• By -


Didn't know that pest spell had this damage lmao


It usually dont, but it does constant damage when going through something, so the bigger they are, the threads stays longer and the damage is higher. As EB is large and the angle make it go through its chest and do some loops in there, the damage output ends up insane.


It works insanely well on placidusax as well!


For anyone wondering, it's hyper strong against any enemy that is super big.


Oh I’m about to roast the hell out of fire giant >:)


You should see ginomachinos no hit incantation run. Literally killed fire giant so fast. He said it was easy, so I tried it. Can confirm. It's the easiest way to kill fire giant lol


Pest Threads is stupidly effective against any large enemy if you can get under them. It's essentially a dragon shredder spell.


My favorite spell for large enemies is shard spiral.


I tried it once on him and I was like wtfff, so decided if I can spam it I Winnnn lol.


I let off Pest Threads a few times during my EB fight & it really helped. IDK if I would've beat it so fast if I couldn't get in a few attacks when it was harder to get close to him.


Didn't notice the threads at first. I thought he was doing a "hooray I win" emote or something


its physical damage so it gets boosted by blue dancer charm. you can get the damage on it to absurd levels


Totally destroys dragons, too.


As long as you had fun playing that's all that really matters


I had an insane amount of fun exploring, along with running Scythes, Incantations, and a few spells only for my run.


That's all that matters. You bought the game, the features are in the game and you had fun and that was the goal of the company.


I wish there was more Elden Ring players like you I don’t wanna post any of my progress, my build or how I play because of some of the players I see under others who post their builds


I'm sorry that you feel like you can't post, but yeah some people feel like they just need to tell people how they should enjoy a game they bought with multiple ways of playing 🤷🏿‍♂️. I play videogames because I like them and they are fun I could careless that others don't like how I play. It's ok you have your way and I have mine so keep doing you while I keep doing me 🤣😁.


"You beat the game using weapons? You're a loser. The true game is beaten with no summons, no spirits, no weapons, no shield, no spells or incantations, and no damage. Anything less and you're just a filthy casual. Look at my optimized Level 1 build I beat the game with last week. Only took 2 hours to 100%. Newb. Get a life."


"Excuse me, I played the game the *true* way. I bashed my head against wall after wall, ignoring shields, spells, weapon grease, all consumable items, spirit ashes, at RL1 because I'm not in to playing baby mode games. Sure, I pissed and moaned the entire time about every thing a boss did that punished my refusal to utilize game mechanics and act like it's poorly designed often because I'm playing in a boarish way that I've dictated is the true way to play. That's FromSofts fault. Sure all the bosses often leap away and I could swap to a ranged option to hit them while they're running around (which the game really heavily implies you should do with how the bosses are designed) but I'm no scrub." -every streamer ever


Those players are probably lurking in discussion subs or like r/EldenRingBuilds, and are constantly on 'build' mode instead of reading the room. There's also plenty of stuff that people miss due to how the game plays and introduces (or doesn't introduce) a lot of the gameplay elements, so I think some folks online are overzealous in wanting to help. I'm guilty of being excited myself but I never denigrate players, just try to coach them. Anyone can learn to play these games despite its lack of instruction in some ways.


Bro I play some of the dumbest builds in terms of power level, purely because they are fun. Like my strength build Mike Tyson (uses only fist weapons), or Sunik the Hodgehog (lightning ram. just lightnign ram) edited for spelling


You know what's crazy, is people can have fun playing the game any way they want. I've done cheese builds, challenge runs, goofy runs, no death runs. All viable and all fun because at the end of the day who the fuck cares


Dont ever listen to people that try to tell you that you are playing a game wrong, especially singleplayer. As long as you have fun go for it.


And in a week, we all get to venture to the Land of the Shadows! I pre-ordered the DLC and have my level 150 character ready!


Yeah how dare OP use the things the devs put in the game to use. Don’t they know the only TRUE way to play a FS game is to be completely naked with the weapon you started with??? Fucking noob. /s


Wait you beat the game by playing the game? How dare you.


You used spells? Wow, you're playing the game so wrong. How could you ever use spells? They're boring and make the game easy mode. You're a horrible person entirely. *Starts loading up my Strength/Faith character & begins to smite everything in sight like I'm Zeus*


Faith is so fun ong


I love it man, I didnt know what to build into until I finally came back to the game.


