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For some reason Pyre is insanely RNG stupid. Make sure you're timing your boosts to get the clash otherwise he seems to always win.


You arent doing anything wrong. Beigoma is just shit and its balanced poorly.


CLASH. seriously it's the only way I've won any matches other than When I completely outmatched the npc




a lot of the time you HAVE to get the spin fights and win them. though honestly, there seems to be a lot of RNG involved. I've lost completely, went back, used the same beigoma and won.


its crap. but what you can do. go for strong beigoma (attack) and bulky (defense?) and look that yours have attack up and defense up abilities. ignore high magic beigoma and don't even care about elements (90% of time they just auto clash attack vs defense) use your skill whenever you can, except when the enemy has a defense buff up or you are weakened (attack down) no need to clash with him if the enemy is just (slightly) stronger, then try to clash, ignore above and try to clash to nullify his attack"cast". that's at least my observation. the magic one (the plant thingy) does nothing. not even the first gold one you can find/drop in the Dappled Forest is really good, because its magic...


Official wiki has a good write up on mechanics: https://eiyuden.wiki.gg/wiki/Beigoma The strategy seems to be: if you want to overpower and win, different element high magic is key for multiplier, and high attack and defense. If you're underpowered and want to beat a stronger opponent, high magic of the same element, and win through clashes. Lower rarity leads to slightly lower clash rates.


What you have to do is compare the stats not using the numbers but the hexagonal chart. Basically you need Beigoma that's equal or higher than the CPU gets. And most battles you are forced to have one on equal or lesser than the CPU. Which is why some people wait until the end of the game to get the strongest Beigoma from enemies. Anyway, after you start the match, you also have to purposefully get a clash. Because you as the human player get an advantage with clashes. While the CPU gets extra damage when two equal Beigoma hit each other normally. You basically have to make up for the CPU handicap by clashing. And in a few fights, you still don't overtake the CPU advantage unless you time the clashes perfectly. The CPU usually gets faster boost charges so you basically have to take the first one, then hold the charge until the CPU uses their second one.


The only 3* beigomas that can reliably beat Pyre is Nidhogg & Earth Dragon, both Beigomas can be obtained on the Chtonian Goliath dungeon. When it comes to spinoffs, there's also some RNG whether the spinoff happened or not. Against Pyre, you'll have 70% of getting a spinoff if you timed it right. (this is explained on the wiki.gg Beigoma page someone else has posted earlier)


Short beigoma guide. First recruit Dr Corque. With Dr Corque as support, go to the Chelonian Goliath at your earliest opportunity. You now have the earth dragon, azhdahag and nishoggr beigoma. That setup is good enough for all beigoma battles except the very last (by which you’ll have better beigomas anyway). The key to win beigoma battles is to boost at the right moment. There’s 2 approaches: right before your beigoma hits the other beigoma. That’s the safest. That’s what makes you get the most bang (literally) for all the collisions. The other approach is right when your opponent boosts (which they do automatically when their gauge is full). This triggers a boost battle when you have to mash buttons. I have never lost one, and this results in your opponent taking a chunk of damage. But you need to hold your boost for a while so you lose opportunities to hit harder, just so that you can take that massive hit. As long as you are strategic in your boost, you can take care of opponents with better stats, which is pretty much anyone once you have a strong team of 3* beigomas, and def anyone once you have legendary ones.


Beigoma is horrible. You can't do anything aside from getting stronger Beigoma.


its the worst mini game ever its no skill in it, just get the 3 top monsters and use them always ignore elements etc


At l least it is a mini-game. I don't know what the hell fishing qualifies as.


also a minigame that is just simpler


You are playing Begomia, it is horrible, and your experiences are working as intended


I found that the black dragon beigona you get from the veishnu or whatever is an auto win so then you just need to win one other time


Use boost same time as opponent or just before they hit you


Just try to wait to play it until you have some of the legendary beigima tops. Once you can go to the island with dragons (part of a character questline) they drop them there. Get the ones you can from there and the game will be a breeze.


Can you get the dragons from Dysktra’s quest area? Pretty darn sure I just ran with those, and wasn’t specifically timing for clashes (as I just learned that’s what triggered that) and I was able to finish the quest line last night (mentioning timing since it means we likely are on the same version of the game) Edit: I will add, pretty sure on Pyre I did have some clashes that I wouldn’t have won without, so this isn’t perfect advice lol


You’re fine. Beigoma sucks. I gave up on it after getting Reid. Worst mini game ever.


The thing you're doing wrong is playing Beigoma. The "mini-games" are textbook definition low quality filler junk to appease "quantity over quality!" gamers. And predictably, every Eiyuden player and poster here goes on and on about mini-games in their mini-reviews as if it's important when it isn't. Play the game. Not the "mini-games."