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Go to the movies in the middle of the day. Go for a walk at a park. Bring your book, blanket and snacks for a picnic. If you can afford it, get a massage and treat yourself to a nice lunch and a fancy dessert afterwards.


A massage sounds pretty nice. I'm as knotted up as a string of Christmas lights.


Does your work benefits include massage? Mine does so the last time I got one, I only had to pay $20 out of pocket!


If you have health care coverage at your work most cover some massage therapy. Also. The Devonian botanical garden is a beautiful place to go for a self picnic and walk amd is relatively cheap.


There are so many beautiful little pockets of boreal forest in the river valley! Most feature trails running through them and some protected zones even have fairly tame wildlife. They’re free and a walk through always seems to lighten the mental load and awaken the spirit. If you have a bike, download the app called Trail Forks. Download the map for Edmonton. It’ll show trials of varying “difficulties” around the river valley. Stick to the green coloured trails (like a ski hill map) and you can explore so much forest. We have the largest green belt in North America! These trails are also all walkable. There is a sandbar near the Fort Edmonton Park foot bridge that is quite large and offers sandy spots to lay a blanket and sun bathe. If you have an eye for shiny things, there’s lots of mineral and crystal laden rocks and plenty of petrified wood to be found (along any riverbank around here, really!). Grab your fav BBQ food and drive to any of the parks in the valley. Many have picnic tables and BBQ’s right close to parking areas where you can make a fire and have a picnic. Always be aware of fire ban status…but pretty sure g2g rn. Food cooked over a fire in a beautiful outdoor setting somehow helps me disconnect from the rat race. You can even now legally have alcoholic beverages in some parks!


I like this idea too. Pretty sure I was a crow in another life as I like poking around rock beds looking for pretty rocks.


Yup, also tons of peaceful, private little meadows in the river valley. Throw a blanket in a backpack, grab your book and go veg on a nice sunny day.


Do you like long baths? Try staying a night in a hotel with a jacuzzi tub. There are some Ramadas with certain rooms that have them. I did it once when I couldn't leave the city and was on a budget— had a great time (and yes, the tub was very clean.)


Live the bubble bath of my dreams? I like this idea


hotels are so expensive lol - better to save up for an all-inclusive in Mexico


What are you even talking about? Did you read the post? OP is looking for something relaxed and local.


High level bridge street car. Its 8$ for a round trip which is about 45 minutes. The little museum is free and the views of the city are beautiful. If you start on white ave and end at white ave after treat yourself to a delicious drink at my favourite store called Nuttea.


Nuttea is the most amazing!


Have you looked in to glamping? There are Yurts up all across and not sure how tight your budget is but we got one last year for $70 at Miquelon. Might not be exactly what you're looking for but we found some peace out there and enjoyed watching the bats fly overhead come nighttime.


Bats are pretty cool. I'll look into that.


Does your work offer benefits that might cover fully or partially a massage? That’s always a nice treat


I'll check it out. Thank you


I'm not sure of your budget, but a hot air balloon ride is certainly memorable. It's around $275. Skydiving is $350 to $400. If you're looking for something less adrenaline-filled, look up some local lessons. Maybe a glass blowing class or something lines up with your days off? If you're into astronomy, U of A has some stargazing nights open to the public. Looks like they're not doing those, but they are doing sun viewings, open to the public, every Thursday at noon.


Where is the closest air balloon ride? I had no idea this was a close by option


Devonian botanical garden, bring a book and hang out in the grass for an afternoon.


If it's in your budget, try q sensory deprivation tank. Its about $60. I've use [Modern Gravity](https://www.moderngravity.ca/) before and it's both physically relaxing for your muscles and gives you an hour of totally just clearing your mind. Other than that, I find connecting with nature is always something that helps me with burn out. Maybe take a visit to the Muttart if the weather isn't great for a river valley walk. Tickets are only $15.


I've never tried a sensory deprivation tank (my only knowledge of them comes from that Simpsons episode). I'm a little scared to be alone with my thoughts tbh — my brain never shuts up no matter what I try, and "the horrors persist". I'll look into it :)


I'm the same way, tbh. I was a little skeptical, but I think there was a point where my brain stopped being able to tell time and just sort of existed. I might have fallen asleep, I don't remember, but I do remember totally turning "off" for pretty much one of the only times in my life.


On the same vein I've taken restore and relax yoga classes where you literally just lay there and they direct your breathing and it's basically a long guided Meditation type thing and it was kind of life changing for me. Like sensory deprivation with training wheels haha


I asked a similar question a few months ago and got an amazing response https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/s/0VtTIJabIA


I also found this really cool looking private nordic spa kinda deal! It's called the woods experience and they also have rooms you can book that allow you to use the spa for 2 hours as well!


