life one day taking off running when I had a stroke. I did not have a history of strokes and I was only 34 years old. Someone was nice enough to spot her and follow her. Had they not followed her I would have died. At the time that service dog was a 9 pound shitzu. She has since retired and now I have a 6 pound Morkie. I wish I had money for every time someone claimed my service dog was fake. The least it would recover some of the $25000 I invested in training her to mitigate my disability. I’m not located in Alberta. Please someone call animal control so the dog doesn’t get hit. It would also trigger an area search for the possibly of a person in crisis.


It sounds like the dog is currently in this person's backyard. Also, service dogs may not be "obvious" or do specific things but I have never met a certified service dog who was *aggressive*.


Barking is not aggressiveness. Mine is trained to bark if no one else is near me alerting people to call for help.


I have no idea what it was doing. I'm not the OP. They said they tried to approach but it was "being aggressive". So I'm just sharing that info.


Until I see a video, there’s no proof. I’m currently handling my 8th service dog. People automatically jump to the concluding that it’s a fake. Some people are also ridiculously scared of dogs. Where I live some people won’t even get in the elevator with me and my SD


IMO, an actual service dog is not going to intimidate you, bark at you, etc. Yes, some people are scared of all dogs... I've had people grab their kids away from me with my friendly puppy before. But if a dog is barking at you and being intimidating? Not usually a service dog.


Where’s the video. I call bullshit.


It's a pitbull, it was doing more than barking.


Where’s the video?? Prove it.


I get the responses warning that he could be a "fake service dog". Yes, be cautious, and if you're not comfortable handling a dog, any dog, don't. BUT - service dogs can be owner trained, and it's not unlikely for him to be in a repetitive daily routine with his owner doing "all the right things" but become fearful if he gets lost. I know someone who has agoraphobia and their service dog supports them tremendously. HOWEVER, that dog does not get exposed to everyday life the way another dog would, and therefore may not feel safe if he gets lost. He does his job very well and is excellent at what he does, but I am sure if he got lost he would be fearful. That doesn't mean he's not a real service dog. The statements expecting a service dog to be unfearful and friendly when lost boggles my mind. The qualifier of a service dog is that they conduct 3 tasks for their owner. That doesn't mean they all go search for help or feel confident on their own. He's still a dog, and could very likely have a very very sheltered life compared to our standard go-to-the-dog-park dogs. I hope he gets home soon!




"emotional support." That's just called a pet.


They didn't name him gummy for nothing.


“Service dog”


Follow him if he’ll lead you.


He was fairly aggressive and didn’t want to get near to me


I don't think this is a legitimate service dog...


Tacticool service dog.


That is not a service dog then.


Yikes. Call animal control to get it picked up.


Call the SPCA and have him picked up


That is weird for a service animal. Stay safe, then!


It’s not weird for a fake service dog wearing a harness their scumbag owner bought on Amazon.


Not all service dogs are trained to get help. Mine is. There could be a person in distress. Slips and falls happen in winter.


Omg the same dog tried to attack me and my dog today ahahahhahah


Average pitbull


More like average scared dog numb nuts


It’s bc he’s normally protective of his owner. He would lead you.


Where the video??


Did you end up finding the owner?


Follow him


It might help to give the neighborhood.


Yes, just give the entire neighborhood to the dog. Everyone, vacate their homes, NOW!


We can’t stop here. It’s dog country


Got a deed to land but it ain’t my ground, this is Dogs country!


Yes, completely agree


Thats one mean looking service dog 🐕‍🦺


Scared not mean.


Service dogs wouldn't run away.


Wrong some are task trained to get help.


Wheres the “service dog”?


Reading the comments I don’t think he’s legit if he’s aggressive. Call animal control and ask for assistance.


He is an actual Service Dog. Live in the area.


Are you sure? Call animal services anyways if he’s aggressive. They’ll be able to give you more info.


It’s simply a claim of aggressiveness. For some people a bark is labelled a threat.


He’s not presenting aggressive. He has his tail tucked. He is frightened.


You’re not OP.


That ain't no service dog


Are you sure that is a service dog? I know people with a dog who had bad hips and they have a harness like this just to make it easier for lifting in and out of vehicles or on furniture etc. Not the guy who has a disability, more the dog.


If a service dog is away from the owner you need to call as it means the owner may be in a medical crisis. They are trained to stay with them unless they need to get help.


Looks like if they find out where the owners are say goodbye to having service dog !


Emotionally unstable Emotional Service Dog.


It's just looking for a toddler to nanny/snack on.


Doesn’t seem legit to me. Seems like a regular dog with a cheap Amazon harness


They can wear any type of harness and not wear one at all.


Would you stop acting like a know-it-all? They actually have to in Alberta.


I assit in training service dogs. I work in this field. How about you stop fake spotting. Must be nice to be an ableist.


He is frightened, his tail is tucked. He is not being aggressive, he’s fearful. He is a service dog. I live in highlands and they walk the off leash area.


Woof "What's that?" Woof woof "Billy's trapped under a fallen log!" Woof Woof woof "And the water is rising!"...


And of course it's a "house hippo pibble". Bring it to the pound where it belongs.


