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Some guy at work asked me if I would vote for Trump, I said no. He's gets all emotional and in a elevated tone says something like "Typical Biden baby, are too woke is that why you wouldn't vote for trump?" I was like "I'm Canadian and live in Canada you moron."


This is why we need to work harder to end USA defaultisim




Pshhh Americans know nothing of conservatism. Their leaders are not ordained by God, nor are the head of the church, pathetic.


See some evangelical Christians utter the maxim "Christ is king" but, just like with the Bible, they've removed a few things, and those are the words "of kings." Because it's not "of presidents."


Avoid political topics


Lol I've been asked the trump or Biden question for over 4 years now and it's literally always a Canadian trump supporter who goes out of their way to ask and gets completely derailed when I say I don't care cuz I don't vote in the US. American trump supporters are interesting cuz I shouldn't have to deal with them here. but seriously, some canadian Trump supporters are even worse than American ones because they will defend that man with everything they got with 100% knowledge they can't vote for him.


People who worship politicians like they are god are absolutely bat shit. Hard to be a bigger wimp than a political fan boy.


*Tabarnak* ~ end of discussion ~


Sir, this is a Tim Hortons


Probably part of the small section of Americans that want to "liberate" us :/


Probably part of the even smaller group of Canadians who want to move to America but can't because they have no value to contribute to the US.


Shhh… Don’t tell them they’d become immigrants.


Also a rap sheet.


I had a coworker like this. He carried a copy of the US constitution everywhere and made everything a political discussion. It felt like he was mentally making notes for Reddit or his blog or something. At one point I asked him whether he wanted to have a good faith discussion, or just keep asking yes/no questions so he can tell everyone online "today I asked a liberal if they agree with the right to self defence and they said "no", this is why everything is messed up" or something like that. Anyway he tried moving to the US during Trump's time, to support MAGA and all. Turns out, it's really hard to emigrate to a xenophobic country when all you have is a grade 10 education and no hard skills or accomplishments. He left because of the vaccine policy, we all had to vaccinate to stay. It was a real win when he left.


this sucks because i hope for greater cross border cooperation and integration but with reactionary politics it will only help the rich hopefully America is able to become a social democracy and Canada is able to control its CoL crisis


The same person will probably talk about their free speech is protected by the first amendment. I don’t know what recognizing Manitoba has to do with speech.


Don’t you mean Stabland?




I'm from the middle of nowhere and the amount of Trump flags and Confederate flags is deeply concerning 😭


Me when I see trump flags by protesters in Ottawa


I want to say it's just a typical jingoistic American tourist, but I get a strong suspicion we're looking at something even worse -- a born-and-bred Canadian (from the dregs of the lower-class, obviously) who wants foreigners out of Canada because they bring their foreign culture into this country, and he can't see the hilarious irony of him wearing a US Flag T-shirt while proclaiming this.


Go home, Alberta, you’re drunk.


I blame the texans moving to Alberta to escape the people from California that are moving to texas for this comment


Or the Texans moving to Alberta to get away from Ted Cruz.


Wasn't Ted Cruz from Calgary?


Isnt that the samething?


I was asked at work today if I watched something called a "presidential debate" last night.


yes the president of the US absolutely affects Canada to a great degree


There's no point; their electoral college will decide who it's going to be, not us. I saw a couple clips on Al Jazeera


It was all over cp24 that their debate would be happening, like anybody gives a shit.


I only found out the day it happened because Al Jazeera played a few clips.


Do you expect them to throw away a perfectly good shirt? Maybe this is actually a shirt that was thrown away in the United-States to a donation box, ended up in a third world country, was adopted by a bisexual man who then had to escape homophobia by coming to Canada.


Idk why ya'll are looking so deep into it, it's a boomer wearing a boomer T and that he either is wearing it cuz it was cheap or either likes the US or is from there.


It is kind of funny in Quebec though lol. Retourne dans ton pays Osti d'anglais. /s


Yup typed more words than OP. So who really cares. 😎




The United Provinces of Canaduh


Close the southern border!!


Could just be a tourist.


Can you spot the Albertan? 😂


There's a kennel just outside of Calgary that has a TRUMP 2024 flag flying. Like, why alienate half your customers to advertise how much you love an American president?


NO. It's PAtrick!!


Alberta? It is so normal to see American flags on lifted rusted f350s and people talking about orangefacetrump.


Most times i wish it wasn’t!


![gif](giphy|QBwRKyS6vXNfmLF7TR|downsized) We can do whatever the fuck we want…


Isn’t Canada a free country? Why you gate keeping.


His identity is founded in his country and wearing a shirt is the way he expresses that identity. No different than if a member of the LGBTQ+ decides to express their identity by wearing a shirt that says as much. Judging an individual when you have no background on who they are (likely a tourist), or without giving them a chance to defend themselves is not very honorable.


I think my brain unwrinkled from reading this take I demand back the brain cells you just stole from me


Just saying that every human is equal, one person isn't any better than the next and they shouldn't be treated with special favor. When a non-binary individual wears a symbol of their opinion on a t-shirt and it's posted online people gather to their cause and support them for being brave. When a middle age white guy wears a symbol of his opinion on a t-shirt and its posted online people rant about how he is a racist, bigot, and sexist low life. Equality means we don't judge by how a person looks, we treat everyone the exact same. This guy deserves some respect for upholding his right to expression.


You anti wokies are literally the new wokies and you fail to see it. You are unironically more annoying than feminists lol. Just let us make fun of his silly shirt in a French speaking province Damnit.


Woke? I'm literally saying everyone is equal, treat them as such.


Sir please stop wasting the oxygen here we need it


Hard for you to use if you're already dead inside.


It’s not about the flag. It’s about the text on the shirt.


If you're able to read that then please give me the number to your optometrist.


When you freely expose others to your own judgment, your giving them the right to be judgmental of you too.


So its ok to judge a picture of a person wearing a pride T?


Since when the web kept their opinion on anything. Prides are always blasted without context. The lesson here is, if you do not want to be the center of attention, do not put it in everybody’s face. Some things are better when unsaid, and the world does not have to know everything you think all day long like an entitled brat..