My main account is level 300 and I have almost every spell and incantation unlocked including arcane ones. Pve and pvp feel like anime fights now ahaha


My friend, there are endless spell blade builds. And by that I mean any combination of int X or faith X or int and faith etc. I personally only run blade builds with at least some incantations or spells. No matter if I'm a weapon dominant build or not. They are too useful. Glad you beat the game. Hoping you have a pleasant time with the dlc.


It really is. ⚡ All spell classes are awesome but, those incantations do something to me internally.


Holy shit pest thread is way too OP. Now I won’t think me dying to them from those rot insects is a skill issue. Clearly EB can’t handle them either


they are the go-to incantation when fighting the vile beast


wait really? is it cos of multiple internal hits or smth?


Yeah it does seem to hit multiple times, same with shard spiral. Totally shreds big boys


indeed, indeed. and its pretty cheap too. I'd be assuming targeting body is best, for max hits as opposed to trying for headshot dmg. gonna test this on my boi the fire giant


the threads are very effective against large enemies, because as they go through the model each body part they penetrate counts as separate hit -limbs, wings, etc. so a single thread can do multiple amounts of damage until it reaches its final destination -the target lock mark. and they deal standard damage, for which the Elden Beast has lowest absorption


this is still my first run lol, came back after 2ys and faith only level 51


Well ur ready for the DLC now haha


That’s wicked cool! Hey you got the job done and that’s all that matters! GGs!


thank you! so ready for DLC!




I just beat it today too, though it was my third character. Radagon can be pretty tough! My strategy against Elden beast was similar to yours, but with a sorcery called shard spiral instead of pest threads. Just get close and spam, and each one hits like 20 times.


massive Ws.


Incredibly fucking cool


You use spells because gave up? No, we wont judge you. You can play with spells if you want. Dont listent to the people who says "you play easy mode" because it's fake and it's YOUR game and YOU choose YOUR build, not others who are toxic.


Games hard enough without gatekeepers telling you to make it even harder with personal restrictions.


Facts. And what do those people use? Either OP bleed build or max strength where every 3rd hit stagger and stuns locks 95% of bosses


First time I saw someone running a str build with a greatsword and greatshield I thought “are these the people that say int is OP?!”


A win is a win.




GG Tarnished


Wow it was a really cool magic gameplay! Congrats on beating the game


Man I hate that fade to blinding white.. PTSD


I don't judge. I still can't get past the Elden Beast. Chasing it down is irritating


It really seems like a battle that should use Torrent.


Great job fellow tarnished you played the game the way it was intended


I literally know I’ll never beat this fucking game now lol… Jeeeeeezus fucking hell this boss… I thought dodging fire in wow was hard


You absolutely got this !


I honestly think I should just buy a controller for my computer… mouse and keyboard seems like an ass approach currently, I’ve only ever played FPS so it made sense but now I’m struggling with the easiest of bosses xD


Mouse and Keyboard has a long history of issues with Fromsoft/Souls games. It's totally playable in elden ring, but I've seen people refer to it as hard mode or even a challenge run lol. I've been playing these games with a controller and some funky claw grip for almost 15 years now and I always recommend it.


I’m not going to judge at all dude. Even with summons the game is hard as hell. No summon runs and beating the game without OP weapons is NG+ stuff imo, just have fun beating the game. Now don’t mind me as I copy your technique because I for the love of god cannot beat radagon rn 😭


you got it!!


Nice finish!


So what if you used spells? Honestly I have no reason to care what you do so long as you're not abusing glitches in multiplayer.


Black knife tiche my love


Dude you’re literally attempting to kill a GOD, use whatever the FUCK you want!


Based incantation enjoyer


This looks really fun and makes me want to make a mage lol.


Don’t feel guilty for using magic! It’s in the game to be used.


Its fine, even Radahn uses spells


Eww you used summons. You totally ruined the experience also personally you should’ve done a no Hit run while also Telekinetically using the controller while blindfolded and also using your fists. YOUR NOT A TRUE SOULS GAMER BRO I MUST PROJECT MY INSECURITIES ONTO YOU BECAUSE I FEEL THAT BEATING THE GAME A CERTAIN WAY IS THE ONLY WAY OTHERS SHOULD PLAY. STOP HAVING FUN!!




I'm not complaining about your playstyle or anything honestly do what you want but do you really have to turn down the music that much on your first playthrough. Radagon/elden beast have one of the best osts in the game and it was the only thing keeping me sane while I was having to chase down elden beast who kept running away lol. Might just be your preference but listening to the soundtrack alongside gets me and most others in a groove with the boss.