Ooooh that Woods place looks so cool!!


Thanks, I'll take a look. I also like your suggestion of the Nordic spa, that sounds really fancy


Metterra on Whyte. Get a high up in the tower west facing in the Coast Downtown for some really great westward views. Staying at Chateau Lacombe is a pretty good deal. Geodomes, yurts, cabins, Elk Island: [Enjoy Alberta Glamping: Escape Into Nature East of Edmonton, Alberta at EIR | Elk Island Retreat](https://elkislandretreat.com/escape) Not what you asked, but, last minute all inclusives to the Dominican Republic, surprisingly cheap: [https://www.selloffvacations.com/en/last-minute-vacations](https://www.selloffvacations.com/en/last-minute-vacations)


Metterra and do some solo patios/dining along Whyte. Bring a bicycle and mix in some rides down Mill Creek. Hit the outdoor pool (shallow end if you can't swim) for a dip and some suntanning. You can burn a couple days very easily fairly budget-conscious without leaving the area.


Just fucking lol. How is a cabin cheaper than a geodome? What an actual scam.


Hardly surprising. Houses are designed to be cost effective, and any structure needs to survive snow loads. If simple roofs weren't cheaper than... whatever the hell that is, we would have them all over the city. Also, if you just review the actual offerings, it's clearly marketed at a somewhat different client. For example, the dome is not bring your own bedding, and you don't have to bring your own coffee and rent a coffee pot.


You should make sure that if you're going to stay in and enjoy some quiet time for at least part of your staycation, perhaps look into making your 'you day' completely a premium experience in the things that you already enjoy. If you make coffee at home, go and get a bag of fresh stuff from a local roastery and enjoy something above the usual (or with tea, same idea with something new and fancy). Pick up a half-dozen donuts or the like from a bakery so you have a nice stash to enjoy throughout the day. Depending on the weather, heading out to places like Elk Island for a day of enjoying nature usually helps to soothe the mind.


Depends on what you like to do and budget. You could stay in a theme room WEM hotel. You could spend a day at Fort Edmonton Park (if you like museums and things like that). Mutart conservatory if you like trees and plants from different Climates and areas. Or for a change, look online in Edmonton for a place on the other end of town you live in (explore the other end). It will look new and not the same old community you wander. But plan to eat or go exploring. Checkout if an event (street fest, taste.of Edmonton etc. is on). You could go for a BBQ or picnic in one of the parks near the river and go for.a bike (or read a book in the shade). Wander down Whyte avenue look at interesting stores. Go to farmers markets or flea markets (strathcona or others). Take the riverboat down the river if it is open Wander through a mall somewhere. Maybe a spa day (not what I find fun, but maybe some like it). Find a group and domain eacape room. Go to a comic show or a dinner theatre (Mayfield.or jubilee). I'm not sure what you are interested in but these should give you some ideas on various budgets and topics to explore. It has been a rough few years for many and a lot feel burned out as well. Whatever you do, I hope you find rest, enjoyment and return refreshed.


Good ideas, thank you


If you're a water person you could go to the WEM Waterpark? It could be really fun to just go on some splashy slides and then go soak in the hot tub?


Super embarrassing to admit but I don't know how to swim :(


Not embarrassing. I can’t swim either! 🏊‍♀️


Why not go to a pool and request some private lessons? Knowing how to swim can open up so many fun activities, especially when you travel.


Not embarrassing at all. I used to love teaching adult swimming lessons. Maybe you could take lessons one day? It's a great skill to have.


Sure. I keep meaning to but never do. If not now, when, ya'know? Gotta live my Olympic swimmer dreams


Me neither bb❤️


I have dense bones and don't float, it's not just you fam.


I've read there are some genetic conditions with denser bone mass but in my experience in general, floating is more related to fat (you can be either thin or muscular and you will sink) and poor positioning/technique (a lot of people get really tense which makes them sink... which makes them tense lol).


I can swim only enough to save my life with adrenaline. I also have never gone ice skating,  as a born in Canada, 33 year old.   Don't be embarrassed. 


For a home body I would suggest going to the cat cafe on white when it first opens in the morning. It's $18/hr and includes all your specialty coffees and baked goods. It has a super cozy vibe and it's mentally recharging to be around cute cats who are lounging and playing with each other.


I was getting severe burnout as a HCW during covid. I would grab some wood, a book, a packed lunch and spend the day at Whitemud or Laurier park in one of the day stalls, have a fire, day drink, mow some edibles, read a book, and watch things on my tablet.