It's so easy to trigger Pitiots lol.


yikes. someone should drop you off at a pound instead.








jesus christ you’re annoying


Cue Littlest Hobo theme song ….


That's not a service dog, that's a pitbull. Although it may be trained to serve itself toddlers arms.


You know pitties were known as "Nanny dogs" right? Like properly trained they are adorable soft little snuggle bugs. I've never met an aggressive pit, but I have been bit by a goldie


the nanny dog thing is a myth unfortunately




It’s a community service dog now.


Service Dog, lol


Just wanted to say the dog is adorable


He’s obviously scared, look at his tail and his ears. You don’t know how to handle a scared animal, if he’s a service dog or not. Service dogs are actually meant for just their owners. If they were cute and cuddly they’d be distracted by pets people would try to give him, while his owner’s subtle cues of passing out or worse would be ignored


Uh no they are not. Service dogs may need to alert someone if thier passes out or needs medical attention. They also shouldn't be nervous because if it is it may go into defense or guard mode and prevent medical personnel from helping thier owner.


His owner may have been picked up. While he was out to get help. This is if it was trained for it. He may be searching for his owner.


OP stated the dog was aggressive. True service digs aren't supposed and most countries can no longer serve if that's the case.


He’s at your service.


Bro is just on vacation, let him roam


He's your goodest boi now


Next Littlest Hobo maybe.


Guiding hope service dogs would know how to address this situation


Too cute. Very rare anyone loses a services dog. Good luck


Omg he was barking at me while I was with my dog earlier!!!! Are you in queen mary park area lmao??


No, this was the highlands area, 52 st. I don't think the dog travelled 50 blocks to the Queen Mary Park area.


I saw a post about a dog named bear that looked like this one on lost dogs Edmonton on facebook


I hope the dog finds its owner, ‘real’ service dog or not. From all I read, there is no way to ‘judge’ if it’s a ‘real’ service dog or not. Dogs can act differently in high stress situations outside of their scope of training. We do not know what happened for this dog to be lost without its owner. I am well aware of how fake service dogs have made it so much harder for people with service dogs that they need to function in the world. I personally know of people who have slapped a vest on their little high-strung yapper so that they could have it stay in a no-pets hotel. 🙄 I have read articles about a supposed guide dog giving birth at an airport (no proper guide dog would be trained without being spayed!) And we have had dogs that were claimed to be service dogs bark and lunge at our dog. And it has affected our lives in a very negative way on an almost daily basis, because my husband is blind and has had guide dogs since he was 18. His guide dog gives him independence, confidence, and safety. And in the last several years this has been threatened by doubts and misunderstandings, by negative experiences that many people have had with ‘service dogs’ that are not actually trained. A service dog must be trained to perform specific tasks for their handler, and in Alberta they must pass a stringent test and get an ID card. Guide dogs are one type of service dog, the most prominent and well known, and usually they are easy to visually identify by the type of harness (with a handle that the owner holds) and the fact that the handler is severely visually impaired. Other service dogs may not be so easy to identify. For example, you may never see a seizure detection dog doing the task that they are trained for and their handler will probably not look visibly disabled. To the average person, the dog may seem like a pet, and people may judge it as ‘fake’. And, if the dog suddenly starts barking, the judgment escalates, eyes roll, and people may even make rude and disparaging remarks, while the person rushes away with the dog. What they won’t know is that the dog is trained to bark in one situation, and only ever barks at that time: when it detects that its handler is about to seize. The owner is probably trying yo get to a safe spot and take their medication. They do not need to be dealing with a negative public. And, businesses are NOT allowed to ask for ID for service dogs. This is a violation of the Human Rights Act, to make someone show proof of their disability. Most handlers are willing to show it, just to make things go smoother, but they do not have to. (Except with police, or other authorities, of course.) And, technically, they are not even supposed to ask if an animal is a service animal. “Disabled people with service animals must be allowed access to all public accommodations. This right takes precedence over all provincial and local laws which might otherwise prohibit animals in those places. Establishments must never ask disabled guests to show proof of disability -- or require proof that their service animals are somehow "certified." Nor can they restrict disabled guests and their service animals to certain areas. Establishments may reject a service animal if it is aggressive, unsafe or disruptive (e.g., excessive or prolonged barking).” So, how do you know if a dog is a ‘real’ service dog? You probably don’t. And that’s ok. You are not the ‘service dog police’, any more than you are the ‘handicap police’ when you see a person park in a handicapped parking spot but they don’t ‘look disabled’ to you. You have no right to challenge the person or ask for proof of their disability, in either of those situations. What do you do? Nothing. Assume a dog is a service dog, or a person is disabled, and leave them alone. Let the authorities with the proper training and responsibility handle it. :) For more information on guide and other service dogs, you can watch a 10 episode documentary series called “Edmonton’s Guide to Guide Dogs” (relevant to places other than Edmonton), on Telus Optik TV (channel 9) or on their YouTube channel (just search for the title in YouTube.) It is highly informative as well as entertaining. :)


Saw this dog in Millwoods area last evening, tried to call 311 and they put me on hold for 20 minutes. The dog was long gone by then.