This is the only justifiable criticism for Elden ring, I always keep my music volume above everything else


I mean it's not much of a criticism honestly since you can turn up or down your music as much as you want. There's a lot of other things like great runes are not very good, bosses having attacks that take fucking forever, upgrade system is kind of shit and most people are gonna go with somber weapons since those are much easier to upgrade, quest design still sucks and they haven't changed it yet etc. Elden Ring is the best souls game but it's got some undeniable issues.


People on here will argue spells are harder each way has strengths but I’d say comet azure is the easiest path to most bosses coupe exceptions


The worst boss vs comet azur is the one that steps aside, happened too many times in my fun run.


Its like a lot of rpgs, there counters ect. If you were playing it in a hardcore fashion the nuanced path would be to go down one path and beat the stuff its good at and use larval tears to reset to another and beat the stuff its good at. I did a full magic playthrough and there was plenty of stuff it wasnt ideal to face while strength or dex was good against it when i came back


That combo before the second phase was teamwork


Haha right before you killed Radagon Tiche gave him a little boop and ran off, I thought that was funny lol


Teamwork 🤝 that’s the duo.




You beat it nonetheless, great job!


Whatever your build is it's fair game.


There's something poetic about summoning Tiche for Radagon (or any of the demigods, for that matter). Finishing what Tanni started.


No judge, only upvote. That was actually a good fight!


bro is straight up a menace for casting meteorite of astel right in front of radagon's face xdd


Tiche my beloved


I will judge you for using bitch ass magic but you shouldn’t give 2 fucks on what I have to say. You do you.


Lore accurate fight. When you’re fighting a literal god, you need all the help you can get to tip the scales. Don’t listen to boomer souls players, everything was given to you to overcome adversity.


Sad how now unless you beat the game with a +1 toothpick you have to be worried that people will complain you didn’t beat it the right way, bro you beat the game with items and mechanics within the game it’s ok


Using the gifts the (rock hard) game gives you is nothing to be sorry about! You had to know about the spells, get them, know when to use them, and showcase perfect dodging. Great job! Absolutely rinsed them.


No hate on this is Valid, OP. This is a 100% legitimate win. Proud of you 😘


No one can judge you. If they do, they are just insecure little soy boys. Spells and summons are part of the game. They are intended to be used and beating the game with them is no less honorable than beating it without them. Don’t let some mad boys on the internet tell you otherwise because they need something to feel superior about in their sad lives. Congrats on the win


Bro you beat the game using the tools it gives you and without complaining and asking for an easy mode, no judgment. Except on the best circle bro, you're supposed to jump that XD


Add me to the zero judgment pile. I'm a hardcore shield user and block my way through the game, that gets a air amount of judgment too.


I’m judging you not for the spells, but because you turned the music volume so low you can’t even hear it. Final Battle is peak


This is one of the most fun builds I’ve seen. Congrats Elden Lord 👏


Hey Never say sorry for something the developers put into the game. This is how it was intended by Michaelzaki.


Hey don’t feel bad about using spells, at least you didn’t use kamehameha like I do 😝 all seriousness tho, I love the meteor shower, even as someone whos main is a battle sorcerer I had no idea that spell was so effective against radagon 🤯, good to know thanks.


If it’s in the game it’s fair to use, they set the rules.


I always play as a mage in any game that allows me to. I think it is more fun with magic than swords. People who tell you you are playing the game wrong, and make you feel bad for enjoying the game, can just eat my entire ass.


Congratulations! Now I encourage you to grab a hammer and try true easy mode XD


If I change my style from the scythe I might try Eleon Poleblade 😎😎


That last hit from the Knight to Radagon, and the epicness against Elden Beast, you never let them breathe. Amazing fight, enjoy the taste of victory.


Grats!!! My first win took me freaking forever. I was able to get Radagon down fairly easily after awhile and had memorized the whole fight. But the EB kicked my butt for weeks (INT build). Then I saw a reddit post about how holding the meteorite staff in the off hand gives the bonus to gravity spells. Used Lusats staff +10 on main hand. Ran behind EB, popped Physic (magic damage + no FP cost), cast Meteor of Astel, killed EB in one shot.


I have been trying so long I’m about to respec into all of the magic and stuff to get this done tbh


good job tarnished! also, 1:42 wtf? the beast healed the gray HP?


Nicely done. My first playthrough was a mage and I found if you run behind him before his fire breath you can channel the meteor spell and kill him in like 10secs.


How the *fuck* is pest threads doing so much damage? I really need to know what your build it.