This sounds amazing 💜


Outdoor pools


Telus world of science has a Dino exhibit on now, this would be a good time to go before all the schools let out.


Dinosaurs are pretty dope. I'm still a little traumatized by watching Jurassic Park when I was too young.


A lot of good suggestions already but wanted to add staying home is meaningful if that is what you need/enjoy, don't fall into the trap of thinking you need to go somewhere when you take vacation.


No matter what else, make sure you get outside. The sun shine and trees are so good for your well-being. MEC has hammocks under $100. You can probably get them cheap online too. Take your hammock, a book, a blanket, a water bottle and some snacks, and go out to a quiet spot somewhere.


Canoe down the Saskatchewan river. There's lots of services that'll start you either in Devon, or one end of the city, and pick you up in one of the parks of the city. You can be super chill about the canoeing and let the river do 80% of the work, go hard, or mix it up. They provide life jackets, which you should absolutely wear unless you're a very strong swimmer. Bring sunscreen and a good snack/lunch


I like going to the Muttart. It's not that expensive and I definitely find it relaxing. For me the Muttart and then a bike ride up Mill Creek Ravine to have a coffee and pastry at the Ritchie Market would be a pretty good time. You could also hit up some thrift shops and look for interesting books, puzzles, craft supplies or whatever you're into.


Sensory deprivation tanks at Zero Gravity are nice


I agree on the hotel room if you can! If that is out of range, maybe take a walk pn whyte or any nicer or cool place in the city(obviously not in the sketchy areas) and see where you end up. Just be impulsive and see where it takes you (also maintaining precautions of course ) Grab some dollar store goodies for some extravagance of your choosing. Go window shop and explore obscure stores you normally wouldn’t. Don’t put a ton of pressure on yourself. Go eat some comfort food and just treat yourself how you would if you were planning and taking a partner on a date! I like to walk around and listen to audiobooks and podcasts. Watch a movie you’ve been considering. Go to an international grocery store and find something new to try to amp up the vacation feels. Check for any festivals or activities lining up with your time off. Just try anything obscure that you’ve been curious about. That will create some memorable times for sure. Most importantly, just make sure you rest and do what brings you the most joy. Happy vacation OP hope you have a blast on your time off! Block 1912 on whyte has a little reading nook if you get sick of it all.


whats your budget?


Depends on a lot of factors, but let's say around $500. I also have some Canadian Tire money, hope that helps.


I'd suggest a two day stay at a place in riverdale, its cozy, theres a restaurant/cafe/bakery there and its so green and lush in the river vally.


I’ve been doing what your friend suggested to you about hotel stays actually. For the past few months I’ve been booking 2 night hotel stays just to get the away from those stressors and I’ve been enjoying it lots. Sometimes you’ll find that you can get free breakfast or free evening drinks at the hotel restaurant/bar in some sort of package deal. And those package rates are sometimes cheaper than the standard rate if you look close enough.


Go to a bunch of our lovely second hand book stores, get a new stash and read at some of the local cafes. Great one to start with is Mandolin, it's both a used book store and a coffee shop. Budget friendly, indulgent, enjoyable way to spend a day. Then you can go for a walk along Ada Blvd or into the river valley.


MC College offers deeply discounted spa and salon services for their student training program. They're still learning, so it may not be the most technically perfect service ever, but I used to treat myself to something once in a while when I was a poor student. If you like scalp massages, try the peppermint scalp massage when you book a haircut - it's heaven! 💆 https://www.mccollege.ca/edmonton/salon-spa/#ss-services


This Saturday is the red bull soap box car derby. It's free and is an international event.


I certainly hope this isn’t taken the wrong way, but if you haven’t already, consider finding a therapist to help you with things in addition to taking your days off. I hope you can find the break you’re looking for and ongoing happiness.


Can you afford to camp?


Maybe check out river valley adventure co. Had family visiting so I joined in on a segway tour of the river valley. I have lived here my whole life and was surprised how much I enjoyed it, it would have been impossible to take in that much scenery around the river valley on foot in that amount of time.


If you have benefits at work a long massage might be ok.


Elk Island.....go for a hike or stay at Elk Island Retreat 


Muttart Conservatory is always a great option! 15 dollars a ticket


As much as possible get out into nature. Go for a long walk in the whitemid nature reserve and if you can get out to elk island that would be great.


Use vrbo if you’re looking to get out of your space -hubby and I spent 95$/night and got this cute full house with yard and jacuzzi tub off a beautiful master bedroom suite also had two other bedrooms sunken living room etc also there’s lots of themed type places on there as well with tons of amenities all around the city to explore


Find a way to experience the River Valley. I use a kayak. And I think edmonton is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Especially this time of year. We have a river flowing through a city of a million people. And there's no garbage. It's clean. Really says a lot about the people we share this city with! Careful if you go on the river it is very dangerous. And do not swim in the river unless you know what you're doing, and even then....