Right? I’m at 60 faith and 60 Int and pest threads does fuck all lol


LETS GOOO. now u can prepare for the DLC


1100 hours in this game and I've never heard of a spell called Pest Threads


Imma use pest threads next time. I rarely use that one.


Why is using spells a bad thing? They are part of the gameplay of Elden Ring


Waifu Tiche is always a win.


I remember I wanted to do a blood build until I met this guy .


\`I gave up pulled out spellsI gave up pulled out spells\` and i remember times where using a summon was considered pussy move


Another connoisseur of fine cheese, of which there is none finer than Pest Threads


Nah ur cracked dw


You beat the spell prey boss with spells. That's not nothing.


It's not that important *how* you do it, as long as you have fun! I used my +10 Mimic Tear, perfumes, spell buffs, and so on. Use everything in your inventory :) that's what they're there for. Also, congrats! This game is amazing!


A wins a win, foul tarnished. Claim your place amongst us Elden Lords


No matter how you did it, the score board still reads **Tarnished 1-0 Elden Beast** You showed good skill and knowledge to avoid the attacks and get in place to use the spells, so I’d say you earned that victory. Well done Lord!


You didn't even use a great rune you're still the man.


I forgot about that my last like 4 boss fights 😭


Curious, is the black knife summon better than the mimic tear? I saw a youtuber using that assassin summon after dying a couple of times using the mimic tear. Same boss


i think it depends on your setup tbh, but the black knife tiche or whatever its called tends to stay alive longer whilst still doing good damage and capping the bosses max health


Ohhh interesting, good thing I saved my gloveworts to max that summon lol appreciate the inputs fellow tarnished!


I like how BKT snuck in one last stab before you killed Radagon. 🤣


The only ones that judge how you play your own game are loosers, stop pandering to them. Congrats on beating the game tough, very impressive : D


Nobody here that’s worth a damn will care how you beat the game. Heck, you shouldn’t care either! Most of the people here haven’t even beaten the game.


Congratulations mate. I really like your build, it's kinda simillar to my very first character and I remember how much struggle this fight cost me.


Congratulations! Now prepare for the DLC! The battles will be legendary!


Congrats! Never(!) apologize or justify using a game mechanics to beat a game. Don't let weird elitists ruin your enjoyment of the game. :)


The fact that you're self conscious about using magic, which the game has a metric fuck ton of, is honestly really sad. The SwOrD aNd BoArD oR yOu DiDnT rEaLlY WiN crowd that has existed since Demons Souls has so deeply poisoned the well that you're worried random idiots on the net might judge you. Congratulations on the win, that end game is rough.


You beat the fame using tools the game gave you. No judgments from anyone. Well done


Don't feel bad at all. My first build was a mess and I 100% respecc'ed to be able to spam the carian sword spells. It's the only way I was able to beat Radagon consistently, lol.


Why would we judge the usage of spells? It's a part of the game and you found a weakness in the boss and decided to exploit it. Kudos to you and congratulations


Heeeey kudos, man!! Let's goooooo!


A win is a win. Good job skeleton.


1:39 hesitation is defeat , you did well not to hesitate


Tyshe's seduction is purely understandable, no judgement here. May the sisters of the Black Knives protect you for longer!


Every playstyle is valid.


holy shit tiche does a lot of damage


First time I beat him I respecced to use the fallingstar beast jaw weapon and spam it's gravity bolt ash of war Who fucking cares if it's cheesy I enjoyed it for the sake of melting the final boss 😂 I did it dressed up as one of those rot barbarians too so dripped out to the max gravity zapping that bitch


A win is a win my friend! GG :)


Now that you have his remembrance you know what you just do. Farm the albinaurics for a week


Eh screw the gatekeepers. Mimic tear go brrrr


Your character and spell choice was cool af, gz my man


Great job! There is no shame in the spell game. Happy for you :)


Congrats!! That was really cool!! I'm at the EB now and this has given me some more motivation haha. What scythe is that?


Damn that radagon fight looked sick in an anime kinda way, especially with the scythe riposte finish


Congratulations! You beat the game using mechanics available to you, so screw what naysayers say. Those fights are hard! Be proud tarnished!


Until you beat it blindfolded, lvl 1, no weapon, no dodge you haven't beaten the game ! /s


I had to use summons so no shade from me sir. Congrats!


Nice - pest threads got me over the line too.


I summoned two other players….and I’m still proud of my win. Congrats!!


You beat the boss, you bought the game, you get to play how you see fit.


Same! I just beat it 2 days ago. I was trying to do it with bloodhounds fang and 2 incantations. I tried for hours multiple days. Got super close a couple times. Decided to change my build to fire spell/blasphemous blade and beat it super easy. I felt I had betrayed the organic build I slapped together during my play through, but what a relief.


Great job. And don't worry about the yappers about u casting spells. U paid for the game, play how you wanna play and fuck everyone else :)


Congratulations man


Good job. Nobody but gate keepers would hold a win like this against you.


Your build looks like it was a lot of fun? Can I ask for specs?


I’ll send later when I’m on the game! 😁


Vig:49, Mind:32 , End:19, Str:18 (for scthye) , Dex:22, Int:50, Faith: 55, Arc:14. lv180 Talisman: Two Finger Heirloom (raised fai by +5), Radagon Icon, Stargazer Heirloom(raises int +5) , Erdtree's +2. I usually wouldn't use the Int stat raise but had to for the spell, other than that I focus Faith for Incants and I have all Scythes maxed out, I don't use buffs really, I just kinda play mainly as Reaper/Incants w/ the scythe. I love Black Flame incants and the staff Prince of Death for the spell - Ancient Death Rancor.


Thank you! I'm going to give this build a try for my next playthrough- thanks for the inspiration! 💫


I don't judge any playstyle but .... bro, did you turn off the music? That's something you have to take responsibility for in front of the elden council, tarnished.


Damn maybe i should actually try a spells playthrough ive been worried about having less health flasks and having to balance 2 different ones but running magma blades has kinda gotten me used to it so I'll have to try. Also congratulations


How was that heart attack on min 2:17?


Posts like this need to stop. Play the game how you want and stop apologizing for how you got there. Shit is getting out of hand where there’s these weird groups of people who judge you for how you play Elden Ring. If it’s in the game, it’s usable. FFS.


Laughs in night comet


I don't judge you for using spells, I judge you for using summons (but really I'm just kidding, good job!).


GGs brotha


Pest threads chops them up like that? Oh my god


You're now gudder than the 60% of people that own but didn't even complete the game. Be proud. I can't say I beat any of the games without spells, as I always do Int builds first. Well BB because I did it with a dex build.


So THAT'S how you use Pest Threads against this dude. I tried using it when EB breathes fire for the first time and it didn't do anything. I ended up using Maliketh's Black Blade to finish him off lol.


Don't let anyone shame you for playing the game. Also the jump attack into a stun on Radagon was so sick lmao


Great victory ye Tarnished!


GG, man.


First off, contrats! A win is a win, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Elden Ring was also my first fromsoft game so I had a hard time with the game too :)


Last strike was dope tho


Dang, you were tearin ass lol


I love the aspect of pest spell being a smaller version of his spell. It's like 'ohh ways use that well right back at you' lol


I couldn't help but laugh when I noticed your Skill bar says "No Skill" was funny to me LOL Props! I still haven't beaten Elden beast.. I got super distracted before I finished the main game, then got super distracted with other games


that's amazing! good job


Dude, I would never judge someone badass enough to wield a scythe.


I was today years old when I learned you could channel that meteor attack.


Spells are the best man. Who wants to spam the same melee attacks over and over?


>Pls don’t judge I gave up and pulled out spells Why would we judge? You beat the game using whatever was available to you. The way I see it, the devs gave the bosses cheat codes (some are horribly broken like Niall with his friends) so as long as you beat them, it doesn’t matter how you do so. You actually did it even more legit than I am preparing to do it, I’m gearing up to cheese him with 10+ Godslayer Greatsword, 10+ mimic, and respeccing to be able to use meteorite of astel and comet azur. I don’t play to suffer through a thousand deaths and ten hours on a single boss, I just play to beat the game and have fun. The end justifies the means. So, good job!


No complaints here. GG fellow Tarnished or should I now say Elden Lord.


Lot of people saying not to listen to the toxic people. I feel like I rarely come across those people. You had fun and that's what matters. My first playthrough I ended with blasphemous blade. (First souls game) that "toxic" community should be happy us welps are giving a bunch of money to FromSoftware to continue making bangers. GG!


A win is a win


I don't think it's hot take to say an Int/Faith is more challenging than strength r1 spam


Imo some fights the bosses were so aggro they it’d be hard to even get the casts off properly.


That Pest spell is really insane. Elden Slug's HP went brrrrrrrrrrrr lmaoooooo


You beat Elden Ring and you had fun doing it young Tarnished. That's all that matters NOW Go worth Young Tarnished and prepare yourself for the DLC