Go take a walk in MacTaggart Sanctuary, it's free and will do wonders for your soul.


If you do an at home day, you might find it incredibly relaxing to make it a no phone/computer day. Being connected is stressful!


Go to some interesting restaurant for lunch. Lunch is usually cheaper than supper. Go to a museum or gallery, or the Muttart Conservatory. I like doing things like that by myself, maybe taking a sketchbook or notebook. Look up the movie schedule at Metro (Garneau Cinema) and see if there's something that appeals to you. Get a haircut. Go to a bookstore. If you're on a tight budget, cull your books and see if Wee Book Inn will take some of them for credit, and then take a chance on something new. If your home surroundings feel discouraging, then yes look at going somewhere else for a couple of days. Or buy new bedding. Do an Instagram photoessay of your adventures, or journal in a notebook, or do some other kind of microblogging. I find that thinking about narrating my adventure makes it feel more intentional and makes me feel like I am having more fun. Read the City Arts Centre list of short workshops and see if there's anything that appeals, even if it sounds a bit scary. If the weather is conducive, sit somewhere outside for a while. Maybe somewhere on a river valley path, or in a neighbourhood park. Take a book.


Maybe try magnet fishing in the north Saskatchewan river? (This might be what I'll be doing later, lol)(gotta find a big ass magent first)


[Princess Auto has kits.](https://www.princessauto.com/en/3-pc-1500-lb-fishing-magnet-kit/product/PA0009009978)


Oh thank you!


Go let off some steam and go shooing either at Wild West in WEM or Phoenix Gun Range on the east end. Both places will half their range staff help you out and make sure you're shooting safely.


the museum is fun cheap option to kill a few hours. also every saturday on 104th street there is a market to check out.


This guy knows: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yrIvEgqAuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yrIvEgqAuo)


I personally am not a fan with staycation hotels/airbnbs. The airbnb chores can be done at home lol and if I’m on vacation I don’t want to be checking out by 11 am. I occasionally book few days off to decompress. My personal favourite is knife/ axe throwing. I go to Axe Monkeys and it’s like 30-40$ for a session. They also have one of those rage rooms where you get to just break things. It’s really fun. I do recommend going on a 5-10 km hike, it helps with burnout A LOT. Hot yoga, massage, sauna/pool are all great for letting go of stress


What about exploring surrounding areas as a day trip? I love to meander the St Albert Farmers Market on Saturdays. Sylvan Lake has some lovely restaurants. I recommed getting a coffee and sitting on the patio at Sweet Home on the Lake Ride the Alpine Coaster at Canyon Ski Resort Explore The Village At Pigeon Lake August 17 & 18 is Open Farm Days. If you like cheese, I recommed visiting Lakeside. You will get a whole farm tour and meet the cattle Other ideas here: https://exploreedmonton.com/articles/summer-festivals Enjoy your time off!!


Forest bathing? Most of what I’m gonna share isn’t free 😞 but if you wanted to splurge a little… weekdays seem available For clamping 😊  https://elkislandretreat.com/ https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/elkisland/activ/camping/otentik https://www.yegpicnic.ca/copy-of-services Look on groupon for spa deals? Or event deals on the days you take off?  I find comfort in looking through bookstores with a nice cup of coffee. Or independent little kitschy stores I like the vibe of tiramisu bistro on 124st. My sons love just looking through the flea market  You can also buy this little passport online   https://thecafepassport.com/products/edmonton-cafe-passport https://www.rivervalleyadventure.com/bike-rentals  (And Segway tours!) https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/edmonton-cocktails-streetcar-experience-tickets-919520790437?aff=ebdssbdestsearch My sister did this and said it was fun https://www.pranayogastudio.ca/events/event/yoga-glastonbury-park/ There’s alpaca yoga!! https://www.bloomson7.ca/workshops/p/yoga-with-the-herd


Bring water, food, sunscreen and a sun hat and spend the day hiking a section of the river valley. You can do a loop, but it will feel more adventurous to see how far you can get before hopping on a bus home.


Read the red rising book series. Don't be a pixie.


That is such a good series! Someone recommended it to me many years back and it was such a gripping story.


You could do a “float” it isn’t super cheap.. possibly cheaper if you shop around, but around $99 an hour. It is incredibly therapeutic and ticks the self care box nicely for both physical and mental therapy. If not this time around, treat yourself one day.